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"Azinphos-methyl causes in Planorbarius corneus toxic effects on reproduction, offspring survival and B-esterases depending on the exposure time" (2019) Agrelo, M.;Rivadeneira, P.R.;Cossi, P.F. (...)Kristoff, G. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part - C: Toxicology and Pharmacology. 217:114-121
"Inducing the alternative Oxidase forms part of the molecular strategy of anoxic survival in freshwater bivalves" (2018) Yusseppone, M.S.;Rocchetta, I.;Sabatini, S.E. (...)Abele, D. Frontiers in Physiology. 9(FEB)
"Effects of scarcity and excess of larval food on life history traits of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae)" (2018) Romeo Aznar, V.;Alem, I.;De Majo, M.S. (...)Fischer, S. Journal of Vector Ecology. 43(1):117-124
"Synthesis and evaluation of a superabsorbent-fertilizer composite for maximizing the nutrient and water use efficiency in forestry plantations" (2018) Tubert, E.;Vitali, V.A.;Alvarez, M.S. (...)Amodeo, G. Journal of Environmental Management. 210:239-254
"Behavioural plasticity induced by intraspecific competition in host orientation in a parasitoid" (2017) MartÍnez, G.A.; Castelo, M.K.; Crespo, J.E. Ecological Entomology. 42(4):484-491
"Flocking the city: Avian demography and population dynamics in urban Latin America" (2017) Leveau, L.M.; Zuria, I. Avian Ecology in Latin American Cityscapes:57-77
"Why invasive Patagonian beavers thrive in unlikely habitats: A demographic perspective" (2017) Pietrek, A.G.;Escobar, J.M.;Fasola, L. (...)Schiavini, A. Journal of Mammalogy. 98(1):1-10
"Effect of different total suspended solids levels on a Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) BFT culture system during biofloc formation" (2017) Gaona, C.A.P.;de Almeida, M.S.;Viau, V. (...)Wasielesky, W., Jr. Aquaculture Research. 48(3):1070-1079
"Rainbow trout effects on zooplankton in the reproductive area of the critically endangered hooded grebe" (2017) Lancelotti, J.; Marinone, M.C.; Roesler, I. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 27(1):128-136
"Density and gender segregation effects in the culture of the caridean ornamental red cherry shrimp Neocaridina davidi Bouvier, 1904 (Caridea: Atyidae)" (2017) Vazquez, N.D.; Delevati-Colpo, K.; Sganga, D.E.; López-Greco, L.S. Journal of Crustacean Biology. 37(4):367-373
"Non-myogenic tumors display altered expression of dystrophin (DMD) and a high frequency of genetic alterations" (2017) Luce, L.N.; Abbate, M.; Cotignola, J.; Giliberto, F. Oncotarget. 8(1):145-155
"Effects of atrazine on ovarian growth, in the estuarine crab Neohelice granulata" (2017) Silveyra, G.R.; Canosa, I.S.; Rodríguez, E.M.; Medesani, D.A. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part - C: Toxicology and Pharmacology. 192:1-6
"Nest Survival and Predation in Blue-Fronted Parrots Amazona aestiva: Effects of Nesting Behaviour and Cavity Characteristics" (2016) Berkunsky, I.;Segura, L.N.;Aramburú, R.M. (...)Reboreda, J.C. Ardea. 104(2):143-151
"Freezing resistance in Patagonian woody shrubs: the role of cell wall elasticity and stem vessel size" (2016) Zhang, Y.-J.;Bucci, S.J.;Arias, N.S. (...)Goldstein, G. Tree Physiology. 36(8):1007-1018
"Latitudinal differences in life-history traits and parental care in northern and southern temperate zone House Wrens" (2015) Llambías, P.E.; Carro, M.E.; Fernández, G.J. Journal of Ornithology. 156(4):933-942
"Biological and physical factors affecting the colonization of vegetation-free patches in a SW Atlantic salt marsh" (2015) Kaminsky, J.; Alberti, J.; Aguiar, M.; Iribarne, O. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 531:33-41
