Lista de

"Extracellular biosynthesis of bactericidal Ag/AgCl nanoparticles for crop protection using the fungus Macrophomina phaseolina" (2019) Spagnoletti, F.N.; Spedalieri, C.; Kronberg, F.; Giacometti, R. Journal of Environmental Management. 231:457-466
"Subterranean Desert Rodents (Genus Ctenomys) Create Soil Patches Enriched in Root Endophytic Fungal Propagules" (2019) Miranda, V.;Rothen, C.;Yela, N. (...)Fracchia, S. Microbial Ecology. 77(2):451-459
"Fungal extracellular phosphatases: their role in P cycling under different pH and P sources availability" (2018) Della Mónica, I.F.; Godoy, M.S.; Godeas, A.M.; Scervino, J.M. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 124(1):155-165
"Characterization of Fusarium species associated with tobacco diseases in Northwestern Argentina" (2018) Berruezo, L.A.;Mercado Cárdenas, G.E.;Harries, E.D.M. (...)Galván, M.Z. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 151(4):1065-1079
"Fungal wood-decay strategies in Nothofagaceae woods from Miocene deposits in southern Patagonia, Argentina" (2018) Greppi, C.D.; García Massini, J.L.; Pujana, R.R.; Marenssi, S.A. Alcheringa. 42(3):427-440
"Biocontrol of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary on common bean by native lipopeptide-producer Bacillus strains" (2018) Sabaté, D.C.;Brandan, C.P.;Petroselli, G. (...)Audisio, M.C. Microbiological Research. 211:21-30
"Exotic litter of the invasive plant Ligustrum lucidum alters enzymatic production and lignin degradation by selected saprotrophic fungi" (2018) Mallerman, J.;Itria, R.;Alarcón-Gutiérrez, E. (...)Saparrat, M. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 48(6):709-720
"Epichloë exudates promote in vitro and in vivo arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi development and plant growth" (2018) Vignale, M.V.; Iannone, L.J.; Scervino, J.M.; Novas, M.V. Plant and Soil. 422(1-2):267-281
"Communities of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with perennial grasses of different forage quality exposed to defoliation" (2018) Ambrosino, M.L.;Cabello, M.N.;Busso, C.A. (...)Rodriguez, G. Journal of Arid Environments. 154:61-69
"Annulohypoxylon (Hypoxylaceae) species from Argentina " (2018) Sir, E.B.; Kuhnert, E.; Hladkii, A.I.; Romero, A.I. Darwiniana. 6(1):68-83
"Ostreichnion (Dothideomycetes, ascomycota) from andean patagonian forests (argentina) " (2018) Sánchez, R.M.; Carmarán, C.C.; Bianchinotti, M.V. Darwiniana. 6(1):47-57
"Metagenomic approach of associated fungi with megaplatypus mutatus (Coleoptera: Platypodinae)" (2018) Ceriani-Nakamurakare, E.;Ramos, S.;Robles, C.A. (...)Carmarán, C. Silva Fennica. 52(3)
"Temperature and water activity influence on simultaneous production of AAL toxins by Alternaria arborescens on tomato medium" (2017) Vaquera, S.; Patriarca, A.; Cabrera, G.; Fernández Pinto, V. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 148(4):1003-1009
"The micological investigation in Argentina: Period 1978-2016 " (2017) Gamundí, I.J.; Godeas, A.M.; Cabello, M.N. Darwiniana. 5(1):98-108
"Microbiological quality of Argentinian paprika " (2017) Melo González, M.G.;Romero, S.M.;Arjona, M. (...)Vaamonde, G. Revista Argentina de Microbiologia. 49(4):339-346
"Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal association in genetically modified drought-tolerant corn" (2017) Colombo, R.P.;Ibarra, J.G.;Bidondo, L.F. (...)Godeas, A.M. Journal of Environmental Quality. 46(1):227-231
"Patchiness of grass mycorrhizal colonization in the Patagonian steppe" (2017) Cavagnaro, R.A.;Ripoll, M.P.;Godeas, A. (...)Grimoldi, A.A. Journal of Arid Environments. 137:46-49
"Keratinophilic fungi in soils of parks of Corrientes city, Argentina " (2016) Sarmiento, M.M.;Mangiaterra, M.;Bojanich, M.V. (...)Giusiano, G. Revista Iberoamericana de Micologia. 33(1):7-12
"Host selection by Ibalia leucospoides based on temporal variations of volatiles from the hosts’ fungal symbiont" (2016) Jofré, N.;Pildain, M.B.;Cirigliano, A.M. (...)Martínez, A.S. Journal of Applied Entomology. 140(10):736-743
