Lista de

nucleotide sequence
"Entry studies of new world arenaviruses" (2018) Martínez, M.G.; Forlenza, M.B.; Candurra, N.A.; Cordo, S.M. Methods in Molecular Biology. 1604:113-133
"Detection of changes in mould cell wall stress-related gene expression by a novel reverse transcription real-time PCR method" (2018) da Cruz Cabral, L.;Delgado, J.;Andrade, M.J. (...)Rodríguez, A. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 275:17-23
"Arsenic-hypertolerant and arsenic-reducing bacteria isolated from wells in Tucumán, Argentina" (2018) Maizel, D.;Balverdi, P.;Rosen, B. (...)Ferrero, M.A. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 64(11):876-886
"Characterization of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) genes from cartilaginous fish: Evolutionary perspectives" (2018) Gaillard, A.-L.;Tay, B.-H.;Sirkin, D.I.P. (...)Tostivint, H. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 12(SEP)
"Hidden Structural Codes in Protein Intrinsic Disorder" (2017) Borkosky, S.S.;Camporeale, G.;Chemes, L.B. (...)De Prat Gay, G. Biochemistry. 56(41):5560-5569
"Somatic Hypermutation Defects in Common Variable Immune Deficiency" (2017) Almejun, M.B.; Borge, M. Current Allergy and Asthma Reports. 17(11)
"Isolation and characterization of a novel electrogenic bacterium, Dietzia sp. RNV-4" (2017) Sacco, N.J.; Bonetto, M.C.; Cortón, E. PLoS ONE. 12(2)
"Musashi mediates translational repression of the Drosophila hypoxia inducible factor" (2016) Bertolin, A.P.;Katz, M.J.;Yano, M. (...)Wappner, P. Nucleic Acids Research. 44(16):7555-7567
"First finding of Trypanosoma cruzi II in vampire bats from a district free of domestic vector-borne transmission in Northeastern Argentina" (2016) Argibay, H.D.;Orozco, M.M.;Cardinal, M.V. (...)Gürtler, R.E. Parasitology. 143(11):1358-1368
"Fertilization defects in sperm from Cysteine-rich secretory protein 2 (Crisp2) knockout mice: Implications for fertility disorders" (2016) Brukman, N.G.;Miyata, H.;Torres, P. (...)Cuasnicú, P.S. Molecular Human Reproduction. 22(4):240-251
"Cryptic speciation in the Triatoma sordida subcomplex (Hemiptera, Reduviidae) revealed by chromosomal markers" (2015) Panzera, F.;Pita, S.;Nattero, J. (...)Noireau, F. Parasites and Vectors. 8(1)
"Nucleotide sequence differentiation of argentine isolates of the mosquito parasitic nematode Strelkovimermis spiculatus (Nematoda: Mermithidae)" (2015) Belaich, M.N.;Buldain, D.;Ghiringhelli, P.D. (...)Achinelly, M.F. Journal of Vector Ecology. 40(2):415-418
"Islet 1 specifies the identity of hypothalamic melanocortin neurons and is critical for normal food intake and adiposity in adulthood" (2015) Nasif, S.;De Souza, F.S.J.;González, L.E. (...)Rubinstein, M. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 112(15):E1861-E1870
"Identification and Functional Analysis of Healing Regulators in Drosophila" (2015) Álvarez-Fernández, C.;Tamirisa, S.;Prada, F. (...)Martín-Blanco, E. PLoS Genetics. 11(2):1-32
"The shrimp mitochondrial FoF1-ATPase inhibitory factor 1 (IF1)" (2015) Chimeo, C.;Fernandez-Gimenez, A.V.;Campanella, M. (...)Muhlia-Almazan, A. Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes. 47(5):383-393
"Whole genome sequencing reveals a de novo SHANK3 mutation in familial autism spectrum disorder" (2015) Nemirovsky, S.I.;Córdoba, M.;Zaiat, J.J. (...)Kauffman, M.A. PLoS ONE. 10(2)
"Effects of airborne particulate matter on alternative pre-mRNA splicing in colon cancer cells" (2015) Buggiano, V.;Petrillo, E.;Alló, M. (...)Kornblihtt, A.R. Environmental Research. 140:185-190