"Nesting biology of the Red-crested Cardinal (Paroaria Coronata) in south temperate forests of central Argentina" (2015) Segura, L.N.; Mahler, B.; Berkunsky, I.; Reboreda, J.C. Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 127(2):249-258
"Polyhydroxyalkanoates: Much More than Biodegradable Plastics" (2015) López, N.I.;Pettinari, M.J.;Nikel, P.I. (...)Sariaslani S. Advances in Applied Microbiology, 2015. 93:73-106
"Patterns of variation in desiccation resistance in a set of recombinant inbred lines in Drosophila melanogaster" (2015) Gomez, F.H.; Sambucetti, P.D.; Loeschcke, V.; Norry, F.M. Physiological Entomology. 40(3):205-211
"Impact of Shiny Cowbird and botfly parasitism on the reproductive success of the globally endangered Yellow Cardinal Gubernatrix cristata" (2015) Domínguez, M.; Reboreda, J.C.; Mahler, B. Bird Conservation International. 25(3):294-305
"Classical and non-classical thyroid hormone intracellular pathways involved in T lymphoma growth" (2015) Arcos, M.L.B.;Sterle, H.;Cayrol, F. (...)Cremaschi, G.A. Immunology, Endocrine and Metabolic Agents in Medicinal Chemistry. 15(1):37-42
"Thermal response in pre-imaginal biology of Ochlerotatus albifasciatus from two different climatic regions" (2015) Garzón, M.J.; Schweigmann, N. Medical and Veterinary Entomology. 29(4):380-386
"Thermal response in pre-imaginal biology of Ochlerotatus albifasciatus from two different climatic regions" (2015) Garzón, M.J.; Schweigmann, N. Medical and Veterinary Entomology. 29(4):380-386
"Thermal response in pre-imaginal biology of Ochlerotatus albifasciatus from two different climatic regions" (2015) Garzón, M.J.; Schweigmann, N. Medical and Veterinary Entomology. 29(4):380-386
"Galectin-1 Prevents Infection and Damage Induced by Trypanosoma cruzi on Cardiac Cells" (2015) Benatar, A.F.;García, G.A.;Bua, J. (...)Gómez, K.A. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 9(10)
"Laurel leaf extracts for honeybee pest and disease management: Antimicrobial, microsporicidal, and acaricidal activity" (2014) Damiani, N.;Fernández, N.J.;Porrini, M.P. (...)Eguaras, M.J. Parasitology Research. 113(2):701-709
"A population-based study of retinoblastoma incidence and survival in Argentine children" (2014) Moreno, F.;Sinaki, B.;Fandiño, A. (...)Chantada, G. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 61(9):1610-1615
"A population-based study of retinoblastoma incidence and survival in Argentine children" (2014) Moreno, F.;Sinaki, B.;Fandiño, A. (...)Chantada, G. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 61(9):1610-1615
"Analysis of survival, gene expression and behavior following chill-coma in the medfly Ceratitis capitata: Effects of population heterogeneity and age" (2014) Pujol-Lereis, L.M.; Rabossi, A.; Quesada-Allué, L.A. Journal of Insect Physiology. 71:156-163
"Analysis of survival, gene expression and behavior following chill-coma in the medfly Ceratitis capitata: Effects of population heterogeneity and age" (2014) Pujol-Lereis, L.M.; Rabossi, A.; Quesada-Allué, L.A. Journal of Insect Physiology. 71:156-163
"Resistance in cholinesterase activity after an acute and subchronic exposure to azinphos-methyl in the freshwater gastropod Biomphalaria straminea" (2014) Bianco, K.;Otero, S.;Balazote Oliver, A. (...)Kristoff, G. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 109:85-92
"In vitro effect of 5-fluorouracil and paclitaxel on Echinococcus granulosus larvae and cells" (2014) Pensel, P.E.;Albani, C.;Gamboa, G.U. (...)Elissondo, M.C. Acta Tropica. 140:1-9
