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"On the design of experiments based on plastic scintillators using GEANT4 simulations" (2018) Ros, G.; Sáez-Cano, G.; Medina-Tanco, G.A.; Supanitsky, A.D. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 153:140-151
"Bovine mastitis prevention: Humoral and cellular response of dairy cows inoculated with lactic acid bacteria at the dry-off period" (2017) Pellegrino, M.;Berardo, N.;Giraudo, J. (...)Bogni, C. Beneficial Microbes. 8(4):589-596
"A model for the development of Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti as a function of the available food" (2015) Romeo Aznar, V.;De Majo, M.S.;Fischer, S. (...)Solari, H.G. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 365:311-324
"A model for the development of Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti as a function of the available food" (2015) Romeo Aznar, V.;De Majo, M.S.;Fischer, S. (...)Solari, H.G. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 365:311-324
"Thermal response in pre-imaginal biology of Ochlerotatus albifasciatus from two different climatic regions" (2015) Garzón, M.J.; Schweigmann, N. Medical and Veterinary Entomology. 29(4):380-386
"Utilization of extracellular information before ligand-receptor binding reaches equilibrium expands and shifts the input dynamic range" (2014) Ventura, A.C.;Bush, A.;Vasen, G. (...)Colman-Lerner, A. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111(37):E3860-E3869
"Pupillary dynamics reveal computational cost in sentence planning" (2014) Sevilla, Y.; Maldonado, M.; Shalóm, D.E. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 67(6):1041-1052
"Coping with daily thermal variability: Behavioural performance of an ectotherm model in a warming world" (2014) Rojas, J.M.;Castillo, S.B.;Folguera, G. (...)Bozinovic, F. PLoS ONE. 9(9)
"Effect of gamma irradiation and storage time on microbial growth and physicochemical characteristics of pumpkin (Cucurbita Moschata Duchesne ex Poiret) puree" (2014) Gliemmo, M.F.;Latorre, M.E.;Narvaiz, P. (...)Gerschenson, L.N. Food Science and Technology International. 20(1):71-80
"Strengthening a consolidated memory: The key role of the reconsolidation process" (2014) Forcato, C.; Fernandez, R.S.; Pedreira, M.E. Journal of Physiology Paris. 108(4-6):323-333
"Buffer regulation of calcium puff sequences" (2014) Fraiman, D.; Dawson, S.P. Physical Biology. 11(1)
"DNA repair kinetic of hydrogen peroxide and UVA/B induced lesions in peripheral blood leucocytes from xeroderma pigmentosum patients and healthy subjects" (2014) Prieto González, E.A.; Mudry, M.D.; Palermo, A.M. Journal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology and Oncology. 33(4):279-294
"Comparative effects of technical-grade and a commercial formulation of glyphosate on the pigment content of periphytic algae." (2014) Vera, M.S.; Juárez, A.; Pizarro, H.N. Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology. 93(4):399-404
"Memory beyond expression" (2014) Delorenzi, A.;Maza, F.J.;Suárez, L.D. (...)Stehberg, J. Journal of Physiology Paris. 108(4-6):307-322
"Spatio-temporal dynamics of dengue 2009 outbreak in Córdoba City, Argentina" (2014) Estallo, E.L.;Carbajo, A.E.;Grech, M.G. (...)Almirón, W.R. Acta Tropica. 136(1):129-136
"Improved chemical control of chagas disease vectors in the dry chaco region" (2013) Cecere, M.C.;Vazquez-Prokopec, G.M.;Ceballos, L.A. (...)Gürtler, R.E. Journal of Medical Entomology. 50(2):394-403
"Phosphate mediated adsorption and electron transfer of cytochrome c. A time-resolved SERR spectroelectrochemical study" (2013) Capdevila, D.A.; Marmisollé, W.A.; Williams, F.J.; Murgida, D.H. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 15(15):5386-5394
"Latitudinal clines in the grasshopper Dichroplus elongatus: Coevolution of the A genome and B chromosomes?" (2013) Rosetti, N.; Remis, M.I. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 26(4):719-732
"Elemental gesture dynamics are encoded by song premotor cortical neurons" (2013) Amador, A.; Perl, Y.S.; Mindlin, G.B.; Margoliash, D. Nature. 495(7439):59-64