"Crop monoculture rather than agriculture reduces the spatial turnover of soil bacterial communities at a regional scale" (2015) Figuerola, E.L.M.;Guerrero, L.D.;Türkowsky, D. (...)Erijman, L. Environmental Microbiology. 17(3):678-688
"Low affinity binding site clusters confer HOX specificity and regulatory robustness" (2015) Crocker, J.;Abe, N.;Rinaldi, L. (...)Stern, D.L. Cell. 160(1-2):191-203
"Characterization and genetic variability of feed-borne and clinical animal/human Aspergillus fumigatus strains using molecular markers" (2015) Pena, G.A.;Coelho, I.;Reynoso, M.M. (...)Cavaglieri, L.R. Medical Mycology. 53(7):699-708
"The role of sigmodontine rodents as sylvatic hosts of Trypanosoma cruzi in the Argentinean Chaco" (2014) Orozco, M.M.;Piccinali, R.V.;Mora, M.S. (...)Gürtler, R.E. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 22:12-22
"The role of sigmodontine rodents as sylvatic hosts of Trypanosoma cruzi in the Argentinean Chaco" (2014) Orozco, M.M.;Piccinali, R.V.;Mora, M.S. (...)Gürtler, R.E. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 22:12-22
"Expression and methylation status of female-predominant GH-dependent liver genes are modified by neonatal androgenization in female mice" (2014) Ramirez, M.C.;Zubeldía-Brenner, L.;Wargon, V. (...)Becu-Villalobos, D. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 382(2):825-834
"β3-Chimaerin, a novel member of the chimaerin Rac-GAP family" (2014) Zubeldia-Brenner, L.;Gutierrez-Uzquiza, A.;Barrio-Real, L. (...)Leskow, F.C. Molecular Biology Reports. 41(4):2067-2076
"Exposing the secrets of two well-known Lactobacillus casei phages, J-1 and PL-1, by genomic and structural analysis" (2014) Dieterle, M.E.;Bowman, C.;Batthyany, C. (...)Piuri, M. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 80(22):7107-7121
"Vibrisseaceous fungi from the southern hemisphere, including Chlorovibrissea chilensis (Helotiales, incertae sedis) sp. nov." (2014) Sandoval-Leiva, P.;Carmarán, C.C.;Park, D. (...)Johnston, P.R. Mycologia. 106(6):1159-1167
"Astroglial mGlu3 receptors promote alpha-secretase-mediated amyloid precursor protein cleavage" (2014) Durand, D.;Carniglia, L.;Beauquis, J. (...)Lasaga, M. Neuropharmacology. 79:180-189
"GH, IGF-I and GH receptors mRNA expression in response to growth impairment following a food deprivation period in individually housed cichlid fish Cichlasoma dimerus" (2014) Delgadin, T.H.;Pérez Sirkin, D.I.;Di Yorio, M.P. (...)Vissio, P.G. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. 41(1):51-60
"In Vitro and in Vivo effects of tamoxifen against larval stage Echinococcus granulosus" (2014) Nicolao, M.C.;Elissondo, M.C.;Denegri, G.M. (...)Cumino, A.C. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 58(9):5146-5154
"Phylogenetic analysis and reconfiguration of genera in the cestode order Diphyllidea" (2013) Caira, J.N.;Marques, F.P.L.;Jensen, K. (...)Ivanov, V. International Journal for Parasitology. 43(8):621-639
"Glutathione-S-transferase (GST) polymorphisms are associated with relapse after radical prostatectomy" (2013) Cotignola, J.;Leonardi, D.B.;Shahabi, A. (...)Vazquez, E. Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases. 16(1):28-34
"A first insight into pycnoporus sanguineus BAFC 2126 transcriptome" (2013) Rohr, C.O.; Levin, L.N.; Mentaberry, A.N.; Wirth, S.A. PLoS ONE. 8(12)
