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Substrate Specificity
"CDK and MAPK Synergistically Regulate Signaling Dynamics via a Shared Multi-site Phosphorylation Region on the Scaffold Protein Ste5" (2018) Repetto, M.V.;Winters, M.J.;Bush, A. (...)Colman-Lerner, A. Molecular Cell. 69(6):938-952.e6
"Short linear motif core and flanking regions modulate retinoblastoma protein binding affinity and specificity" (2018) Palopoli, N.; Foutel, N.S.G.; Gibson, T.J.; Chemes, L.B. Protein Engineering, Design and Selection. 31(3):69-77
"PrxQ B from Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a monomeric, thioredoxin-dependent and highly efficient fatty acid hydroperoxide reductase" (2016) Reyes, A.M.;Vazquez, D.S.;Zeida, A. (...)Trujillo, M. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 101:249-260
"Steered Molecular Dynamics Methods Applied to Enzyme Mechanism and Energetics" (2016) Ramírez, C.L.; Martí, M.A.; Roitberg, A.E. Methods in Enzymology. 578:123-143
"Molecular Basis of Hydroperoxide Specificity in Peroxiredoxins: The Case of AhpE from Mycobacterium tuberculosis" (2015) Zeida, A.;Reyes, A.M.;Lichtig, P. (...)Trujillo, M. Biochemistry. 54(49):7237-7247
"Enzymatic synthesis of bile acid derivatives and biological evaluation against Trypanosoma cruzi" (2015) García Liñares, G.;Antonela Zígolo, M.;Simonetti, L. (...)Baldessari, A. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry. 23(15):4804-4814
"Functional Analysis Of A Mosquito Short-Chain Dehydrogenase Cluster" (2013) Mayoral, J.G.;Leonard, K.T.;Nouzova, M. (...)Turjanski, A.G. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology. 82(2):96-115
"Oligomerization studies show that the kinase domain of the tomato pollen receptor kinase LePRK2 is necessary for interaction with LePRK1" (2012) Salem, T.M.;Barberini, M.L.;Wengier, D.L. (...)Muschietti, J. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 53:40-45
"Functional characterization of residues involved in redox modulation of maize photosynthetic NADP-Malic enzyme activity" (2012) Alvarez, C.E.;Detarsio, E.;Moreno, S. (...)Drincovich, M.F. Plant and Cell Physiology. 53(6):1144-1153
"Topology and dynamics of the zebrafish segmentation clock core circuit" (2012) Schröter, C.;Ares, S.;Morelli, L.G. (...)Oates, A.C. PLoS Biology. 10(7):11
"Oxidizing substrate specificity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis alkyl hydroperoxide reductase E: Kinetics and mechanisms of oxidation and overoxidation" (2011) Reyes, A.M.;Hugo, M.;Trostchansky, A. (...)Trujillo, M. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 51(2):464-473
"Juvenile hormone synthesis: "esterify then epoxidize" or " epoxidize then esterify" ? Insights from the structural characterization of juvenile hormone acid methyltransferase" (2011) Defelipe, L.A.;Dolghih, E.;Roitberg, A.E. (...)Turjanski, A.G. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 41(4):228-235
"Molecular basis for the substrate stereoselectivity in tryptophan dioxygenase" (2011) Capece, L.;Lewis-Ballester, A.;Marti, M.A. (...)Yeh, S.-R. Biochemistry. 50(50):10910-10918
"Characterization of substrates that have a differential effect on Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein kinase A holoenzyme activation" (2010) Galello, F.; Portela, P.; Moreno, S.; Rossi, S. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 285(39):29770-29779
"Substrate stereo-specificity in tryptophan dioxygenase and indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase" (2010) Capece, L.;Arrar, M.;Roitberg, A.E. (...)Estrin, D.A. Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics. 78(14):2961-2972
"Synthesis of 5-deoxy-β-d-galactofuranosides as tools for the characterization of β-d-galactofuranosidases" (2010) Bordoni, A.; De Lederkremer, R.M.; Marino, C. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry. 18(14):5339-5345
"The serine/arginine-rich protein SF2/ASF regulates protein sumoylation" (2010) Pelisch, F.;Gerez, J.;Druker, J. (...)Srebrow, A. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107(37):16119-16124
"Molecular basis of coupled protein and electron transfer dynamics of cytochrome c in biomimetic complexes" (2010) Alvarez-Paggi, D.;Martín, D.F.;Debiase, P.M. (...)Murgida, D.H. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 132(16):5769-5778
"Conformational and electronic effects on the regioselectivity of the glycosylation of different anomers of N-dimethylmaleoyl-protected glucosamine acceptors" (2008) Bohn, M.L.; Colombo, M.I.; Rúveda, E.A.; Stortz, C.A. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry. 6(3):554-561
"The catalytic domain of insulin-degrading enzyme forms a denaturant-resistant complex with amyloid β peptide: Implications for Alzheimer disease pathogenesis" (2008) Llovera, R.E.;De Tullio, M.;Alonso, L.G. (...)Castaño, E.M. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 283(25):17039-17048
"Nitric Oxide Reactivity with Globins as Investigated Through Computer Simulation" (2008) Marti, M.A.;Capece, L.;Bidon-Chanal, A. (...)Estrin, D.A. Methods in Enzymology. 437:477-498
"Optimal conditions for the fruit body production of natural occurring strains of Lentinus tigrinus" (2007) Lechner, B.E.; Albertó, E. Bioresource Technology. 98(9):1866-1869
