Lista de

"Late Cretaceous paleogeography of the Antarctic Peninsula: New paleomagnetic pole from the James Ross Basin" (2019) Milanese, F.;Rapalini, A.;Slotznick, S.P. (...)Olivero, E. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 91:131-143
"Isolation and Antifouling Activity of Azulene Derivatives from the Antarctic Gorgonian Acanthogorgia laxa" (2018) Patiño Cano, L.P.;Quintana Manfredi, R.;Pérez, M. (...)Palermo, J.A. Chemistry and Biodiversity. 15(1)
"Conifer Fossil Woods from the Sobral Formation (Lower Paleocene, Western Antarctica)" (2018) Mirabelli, S.L.; Pujana, R.R.; Marenssi, S.A.; Santillana, S.N. Ameghiniana. 55(1):91-108
"Conifer Fossil Woods from the Sobral Formation (Lower Paleocene, Western Antarctica)" (2018) Mirabelli, S.L.; Pujana, R.R.; Marenssi, S.A.; Santillana, S.N. Ameghiniana. 55(1):91-108
"Assessment of 53Mn deposition on Earth via accelerator mass spectrometry" (2018) Rodrigues, D.;Negri, A.E.;Balpardo, C. (...)Marti, G.V. Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 140:342-346
"The Food Web of Potter Cove (Antarctica): complexity, structure and function" (2018) Marina, T.I.;Salinas, V.;Cordone, G. (...)Momo, F.R. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 200:141-151
"The Food Web of Potter Cove (Antarctica): complexity, structure and function" (2018) Marina, T.I.;Salinas, V.;Cordone, G. (...)Momo, F.R. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 200:141-151
"The Food Web of Potter Cove (Antarctica): complexity, structure and function" (2018) Marina, T.I.;Salinas, V.;Cordone, G. (...)Momo, F.R. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 200:141-151
"A Late Jurassic plesiosaur in Antarctica: Evidence of the dispersion of marine fauna through the Trans-Erythraean Seaway? " (2018) O'Gorman, J.P.;Gouiric-Cavalli, S.;Scasso, R.A. (...)Acosta-Burlaille, L. Comptes Rendus - Palevol. 17(3):158-165
"On the temporal variability of intermediate and deep waters in the Western Basin of the Bransfield Strait" (2018) Ruiz Barlett, E.M.;Tosonotto, G.V.;Piola, A.R. (...)Mata, M.M. Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 149:31-46
"Extraterrestrial microspherules from Bajada del Diablo, Chubut, Argentina" (2017) Orgeira, M.J.;Castro, L.N.;Goldmann, G.A. (...)Tófalo, O.R. Geoscience Frontiers. 8(1):137-149
"Recent shallowing of the thaw depth at Crater Lake, Deception Island, Antarctica (2006–2014)" (2017) Ramos, M.;Vieira, G.;de Pablo, M.A. (...)Goyanes, G. Catena. 149:519-528
"Magnetostratigraphy of the Rabot Formation, Upper Cretaceous, James Ross Basin, Antarctic Peninsula" (2017) Milanese, F.N.; Olivero, E.B.; Kirschvink, J.L.; Rapalini, A.E. Cretaceous Research. 72:172-187
"Magnetostratigraphy of the Rabot Formation, Upper Cretaceous, James Ross Basin, Antarctic Peninsula" (2017) Milanese, F.N.; Olivero, E.B.; Kirschvink, J.L.; Rapalini, A.E. Cretaceous Research. 72:172-187
"Implications of biological factors on accumulation of persistent organic pollutants in Antarctic notothenioid fish" (2017) Ríos, J.M.;Lana, N.B.;Ciocco, N.F. (...)Altamirano, J.C. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 145:630-639
"Sedimentary analysis and magnetic properties of Lake Anónima, Vega Island" (2017) Chaparro, M.A.E.;Chaparro, M.A.E.;Córdoba, F.E. (...)Böhnel, H.N. Antarctic Science:1-16
"Ionospheric F-region response to the 26 September 2011 geomagnetic storm in the Antarctica American and Australian sectors" (2017) Correia, E.;Spogli, L.;Alfonsi, L. (...)Rodel, A.A. Annales Geophysicae. 35(5):1113-1129
"Evolution of Pacific Rim diving beetles sheds light on Amphi-Pacific biogeography" (2017) Toussaint, E.F.A.;Hendrich, L.;Hájek, J. (...)Balke, M. Ecography. 40(4):500-510
"Life between tides: Spatial and temporal variations of an intertidal macroalgal community at Potter Peninsula, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica" (2017) Marcías, M.L.;Deregibus, D.;Saravia, L.A. (...)Quartino, M.L. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 187:193-203