"Disparities in pediatric leukemia early survival in Argentina: A population-based study" (2014) Garibotti, G.; Moreno, F.; Dussel, V.; Orellana, L. Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica/Pan American Journal of Public Health. 36(4):248-256
"Is the second internal thoracic artery better than the radial artery in total arterial off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting? A propensity score-matched follow-up study" (2014) Navia, D.;Vrancic, M.;Piccinini, F. (...)Benzadon, M. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 147(2):632-638
"Spatio-temporal dynamics of dengue 2009 outbreak in Córdoba City, Argentina" (2014) Estallo, E.L.;Carbajo, A.E.;Grech, M.G. (...)Almirón, W.R. Acta Tropica. 136(1):129-136
"Antitumor activity of histamine and clozapine in a mouse experimental model of human melanoma" (2013) Massari, N.A.;Medina, V.A.;Cricco, G.P. (...)Rivera, E.S. Journal of Dermatological Science. 72(3):252-262
"Antitumor activity of histamine and clozapine in a mouse experimental model of human melanoma" (2013) Massari, N.A.;Medina, V.A.;Cricco, G.P. (...)Rivera, E.S. Journal of Dermatological Science. 72(3):252-262
"Sexual differences in life history traits of philornis seguyi (diptera: Muscidae) parasitizing house wrens (Troglodytes aedon)" (2013) Quiroga, M.A.; Reboreda, J.C. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 106(2):222-227
"QTL for survival to UV-C radiation in Drosophila melanogaster" (2013) Gomez, F.H.; Loeschcke, V.; Norry, F.M. International Journal of Radiation Biology. 89(7):583-589
"Origins of house reinfestation with Triatoma infestans after insecticide spraying in the Argentine Chaco using wing geometric morphometry" (2013) Gaspe, M.S.; Gurevitz, J.M.; Gürtler, R.E.; Dujardin, J.-P. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 17:93-100
"Methoprene treatment reduces the pre-copulatory period in Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae) sterile males" (2013) Segura, D.F.;Utgés, M.E.;Liendo, M.C. (...)Cladera, J.L. Journal of Applied Entomology. 137(SUPPL1):19-29
"Do sex ratio and development differ in sexually size-dimorphic shiny cowbirds (Molothrus bonariensis) parasitizing smaller and larger hosts?" (2013) Tuero, D.T.; Fiorini, V.D.; Mahler, B.; Reboreda, J.C. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 110(2):442-448
"Pre-release diet effect on field survival and dispersal of Anastrepha ludens and Anastrepha obliqua (Diptera: Tephritidae)" (2013) Utgés, M.E.;Vilardi, J.C.;Oropeza, A. (...)Liedo, P. Journal of Applied Entomology. 137(SUPPL1):163-177
"Different effects of subchronic exposure to low concentrations of the organophosphate insecticide chlorpyrifos in a freshwater gastropod" (2013) Rivadeneira, P.R.; Agrelo, M.; Otero, S.; Kristoff, G. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 90:82-88
"Do shiny cowbird females adjust egg pecking behavior according to the level of competition their chicks face in host nests?" (2012) Tuero, D.T.; Fiorini, V.D.; Reboreda, J.C. Behavioural Processes. 89(2):137-142
"Effects of an invasive reef-building polychaete on the biomass and composition of estuarine macroalgal assemblages" (2012) Bazterrica, M.C.; Botto, F.; Iribarne, O. Biological Invasions. 14(4):765-777
"Anthelmintic effect of Mentha spp. essential oils on Echinococcus granulosus protoscoleces and metacestodes" (2012) Maggiore, M.A.;Albanese, A.A.;Gende, L.B. (...)Elissondo, M.C. Parasitology Research. 110(3):1103-1112
"Shiny cowbird Molothrus bonariensis egg size and chick growth vary between two hosts that differ markedly in body size" (2012) Tuero, D.T.; Fiorini, V.D.; Mahler, B.; Reboreda, J.C. Journal of Avian Biology. 43(3):227-233