"Elemental gesture dynamics are encoded by song premotor cortical neurons" (2013) Amador, A.; Perl, Y.S.; Mindlin, G.B.; Margoliash, D. Nature. 495(7439):59-64
"The 5-HT5A receptor regulates excitability in the auditory startle circuit: Functional implications for sensorimotor gating" (2013) Curtin, P.C.P.;Medan, V.;Neumeister, H. (...)Preuss, T. Journal of Neuroscience. 33(24):10011-10020
"Genetic architecture of olfactory behavior in drosophila melanogaster: Differences and similarities across development" (2013) Lavagnino, N.J.; Arya, G.H.; Korovaichuk, A.; Fanara, J.J. Behavior Genetics. 43(4):348-359
"Performance of planar and cylindrical carbon electrodes at sedimentary microbial fuel cells" (2012) Sacco, N.J.;Figuerola, E.L.M.;Pataccini, G. (...)Cortón, E. Bioresource Technology. 126:328-335
"Effect of extraction time and temperature on the characteristics of loosely bound pectins from Japanese plum" (2012) Basanta, M.F.; Ponce, N.M.A.; Rojas, A.M.; Stortz, C.A. Carbohydrate Polymers. 89(1):230-235
"Choline reverses scopolamine-induced memory impairment by improving memory reconsolidation" (2012) Blake, M.G.;Boccia, M.M.;Krawczyk, M.C. (...)Baratti, C.M. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 98(2):112-121
"Influence of ligand structure and water interactions on the physical properties of β-cyclodextrins complexes" (2012) Dos Santos, C.; Buera, M.P.; Mazzobre, M.F. Food Chemistry. 132(4):2030-2036
"Anthelmintic effect of Mentha spp. essential oils on Echinococcus granulosus protoscoleces and metacestodes" (2012) Maggiore, M.A.;Albanese, A.A.;Gende, L.B. (...)Elissondo, M.C. Parasitology Research. 110(3):1103-1112
"Supramolecular non-amyloid intermediates in the early stages of α-synuclein aggregation" (2012) Fauerbach, J.A.;Yushchenko, D.A.;Shahmoradian, S.H. (...)Jares-Erijman, E.A. Biophysical Journal. 102(5):1127-1136
"Load-induced modulation of signal transduction networks" (2011) Jiang, P.;Ventura, A.C.;Sontag, E.D. (...)Del Vecchio, D. Science Signaling. 4(194)
"Electronic coherences and vibrational wave-packets in single molecules studied with femtosecond phase-controlled spectroscopy" (2011) Hildner, R.; Brinks, D.; Stefani, F.D.; Van Hulst, N.F. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 13(5):1888-1894
"Male courtship behavior of the south american fruit fly, anastrepha fraterculus, from an Argentinean laboratory strain" (2011) Gomez Cendra, P.; Calcagno, G.; Belluscio, L.; Vilardi, J.C. Journal of Insect Science. 11
"Optimized assay and storage conditions for enzyme activity profiling of ectomycorrhizae" (2011) Pritsch, K.;Courty, P.E.;Churin, J.-L. (...)Garbaye, J. Mycorrhiza. 21(7):589-600
"Extinction memory in the crab Chasmagnathus: Recovery protocols and effects of multi-trial extinction training" (2010) Hepp, Y.; Pérez-Cuesta, L.M.; Maldonado, H.; Pedreira, M.E. Animal Cognition. 13(3):391-403
"Microbial fuel cells applied to the metabolically based detection of extraterrestrial life." (2010) Abrevaya, X.C.; Mauas, P.J.; Cortón, E. Astrobiology. 10(10):965-971
"Elimination of D-lactate synthesis increases poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) and ethanol synthesis from glycerol and affects cofactor distribution in recombinant Escherichia coli" (2010) Nikel, P.I.;Giordano, A.M.;De Almeida, A. (...)Pettinari, M.J. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 76(22):7400-7406
"Direct and correlated responses to artificial selection for high and low knockdown resistance to high temperature in Drosophila buzzatii" (2010) Sambucetti, P.; Scannapieco, A.C.; Norry, F.M. Journal of Thermal Biology. 35(5):232-238
"Intercellular coupling regulates the period of the segmentation clock" (2010) Herrgen, L.;Ares, S.;Morelli, L.G. (...)Oates, A.C. Current Biology. 20(14):1244-1253
"Air pollutant transport analysis based on hourly winds in the city of la Plata and surroundings, Argentina" (2010) Ratto, G.E.;Videla, F.;Maronna, R. (...)De Pablo Dávila, F. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 208(1-4):243-257
