In temperate regions, the seasonal dynamics of Aedes aegypti (L) (Diptera: Culicidae) is mainly influenced by temperature. It is assumed that, during the winter season, the population remains as eggs and that the development and population growth of surviving eggs begin during the following spring. The aim of the current study was to assess egg hatching of Ae. aegypti during the winter in Buenos Aires city (Argentina), and analyze the survival of immature stages. The experiments consisted of immersing eggs and studying the development of immature stages of cohorts from June and September under natural temperature conditions. The proportion of hatched eggs was compared between weeks of immersion and related to environmental variables. Survival was compared among cohorts and the development rate was related to the mean temperature during development. The results showed that, with few exceptions, egg hatching was over 45% during the winter period. The proportion of hatched eggs was positively associated with immersion temperature, pre-immersion temperature and photoperiod. The immature stages completed the development during the cold season, with a trend toward increased survival of late-hatching cohorts. Survival was 30% at 13.2 °C and above 90% at 20°C, whereas the development time at low temperatures was 49.4 d at 13.2°C and 17.7 d at 20°C. The high hatching and survival compared with other studies suggest that the local population might be adapting to winter conditions. The anticipated emergence of adults would be adaptive if they are able to reproduce successfully in the early spring. © The Authors 2016. Published by Oxford University Press.
Documento: |
Título: | Egg hatching and survival of immature stages of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) under natural temperature conditions during the cold season in Buenos Aires, Argentina |
Autor: | De Majo, M.S.; Montini, P.; Fischer, S. |
Filiación: | Instituto de Ecologi'a, Genetica y Evolucion de Buenos Aires, Departamento de Ecologia, Genetica y Evolucion, CONICET, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 4to piso, Pabellon 2, Ciudad Universitaria, Buenos Aires, 1428, Argentina
Palabras clave: | Overwintering; Survival; Temperate region; Unfavorable condition; Aedes; animal; Argentina; cold; female; growth, development and aging; larva; longevity; male; ovum; pupa; season; Aedes; Animals; Argentina; Cold Temperature; Female; Larva; Longevity; Male; Ovum; Pupa; Seasons |
Año: | 2017
Volumen: | 54
Número: | 1
Página de inicio: | 106
Página de fin: | 113
DOI: |
http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jme/tjw131 |
Título revista: | Journal of Medical Entomology
Título revista abreviado: | J. Med. Entomol.
ISSN: | 00222585
Registro: | https://bibliotecadigital.exactas.uba.ar/collection/paper/document/paper_00222585_v54_n1_p106_DeMajo |
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---------- APA ----------
De Majo, M.S., Montini, P. & Fischer, S.
. Egg hatching and survival of immature stages of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) under natural temperature conditions during the cold season in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Journal of Medical Entomology, 54(1), 106-113.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jme/tjw131---------- CHICAGO ----------
De Majo, M.S., Montini, P., Fischer, S.
"Egg hatching and survival of immature stages of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) under natural temperature conditions during the cold season in Buenos Aires, Argentina"
. Journal of Medical Entomology 54, no. 1
(2017) : 106-113.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jme/tjw131---------- MLA ----------
De Majo, M.S., Montini, P., Fischer, S.
"Egg hatching and survival of immature stages of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) under natural temperature conditions during the cold season in Buenos Aires, Argentina"
. Journal of Medical Entomology, vol. 54, no. 1, 2017, pp. 106-113.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jme/tjw131---------- VANCOUVER ----------
De Majo, M.S., Montini, P., Fischer, S. Egg hatching and survival of immature stages of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) under natural temperature conditions during the cold season in Buenos Aires, Argentina. J. Med. Entomol. 2017;54(1):106-113.