
Szumik, C.; Aagesen, L.; Casagranda, D.; Arzamendia, V.; Baldo, D.; Claps, L.E.; Cuezzo, F.; Díaz Gómez, J.M.; Di Giacomo, A.; Giraudo, A.; Goloboff, P.; Gramajo, C.; Kopuchian, C.; Kretzschmar, S.; Lizarralde, M.; Molina, A.; Mollerach, M.; Navarro, F. (...) Zuloaga, F.O. "Detecting areas of endemism with a taxonomically diverse data set: Plants, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and insects from Argentina" (2012) Cladistics. 28(3):317-329
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The idea of an area of endemism implies that different groups of plants and animals should have largely coincident distributions. This paper analyses an area of 1152000km 2, between parallels 21 and 32°S and meridians 70 and 53°W to examine whether a large and taxonomically diverse data set actually displays areas supported by different groups. The data set includes the distribution of 805 species of plants (45 families), mammals (25 families), reptiles (six families), amphibians (five families), birds (18 families), and insects (30 families), and is analysed with the optimality criterion (based on the notion of endemism) implemented in the program NDM/VNDM. Almost 50% of the areas obtained are supported by three or more major groups; areas supported by fewer major groups generally contain species from different genera, families, or orders. © 2011 The Willi Hennig Society.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Detecting areas of endemism with a taxonomically diverse data set: Plants, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and insects from Argentina
Autor:Szumik, C.; Aagesen, L.; Casagranda, D.; Arzamendia, V.; Baldo, D.; Claps, L.E.; Cuezzo, F.; Díaz Gómez, J.M.; Di Giacomo, A.; Giraudo, A.; Goloboff, P.; Gramajo, C.; Kopuchian, C.; Kretzschmar, S.; Lizarralde, M.; Molina, A.; Mollerach, M.; Navarro, F.; Nomdedeu, S.; Panizza, A.; Pereyra, V.V.; Sandoval, M.; Scrocchi, G.; Zuloaga, F.O.
Filiación:Instituto Superior de Entomología (INSUE-CONICET), Miguel Lillo 205, 4000 Tucumán, Argentina
Instituto de Botánica Darwinion (CONICET-ANCEFN), Labarden 200, CC22, San Isidro, B1642HYD Buenos Aires, Argentina
Instituto Nacional de Limnología (CONICET-UNL), Ciudad Universitaria, El Pozo s/n, 3016 Santa Fe, Argentina
Instituto de Herpetología (FML), Miguel Lillo 251, 4000 Tucumán, Argentina
Instituto de Bio y Geociencias (IBIGEO), Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Mendoza 2, 4400 Salta, Argentina
Laboratorio de Ecología y Comportamiento Animal (FCEN-UBA), Ciudad Universitaria, C1428EHA Buenos Aires, Argentina
División Entomología (FML), Miguel Lillo 251, 4000 Tucumán, Argentina
División Ornitología (MACN), Av. Angel Gallardo 470, C1405DJR Buenos Aires, Argentina
Programa de investigaciones en Biodiversidad Argentina (PIDBA-FCN), Miguel Lillo 205, 4000 Tucumán, Argentina
Palabras clave:amphibian; bird; data set; detection method; endemism; insect; mammal; plant; reptile; taxonomy; Argentina; Amphibia; Animalia; Aves; Hexapoda; Mammalia; Reptilia
Página de inicio:317
Página de fin:329
Título revista:Cladistics
Título revista abreviado:Cladistics


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---------- APA ----------
Szumik, C., Aagesen, L., Casagranda, D., Arzamendia, V., Baldo, D., Claps, L.E., Cuezzo, F.,..., Zuloaga, F.O. (2012) . Detecting areas of endemism with a taxonomically diverse data set: Plants, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and insects from Argentina. Cladistics, 28(3), 317-329.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Szumik, C., Aagesen, L., Casagranda, D., Arzamendia, V., Baldo, D., Claps, L.E., et al. "Detecting areas of endemism with a taxonomically diverse data set: Plants, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and insects from Argentina" . Cladistics 28, no. 3 (2012) : 317-329.
---------- MLA ----------
Szumik, C., Aagesen, L., Casagranda, D., Arzamendia, V., Baldo, D., Claps, L.E., et al. "Detecting areas of endemism with a taxonomically diverse data set: Plants, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and insects from Argentina" . Cladistics, vol. 28, no. 3, 2012, pp. 317-329.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Szumik, C., Aagesen, L., Casagranda, D., Arzamendia, V., Baldo, D., Claps, L.E., et al. Detecting areas of endemism with a taxonomically diverse data set: Plants, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and insects from Argentina. Cladistics. 2012;28(3):317-329.