Lista de

"Individual size as determinant of sugar responsiveness in ants" (2018) Josens, R.; Lopez, M.A.; Jofré, N.; Giurfa, M. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 72(10)
"Oviposition by herbivorous insects induces changes in optical and mechanical properties of Prunus avium leaves" (2018) Peschiutta, M.L.; Scholz, F.G.; Goldstein, G.; Bucci, S.J. Arthropod-Plant Interactions. 12(4):613-622
"Behavioural variation and plasticity along an invasive ant introduction pathway" (2018) Felden, A.;Paris, C.I.;Chapple, D.G. (...)Gruber, M.A.M. Journal of Animal Ecology. 87(6):1653-1666
"Response of saproxylic insect communities to logging history, tree species, stage of decay, and wood posture in the central Nearctic boreal forest" (2018) Dennis, R.W.J.; Malcolm, J.R.; Smith, S.M.; Bellocq, M.I. Journal of Forestry Research. 29(5):1365-1377
"Herbivory alters plant carbon assimilation, patterns of biomass allocation and nitrogen use efficiency" (2018) Peschiutta, M.L.; Scholz, F.G.; Goldstein, G.; Bucci, S.J. Acta Oecologica. 86:9-16
"Endothermy in the temperate scarab Cyclocephala signaticollis" (2018) Zermoglio, P.F.; Castelo, M.K.; Lazzari, C.R. Journal of Insect Physiology. 108:10-16
"Metagenomic approach of associated fungi with megaplatypus mutatus (Coleoptera: Platypodinae)" (2018) Ceriani-Nakamurakare, E.;Ramos, S.;Robles, C.A. (...)Carmarán, C. Silva Fennica. 52(3)
"Characterization of cuticular hydrocarbons according to colony duties in the stingless bee Tetragonisca angustula" (2018) Balbuena, M.S.; González, A.; Farina, W.M. Apidologie. 49(2):185-195
"Multibiomarker responses in aquatic insect Belostoma elegans (Hemiptera) to organic pollution in freshwater system" (2017) Lavarías, S.;Ocon, C.;van Oosterom, V.L. (...)Capítulo, A.R. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 24(2):1322-1337
"Aggregated oviposition in Rhodnius prolixus, sensory cues and physiological consequences" (2017) Rolandi, C.; Schilman, P.E. Journal of Insect Physiology. 98:74-82
"Differences in competitive ability for the occupancy of shelters in triatomines" (2017) Zacharias, C.A.; Minoli, S.A.; Manrique, G. Medical and Veterinary Entomology. 31(3):252-262
"Metabolism and gas exchange patterns in Rhodnius prolixus" (2017) Schilman, P.E. Journal of Insect Physiology. 97:38-44
"An inside look at the sensory biology of triatomines" (2017) Barrozo, R.B.;Reisenman, C.E.;Guerenstein, P. (...)Lorenzo, M.G. Journal of Insect Physiology. 97:3-19
"Salt controls feeding decisions in a blood-sucking insect" (2017) Pontes, G.; Pereira, M.H.; Barrozo, R.B. Journal of Insect Physiology. 98:93-100
"Experience-dependent modulation of the attraction to faeces in the kissing bug Triatoma infestans" (2017) Mengoni, S.L.; Lorenzo-Figueiras, A.N.; Minoli, S.A. Journal of Insect Physiology. 98:23-28
"Urban ants of the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina: species survey and practical control" (2017) Josens, R.; Sola, F.; Lois-Milevicich, J.; Mackay, W. International Journal of Pest Management. 63(3):213-223
"What does heat tell a mosquito? Characterization of the orientation behaviour of Aedes aegypti towards heat sources" (2017) Zermoglio, P.F.;Robuchon, E.;Leonardi, M.S. (...)Lazzari, C.R. Journal of Insect Physiology. 100:9-14
"Host selection by Ibalia leucospoides based on temporal variations of volatiles from the hosts’ fungal symbiont" (2016) Jofré, N.;Pildain, M.B.;Cirigliano, A.M. (...)Martínez, A.S. Journal of Applied Entomology. 140(10):736-743