"Calcium imaging in the ant Camponotus fellah reveals a conserved odour-similarity space in insects and mammals" (2010) Dupuy, F.; Josens, R.; Giurfa, M.; Sandoz, J.-C. BMC Neuroscience. 11
"Volatile exposure within the honeybee hive and its effect on olfactory discrimination" (2009) Fernández, V.M.; Arenas, A.; Farina, W.M. Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology. 195(8):759-768
"Temporal dynamics of flight muscle development in triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Reduviidae)" (2009) Gurevitz, J.M.; Kitron, U.; Gürtler, R.E. Journal of Medical Entomology. 46(5):1021-1024
"One- and two-photon excitation of β-carbolines in aqueous solution: ph-dependent spectroscopy, photochemistry, and photophysics" (2009) Micaela Gonzalez, M.;Arnbjerg, J.;Paula Denofrio, M. (...)Cabrerizo, F.M. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 113(24):6648-6656
"Fungal and fumonisins contamination in argentine maize (Zea mays L.) silo bags" (2009) Pacin, A.M.;Bovier, E.C.;González, H.H.L. (...)Resnik, S.L. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 57(7):2778-2781
"Hydrophobicity-aided potentiometric detection of catecholamines, beta-agonists, and beta-blockers in a mixed-solvent capillary electrophoresis system" (2009) Bazylak, G.; Monge, M.E.; Everaert, J.; Negels, L.J. Journal of Separation Science. 32(1):135-146
"Spatial re-establishment dynamics of local populations of vectors of Chagas disease" (2009) Zu Dohna, H.;Cecere, M.C.;Gürtler, R.E. (...)Cohen, J.E. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 3(7)
"A field model of learning: 2. Long-term memory in the crab Chasmagnathus granulatus" (2009) del Valle Fathala, M.; Kunert, M.C.; Maldonado, H. Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology. 196(1):77-84
"Molecular orientation in self-assembled multilayers measured by Second Harmonic generation using femtosecond pulses" (2009) Von Bilderling, C.; Tagliazucchi, M.; Calvo, E.J.; Bragas, A.V. Optics Express. 17(13):10642-10647
"Quantifiers for randomness of chaotic pseudo-random number generators" (2009) De Micco, L.; Larrondo, H.A.; Plastino, A.; Rosso, O.A. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 367(1901):3281-3296
"Seasonal patterns of the insect community structure in urban rain pools of temperate Argentina" (2009) Fontanarrosa, M.S.; Collantes, M.B.; Bachmann, A.O. Journal of Insect Science. 9
"Dominance variation in the correlation between longevity and heatstress resistance in drosophila melanogaster" (2009) Defays, R.; Fernández, M.J.G.; Norry, F.M. Current Aging Science. 2(2):103-108
"Quality of UVR exposure for different biological systems along a latitudinal gradient" (2009) Vernet, M.;Diaz, S.B.;Fuenzalida, H.A. (...)Zagarese, H.E. Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences. 8(9):1329-1345
"Oxidation of 2′-deoxyguanosine 5′-monophosphate photoinduced by pterin: Type I versus type II mechanism" (2008) Petroselli, G.;Dántola, M.L.;Cabrerizo, F.M. (...)Thomas, A.H. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 130(10):3001-3011
"Nitrosation of N-methylhydroxylamine by nitroprusside. A kinetic and mechanistic study" (2008) Gutiérrez, M.M.; Alluisetti, G.B.; Olabe, J.A.; Amorebieta, V.T. Dalton Transactions(37):5025-5030
"PKMζ inactivation induces spatial familiarity" (2008) Moncada, D.; Viola, H. Learning and Memory. 15(11):810-814
"The alternative sigma factor, σS, affects polyhydroxyalkanoate metabolism in Pseudomonas putida" (2008) Raiger-Iustman, L.J.; Ruiz, J.A. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 284(2):218-224
"Effects of the herbicide roundup on freshwater microbial communities: A mesocosm study" (2007) Pérez, G.L.;Torremorell, A.;Mugni, H. (...)Zagarese, H. Ecological Applications. 17(8):2310-2322
"The role of N-β-alanyldopamine synthase in the innate immune response of two insects" (2007) Schachter, J.; Pérez, M.M.; Quesada-Allué, L.A. Journal of Insect Physiology. 53(11):1188-1197
"X-linked QTL for knockdown resistance to high temperature in Drosophila melanogaster" (2007) Norry, F.M.;Sambucetti, P.;Scannapieco, A.C. (...)Loeschcke, V. Insect Molecular Biology. 16(4):509-513