"Diversity and distribution of diatrypaceae (Ascomycota) in Argentina and new records for the country " (2016) Robles, C.A.;D’Jonsiles, M.F.;Romano, G.M. (...)Carmarán, C.C. Darwiniana. 4(2):263-276
"Multiple isoforms for the catalytic subunit of PKA in the basal fungal lineage Mucor circinelloides" (2016) Fernández Núñez, L.;Ocampo, J.;Gottlieb, A.M. (...)Moreno, S. Fungal Biology. 120(12):1493-1508
"Selective pressure against horizontally acquired prokaryotic genes as a driving force of plastid evolution" (2016) Llorente, B.;De Souza, F.S.J.;Soto, G. (...)Rodríguez-Concepción, M. Scientific Reports. 6
"Wheat seeds harbour bacterial endophytes with potential as plant growth promoters and biocontrol agents of Fusarium graminearum" (2016) Díaz Herrera, S.; Grossi, C.; Zawoznik, M.; Groppa, M.D. Microbiological Research. 186-187:37-43
"Control of infection of tomato fruits by Alternaria and mycotoxin production using plant extracts" (2016) da Cruz Cabral, L.; Fernández Pinto, V.; Patriarca, A. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 145(2):363-373
"Genetic Characterization and Pathogenicity of Rhizoctonia solani Associated with Common Bean Web Blight in the Main Bean Growing area of Argentina" (2016) Spedaletti, Y.;Aparicio, M.;Mercado Cárdenas, G. (...)Galván, M. Journal of Phytopathology. 164(11-12):1054-1063
"Mycobiota associated with the ambrosia beetle Megaplatypus mutatus: Threat to poplar plantations" (2016) Ceriani-Nakamurakare, E.;Slodowicz, M.;Gonzalez-Audino, P. (...)Carmarán, C. Forestry. 89(2):191-200
"Biological substrates: Green alternatives in trace elemental preconcentration and speciation analysis" (2016) Escudero, L.B.; Maniero, M.Á.; Agostini, E.; Smichowski, P.N. TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry. 80:531-546
"Track analysis of agaricoid fungi of the Patagonian forests" (2016) Romano, G.M.;Ruiz, E.V.;Lechner, B.E. (...)Morrone, J.J. Australian Systematic Botany. 29(6):440-446
"Suppressive soil against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum as a source of potential biocontrol agents: selection and evaluation of Clonostachys rosea BAFC1646" (2015) Rodríguez, M.A.;Rothen, C.;Lo, T.E. (...)Godeas, A.M. Biocontrol Science and Technology. 25(12):1388-1409
"Enhancement of laccase production and malachite green decolorization by co-culturing Ganoderma lucidum and Trametes versicolor in solid-state fermentation" (2015) Kuhar, F.; Castiglia, V.; Levin, L. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation. 104:238-243
"Relationships between fungal endophytes and wood-rot fungi in wood of Platanus acerifolia in urban environments" (2015) Robles, C.A.; Lopez, S.E.; McCargo, P.D.; Carmarán, C.C. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 45(7):929-936
"Microorganism mediated biosynthesis of metal chalcogenides; a powerful tool to transform toxic effluents into functional nanomaterials" (2015) Vena, M.P.; Jobbágy, M.; Bilmes, S.A. Science of the Total Environment. 565:804-810
"Occurrence of Epichloë fungal endophytes in the sheep-preferred grass Hordeum comosum from Patagonia" (2015) Iannone, L.J.;Irisarri, J.G.N.;Mc Cargo, P.D. (...)Gundel, P.E. Journal of Arid Environments. 115:19-26
"Synthesis, characterization, X-ray crystal structure, DFT calculation, DNA binding, and antimicrobial assays of two new mixed-ligand copper(II) complexes" (2015) Ebrahimipour, S.Y.;Sheikhshoaie, I.;Mohamadi, M. (...)Mostafavi, A. Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 142:410-422
"Toxocara canis eggs as bait for soil fungus in a subtropical city " (2015) Bojanich, M.V.;Sarmiento, M.M.;Giusiano, G. (...)Basualdo, J.T. Revista Iberoamericana de Micologia. 32(4):273-276
"Evaluation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi capacity to alleviate abiotic stress of olive (Olea europaea L.) plants at different transplant conditions" (2014) Bompadre, M.J.;Pérgola, M.;Fernández Bidondo, L. (...)Godeas, A.M. The Scientific World Journal. 2014
"Vibrisseaceous fungi from the southern hemisphere, including Chlorovibrissea chilensis (Helotiales, incertae sedis) sp. nov." (2014) Sandoval-Leiva, P.;Carmarán, C.C.;Park, D. (...)Johnston, P.R. Mycologia. 106(6):1159-1167
"Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi alleviate oxidative stress in pomegranate plants growing under different irrigation conditions" (2014) Bompadre, M.J.;Silvani, V.A.;Bidondo, L.F. (...)Godeas, A.M. Botany. 92(3):187-193
"Plant-fungal association in trees: Insights into changes in ecological strategies of Peroneutypa scoparia (Diatrypaceae)" (2014) de Errasti, A.; Novas, M.V.; Carmarán, C.C. Flora: Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants. 209(12):704-710
"Assessing the impact of biotransformed dry olive residue application to soil: Effects on enzyme activities and fungal community" (2014) Siles, J.A.;Pérez-Mendoza, D.;Ibáñez, J.A. (...)Sampedro, I. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation. 89:15-22
"New metabolites of drospirenone obtained in Mucorales fungi culture" (2013) Quintana, P.G.; Romero, S.M.; Vaamonde, G.; Baldessari, A. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic. 97:110-117
"Mycoflora and Potential Mycotoxin Production of Freshly Harvested Blueberry in Concordia, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina" (2013) Munitz, M.S.;Garrido, C.E.;Gonzalez, H.H.L. (...)Montti, M.I.T. International Journal of Fruit Science. 13(3):312-325
"Protective effect of vanilloids against chemical stress on the white-rot fungus Ganoderma lucidum" (2013) Kuhar, F.; Papinutti, L. Journal of Environmental Management. 124:1-7
"Application of plant derived compounds to control fungal spoilage and mycotoxin production in foods" (2013) da Cruz Cabral, L.; Fernández Pinto, V.; Patriarca, A. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 166(1):1-14
"Role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Rhizophagus custos in the dissipation of PAHs under root-organ culture conditions" (2013) Aranda, E.;Scervino, J.M.;Godoy, P. (...)García-Romera, I. Environmental Pollution. 181:182-189
"Stilbohypoxylon quisquiliarum (Ascomycota, Xylariaceae), new record from Argentina " (2013) Sir, E.B.; Perera, T.C.; Romero, A.I.; Hladki, A.I. Darwiniana. 1(2):289-294
"Biodiversity of Agaricomycetes basidiomes associated to Salix and Populus (Salicaceae) plantations " (2013) Romano, G.M.; Calcagno, J.A.; Lechner, B.E. Darwiniana. 1(1):67-75
"Multigene phylogenetic analyses of the Thelonectria coronata and T. veuillotiana species complexes" (2012) Salgado-Salazar, C.;Rossman, A.;Samuels, G.J. (...)Chaverri, P. Mycologia. 104(6):1325-1350
"Effect of co-cultivation of two Pleurotus species on lignocellulolytic enzyme production and mushroom fructification" (2012) Carabajal, M.; Levin, L.; Albertó, E.; Lechner, B. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation. 66(1):71-76
"Cannonia australis (Ascomycota, Xylariaceae) found in equatorial Brazil " (2012) Trierveiler-Pereira, L.; Agra, L.A.N.N.; Capdet, M.; Romero, A.I. Darwiniana. 50(1):170-173
"Differential interaction between two Glomus intraradices strains and a phosphate solubilizing bacterium in maize rhizosphere" (2012) Fernández Bidondo, L.;Bompadre, J.;Pergola, M. (...)Godeas, A. Pedobiologia. 55(4):227-232
"Toxigenic Alternaria species from Argentinean blueberries" (2012) Greco, M.;Patriarca, A.;TerminielloL. (...)Pose, G. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 154(3):187-191
"Efficient azoic dye degradation by Trametes trogii and a novel strategy to evaluate products released" (2012) Levin, L.; Grassi, E.; Carballo, R. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation. 75:214-222
"Fungal-arthropod-plant interactions from the Jurassic petrified forest Monumento Natural Bosques Petrificados, Patagonia, Argentina" (2012) García Massini, J.L.; Falaschi, P.; Zamuner, A.B. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 329-330:37-46
"Gliotoxin contamination in and pre- and postfermented corn, sorghum and wet brewer's grains silage in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil" (2012) Keller, L.A.M.;Keller, K.M.;Monge, M.P. (...)R Rosa, C.A. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 112(5):865-873