"Food information acquired socially overrides individual food assessment in ants" (2016) Josens, R.; Mattiacci, A.; Lois-Milevicich, J.; Giacometti, A. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 70(12):2127-2138
"Spatio-temporal analysis of the role of faecal depositions in aggregation behaviour of the triatomine Rhodnius prolixus" (2016) Falvo, M.L.; Lorenzo Figueiras, A.N.; Manrique, G. Physiological Entomology. 41(1):24-30
"Chill-coma recovery time, age and sex determine lipid profiles in Ceratitis capitata tissues" (2016) Pujol-Lereis, L.M.;Fagali, N.S.;Rabossi, A. (...)Quesada-Allué, L.A. Journal of Insect Physiology. 87:53-62
"Mycobiota associated with the ambrosia beetle Megaplatypus mutatus: Threat to poplar plantations" (2016) Ceriani-Nakamurakare, E.;Slodowicz, M.;Gonzalez-Audino, P. (...)Carmarán, C. Forestry. 89(2):191-200
"Phenotypic variation and sexual size dimorphism in dichroplus elongatus (Orthoptera:Acrididae)" (2015) Rosetti, N.; Remis, M.I. Environmental Entomology. 44(4):1240-1249
"Exposure to competitors influences parasitism decisions in ectoparasitoid fly larvae" (2015) Crespo, J.E.; Martínez, G.A.; Castelo, M.K. Animal Behaviour. 100:38-43
"Sweet taste and nutrient value subdivide rewarding dopaminergic neurons in drosophila" (2015) Huetteroth, W.;Perisse, E.;Lin, S. (...)Waddell, S. Current Biology. 25(6):751-758
"Patterns of variation in desiccation resistance in a set of recombinant inbred lines in Drosophila melanogaster" (2015) Gomez, F.H.; Sambucetti, P.D.; Loeschcke, V.; Norry, F.M. Physiological Entomology. 40(3):205-211
"Geographical distribution, climatic variability and thermo-tolerance of Chagas disease vectors" (2015) de la Vega, G.J.;Medone, P.;Ceccarelli, S. (...)Schilman, P.E. Ecography. 38(8):851-860
"High chromosomal variation in wild horn fly haematobia irritans (Linnaeus) (Diptera, Muscidae) populations" (2015) Forneris, N.S.;Otero, G.;Pereyra, A. (...)Basso, A.L. Comparative Cytogenetics. 9(1):31-50
"Complementary sex determination in the parasitic wasp Diachasmimorpha longicaudata" (2015) Paladino, L.C.;Muntaabski, I.;Lanzavecchia, S. (...)Bressa, M.J. PLoS ONE. 10(3)
"Soybean crops may benefit from forest pollinators" (2015) Monasterolo, M.; Musicante, M.L.; Valladares, G.R.; Salvo, A. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 202:217-222
"Fine-scale genetic structure of Triatoma infestans in the Argentine Chaco" (2015) Piccinali, R.V.; Gürtler, R.E. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 34:143-152
"Allatotropin modulates myostimulatory and cardioacceleratory activities in Rhodnius prolixus (Stal)" (2015) Villalobos-Sambucaro, M.J.;Lorenzo-Figueiras, A.N.;Riccillo, F.L. (...)Ronderos, J.R. PLoS ONE. 10(4)
"Trypanosoma cruzi infection in Triatoma sordida before and after community-wide residual insecticide spraying in the Argentinean Chaco" (2015) Macchiaverna, N.P.;Gaspe, M.S.;Enriquez, G.F. (...)Cardinal, M.V. Acta Tropica. 143:97-102
"Thermosensation and the TRPV channel in Rhodnius prolixus" (2015) Zermoglio, P.F.;Latorre-Estivalis, J.M.;Crespo, J.E. (...)Lazzari, C.R. Journal of Insect Physiology. 81:145-156
"Where do these bugs come from? Phenotypic structure of triatoma infestans populations after control interventions in the Argentine Chaco" (2015) Gaspe, M.S.; Provecho, Y.M.; Piccinali, R.V.; Gürtler, R.E. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 110(3):310-318
"Rhodnius prolixus smells repellents: Behavioural evidence and test of present and potential compounds inducing repellency in Chagas disease vectors" (2015) Zermoglio, P.F.; Martin-Herrou, H.; Bignon, Y.; Lazzari, C.R. Journal of Insect Physiology. 81:137-144