"Responses of rat P2X2 receptors to ultrashort pulses of ATP provide insights into ATP binding and channel gating" (2007) Moffatt, L.; Hume, R.I. Journal of General Physiology. 130(2):183-201
"Electrical signals during nectar sucking in the carpenter ant Camponotus mus" (2006) Josens, R.; Falibene, A.; Gontijo, A.d.F. Journal of Insect Physiology. 52(11-12):1234-1242
"Midazolam disrupts fear memory reconsolidation" (2006) Bustos, S.G.; Maldonado, H.; Molina, V.A. Neuroscience. 139(3):831-842
"Prenatal stress and early adoption effects on benzodiazepine receptors and anxiogenic behavior in the adult rat brain" (2006) Barros, V.G.;Rodríguez, P.;Martijena, I.D. (...)Antonelli, M.C. Synapse. 60(8):609-618
"Nanostructured modified electrodes: Role of ions and solvent flux in redox active polyelectrolyte multilayer films" (2006) Tagliazucchi, M.; Grumelli, D.; Calvo, E.J. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 8(43):5086-5095
"Short-term growth in healthy infants, schoolchildren and adolescent girls" (2006) Caino, S.; Kelmansky, D.; Adamo, P.; Lejarraga, H. Annals of Human Biology. 33(2):213-226
"Developmental time and size-related traits in Drosophila buzzatii along an altitudinal gradient from Argentina" (2006) Sambucetti, P.; Loeschcke, V.; Norry, F.M. Hereditas. 143(2006):77-83
"EEG analysis using wavelet-based information tools" (2006) Rosso, O.A.;Martin, M.T.;Figliola, A. (...)Plastino, A. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 153(2):163-182
"Comparative trial of effectiveness of pyrethroid insecticides against peridomestic populations of Triatoma infestans in Northwestern Argentina" (2006) Cecere, M.C.;Vázquez-Prokopec, G.M.;Ceballos, L.A. (...)Gürtler, R.E. Journal of Medical Entomology. 43(5):902-909
"Messages diffuse faster than messengers" (2006) Pando, B.; Dawson, S.P.; Mak, D.-O.D.; Pearson, J.E. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 103(14):5338-5342
"Induction of branchial ion transporter mRNA expression during acclimation to salinity change in the euryhaline crab Chasmagnathus granulatus" (2005) Luquet, C.M.; Weihrauch, D.; Senek, M.; Towle, D.W. Journal of Experimental Biology. 208(19):3627-3636
"Effect of water activity and temperature on production of aflatoxin and cyclopiazonic acid by Aspergillus flavus in peanuts" (2005) Vaamonde, G.; Patriarca, A.; Pinto, V.E.F. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 571:225-235
"XXIV Scientific Meeting and II Teaching Meeting in Dermatology " (2005) Stella, A.M.; Refojo, M.L. Revista Argentina de Dermatologia. 86(3):178-182
"Dynamics of learning in coupled oscillators tutored with delayed reinforcements" (2005) Trevisan, M.A.; Bouzat, S.; Samengo, I.; Mindlin, G.B. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 72(1)
"Phosphorylation of c-Fos by members of the p38 MAPK family: Role in the AP-1 response to UV light" (2005) Tanos, T.;Marinissen, M.J.;Leskow, F.C. (...)Coso, O.A. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 280(19):18842-18852
"Antioxidant mechanisms of the nereidid Laeonereis acuta (Anelida: Polychaeta) to cope with environmental hydrogen peroxide" (2005) Da Rosa, C.E.;Iurman, M.G.;Abreu, P.C. (...)Monserrat, J.M. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 78(4):641-649
"Solvation of Coumarin 314 at water/air interfaces containing anionic surfactants. I. Low coverage" (2005) Pantano, D.A.; Sonoda, M.T.; Skaf, M.S.; Laria, D. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 109(15):7365-7372
"Heavy metal accumulation in the Lichen Evernia prunastri transplanted at urban, rural and industrial sites in Central Italy" (2004) Conti, M.E.; Tudino, M.; Stripeikis, J.; Cecchetti, G. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry. 49(1-3):83-94
"The [Ru(Hedta)NO] 0,1- system: Structure, chemical reactivity and biological assays" (2004) Zanichelli, P.G.;Miotto, A.M.;Estrela, H.F.G. (...)Franco, D.W. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. 98(11):1921-1932
"Influence of time-delayed feedback in the firing pattern of thermally sensitive neurons" (2004) Sainz-Trapága, M.; Masoller, C.; Braun, H.A.; Huber, M.T. Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 70(3):11