"Typing clinical and animal environment Aspergillus fumigatus gliotoxin producer strains isolated from Brazil by PCR-RFLP markers" (2013) Soleiro, C.A.;Pena, G.A.;Cavaglieri, L.R. (...)Rosa, C.A.R. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 57(6):484-491
"First description of natural Ehrlichia canis and Anaplasma platys infections in dogs from Argentina" (2013) Eiras, D.F.;Craviotto, M.B.;Vezzani, D. (...)Baneth, G. Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 36(2):169-173
"Host Cell Poly(ADP-Ribose) Glycohydrolase Is Crucial for Trypanosoma cruzi Infection Cycle" (2013) Vilchez Larrea, S.C.;Schlesinger, M.;Kevorkian, M.L. (...)Fernández Villamil, S.H. PLoS ONE. 8(6)
"In Silico Structural and Functional Characterization of the RSUME Splice Variants" (2013) Gerez, J.;Fuertes, M.;Tedesco, L. (...)Arzt, E. PLoS ONE. 8(2)
"Characterization and seasonal changes in LHβ and FSHβ mRNA of Rhinella arenarum (Amphibia, Anura)" (2013) Volonteri, M.C.; Regueira, E.; Scaia, M.F.; Ceballos, N.R. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 187:95-103
"Where statistics and molecular microarray experiments biology meet" (2013) Kelmansky, D.M. Methods in Molecular Biology. 972:15-35
"Involvement of KLF14 and egr-1 in the TGF-beta1 action on Leydig cell proliferation" (2013) Gonzalez, C.R.; Vallcaneras, S.S.; Calandra, R.S.; Gonzalez Calvar, S.I. Cytokine. 61(2):670-675
"Molecular characterization of cryptic and sympatric lymnaeid species from the Galba/Fossaria group in Mendoza Province, Northern Patagonia, Argentina" (2013) Standley, C.J.;Prepelitchi, L.;Pietrokovsky, S.M. (...)Wisnivesky-Colli, C. Parasites and Vectors. 6(1)
"Enhancer turnover and conserved regulatory function in vertebrate evolution" (2013) Domené, S.;Bumaschny, V.F.;de Souza, F.S.J. (...)Rubinstein, M. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 368(1632)
"Evolution of transcriptional enhancers and animal diversity" (2013) Rubinstein, M.; de Souza, F.S.J. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 368(1632)
"Genetic architecture of olfactory behavior in drosophila melanogaster: Differences and similarities across development" (2013) Lavagnino, N.J.; Arya, G.H.; Korovaichuk, A.; Fanara, J.J. Behavior Genetics. 43(4):348-359
"Loop A Is Critical for the Functional Interaction of Two Beta vulgaris PIP Aquaporins" (2013) Jozefkowicz, C.;Rosi, P.;Sigaut, L. (...)Alleva, K. PLoS ONE. 8(3)
"GTSE1 Is a Microtubule Plus-End Tracking Protein That Regulates EB1-Dependent Cell Migration" (2012) Scolz, M.;Widlund, P.O.;Piazza, S. (...)Bird, A.W. PLoS ONE. 7(12)
"Lysine transporters in human trypanosomatid pathogens" (2012) Inbar, E.;Canepa, G.E.;Carrillo, C. (...)Pereira, C.A. Amino Acids. 42(1):347-360
"Multigene phylogenetic analyses of the Thelonectria coronata and T. veuillotiana species complexes" (2012) Salgado-Salazar, C.;Rossman, A.;Samuels, G.J. (...)Chaverri, P. Mycologia. 104(6):1325-1350
"Identification of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis from sheep by PCR-restriction analysis using the RNA polymerase β-subunit gene (rpoB)" (2012) Pavan, M.E.;Robles, C.;Cairó, F.M. (...)Pettinari, M.J. Research in Veterinary Science. 92(2):202-206
"Genetic structure of Varroa destructor populations infesting Apis mellifera colonies in Argentina" (2012) Maggi, M.;Medici, S.;Quintana, S. (...)Eguaras, M. Experimental and Applied Acarology. 56(4):309-318
"Biodiversity characterization of cellulolytic bacteria present on native Chaco soil by comparison of ribosomal RNA genes" (2012) Talia, P.;Sede, S.M.;Campos, E. (...)Cataldi, A. Research in Microbiology. 163(3):221-232