"Bitter stimuli modulate the feeding decision of a blood-sucking insect via two sensory inputs" (2014) Pontes, G.;Minoli, S.;Insaurralde, I.O. (...)Barrozo, R.B. Journal of Experimental Biology. 217(20):3708-3717
"Drosophila learn opposing components of a compound food stimulus" (2014) Das, G.;Klappenbach, M.;Vrontou, E. (...)Waddell, S. Current Biology. 24(15):1723-1730
"Eco-bio-social research on community-based approaches for Chagas disease vector control in Latin America" (2014) Gürtlera, R.E.; Yadon, Z.E. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 109(2):91-98
"Metabolism and water loss rate of the haematophagous insect Rhodnius prolixus: Effect of starvation and temperature" (2014) Rolandi, C.; Iglesias, M.S.; Schilman, P.E. Journal of Experimental Biology. 217(24):4414-4422
"Looming detection by identified visual interneurons during larval development of the locust Locusta migratoria" (2013) Simmons, P.J.; Sztarker, J.; Rind, F.C. Journal of Experimental Biology. 216(12):2266-2275
"Chemical modification produces species-specific changes in cucurbitacin antifeedant effect" (2013) Lang, K.L.;Deagosto, E.;Zimmermann, L.A. (...)Rossini, C. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 61(23):5534-5539
"Aquatic Insect Assemblages of Man-Made Permanent Ponds, Buenos Aires City, Argentina" (2013) Fontanarrosa, M.S.; Collantes, M.B.; Bachmann, A.O. Neotropical Entomology. 42(1):22-31
"Macro- and microenvironmental factors affecting tyre-breeding flies (Insecta: Diptera) in urbanised areas" (2013) Rubio, A.; Isabel Bellocq, M.; Vezzani, D. Ecological Entomology. 38(3):303-314
"Methoprene treatment reduces the pre-copulatory period in Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae) sterile males" (2013) Segura, D.F.;Utgés, M.E.;Liendo, M.C. (...)Cladera, J.L. Journal of Applied Entomology. 137(SUPPL1):19-29
"Functional Analysis Of A Mosquito Short-Chain Dehydrogenase Cluster" (2013) Mayoral, J.G.;Leonard, K.T.;Nouzova, M. (...)Turjanski, A.G. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology. 82(2):96-115
"Task-partitioning in insect societies: Non-random direct material transfers affect both colony efficiency and information flow" (2013) Grüter, C.; Schürch, R.; Farina, W.M. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 327:23-33
"Pre-release diet effect on field survival and dispersal of Anastrepha ludens and Anastrepha obliqua (Diptera: Tephritidae)" (2013) Utgés, M.E.;Vilardi, J.C.;Oropeza, A. (...)Liedo, P. Journal of Applied Entomology. 137(SUPPL1):163-177
"Genetic architecture of olfactory behavior in drosophila melanogaster: Differences and similarities across development" (2013) Lavagnino, N.J.; Arya, G.H.; Korovaichuk, A.; Fanara, J.J. Behavior Genetics. 43(4):348-359
"From which Ocotea diospyrifolia trees does Alouatta caraya (Primates, Atelidae) eat fruits?" (2012) Bravo, S.P. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 28(4):417-420
"Foliar herbivory and its effects on plant growth in native and exotic species in the Patagonian steppe" (2012) Pirk, G.I.; Farji-Brener, A.G. Ecological Research. 27(5):903-912
"Brief exposure to sensory cues elicits stimulus-nonspecific general sensitization in an insect" (2012) Minoli, S.;Kauer, I.;Colson, V. (...)Anton, S. PLoS ONE. 7(3)
"Is parental care behavior in Belostoma species an evolutionary cause for their common sexual size dimorphism pattern?" (2012) Iglesias, M.S.; Crespo, F.A.; Valverde, A.D.C. Entomological Science. 15(2):155-161