"Glacial melting: An overlooked threat to Antarctic krill" (2016) Fuentes, V.;Alurralde, G.;Meyer, B. (...)Schloss, I.R. Scientific Reports. 6
"Microbial eukaryote communities exhibit robust biogeographical patterns along a gradient of Patagonian and Antarctic lakes" (2016) Schiaffino, M.R.;Lara, E.;Fernández, L.D. (...)Izaguirre, I. Environmental Microbiology. 18(12):5249-5264
"How many Siphonaria species (Gastropoda: Euthyneura) live in southern South America?" (2016) Güller, M.; Zelaya, D.G.; Ituarte, C. Journal of Molluscan Studies. 82(1):80-96
"The Nodoconchiinae, a new subfamily of Cytheridae (Crustacea, Ostracoda)" (2016) Ceolin, D.; Whatley, R.; Fauth, G.; Concheyro, A. Journal of Micropalaeontology. 35(1):90-101
"110 years of temperature observations at Orcadas Antarctic Station: Multidecadal variability" (2016) Zitto, M.E.; Barrucand, M.G.; Piotrkowski, R.; Canziani, P.O. International Journal of Climatology. 36(2):809-823
"110 years of temperature observations at Orcadas Antarctic Station: Multidecadal variability" (2016) Zitto, M.E.; Barrucand, M.G.; Piotrkowski, R.; Canziani, P.O. International Journal of Climatology. 36(2):809-823
"Taphonomic analysis and paleobiological observations of Crossvallia unienwillia Tambussi et al. 2005, the Oldest Penguin from Antarctica" (2016) Hospitaleche, C.A.; Pérez, L.M.; Marenssi, S.; Reguero, M. Ameghiniana. 53(3):282-295
"Fossil evidence of the avian vocal organ from the Mesozoic" (2016) Clarke, J.A.;Chatterjee, S.;Li, Z. (...)Novas, F.E. Nature. 538(7626):502-505
"Fossil evidence of the avian vocal organ from the Mesozoic" (2016) Clarke, J.A.;Chatterjee, S.;Li, Z. (...)Novas, F.E. Nature. 538(7626):502-505
"Eocene basilosaurid whales from the la Meseta formation, Marambio (Seymour) Island, Antarctica" (2016) Buono, M.R.;Fernández, M.S.;Reguero, M.A. (...)Mörs, T. Ameghiniana. 53(3):296-315
"Latitudinal diversity patterns of diatoms in the Southwestern Atlantic and Antarctic waters" (2015) Olguín Salinas, H.F.; Alder, V.A.; Puig, A.; Boltovskoy, D. Journal of Plankton Research. 37(4):659-665
"Genome sequence analysis of Pseudomonas extremaustralis provides new insights into environmental adaptability and extreme conditions resistance" (2015) Raiger Iustman, L.J.;Tribelli, P.M.;Ibarra, J.G. (...)López, N.I. Extremophiles. 19(1):207-220
"Metabolic dependence of phytoplankton species richness" (2015) Segura, A.M.;Calliari, D.;Kruk, C. (...)Arim, M. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 24(4):472-482
"Metabolic dependence of phytoplankton species richness" (2015) Segura, A.M.;Calliari, D.;Kruk, C. (...)Arim, M. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 24(4):472-482
"Late Cenozoic Bryozoa from diamictites of Cape Lamb, Vega Island, Antarctic Peninsula" (2015) Adamonis, S.; Hara, U.; Concheyro, A. Polish Polar Research. 36(4):325-341
"Late Cenozoic Bryozoa from diamictites of Cape Lamb, Vega Island, Antarctic Peninsula" (2015) Adamonis, S.; Hara, U.; Concheyro, A. Polish Polar Research. 36(4):325-341
"Fossil woods from the Cross Valley Formation (Paleocene of Western Antarctica): Araucariaceae-dominated forests" (2015) Pujana, R.R.; Marenssi, S.A.; Santillana, S.N. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 222:56-66
"Fingerprint of persistent organic pollutants in tissues of Antarctic notothenioid fish" (2014) Lana, N.B.;Berton, P.;Covaci, A. (...)Altamirano, J.C. Science of the Total Environment. 499:89-98
"Fingerprint of persistent organic pollutants in tissues of Antarctic notothenioid fish" (2014) Lana, N.B.;Berton, P.;Covaci, A. (...)Altamirano, J.C. Science of the Total Environment. 499:89-98
"Fingerprint of persistent organic pollutants in tissues of Antarctic notothenioid fish" (2014) Lana, N.B.;Berton, P.;Covaci, A. (...)Altamirano, J.C. Science of the Total Environment. 499:89-98