"Arginine-vasotocin expression and participation in reproduction and social behavior in males of the cichlid fish cichlasoma dimerus" (2012) Ramallo, M.R.;Grober, M.;Cánepa, M.M. (...)Pandolfi, M. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 179(2):221-231
"Melanin concentrating hormone (MCH) is involved in the regulation of growth hormone in Cichlasoma dimerus (Cichlidae, Teleostei)" (2012) Pérez Sirkin, D.I.;Cánepa, M.M.;Fossati, M. (...)Vissio, P.G. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 176(1):102-111
"Phylogeographically concordant chloroplast DNA divergence in sympatric Nothofagus s.s. How deep can it be?" (2012) Premoli, A.C.; Mathiasen, P.; Cristina Acosta, M.; Ramos, V.A. New Phytologist. 193(1):261-275
"Association mapping in sunflower for sclerotinia head rot resistance" (2012) Fusari, C.M.;Di Rienzo, J.A.;Troglia, C. (...)Paniego, N.B. BMC Plant Biology. 12
"Phylogeography and bindin evolution in Arbacia, a sea urchin genus with an unusual distribution" (2012) Lessios, H.A.;Lockhart, S.;Collin, R. (...)Kessing, B.D. Molecular Ecology. 21(1):130-144
"Time-course recovery of estrogen-responsive genes of a cichlid fish exposed to waterborne octylphenol" (2012) Genovese, G.;Regueira, M.;Piazza, Y. (...)Lo Nostro, F. Aquatic Toxicology. 114-115:1-13
"The sylvatic transmission cycle of Trypanosoma cruzi in a rural area in the humid Chaco of Argentina" (2012) Alvarado-Otegui, J.A.;Ceballos, L.A.;Orozco, M.M. (...)Gürtler, R.E. Acta Tropica. 124(1):79-86
"Stacking of antimicrobial genes in potato transgenic plants confers increased resistance to bacterial and fungal pathogens" (2012) Rivero, M.;Furman, N.;Mencacci, N. (...)Mentaberry, A. Journal of Biotechnology. 157(2):334-343
"Cloning, phylogenetic analysis and expression of somatolactin and its receptor in Cichlasoma dimerus: Their role in long-term background color acclimation" (2012) Cánepa, M.M.;Zhu, Y.;Fossati, M. (...)Vissio, P.G. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 176(1):52-61
"A positive correlation between bacterial autoaggregation and biofilm formation in native Sinorhizobium meliloti isolates from Argentina" (2012) Sorroche, F.G.; Spesia, M.B.; Zorreguieta, Á.; Giordano, W. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 78(12):4092-4101
"Progesterone down-regulates spinal cord inflammatory mediators and increases myelination in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis" (2012) Garay, L.I.;González Deniselle, M.C.;Brocca, M.E. (...)De Nicola, A.F. Neuroscience. 226:40-50
"Microsatellite markers in candidate genes for wood properties and its application in functional diversity assessment in Eucalyptus globulus" (2012) Acuña, C.V.;Villalba, P.V.;García, M. (...)Marcucci Poltri, S.N. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology. 15(2):12-28
"Continuous and long-term monoxenic culture of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Gigaspora decipiens in root organ culture" (2012) Bidondo, L.F.;Pergola, M.;Silvani, V. (...)Godeas, A. Fungal Biology. 116(6):729-735
"The novel Solanum tuberosum calcium dependent protein kinase, StCDPK3, is expressed in actively growing organs" (2012) Grandellis, C.;Giammaria, V.;Bialer, M. (...)Ulloa, R.M. Planta. 236(6):1831-1848
"Isolation of yellow fever virus from mosquitoes in Misiones Province, Argentina" (2012) Goenaga, S.;Fabbri, C.;Dueñas, J.C.R. (...)Levis, S. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases. 12(11):986-993