"Community structure of artificial container-breeding flies (Insecta: Diptera) in relation to the urbanization level" (2012) Rubio, A.; Bellocq, M.I.; Vezzani, D. Landscape and Urban Planning. 105(3):288-295
"Lipid profiles as indicators of functional senescence in the medfly" (2012) Pujol-Lereis, L.M.; Rabossi, A.; Quesada-Allué, L.A. Experimental Gerontology. 47(6):465-472
"Barometric pressure influences host-orientation behavior in the larva of a dipteran ectoparasitoid" (2012) Crespo, J.E.; Castelo, M.K. Journal of Insect Physiology. 58(12):1562-1567
"Isolation and identification of α-proteobacteria from Culex pipiens (Diptera Culicidae) larvae" (2012) Tranchida, M.C.;Riccillo, P.M.;Rodriguero, M.S. (...)Micieli, M.V. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 109(1):143-147
"Serotonin depresses feeding behaviour in ants" (2012) Falibene, A.; Rössler, W.; Josens, R. Journal of Insect Physiology. 58(1):7-17
"Honeybee recruitment to scented food sources: Correlations between in-hive social interactions and foraging decisions" (2012) Balbuena, M.S.; Molinas, J.; Farina, W.M. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 66(3):445-452
"BUHO: A MATLAB Script for the Study of Stress Granules and Processing Bodies by High-Throughput Image Analysis" (2012) Perez-Pepe, M.;Slomiansky, V.;Loschi, M. (...)Boccaccio, G.L. PLoS ONE. 7(12)
"Sucrose acceptance threshold: A way to measure sugar perception in ants" (2012) Falibene, A.; Josens, R. Insectes Sociaux. 59(1):75-80
"Brief predator sound exposure elicits behavioral and neuronal long-term sensitization in the olfactory system of an insect" (2011) Anton, S.;Evengaard, K.;Barrozo, R.B. (...)Skals, N. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108(8):3401-3405
"Constitutive expression and enzymatic activity of Tan protein in brain and epidermis of Ceratitis capitata and of Drosophila melanogaster wild-type and tan mutants" (2011) Pérez, M.M.; Sabio, G.; Badaracco, A.; Quesada-Allué, L.A. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 41(9):653-659
"Juvenile hormone synthesis: "esterify then epoxidize" or " epoxidize then esterify" ? Insights from the structural characterization of juvenile hormone acid methyltransferase" (2011) Defelipe, L.A.;Dolghih, E.;Roitberg, A.E. (...)Turjanski, A.G. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 41(4):228-235
"Evolutionary genomics of genes involved in olfactory behavior in the Drosophila melanogaster species group" (2011) Lavagnino, N.;Serra, F.;Arbiza, L. (...)Hasson, E. Evolutionary Bioinformatics. 2011(7):89-104
"Cytogenetic effect of Alternanthera philoxeroides (alligator weed) on Agasicles hygrophila (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in its native range" (2011) Telesnicki, M.C.; Sosa, A.J.; Greizerstein, E.; Julien, M.H. Biological Control. 57(2):138-142
"Trans-sialidase and mucins of Trypanosoma cruzi: An important interplay for the parasite" (2011) Eugenia Giorgi, M.; De Lederkremer, R.M. Carbohydrate Research. 346(12):1389-1393
"Male courtship behavior of the south american fruit fly, anastrepha fraterculus, from an Argentinean laboratory strain" (2011) Gomez Cendra, P.; Calcagno, G.; Belluscio, L.; Vilardi, J.C. Journal of Insect Science. 11
"Geographic host use variability and host range evolutionary dynamics in the phytophagous insect Apagomerella versicolor (Cerambycidae)" (2011) Logarzo, G.A.;Casalinuovo, M.A.;Piccinali, R.V. (...)Hasson, E. Oecologia. 165(2):387-402