"Metabolism of Klebsiella pneumoniae freeze-dried cultures for the design of BOD bioassays" (2012) Bonetto, M.C.; Sacco, N.J.; Hilding Ohlsson, A.; Cortón, E. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 55(5):370-375
"The economics of nestmate killing in avian brood parasites: A provisions trade-off" (2012) Gloag, R.;Tuero, D.T.;Fiorini, V.D. (...)Kacelnik, A. Behavioral Ecology. 23(1):132-140
"Host-parasite coevolution beyond the nestling stage? Mimicry of host fledglings by the specialist screaming cowbird" (2012) De Mársico, M.C.; Gantchoff, M.G.; Reboreda, J.C. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 279(1742):3401-3408
"Effects of grassland burning on reproductive success of globally threatened Strange-tailed Tyrants Alectrurus risora" (2011) Di Giacomo, A.G.; Di Giacomo, A.S.; Reboreda, J.C. Bird Conservation International. 21(4):411-422
"Effects of the organophosphate insecticide azinphos-methyl on the reproduction and cholinesterase activity of Biomphalaria glabrata" (2011) Kristoff, G.; Cacciatore, L.C.; Verrengia Guerrero, N.R.; Cochón, A.C. Chemosphere. 84(5):585-591
"Botfly parasitism effects on nestling growth and mortality of Red-crested Cardinals" (2011) Segura, L.N.; Reboreda, J.C. Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 123(1):107-115
"Effect of intermittent feeding on growth in early juveniles of the crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus" (2011) Stumpf, L.;Calvo, N.S.;Díaz, F.C. (...)Greco, L.S.L. Aquaculture. 319(1-2):98-104
"Heterozygosity and fitness benefits of extrapair mate choice in White-rumped Swallows (Tachycineta leucorrhoa)" (2011) Ferretti, V.;Massoni, V.;Bulit, F. (...)Lovette, I.J. Behavioral Ecology. 22(6):1178-1186
"Bromadiolone susceptibility in wild and laboratory mus musculus L.(house mice) in Buenos Aires, Argentina" (2010) Guidobono, J.S.; León, V.; Gómez Villafañe, I.E.; Busch, M. Pest Management Science. 66(2):162-167
"Variations in biochemical composition and lipoperoxidation levels of Hyalella bonariensis maintained in laboratory with different diets" (2010) Da Silva Castiglioni, D.;Dutra, B.K.;Cahansky, A. (...)Bond-Buckup, G. Animal Biology. 60(4):349-360
"Resistance phenomena to amitraz from populations of the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor of Argentina" (2010) Maggi, M.D.; Ruffinengo, S.R.; Negri, P.; Eguaras, M.J. Parasitology Research. 107(5):1189-1192
"Reproductive success and nestling growth of the Baywing parasitized by screaming and shiny cowbirds" (2010) De Mársico, M.C.; Mahler, B.; Reboreda, J.C. Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 122(3):417-431
"Nutritional vulnerability and compensatory growth in early juveniles of the "red claw" crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus" (2010) Stumpf, L.; Calvo, N.S.; Pietrokovsky, S.; López Greco, L.S. Aquaculture. 304(1-4):34-41
"Life-history traits in a parasitoid dipteran species with free-living and obligate parasitic immature stages" (2010) Crespo, J.E.; Castelo, M.K. Physiological Entomology. 35(2):160-167
"Life-history traits in a parasitoid dipteran species with free-living and obligate parasitic immature stages" (2010) Crespo, J.E.; Castelo, M.K. Physiological Entomology. 35(2):160-167
"Chilean swallows (Tachycineta meyeni) adjust the number of feathers added to the nest with time of breeding" (2009) Liljesthröm, M.; Schiavini, A.; Reboreda, J.C. Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 121(4):783-788
"Shiny cowbirds synchronize parasitism with host laying and puncture host eggs according to host characteristics" (2009) Fiorini, V.D.; Tuero, D.T.; Reboreda, J.C. Animal Behaviour. 77(3):561-568