"A marr-type regulator directly activates transcription from the Brucella abortus virB promoter by sharing a redundant role with HutC" (2012) Sieira, R.;Arocena, G.M.;Zorreguieta, A. (...)Ugalde, R.A. Journal of Bacteriology. 194(23):6431-6440
"Potato Snakin-1 gene silencing affects cell division, primary metabolism, and cell wall composition" (2012) Nahirñak, V.;Almasia, N.I.;Fernandez, P.V. (...)Vazquez-Rovere, C. Plant Physiology. 158(1):252-263
"Trichinella patagoniensis n. sp. (Nematoda), a new encapsulated species infecting carnivorous mammals in South America" (2012) Krivokapich, S.J.;Pozio, E.;Gatti, G.M. (...)Confalonieri, V. International Journal for Parasitology. 42(10):903-910
"Involvement of TSSA (trypomastigote small surface antigen) in Trypanosoma cruzi invasion of mammalian cells 1" (2012) Cánepa, G.E.;Degese, M.S.;Budu, A. (...)Buscaglia, C.A. Biochemical Journal. 444(2):211-218
"Early expression of zona pellucida proteins under octylphenol exposure in Cichlasoma dimerus (Perciformes, Cichlidae)" (2011) Genovese, G.;Da Cuña, R.;Towle, D.W. (...)Lo Nostro, F. Aquatic Toxicology. 101(1):175-185
"Genetic variability, phylogenetic relationships and gene flow in Triatoma infestans dark morphs from the Argentinean Chaco" (2011) Piccinali, R.V.;Marcet, P.L.;Ceballos, L.A. (...)Dotson, E.M. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 11(5):895-903
"Detection of single copy sequences using BAC-FISH and C-PRINS techniques in sunflower chromosomes" (2011) Talia, P.;Greizerstein, E.J.;Hopp, H.E. (...)Heinz, R.A. Biocell. 35(1):19-28
"Structure and dynamics of Antarctic fish neuroglobin assessed by computer simulations" (2011) Boron, I.;Russo, R.;Boechi, L. (...)Nadra, A.D. IUBMB Life. 63(3):206-213
"Genotyping of Leptospira interrogans strains from Argentina by Multiple-Locus Variable-number tandem repeat Analysis (MLVA)" (2011) Pavan, M.E.;Cairó, F.;Pettinari, M.J. (...)Brihuega, B. Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 34(2):135-141
"Constitutive expression and enzymatic activity of Tan protein in brain and epidermis of Ceratitis capitata and of Drosophila melanogaster wild-type and tan mutants" (2011) Pérez, M.M.; Sabio, G.; Badaracco, A.; Quesada-Allué, L.A. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 41(9):653-659
"Role of histamine H4 receptor in breast cancer cell proliferation" (2011) Medina, V.A.;Brenzoni, P.G.;Lamas, D.J.M. (...)Rivera, E.S. Frontiers in Bioscience - Elite. 3 E(3):1042-1060
"Classical membrane progesterone receptors in murine mammary carcinomas: Agonistic effects of progestins and RU-486 mediating rapid non-genomic effects" (2011) Bottino, M.C.;Cerliani, J.P.;Rojas, P. (...)Lanari, C. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 126(3):621-636
"Red and green algal monophyly and extensive gene sharing found in a rich repertoire of red algal genes" (2011) Chan, C.X.;Yang, E.C.;Banerjee, T. (...)Bhattacharya, D. Current Biology. 21(4):328-333
"Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase plays a differential role in DNA damage-response and cell death pathways in Trypanosoma cruzi" (2011) Vilchez Larrea, S.C.;Alonso, G.D.;Schlesinger, M. (...)Fernández Villamil, S.H. International Journal for Parasitology. 41(3):405-416
"Oxygen-sensitive global regulator, anr, is involved in the biosynthesis of poly(3-Hydroxybutyrate) in pseudomonas extremaustralis" (2011) Tribelli, P.M.; Méndez, B.S.; López, N.I. Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology. 19(4):180-188