"TcrPDEA1, a cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase with atypical pharmacological properties from Trypanosoma cruzi" (2007) Alonso, G.D.; Schoijet, A.C.; Torres, H.N.; Flawiá, M.M. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology. 152(1):72-79
"Two new dialkoxycarbonylated nucleosides obtained through a regioselective enzymatic alcoholysis" (2007) Capello, M.; Imanishi, L.; Iglesias, L.E.; Iribarren, A.M. Biotechnology Letters. 29(8):1217-1220
"Quantitative single particle tracking of NGF-receptor complexes: Transport is bidirectional but biased by longer retrograde run lengths" (2007) Echarte, M.M.;Bruno, L.;Arndt-Jovin, D.J. (...)Pietrasanta, L.I. FEBS Letters. 581(16):2905-2913
"Characterization and in vitro expression patterns of extracellular degradative enzymes from non-pathogenic binucleate Rhizoctonia AG-G" (2005) MacHinandiarena, M.F.;Wolski, E.A.;Barrera, V. (...)Andreu, A.B. Mycopathologia. 159(3):441-448
"Glycosphingolipids in Plasmodium falciparum: Presence of an active glucosylceramide synthase" (2004) Couto, A.S.;Caffaro, C.;Uhrig, M.L. (...)Erra-Balsells, R. European Journal of Biochemistry. 271(11):2204-2214
"Lactose derivatives are inhibitors of Trypanosoma cruzi trans-sialidase activity toward conventional substrates in vitro and in vivo" (2004) Agustí, R.;París, G.;Ratier, L. (...)de Lederkremer, R.M. Glycobiology. 14(7):659-670
"Regulation of CDPK isoforms during tuber development" (2003) Raíces, M.;Gargantini, P.R.;Chinchilla, D. (...)Ulloa, R.M. Plant Molecular Biology. 52(5):1011-1024
"Rat kidney porphobilinogen deaminase kinetics: Detection of enzyme-substrate complexes" (2002) Noriega, G.; Mattei, G.; Batlle, A.; Juknat, A.A. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology. 34(10):1230-1240
"Rat kidney porphobilinogen deaminase kinetics: Detection of enzyme-substrate complexes" (2002) Noriega, G.; Mattei, G.; Batlle, A.; Juknat, A.A. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology. 34(10):1230-1240
"The phosphatidylinositol-phospholipase C from Trypanosoma cruzi is active on inositolphosphoceramide" (2002) Salto, M.L.;Furuya, T.;Moreno, S.N. (...)De Lederkremer, R.M. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology. 119(1):131-133
"Rapeseed chloroplast thioredoxin-m modulation of the affinity for target proteins" (2001) Duek, P.D.; Wolosiuk, R.A. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Protein Structure and Molecular Enzymology. 1546(2):299-311
"Evidence for phospholipases from Trypanosoma cruzi active on phosphatidylinositol and inositolphosphoceramide" (2000) Bertello, L.E.; Alves, M.J.M.; Colli, W.; De Lederkremer, R.M. Biochemical Journal. 345(1):77-84
"Participation of Rel/NF-κB transcription factors in long-term memory in the crab Chasmagnathus" (2000) Freudenthal, R.; Romano, A. Brain Research. 855(2):274-281
"Expression and biochemical characterisation of recombinant AceA, a bacterial α-mannosyltransferase" (1999) Geremia, R.A.;Roux, M.;Ferreiro, D.U. (...)Ielpi, L. Molecular and General Genetics. 261(6):933-940
"Lysosomal glycerophosphocholine phosphodiesterase in Tetrahymena" (1999) Florin-Christensen, J.; Florin-Christensen, M. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International. 47(2):283-292
"The glycosyl-aldonolactone approach for the synthesis of β-d-Galf-(1→3)-d-Manp and 3-deoxy-β-d-xylo-hexofuranosyl-(1→3)-d-Manp" (1998) Marino, C.; Chiocconi, A.; Varela, O.; De Lederkremer, R.M. Carbohydrate Research. 311(4):183-189
"The trans-sialidase of Trypanosoma cruzi is anchored by two different lipids" (1997) Agusti, R.;Couto, A.S.;Campetella, O.E. (...)De Lederkremer, R.M. Glycobiology. 7(6):731-735
"Regulation of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase from" (1996) Cruzi, T.; Ogueta, S.; Intosh, G.M.; Téllez-Iñon, Ma.T. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology. 78(1-2):171-183
"delta-Aminolevulinic acid uptake is mediated by the gamma-aminobutyric acid-specific permease UGA4." (1996) Bermúdez Moretti, M.; Correa García, S.; Ramos, E.; Batlle, A. Cellular and molecular biology (Noisy-le-Grand, France). 42(4):519-523
"Purification and partial characterization of the cytosolic malate dehydrogenase from protoscolices of Echinococcus granulosus" (1995) Agüero, F.; Repetto, Y.; Hellman, U.; Cazzulo, J.J. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology. 72(1-2):247-251
"Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase from Trypanosoma cruzi. Purification and physicochemical and kinetic properties" (1995) Cymeryng, C.; Cazzulo, J.J.; Cannata, J.J.B. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology. 73(1-2):91-101
"Purification and characterization of a soluble nucleoside diphosphate kinase in Trypanosoma cruzi" (1995) Ulloa, R.M.;Muschietti, J.P.;Veron, M. (...)Tellez-Iñón, M.T. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology. 70(1-2):119-129
"Purification and partial structural and kinetic characterization of an aromatic L-α-hydroxy acid dehydrogenase from epimastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi" (1994) Montemartini, M.; Santomé, JosA.; Cazzulo, J.J.; Nowicki, C. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology. 68(1):15-23
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