"Effect of cadmium, lead and arsenic on the oviposition, hatching and embryonic survival of Biomphalaria glabrata" (2009) Ansaldo, M.; Nahabedian, D.E.; Di Fonzo, C.; Wider, E.A. Science of the Total Environment. 407(6):1923-1928
"Methods for assessing population size in sand dune lizards (Liolaemus Multimaculatus)" (2009) Kacoliris, F.P.; Berkunsky, I.; Williams, J.D. Herpetologica. 65(2):219-226
"Egg and larval quality assessment in the Argentinean red porgy (Pagrus pagrus)" (2009) Aristizabal, E.; Suárez, J.; Vega, A.; Bargas, R. Aquaculture. 287(3-4):329-334
"Effects of lecithin on cholesterol digestibility in the prawn, Artemesia longinaris (Crustacea, Penaeidae)" (2008) Haran, N.S.; Fenucci, J.L. Israeli Journal of Aquaculture - Bamidgeh. 60(1):13-19
"Differential reproductive success favours strong host preference in a highly specialized brood parasite" (2008) De Mársico, M.C.; Reboreda, J.C. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 275(1650):2499-2506
"Levels of ions and organic metabolites in the adult freshwater crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus, exposed to different salinities" (2008) Prymaczok, N.C.; Medesani, D.A.; Rodriguez, E.M. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology. 41(2):125-134
"Frost resistance in the tropical palm Euterpe edulis and its pattern of distribution in the Atlantic Forest of Argentina" (2008) Gatti, M.G.; Campanello, P.I.; Montti, L.F.; Goldstein, G. Forest Ecology and Management. 256(4):633-640
"Effects of phenotype and B-chromosomes on adult survival in Dichroplus elongatus (Orthoptera: Acrididae)" (2008) Rosetti, N.; Vilardi, J.C.; Remis, M.I. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 101(5):922-929
"Boza, a natural source of probiotic lactic acid bacteria" (2008) Todorov, S.D.;Botes, M.;Guigas, C. (...)Dicks, L.M.T. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 104(2):465-477
"Modelling the freezing response of baker's yeast prestressed cells: A statistical approach" (2008) Kronberg, M.F.; Nikel, P.I.; Cerrutti, P.; Galvagno, M.A. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 104(3):716-727
"Modelling the freezing response of baker's yeast prestressed cells: A statistical approach" (2008) Kronberg, M.F.; Nikel, P.I.; Cerrutti, P.; Galvagno, M.A. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 104(3):716-727
"Modelling the freezing response of baker's yeast prestressed cells: A statistical approach" (2008) Kronberg, M.F.; Nikel, P.I.; Cerrutti, P.; Galvagno, M.A. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 104(3):716-727
"Effect of different thermal conditions on the pre-imaginal biology of Culex apicinus (Philippi, 1865) (Diptera: Culicidae)" (2007) Loetti, M.V.; Burroni, N.E.; Schweigmann, N.; de Garin, A. Journal of Vector Ecology. 32(1):106-111
"Larval development of the subantarctic squat lobster Munida subrugosa (White, 1847) (Anomura: Galatheidae), reared in the laboratory" (2007) Pérez-Barros, P.; Thatje, S.; Calcagno, J.A.; Lovrich, G.A. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 352(1):35-41
"Larval development of the subantarctic squat lobster Munida subrugosa (White, 1847) (Anomura: Galatheidae), reared in the laboratory" (2007) Pérez-Barros, P.; Thatje, S.; Calcagno, J.A.; Lovrich, G.A. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 352(1):35-41
"Costs of large communal clutches for male and female Greater Rheas Rhea americana" (2007) Fernández, G.J.; Reboreda, J.C. Ibis. 149(2):215-222