"Continuous and long-term monoxenic culture of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Gigaspora decipiens in root organ culture" (2012) Bidondo, L.F.;Pergola, M.;Silvani, V. (...)Godeas, A. Fungal Biology. 116(6):729-735
"Zoosporic true fungi, heterotrophic straminipiles and plasmodiophorids: Status of knowledge in South America " (2012) Steciow, M.M.;Milanez, A.I.;Pires-Zottarelli, C.L.A. (...)Vélez, C.G. Darwiniana. 50(1):25-32
"Screening of xylophagous fungi associated with Platanus acerifolia in urban landscapes: Biodiversity and potential biodeterioration" (2011) Robles, C.A.; Carmarán, C.C.; Lopez, S.E. Landscape and Urban Planning. 100(1-2):129-135
"Native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the yungas forests, argentina" (2011) Becerra, A.G.; Cabello, M.N.; Bartoloni, N.J. Mycologia. 103(2):273-279
"Potential of Trametes trogii culture fluids and its purified laccase for the decolorization of different types of recalcitrant dyes without the addition of redox mediators" (2011) Grassi, E.;Scodeller, P.;Filiel, N. (...)Levin, L. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation. 65(4):635-643
"Comparative analysis of the mycobiota and mycotoxins contaminating corn trench silos and silo bags" (2011) González Pereyra, M.L.;Chiacchiera, S.M.;Rosa, C.A. (...)Cavaglieri, L. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 91(8):1474-1481
"A new species and new records of Cercophora from argentina" (2011) Catania, M.D.V.; Romero, A.I.; Huhndorf, S.M.; Miller, A.N. Mycologia. 103(6):1372-1383
"Palynology of the La Veteada Formation (Permian) in the Sierra de Narváez, Catamarca Province, Argentina" (2011) Gutiérrez, P.R.; Zavattieri, A.M.; Ezpeleta, M.; Astini, R.A. Ameghiniana. 48(2):154-176
"Clonostachys rosea BAFC3874 as a Sclerotinia sclerotiorum antagonist: Mechanisms involved and potential as a biocontrol agent" (2011) Rodriguez, M.A.;Cabrera, G.;Gozzo, F.C. (...)Godeas, A. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 110(5):1177-1186
"Effect of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices on the false root-knot nematode Nacobbus aberrans in tomato plants" (2011) Lax, P.;Becerra, A.G.;Soteras, F. (...)Doucet, M.E. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 47(5):591-597
"Stimulating effect of sorbitol and xylitol on germination and growth of some xerophilic fungi" (2011) Patriarca, A.; Larumbe, G.; Buera, M.P.; Vaamonde, G. Food Microbiology. 28(8):1463-1467
"Soil parameters and host plants associated with arbuscular mycorrhizae in the grazed Magellanic steppe of Tierra del Fuego" (2011) Mendoza, R.;Cabello, M.;Anchorena, J. (...)Marbán, L. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 140(3-4):411-418
"Medium pH, carbon and nitrogen concentrations modulate the phosphate solubilization efficiency of Penicillium purpurogenum through organic acid production" (2011) Scervino, J.M.;Papinutti, V.L.;Godoy, M.S. (...)Godeas, A.M. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 110(5):1215-1223
"Soil fungal isolates produce different organic acid patterns involved in phosphate salts solubilization" (2010) Scervino, J.M.;Mesa, M.P.;della Mónica, I. (...)Godeas, A. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 46(7):755-763
"Fungal deterioration of a Jesuit South American polychrome wood sculpture" (2010) Fazio, A.T.;Papinutti, L.;Gómez, B.A. (...)Maier, M.S. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation. 64(8):694-701
"Micromycetes on bark and wood of Podocarpus parlatorei (Podocarpaceae) from Argentina " (2010) Catania, M.V.; Romero, A.I. Darwiniana. 48(2):123-140
"Enzymatic regioselective and complete deacetylation of two arabinonucleosides" (2010) Sabaini, M.B.;Zinni, M.A.;Mohorčič, M. (...)Iglesias, L.E. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic. 62(3-4):225-229
"In-vitro depolymerization of Scutia buxifolia leaf-litter by a dominant Ascomycota Ciliochorella sp." (2010) Saparrat, M.C.N.;Estevez, J.M.;Troncozo, M.I. (...)Balatti, P.A. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation. 64(3):262-266