"Genetic variation in heat-stress tolerance among South American Drosophila populations" (2011) Fallis, L.C.; Fanara, J.J.; Morgan, T.J. Genetica. 139(10):1331-1337
"Effects of temperature on responses to anoxia and oxygen reperfusion in Drosophila melanogaster" (2011) Schilman, P.E.; Waters, J.S.; Harrison, J.F.; Lighton, J.R.B. Journal of Experimental Biology. 214(8):1271-1275
"Changes in monoterpene emission rates of quercus ilex infested by aphids tended by native or invasive lasius ant species" (2010) Paris, C.I.; Llusia, J.; Peñuelas, J. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 36(7):689-698
"Switching attraction to inhibition: Mating-induced reversed role of sex pheromone in an insect" (2010) Barrozo, R.B.; Gadenne, C.; Anton, S. Journal of Experimental Biology. 213(17):2933-2939
"The enzyme NBAD-synthase plays diverse roles during the life cycle of Drosophila melanogaster" (2010) Pérez, M.M.; Schachter, J.; Berni, J.; Quesada-Allué, L.A. Journal of Insect Physiology. 56(1):8-13
"Ontogenetic stage-dependent effect of temperature on developmental and metabolic rates in a holometabolous insect" (2010) Folguera, G.;Mensch, J.;Muñoz, J.L. (...)Bozinovic, F. Journal of Insect Physiology. 56(11):1679-1684
"Adh1 first intron polymorphisms in Argentinean populations of Ceratitis capitata" (2010) Lanzavecchia, S.; Remis, M.; Cladera, J.; Zandomeni, R. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 136(1):53-65
"Direct and correlated responses to chill-coma recovery selection in Drosophila buzzatii" (2010) Bertoli, C.I.; Scannapieco, A.C.; Sambucetti, P.; Norry, F.M. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 134(2):154-159
"Direct and correlated responses to artificial selection for high and low knockdown resistance to high temperature in Drosophila buzzatii" (2010) Sambucetti, P.; Scannapieco, A.C.; Norry, F.M. Journal of Thermal Biology. 35(5):232-238
"Variables Affecting egg mass of White-rumped Swallow (Tachicyneta leucorrhoa) " (2010) Barrionuevo, M.; Bulit, F.; Massoni, V. Hornero. 25(1):1-7
"Tracheal remodelling in response to hypoxia" (2010) Centanin, L.; Gorr, T.A.; Wappner, P. Journal of Insect Physiology. 56(5):447-454
"Associative learning during early adulthood enhances later memory retention in honeybees" (2009) Arenas, A.; Fernández, V.M.; Farina, W.M. PLoS ONE. 4(12)
"Evaluation of phloxine B as a photoinsecticide on immature stages of the horn fly, Haematobia irritans (L.) (Diptera: Muscidae)" (2009) Filiberti, A.; Rabossi, A.; Argaraña, C.E.; Quesada-Allué, L.A. Australian Journal of Entomology. 48(1):73-78
"Host plants of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) from Buenos Aires province, Argentina " (2009) di Iorio, O.R.; Farina, J. Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, Nueva Serie. 11(1):77-99
"Honeydew collection by the invasive garden ant Lasius neglectus versus the native ant L. grandis" (2009) Paris, C.I.; Espadaler, X. Arthropod-Plant Interactions. 3(2):75-85
"First finding of melanic sylvatic triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) colonies in the Argentine Chaco" (2009) Ceballos, L.A.;Piccinali, R.V.;Berkunsky, I. (...)Grtler, R.E. Journal of Medical Entomology. 46(5):1195-1202
"Seasonal patterns of the insect community structure in urban rain pools of temperate Argentina" (2009) Fontanarrosa, M.S.; Collantes, M.B.; Bachmann, A.O. Journal of Insect Science. 9
"Further study on Ascogregarina culicis in temperate Argentina: Prevalence and intensity in Aedes aegypti larvae and pupae" (2009) Albicócco, A.P.; Vezzani, D. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 101(3):210-214