"Fingerprint of persistent organic pollutants in tissues of Antarctic notothenioid fish" (2014) Lana, N.B.;Berton, P.;Covaci, A. (...)Altamirano, J.C. Science of the Total Environment. 499:89-98
"The Gondwana connections of northern Patagonia" (2014) Pankhurst, R.J.;Rapela, C.W.;López de Luchi, M.G. (...)Galindo, C. Journal of the Geological Society. 171(3):313-328
"Solution and crystal structure of BA42, a protein from the Antarctic bacterium Bizionia argentinensis comprised of a stand-alone TPM domain" (2014) Aran, M.;Smal, C.;Pellizza, L. (...)Cicero, D.O. Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics. 82(11):3062-3078
"Remarks on the deep-sea genus Chalarostylis (Cumacea: Lampropidae)" (2014) Alberico, N.A.; Roccatagliata, D.; Mühlenhardt-Siegel, U. Zootaxa. 3753(4):323-334
"Blue whale population structure along the eastern South Pacific Ocean: Evidence of more than one population" (2014) Torres-Florez, J.P.;Hucke-Gaete, R.;Leduc, R. (...)Figueroa, C.C. Molecular Ecology. 23(24):5998-6010
"Intraseasonal variability in South America during the cold season" (2014) Alvarez, M.S.; Vera, C.S.; Kiladis, G.N.; Liebmann, B. Climate Dynamics. 42(11-12):3253-3269
"Patagonia: Where does it come from?" (2014) Ramos, V.A.; Naipauer, M. Journal of Iberian Geology. 40(2):367-379
"Revision of genus Retrotapes del Río (Bivalvia: Veneridae) in the eocene of Antarctica " (2014) Alvarez, M.J.; Del Río, C.J.; Marenssi, S.A. Ameghiniana. 51(1):61-78
"Revision of genus Retrotapes del Río (Bivalvia: Veneridae) in the eocene of Antarctica " (2014) Alvarez, M.J.; Del Río, C.J.; Marenssi, S.A. Ameghiniana. 51(1):61-78
"Palynology and micropaleontology of the cretaceous of the james ross basin, antarctica. Review of current knowledge " (2014) Amenábar, C.R.; Caramés, A.; Lescano, M.; Concheyro, A. Boletin Geologico y Minero. 125(4):493-559
"Palynology and micropaleontology of the cretaceous of the james ross basin, antarctica. Review of current knowledge " (2014) Amenábar, C.R.; Caramés, A.; Lescano, M.; Concheyro, A. Boletin Geologico y Minero. 125(4):493-559
"Thermal regime and spatial variability of the active layer in Deception Island, Antarctica " (2014) Goyanes, G.;Vieira, G.;Caselli, A. (...)Oliva, M. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 71(1)
"Thermal regime and spatial variability of the active layer in Deception Island, Antarctica " (2014) Goyanes, G.;Vieira, G.;Caselli, A. (...)Oliva, M. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 71(1)
"Small Antarctic Late Cretaceous chorate dinoflagellate cysts: Biological and palaeoenvironmental affinities" (2014) Amenábar, C.R.; Candel, M.S.; Guerstein, G.R. Palynology. 38(2):303-323
"Small Antarctic Late Cretaceous chorate dinoflagellate cysts: Biological and palaeoenvironmental affinities" (2014) Amenábar, C.R.; Candel, M.S.; Guerstein, G.R. Palynology. 38(2):303-323
"Magnetic parameters and their palaeoclimatic implications-the sediment record of the last 15 500 cal. BP from Laguna Potrok Aike (Argentina)" (2014) Irurzun, M.A.;Orgeira, M.J.;Gogorza, C.S.G. (...)Zolitschka, B. Geophysical Journal International. 198(2):710-726
"The Argentine continental shelf: Morphology, sediments, processes and evolution since the last glacial maximum" (2014) Violante, R.A.;Paterlini, C.M.;Marcolini, S.I. (...)Osterrieth, M.L. Geological Society Memoir. 41(1):55-68
"Nannofossils, foraminifera and microforaminiferal linings in the cenozoic diamictites of Cape Lamb, Vega Island, Antarctica" (2014) Concheyro, A.; CaraméS, A.; Amenábar, C.R.; Lescano, M. Polish Polar Research. 35(1):1-26
"Nannofossils, foraminifera and microforaminiferal linings in the cenozoic diamictites of Cape Lamb, Vega Island, Antarctica" (2014) Concheyro, A.; CaraméS, A.; Amenábar, C.R.; Lescano, M. Polish Polar Research. 35(1):1-26