"In-vitro depolymerization of Scutia buxifolia leaf-litter by a dominant Ascomycota Ciliochorella sp." (2010) Saparrat, M.C.N.;Estevez, J.M.;Troncozo, M.I. (...)Balatti, P.A. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation. 64(3):262-266
"Aggressiveness of Fusarium graminearum sensu stricto isolates in wheat kernels in Argentina" (2010) Alvarez, C.L.; Somma, S.; Moretti, A.; Fernández Pinto, V. Journal of Phytopathology. 158(3):173-181
"Phylogenetic relationships of Fusarium poae based on EF-1α and mtSSU sequences" (2010) Stenglein, S.A.;Rodriguero, M.S.;Chandler, E. (...)Nicholson, P. Fungal Biology. 114(1):96-106
"Extraction and characterization of polygalacturonase of fomes sclerodermeus produced by solid-state fermentation" (2010) Salariato, D.; Diorio, L.A.; Mouso, N.; Forchiassin, F. Revista Argentina de Microbiologia. 42(1):57-62
"Mycorrhizal status of plant species in the Chaco Serrano Woodland from central Argentina" (2009) Fracchia, S.;Aranda, A.;Gopar, A. (...)Godeas, A. Mycorrhiza. 19(3):205-214
"Geastrum episcopale: A new noticeable species with red-violet exoperidium" (2009) Kuhar, F.; Papinutti, L. Mycologia. 101(4):535-538
"Evidence of fungal activity in silicified gymnosperm wood from the Eocene of southern Patagonia (Argentina)" (2009) Pujana, R.R.; Massini, J.L.G.; Brizuela, R.R.; Burrieza, H.P. Geobios. 42(5):639-647
"Mycobiota from Cyclamen persicum and its interaction with Botrytis cinerea" (2009) Rivera, M.C.; Lopez, M.V.; Lopez, S.E. Mycologia. 101(2):173-181
"Mycobiota from Cyclamen persicum and its interaction with Botrytis cinerea" (2009) Rivera, M.C.; Lopez, M.V.; Lopez, S.E. Mycologia. 101(2):173-181
"Exudates of dark septate endophyte (DSE) modulate the development of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) Gigaspora rosea" (2009) Scervino, J.M.;Gottlieb, A.;Silvani, V.A. (...)Godeas, A.M. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 41(8):1753-1756
"Rediscovery of an unusual chytridiaceous fungus new to the order Rhizophydiales" (2008) Letcher, P.M.; Powell, M.J.; Viusent, M.C. Mycologia. 100(2):325-334
"Phenotypic plasticity with respect to salt stress response by Lotus glaber: The role of its AM fungal and rhizobial symbionts" (2008) Echeverria, M.;Scambato, A.A.;Sannazzaro, A.I. (...)Menéndez, A.B. Mycorrhiza. 18(6-7):317-329
"Phenotypic plasticity with respect to salt stress response by Lotus glaber: The role of its AM fungal and rhizobial symbionts" (2008) Echeverria, M.;Scambato, A.A.;Sannazzaro, A.I. (...)Menéndez, A.B. Mycorrhiza. 18(6-7):317-329
"Chemical ecology and bioactivity of triterpene glycosides from the sea cucumber Psolus patagonicus (Dendrochirotida: Psolidae)" (2008) Muniain, C.; Centurión, R.; Careaga, V.P.; Maier, M.S. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 88(4):817-823
"A simple method to obtain endophytic microorganisms from field-collected roots" (2008) Silvani, V.A.;Fracchia, S.;Fernández, L. (...)Godeas, A. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 40(5):1259-1263
"Ultrastructural and molecular analyses of Rhizophydiales (Chytridiomycota) isolates from North America and Argentina" (2008) Letcher, P.M.;Vélez, C.G.;Barrantes, M.E. (...)Wakefield, W.S. Mycological Research. 112(7):759-782
"Studies on diversity of foliar fungal endophytes of naturalised trees from Argentina, with a description of Haplotrichum minutissimum sp. nov" (2008) Novas, M.V.; Carmarán, C.C. Flora: Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants. 203(7):610-616
"Trichothecenes and mycoflora in wheat harvested in nine locations in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina" (2008) González, H.H.L.;Moltó, G.A.;Pacin, A. (...)Martínez, E.J. Mycopathologia. 165(2):105-114
"Preliminary studies on the biobleaching of loblolly pine Kraft pulp with Trametes trogii crude extracts" (2008) Da Re, V.;Papinutti, L.;Villalba, L. (...)Levin, L. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 43(2):164-168
"Genetic variability of Phytophthora sojae isolates from Argentina" (2007) Gally, M.; Ramos, A.M.; Dokmetzian, D.; Lopez, S.E. Mycologia. 99(6):877-883