"Sucking pump activity in feeding behaviour regulation in carpenter ants" (2009) Falibene, A.; de Figueiredo Gontijo, A.; Josens, R. Journal of Insect Physiology. 55(6):518-524
"Epicuticular lipids induce aggregation in Chagas disease vectors" (2009) Figueiras, A.N.L.; Girotti, J.R.; Mijailovsky, S.J.; Juárez, P. Parasites and Vectors. 2(1)
"Phloxine B affects glycogen metabolism in larval stages of Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae)" (2009) Berni, J.;Rabossi, A.;Pujol-Lereis, L.M. (...)Quesada-Allué, L.A. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. 95(1):12-17
"Functional entry of dengue virus into Aedes albopictus mosquito cells is dependent on clathrin-mediated endocytosis" (2008) Acosta, E.G.; Castilla, V.; Damonte, E.B. Journal of General Virology. 89(2):474-484
"Origin and distribution of Ceratitis capitata mitochondrial DNA haplotypes in Argentina" (2008) Lanzavecchia, S.B.;Cladera, J.L.;Faccio, P. (...)Zandomeni, R.O. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 101(3):627-638
"Heterochromatin heteromorphism in Holhymenia rubiginosa (Heteroptera: Coreidae)" (2008) Bressa, M.J.; Franco, M.J.; Toscani, M.A.; Papeschi, A.G. European Journal of Entomology. 105(1):65-72
"A Trypanosoma cruzi phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (TcVps34) is involved in osmoregulation and receptor-mediated endocytosis" (2008) Schoijet, A.C.;Miranda, K.;Girard-Dias, W. (...)Alonso, G.D. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 283(46):31541-31550
"Eudesmanes from Pluchea sagittalis. Their antifeedant activity on Spodoptera frugiperda" (2008) Vera, N.;Misico, R.;Sierra, M.G. (...)Bardón, A. Phytochemistry. 69(8):1689-1694
"Honeybees modify gustatory responsiveness after receiving nectar from foragers within the hive" (2008) Martinez, A.; Farina, W.M. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 62(4):529-535
"Synapsis with and without recombination in the male meiosis of the leaf-footed bug Holhymenia rubiginosa (Coreidae, Heteroptera)" (2008) Toscani, M.A.; Pigozzi, M.I.; Bressa, M.J.; Papeschi, A.G. Genetica. 132(2):173-178
"The ontogeny of host-seeking behaviour in a parasitoid dipteran" (2008) Crespo, J.E.; Castelo, M.K. Journal of Insect Physiology. 54(5):842-847
"Association of immature mosquitoes and predatory insects in urban rain pools" (2008) Fischer, S.; Schweigmann, N. Journal of Vector Ecology. 33(1):46-55
"A comparative study of competitive ability between two cactophilic species in their natural hosts" (2008) Werenkraut, V.; Hasson, E.; Oklander, L.; Fanara, J.J. Austral Ecology. 33(5):663-671
"Wing morphology and fluctuating asymmetry depend on the host plant in cactophilic Drosophila" (2008) Soto, I.M.; Carreira, V.P.; Soto, E.M.; Hasson, E. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 21(2):598-609
"Polyandry in two South American harvester ants" (2008) Pol, R.G.;De Casenave, J.L.;Feldhaar, H. (...)Gadau, J. Insectes Sociaux. 55(1):91-97
"Floral scents affect the distribution of hive bees around dancers" (2007) Díaz, P.C.; Grüter, C.; Farina, W.M. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 61(10):1589-1597
"Lekking behavior of Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae)" (2007) Segura, D.;Petit-Marty, N.;Sciurano, R. (...)Vilardi, J. Florida Entomologist. 90(1):154-162
"Induction of sterility in Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae) by gamma radiation" (2007) Allinghi, A.; Gramajo, C.; Willink, E.; Vilardi, J. Florida Entomologist. 90(1):96-102