"Protective effect of a natural carrageenan on genital herpes simplex virus infection in mice" (2004) Carlucci, M.J.;Scolaro, L.A.;Noseda, M.D. (...)Damonte, E.B. Antiviral Research. 64(2):137-141
"The time-course of cyclic AMP signaling is critical for leukemia U-937 cell differentiation" (2004) Shayo, C.;Legnazzi, B.L.;Monczor, F. (...)Davio, C. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 314(3):798-804
"Mismatch between what is expected and what actually occurs triggers memory reconsolidation or extinction" (2004) Pedreira, M.E.; Pérez-Cuesta, L.M.; Maldonado, H. Learning and Memory. 11(5):579-585
"Spike timing and synaptic plasticity in the premotor pathway of birdsong" (2004) Abarbanel, H.D.I.;Gibb, L.;Mindlin, G.B. (...)Talathi, S. Biological Cybernetics. 91(3):159-167
"Virucidal Activity of Essential Oils from Aromatic Plants of San Luis, Argentina" (2003) García, C.C.;Talarico, L.;Almeida, N. (...)Damonte, E.B. Phytotherapy Research. 17(9):1073-1075
"Poly(silsesquioxanes) derived from the hydrolytic condensation of organotrialkoxysilanes containing hydroxyl groups" (2003) dell'Erba, I.E.;Fasce, D.P.;Williams, R.J.J. (...)Nonami, H. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry. 686(1-2):42-51
"Activation of JNK by Epac Is Independent of Its Activity as a Rap Guanine Nucleotide Exchanger" (2003) Hochbaum, D.;Tanos, T.;Ribeiro-Neto, F. (...)Coso, O.A. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 278(36):33738-33746
"Assessment of food source profitability in honeybees (Apis mellifera): How does disturbance of foraging activity affect trophallactic behaviour?" (2003) Wainselboim, A.J.; Roces, F.; Farina, W.M. Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology. 189(1):39-45
"Period-doubling and Hopf bifurcations in far-infrared driven quantum well intersubband transitions" (2003) Batista, A.A.; Birnir, B.; Tamborenea, P.I.; Citrin, D.S. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 68(3):353071-353075
"Electronic neuron within a ganglion of a leech (Hirudo medicinalis)" (2003) Aliaga, J.;Busca, N.;Minces, V. (...)Sczcupak, L. Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 67(6):8
"Crop scents affect the occurrence of trophallaxis among forager honeybees" (2003) Gil, M.; Farina, W.M. Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology. 189(5):379-382
"Integration of expression vectors into the ribosomal locus of Trypanosoma cruzi" (2003) Lorenzi, H.A.; Vazquez, M.P.; Levin, M.J. Gene. 310(1-2):91-99
"Direct and correlated responses to artificial selection on developmental time and wing length in Drosophila buzzatii" (2002) Cortese, M.D.; Norry, F.M.; Piccinali, R.; Hasson, E. Evolution. 56(12):2541-2547
"Modeling gravitational radiation from coalescing binary black holes" (2002) Baker, J.; Campanelli, M.; Lousto, C.O.; Takahashi, R. Physical Review D. 65(12)
"Sea-land breeze in a coastal city and its effect on pollen transport" (2002) Gassmann, M.I.; Pérez, C.F.; Gardiol, J.M. International Journal of Biometeorology. 46(3):118-125
"In vitro photosensitisation of a murine mammary adenocarcinoma cell line with Verteporfin." (2002) Casas, A.; Di Venosa, G.; Batlle, A.; Fukuda, H. Cellular and molecular biology (Noisy-le-Grand, France). 48(8):931-937
"Mode of inactivation of arenaviruses by disulfide-based compounds" (2002) García, C.C; Candurra, N.A; Damonte, E.B Antiviral Research. 55(3):437-446
"Symmetry and inflation" (2002) Chimento, L.P. Physical Review D. 65(6)
"An antiviral principle present in a purified fraction from Melia azedarach L. leaf aqueous extract restrains herpes simplex virus type 1 propagation" (2002) Alché, L.E.; Barquero, A.A.; Sanjuan, N.A.; Coto, C.E. Phytotherapy Research. 16(4):348-352
"CS-US delay does not impair appetitive conditioning in Chasmagnathus" (2002) Dimant, B.; Rossen, A.; Hermitte, G. Behavioural Processes. 60(1):1-14
"Differential Ca2+-dependence of transmitter release mediated by P/Q- and N-type calcium channels at neonatal rat neuromuscular junctions" (2002) Rosato-Siri, M.D.; Piriz, J.; Giugovaz Tropper, B.A.; Uchitel, O.D. European Journal of Neuroscience. 15(12):1874-1880