"Tree regeneration and microclimate in a liana and bamboo-dominated semideciduous Atlantic Forest" (2007) Campanello, P.I.;Genoveva Gatti, M.;Ares, A. (...)Goldstein, G. Forest Ecology and Management. 252(1-3):108-117
"Effects of dietary lipid level on growth, survival and body composition of Brazilian codling (Urophycis brasiliensis Kaup, 1858)" (2007) Bolasina, S.N.; Fenucci, J.L. Revista de Biologia Marina y Oceanografia. 42(1):23-27
"Cues used by shiny cowbirds (Molothrus bonariensis) to locate and parasitise chalk-browed mockingbird (Mimus saturninus) nests" (2006) Fiorini, V.D.; Reboreda, J.C. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 60(3):379-385
"Preference for sons and sex ratio in two non-western societies" (2006) Crognier, E.;Baali, A.;Hilali, M.-K. (...)Vargas, E. American Journal of Human Biology. 18(3):325-334
"Antiviral activity of a carrageenan from Gigartina skottsbergii against intraperitoneal murine herpes simplex virus infection" (2006) Pujol, C.A.;Scolaro, L.A.;Ciancia, M. (...)Damonte, E.B. Planta Medica. 72(2):121-125
"Retinoic acid as a novel medical therapy for Cushing's disease in dogs" (2006) Castillo, V.;Giacomini, D.;Páez-Pereda, M. (...)Arzt, E. Endocrinology. 147(9):4438-4444
"Molecular diagnosis and typing of Trypanosoma cruzi populations and lineages in cerebral chagas disease in a patient with AIDS" (2005) Burgos, J.M.;Begher, S.B.;Freitas, J.M. (...)Schijman, A.G. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 73(6):1016-1018
"Quantitative Trait Loci Affecting Starvation Resistance in Drosophila melanogaster" (2004) Harbison, S.T.;Yamamoto, A.H.;Fanara, J.J. (...)Mackay, T.F.C. Genetics. 166(4):1807-1823
"Larval development of the subantarctic king crabs Lithodes santolla and Paralomis granulosa reared in the laboratory" (2004) Calcagno, J.A.;Anger, K.;Lovrich, G.A. (...)Kaffenberger, A. Helgoland Marine Research. 58(1):11-14
"Effect of uncoated stenting versus balloon angioplasty alone of long coronary (>20 mm) versus shorter narrowings on One-Year Event-Free survival" (2003) Cura, F.A.;Kapadia, S.R.;L'Allier, P.L. (...)Ellis, S.G. American Journal of Cardiology. 91(5):587-590
"Effects of copper on hatching of larvae and prezoea survival of Petrolisthes galathinus (Porcellanidae): Assays with ovigerous females and isolated eggs" (2002) López Greco, L.S.; Rodríguez, E.M.; Hernández, G.; Bolaos, J. Environmental Research. 90(1):40-46
"Polyhydroxyalkanoate degradation is associated with nucleotide accumulation and enhances stress resistance and survival of Pseudomonas oleovorans in natural water microcosms" (2001) Ruiz, J.A.; López, N.I.; Fernández, R.O.; Méndez, B.S. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 67(1):225-230
"Association between nutritional indicators and infectivity of dogs seroreactive for Trypanosoma cruzi in a rural area of northwestern Argentina" (2001) Petersen, R.M.;Gürtler, R.E.;Cecere, M.C. (...)Carlomagno, M.A. Parasitology Research. 87(3):208-214
"Survival of bacteriophages of Lactococcus lactis in sodium hypochlorite and during storage " (2001) Parada, J.L.; De Fabrizio, S.V. Revista Argentina de Microbiologia. 33(2):89-95
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"Survival and molting of the pea crab larvae Tunicotheres moseri rathbun 1918 (Brachyura, Pinnotheridae) exposed to copper" (2001) López Greco, L.S.; Bolaños, J.; Rodríguez, E.M.; Hernández, G. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 40(4):505-510
"Homologous and heterologous glycoproteins induce protection against Junin virus challenge in guinea pigs" (2000) López, N.;Scolaro, L.;Rossi, C. (...)Franze-Fernández, M.T. Journal of General Virology. 81(5):1273-1281
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