"The role of N-β-alanyldopamine synthase in the innate immune response of two insects" (2007) Schachter, J.; Pérez, M.M.; Quesada-Allué, L.A. Journal of Insect Physiology. 53(11):1188-1197
"X-linked QTL for knockdown resistance to high temperature in Drosophila melanogaster" (2007) Norry, F.M.;Sambucetti, P.;Scannapieco, A.C. (...)Loeschcke, V. Insect Molecular Biology. 16(4):509-513
"Daily rhythm of aggregation in the haematophagous bug Triatoma infestans (Heteroptera: Reduviidae)" (2007) Minoli, S.A.; Baraballe, S.; Lorenzo Figueiras, A.N. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 102(4):449-454
"Sexual selection on multivariate phenotypes in Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae) from Argentina" (2007) Sciurano, R.;Segura, D.;Rodriguero, M. (...)Vilardi, J. Florida Entomologist. 90(1):163-170
"Sensing and responding to hypoxia via HIF in model invertebrates" (2006) Gorr, T.A.; Gassmann, M.; Wappner, P. Journal of Insect Physiology. 52(4):349-364
"Antennation of nectar-receivers encodes colony needs and food-source profitability in the ant Camponotus mus" (2006) Mc Cabe, S.; Farina, W.M.; Josens, R.B. Insectes Sociaux. 53(3):356-361
"Does the shelterwood method to regenerate oak forests affect acorn production and predation?" (2005) Bellocq, M.I.; Jones, C.; Dey, D.C.; Turgeon, J.J. Forest Ecology and Management. 205(1-3):311-323
"Edge effects and the responses of aerial insect assemblages to structural-retention harvesting in Canadian boreal peatland forests" (2005) Deans, A.M.; Malcolm, J.R.; Smith, S.M.; Bellocq, M.I. Forest Ecology and Management. 204(2-3):249-266
"Quantitative Trait Loci Affecting Starvation Resistance in Drosophila melanogaster" (2004) Harbison, S.T.;Yamamoto, A.H.;Fanara, J.J. (...)Mackay, T.F.C. Genetics. 166(4):1807-1823
"Daily rhythms in disease-vector insects" (2004) Barrozo, R.B.; Schilman, P.E.; Minoli, S.A.; Lazzari, C.R. Biological Rhythm Research. 35(1-2):79-92
"Host-seeking behavior in larvae of the robber fly Mallophora ruficauda (Diptera: Asilidae)" (2004) Castelo, M.K.; Lazzari, C.R. Journal of Insect Physiology. 50(4):331-336
"The response of the blood-sucking bug Triatoma infestans to carbon dioxide and other host odours" (2004) Barrozo, R.B.; Lazzari, C.R. Chemical Senses. 29(4):319-329
"Circadian rhythm of behavioural responsiveness to carbon dioxide in the blood-sucking bug Triatoma infestans (Heteroptera: Reduviidae)" (2004) Barrozo, R.B.; Minoli, S.A.; Lazzari, C.R. Journal of Insect Physiology. 50(2-3):249-254
"Oviposition behavior in the robber fly Mallaphora ruficauda (Diptera: Asilidae)" (2004) Castelo, M.K.; Corley, J.C. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 97(5):1050-1054
"Seed cone traits and insect damage in Tsuga canadensis (Pinaceae)" (2004) Turgeon, J.J.; Jones, C.; Bellocq, M.I. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 34(1):261-265
"Spatio-temporal analysis of reinfestation by Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) following insecticide spraying in a rural community in Northwestern Argentina" (2004) Cecere, M.C.; Vazquez-Prokopec, G.M.; Gürtler, R.E.; Kitron, U. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 71(6):803-810
"Quantitative trait loci affecting knockdown resistance to high temperature in Drosophila melanogaster" (2004) Norry, F.M.; Dahlgaard, J.; Loeschcke, V. Molecular Ecology. 13(11):3585-3594
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