"PCR detection of Dirofilaria immitis in Aedes aegypti and Culex pipiens from urban temperate Argentina" (2011) Vezzani, D.;Mesplet, M.;Eiras, D.F. (...)Schnittger, L. Parasitology Research. 108(4):985-989
"Structure-based analysis of five novel disease-causing mutations in 21-hydroxylase-deficient patients" (2011) Minutolo, C.;Nadra, A.D.;Fernández, C. (...)Dain, L. PLoS ONE. 6(1)
"Mutations in CDON, encoding a hedgehog receptor, result in holoprosencephaly and defective interactions with other hedgehog receptors" (2011) Bae, G.-U.;Domené, S.;Roessler, E. (...)Krauss, R.S. American Journal of Human Genetics. 89(2):231-240
"The NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase family in Trypanosoma cruzi is involved in the sterol biosynthesis pathway" (2011) De Vas, M.G.;Portal, P.;Alonso, G.D. (...)Paveto, C. International Journal for Parasitology. 41(1):99-108
"DNA-binding specificity prediction with FoldX" (2011) Nadra, A.D.; Serrano, L.; Alibés, A. Methods in Enzymology. 498:3-18
"Draft genome sequence of Bizionia argentinensis, isolated from antarctic surface water" (2011) Lanzarotti, E.;Pellizza, L.;Bercovich, A. (...)Turjanski, A.G. Journal of Bacteriology. 193(23):6797-6798
"Protein phosphatases type 2A mediate tuberization signaling in Solanum tuberosum L. leaves" (2010) País, S.M.; García, M.N.M.; Téllez-Iñón, M.T.; Capiati, D.A. Planta. 232(1):37-49
"Curcumin inhibits the growth, induces apoptosis and modulates the function of pituitary folliculostellate cells" (2010) Schaaf, C.;Shan, B.;Onofri, C. (...)Renner, U. Neuroendocrinology. 91(2):200-210
"Trypanosoma cruzi I genotypes in different geographical regions and transmission cycles based on a microsatellite motif of the intergenic spacer of spliced-leader genes" (2010) Cura, C.I.;Mejía-Jaramillo, A.M.;Duffy, T. (...)Schijman, A.G. International Journal for Parasitology. 40(14):1599-1607
"A quantitative real-time PCR method for in planta monitoring of Phytophthora infestans growth" (2010) Llorente, B.;Bravo-Almonacid, F.;Cvitanich, C. (...)Alonso, G.D. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 51(6):603-610
"Effect of bacterial metabolites on microsporidian Nosema ceranae and on its host Apis mellifera" (2010) Porrini, M.P.;Audisio, M.C.;Sabaté, D.C. (...)Eguaras, M.J. Parasitology Research. 107(2):381-388
"Genetic mapping of EST-SSRs, SSR and InDels to improve saturation of genomic regions in a previously developed sunflower map" (2010) Talia, P.;Nishinakamasu, V.;Hopp, H.E. (...)Paniego, N. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology. 13(6)
"Expression of the TGF-beta1 system in human testicular pathologies" (2010) Gonzalez, C.R.;Matzkin, M.E.;Frungieri, M.B. (...)Gonzalez-Calvar, S.I. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology. 8
"Detection of "Candidatus Rickettsia sp. strain Argentina"and Rickettsia bellii in Amblyomma ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) from Northern Argentina" (2010) Tomassone, L.;Nuñez, P.;Ceballos, L.A. (...)Farber, M. Experimental and Applied Acarology. 52(1):93-100
"Intracellular pH sensing is altered by plasma membrane PIP aquaporin co-expression" (2010) Bellati, J.;Alleva, K.;Soto, G. (...)Amodeo, G. Plant Molecular Biology. 74(1):105-118
"Inhibition of Junín virus replication by small interfering RNAs" (2009) Artuso, M.C.;Ellenberg, P.C.;Scolaro, L.A. (...)García, C.C. Antiviral Research. 84(1):31-37