"The IκB kinase inhibitor sulfasalazine impairs long-term memory in the crab Chasmagnathus" (2002) Merlo, E.; Freudenthal, R.; Romano, A. Neuroscience. 112(1):161-172
"Glucocorticoid effects on Fos immunoreactivity and NADPH-diaphorase histochemical staining following spinal cord injury" (2001) González, S.;Labombarda, F.;Gonzalez Deniselle, M.C. (...)De Nicola, A.F. Brain Research. 912(2):144-153
"Wavelet entropy: A new tool for analysis of short duration brain electrical signals" (2001) Rosso, O.A.;Blanco, S.;Yordanova, J. (...)Ba ar, E. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 105(1):65-75
"Comments on quantum cosmology with extrinsic time" (2001) Giribet, G.; Simeone, C. Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics. 287(5-6):344-348
"Qualitative dynamical properties of a spatially closed FRW universe conformally coupled to a scalar field" (2001) Castagnino, M.A.; Giacomini, H.; Lara, L. Physical Review D. 63(4)
"Environmental factors associated with rodent infestations in Argentine poultry farms" (2001) Gómez Villafane, I.E.;Bilenca, D.N.;Cavia, R. (...)Busch, M. British Poultry Science. 42(3):300-307
"Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Elderly Patients. In-Hospital Results and Long-Term Follow-up " (2001) Gabe, E.D.;Favaloro, R.R.;Favaloro, M.R. (...)Macchia, A. Revista Espanola de Cardiologia. 54(6):709-714
"Chromaticity effects in microlensing by wormholes" (2001) Eiroa, E.; Romero, G.E.; Torres, D.F. Modern Physics Letters A. 16(15):973-983
"One-loop graviton corrections to Maxwell's equations" (2001) Dalvit, D.A.R.; Mazzitelli, F.D.; Molina-Pans, C. Physical Review D. 63(8)
"Functional breathing evaluation in patients with high spinal injury" (2001) Andrada, L.; De Vito, E.L. Medicina. 61(5 I):529-534
"Phospholipid alterations elicited by hexachlorobenzene in rat brain are strain-dependent and porphyria-independent" (2001) Cochón, A.C.; San Martín De Viale, L.C.; Billi De Catabbi, S.C. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - C Toxicology and Pharmacology. 130(2):199-207
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"Temporal Change of the Aggregation Response in Triatoma infestans" (2000) Lorenzo Figueiras, A.N.; Lazzari, C.R. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 95(6):889-892
"Matrix-assisted ultraviolet laser-desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry of sulfated mannans from the red seaweed Nothogenia fastigiata" (2000) Erra-Balsells, R.;Kolender, A.A.;Matulewicz, M.C. (...)Cerezo, A.S. Carbohydrate Research. 329(1):157-167
"Effects of Flooding and Temperature on Aedes albifasciatus Development Time and Larval Density in Two Rain Pools at Buenos Aires University City" (2000) Fontanarrosa, M.S.;Marinone, M.C.;Fischer, S. (...)Schweigmann, N. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 95(6):787-793
"Inhibition of Junin virus multiplication by caffeine " (1999) Candurra, N.A.; Damonte, E.B. Revista Argentina de Microbiologia. 31(3):135-141
"Effect of hexachlorobenzene on NADPH-generating lipogenic enzymes and L-glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in brown adipose tissue" (1999) Alvarez, L.;Randi, A.;Alvarez, P. (...)Kleiman De Pisarev, D.L. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation. 22(6):436-445
"Effects of Non-Susceptible Hosts on the Infection with Trypanosoma cruzi of the Vector Triatoma infestans: An Experimental Model" (1999) Vázquez, D.P.; Canale, D.; Gürtler, R.E. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 94(3):413-419
"Massed and spaced training build up different components of long-term habituation in the crab Chasmagnathus" (1998) Pedreira, M.E.;Romano, A.;Tomsic, D. (...)Maldonado, H. Animal Learning and Behavior. 26(1):34-45
"Early inhibition of DNA synthesis in the developing rat cerebral cortex by the purine analogues olomoucine and roscovitine" (1998) Yakisich, J.S.;Sidén, A.;Vargas, V.I. (...)Cruz, M. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 243(3):674-677
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