"Environmental effects on grass-endophyte associations in the harsh conditions of south Patagonia" (2007) Victoria Novas, M.; Collantes, M.; Cabral, D. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 61(1):164-173
"Environmental effects on grass-endophyte associations in the harsh conditions of south Patagonia" (2007) Victoria Novas, M.; Collantes, M.; Cabral, D. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 61(1):164-173
"The effect of flavones and flavonols on colonization of tomato plants by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi of the genera Gigaspora and Glomus" (2007) Scervino, J.M.;Ponce, M.A.;Erra-Bassells, R. (...)Godeas, A. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 53(6):702-709
"Trichoderma spp. as elicitors of wheat plant defense responses against Septoria tritici" (2007) Cordo, C.A.;Monaco, C.I.;Segarra, C.I. (...)Conde, R.D. Biocontrol Science and Technology. 17(7):687-698
"A sorbicillinoid urea from an intertidal Paecilomyces marquandii" (2006) Cabrera, G.M.;Butler, M.;Rodriguez, M.A. (...)Eberlin, M.N. Journal of Natural Products. 69(12):1806-1808
"Production and characterization of laccase and manganese peroxidase from the ligninolytic fungus Fomes sclerodermeus" (2006) Papinutti, L.; Martínez, M.J. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 81(6):1064-1070
"Cyclosporine A from a nonpathogenic Fusarium oxysporum suppressing Sclerotinia sclerotiorum" (2006) Rodríguez, M.A.; Cabrera, G.; Godeas, A. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 100(3):575-586
"Cyclosporine A from a nonpathogenic Fusarium oxysporum suppressing Sclerotinia sclerotiorum" (2006) Rodríguez, M.A.; Cabrera, G.; Godeas, A. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 100(3):575-586
"In vitro effect of phenolic antioxidants on germination, growth and aflatoxin B1 accumulation by peanut Aspergillus section Flavi" (2005) Passone, M.A.; Resnik, S.L.; Etcheverry, M.G. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 99(3):682-691
"Flavonoids exhibit fungal species and genus specific effects on the presymbiotic growth of Gigaspora and Glomus" (2005) Scervino, J.M.;Ponce, M.A.;Erra-Bassells, R. (...)Godeas, A. Mycological Research. 109(7):789-794
"Toxigenic fungi isolated from dried vine fruits in Argentina" (2005) Romero, S.M.;Comerio, R.M.;Larumbe, G. (...)Fernández Pinto, V. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 104(1):43-49
"Mixtures of natural and synthetic antifungal agents" (2005) López-Malo, A.; Palou, E.; León-Cruz, R.; Alzamora, S.M. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 571:261-286
"New fungal contaminants of food products in Argentina " (2005) Comerio, R.M.; Belén Pildain, M.; Romero, A.I. Revista Iberoamericana de Micologia. 22(1):50-53
"New species of small dictyostelids from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park" (2005) Cavender, J.C.; Vadell, E.; Landolt, J.C.; Stephenson, S.L. Mycologia. 97(2):493-512
"Fungal fruiting bodies in the Cullene Formation (Miocene) in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina " (2004) García-Massini, J.L.; Zamaloa, M.D.C.; Romero, E.J. Ameghiniana. 41(1):83-90
"Ornithine and arginine decarboxylase activities and effect of some polyamine biosynthesis inhibitors on Gigaspora rosea germinating spores" (2004) Sannazzaro, A.I.;Álvarez, C.L.;Menéndez, A.B. (...)Ruiz, O.A. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 230(1):115-121
"Sequence Determinants of Quaternary Structure in Lumazine Synthase" (2004) Fornasari, M.S.;Laplagne, D.A.;Frankel, N. (...)Echave, J. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 21(1):97-107
"Influence of saprobe fungi and their exudates on arbuscular mycorrhizal symbioses" (2004) Fracchia, S.;Sampedro, I.;Scervino, J.M. (...)Godeas, A. Symbiosis. 36(2):169-182
"The genus Pleurotus in Argentina" (2004) Lechner, B.E.; Wright, J.E.; Albertó, E. Mycologia. 96(4):845-858
"Some micromycetes isolated from spoiled food and soil in Argentine Antarctica " (2004) Comerio, R.M.; Mac Cormack, W. Revista Iberoamericana de Micologia. 21(3):128-134
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