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Subterranean rodents are considered major soil engineers, as they can locally modify soil properties by their burrowing activities. In this study, the effect of a subterranean rodent of the genus Ctenomys on soil properties and root endophytic fungal propagules in a shrub desert of northwest Argentina was examined. Our main goal was to include among root endophytic fungi not only arbuscular mycorrhiza but also the dark septate endophytes. We compared the abundance of fungal propagules as well as several microbiological and physicochemical parameters between soils from burrows and those from the surrounding landscape. Our results show that food haulage, the deposition of excretions, and soil mixing by rodents’ burrowing promote soil patchiness by (1) the enrichment in both types of root endophytic fungal propagules; (2) the increase in organic matter and nutrients; and (3) changes in soil edaphic properties including moisture, field capacity, and texture. These patches may play a critical role as a source of soil heterogeneity in desert ecosystems, where burrows constructed in interpatches of bare soil can act, once abandoned, as “islands of fertility,” promoting the establishment of plants in an otherwise hostile environment. © 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Subterranean Desert Rodents (Genus Ctenomys) Create Soil Patches Enriched in Root Endophytic Fungal Propagules
Autor:Miranda, V.; Rothen, C.; Yela, N.; Aranda-Rickert, A.; Barros, J.; Calcagno, J.; Fracchia, S.
Filiación:Centro Regional de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia Tecnológica de La Rioja (CRILAR-CONICET, Provincia de La Rioja, UNLAR, SEGEMAR, UNCa), Entre Ríos y Mendoza s/n, 5301, Anillaco La Rioja, Argentina
Centro de Estudios Biomédicos, Biotecnológicos, Ambientales y de Diagnóstico (CEBBAD), Departamento de Ciencias Naturales y Antropológicas, CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:Arbuscular mycorrhiza; Biopedturbation; Dark septate endophytes; Fungal dispersion; Monte Desert; animal; Argentina; chemistry; desert climate; ecosystem; endophyte; environment; fungus; growth, development and aging; microbiology; mycorrhiza; physiology; plant root; rodent; soil; symbiosis; Animals; Argentina; Desert Climate; Ecosystem; Endophytes; Environment; Fungi; Mycorrhizae; Plant Roots; Rodentia; Soil; Soil Microbiology; Symbiosis
Página de inicio:451
Página de fin:459
Título revista:Microbial Ecology
Título revista abreviado:Microb. Ecol.


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---------- APA ----------
Miranda, V., Rothen, C., Yela, N., Aranda-Rickert, A., Barros, J., Calcagno, J. & Fracchia, S. (2019) . Subterranean Desert Rodents (Genus Ctenomys) Create Soil Patches Enriched in Root Endophytic Fungal Propagules. Microbial Ecology, 77(2), 451-459.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Miranda, V., Rothen, C., Yela, N., Aranda-Rickert, A., Barros, J., Calcagno, J., et al. "Subterranean Desert Rodents (Genus Ctenomys) Create Soil Patches Enriched in Root Endophytic Fungal Propagules" . Microbial Ecology 77, no. 2 (2019) : 451-459.
---------- MLA ----------
Miranda, V., Rothen, C., Yela, N., Aranda-Rickert, A., Barros, J., Calcagno, J., et al. "Subterranean Desert Rodents (Genus Ctenomys) Create Soil Patches Enriched in Root Endophytic Fungal Propagules" . Microbial Ecology, vol. 77, no. 2, 2019, pp. 451-459.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Miranda, V., Rothen, C., Yela, N., Aranda-Rickert, A., Barros, J., Calcagno, J., et al. Subterranean Desert Rodents (Genus Ctenomys) Create Soil Patches Enriched in Root Endophytic Fungal Propagules. Microb. Ecol. 2019;77(2):451-459.