"Pseudomonas extremaustralis sp. nov., a poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) producer isolated from an antarctic environment" (2009) López, N.I.;Pettinari, M.J.;Stackebrandt, E. (...)Méndez, B.S. Current Microbiology. 59(5):514-519
"A cytoplasmically inherited barley mutant is defective in photosystem I assembly due to a temperature-sensitive defect in ycf3 splicing" (2009) Landau, A.M.;Lokstein, H.;Scheller, H.V. (...)Prina, A.R. Plant Physiology. 151(4):1802-1811
"The cin and rai quorum-sensing regulatory systems in Rhizobium leguminosarum are coordinated by ExpR and CinS, a small regulatory protein coexpressed with CinI" (2009) Edwards, A.;Frederix, M.;Wisniewski-Dyé, F. (...)Allan Downie, J. Journal of Bacteriology. 191(9):3059-3067
"Glucosidase II β subunit modulates N-glycan trimming in fission yeasts and mammals" (2009) Stigliano, I.D.;Caramelo, J.J.;Labriola, C.A. (...)D'Alessio, C. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 20(17):3974-3984
"Novel long non-protein coding RNAs involved in Arabidopsis differentiation and stress responses" (2009) Amor, B.B.;Wirth, S.;Merchan, F. (...)Crespi, M. Genome Research. 19(1):57-69
"Cytokinin-induced changes of nitrogen remobilization and chloroplast ultrastructure in wheat (Triticum aestivum)" (2009) Criado, M.V.;Caputo, C.;Roberts, I.N. (...)Barneix, A.J. Journal of Plant Physiology. 166(16):1775-1785
"Identification of core components of the exon junction complex in trypanosomes" (2009) Bercovich, N.; Levin, M.J.; Clayton, C.; Vazquez, M.P. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology. 166(2):190-193
"A new paradigm for MAPK: Structural interactions of hERK1 with mitochondria in HeLa cells" (2009) Galli, S.;Jahn, O.;Hitt, R. (...)Jovin, T.M. PLoS ONE. 4(10)
"Real-time PCR strategy for rapid discrimination among main lymnaeid species from Argentina" (2009) Duffy, T.;Kleiman, F.;Pietrokovsky, S. (...)Wisnivesky-Colli, C. Acta Tropica. 109(1):1-4
"Geographical clustering of Trypanosoma cruzi I groups from Colombia revealed by low-stringency single specific primer-PCR of the intergenic regions of spliced-leader genes" (2009) Mejía-Jaramillo, A.M.;Arboleda-Sánchez, S.;Rodríguez, I.B. (...)Schijman, A.G. Parasitology Research. 104(2):399-410
"Potato Virus X Coat Protein Fusion to Human Papillomavirus 16 E7 Oncoprotein Enhance Antigen Stability and Accumulation in Tobacco Chloroplast" (2009) Morgenfeld, M.;Segretin, M.E.;Wirth, S. (...)Bravo-Almonacid, F. Molecular Biotechnology. 43(3):243-249
"Occurrence and diversity of naphthalene dioxygenase genes in soil microbial communities from the Maritime Antarctic" (2009) Flocco, C.G.; Gomes, N.C.M.; Mac Cormack, W.; Smalla, K. Environmental Microbiology. 11(3):700-714
"High glucose-induced changes in steroid production in adrenal cells" (2009) Astort, F.;Repetto, E.M.;Martínez Calejman, C. (...)Cymeryng, C.B. Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews. 25(5):477-486
"The pollen receptor kinase LePRK2 mediates growth-promoting signals and positively regulates pollen germination and tube growth" (2008) Zhang, D.;Wengier, D.;Shuai, B. (...)Tang, W.-H. Plant Physiology. 148(3):1368-1379
"Multiple NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductases from Trypanosoma cruzi. Suggested role on drug resistance" (2008) Portal, P.;Villamil, S.F.;Alonso, G.D. (...)Paveto, C. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology. 160(1):42-51
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