"The genus Pictetia Uhlig from the Albian of Patagonia and Antarctica" (2014) Medina, F.A.; Riccardi, A.C. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie - Abhandlungen. 271(3):315-326
"Two new species of Waldo Nicol, 1966 from sub-Antarctic waters (Bivalvia: Galeommatoidea)" (2013) Zelaya, D.G.; Ituarte, C. Marine Biology Research. 9(8):776-784
"In situ prey selection of mixotrophic and heterotrophic flagellates in Antarctic oligotrophic lakes: An analysis of the digestive vacuole content" (2013) Gerea, M.;Queimaliños, C.;Schiaffino, M.R. (...)Unrein, F. Journal of Plankton Research. 35(1):201-212
"Late Cenozoic Foraminifera from diamictites of Cape Lamb, Vega Island, Antarctic Peninsula" (2013) Caramés, A.; Concheyro, A. Ameghiniana. 50(1):114-135
"Late Cenozoic Foraminifera from diamictites of Cape Lamb, Vega Island, Antarctic Peninsula" (2013) Caramés, A.; Concheyro, A. Ameghiniana. 50(1):114-135
"Hydrogeological model from hydrochemical and geocryologic records on the Cape Lamb of Vega Island, northern Antarctic Peninsula " (2013) Silva-Busso, A.;Moreno, L.;Ermolin, E. (...)Cuchí, J.A. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 70(2):249-266
"Extracellular hydrolytic enzyme production by proteolytic bacteria from the Antarctic" (2013) Tropeano, M.;Vázquez, S.;Coria, S. (...)Mac Cormack, W. Polish Polar Research. 34(3):253-267
"Responses of a Maritime Antarctic lake to a catastrophic draining event under a climate change scenario" (2012) Izaguirre, I.;Pizarro, H.;Allende, L. (...)Tell, G. Polar Biology. 35(2):231-239
"The Cretaceous ammonite Hemiptychoceras Spath in Antarctica" (2012) Medina, F.A.; Scasso, R.A. Revue de Paleobiologie. 31(SPEC ISSUE 11):269-277
"The Cretaceous ammonite Hemiptychoceras Spath in Antarctica" (2012) Medina, F.A.; Scasso, R.A. Revue de Paleobiologie. 31(SPEC ISSUE 11):269-277
"Genome sequence of the polyhydroxybutyrate producer Pseudomonas extremaustralis, a highly stress-resistant antarctic bacterium" (2012) Tribelli, P.M.;Iustman, L.J.R.;Catone, M.V. (...)López, N.I. Journal of Bacteriology. 194(9):2381-2382
"Araucariaceae macrofossil record from South America and Antarctica" (2012) Panti, C.; Pujana, R.R.; ZamaloaMarí, M.C.; Romero, E.J. Alcheringa. 36(1):1-22
"Araucariaceae macrofossil record from South America and Antarctica" (2012) Panti, C.; Pujana, R.R.; ZamaloaMarí, M.C.; Romero, E.J. Alcheringa. 36(1):1-22
"Large-amplitude gravity waves above the southern Andes, the Drake Passage, and the Antarctic Peninsula" (2012) De La Torre, A.;Alexander, P.;Hierro, R. (...)Wickert, J. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 117(2)
"Biofilm lifestyle enhances diesel bioremediation and biosurfactant production in the Antarctic polyhydroxyalkanoate producer Pseudomonas extremaustralis" (2012) Tribelli, P.M.; Di Martino, C.; López, N.I.; Raiger Iustman, L.J. Biodegradation. 23(5):645-651
"Korallipteris, a new genus for Mesozoic Gleichenia-like fern fronds" (2012) Vera, E.I.; Passalia, M.G. Geobios. 45(4):421-428
"Species composition and biogeography of diatoms in antarctic and subantarctic (Argentine shelf) waters (37-76°S)" (2011) Olguín, H.F.; A. Alder, V. Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 58(1-2):139-152
"Ecology of algal communities of different soil types from Cierva Point, Antarctic Peninsula" (2011) Garraza, G.G.; Mataloni, G.; Fermani, P.; Vinocur, A. Polar Biology. 34(3):339-351
"Structure and dynamics of Antarctic fish neuroglobin assessed by computer simulations" (2011) Boron, I.;Russo, R.;Boechi, L. (...)Nadra, A.D. IUBMB Life. 63(3):206-213
"Bacterial community structure in a latitudinal gradient of lakes: The roles of spatial versus environmental factors" (2011) Romina Schiaffino, M.;Unrein, F.;Gasol, J.M. (...)Izaguirre, I. Freshwater Biology. 56(10):1973-1991
"Draft genome sequence of Bizionia argentinensis, isolated from antarctic surface water" (2011) Lanzarotti, E.;Pellizza, L.;Bercovich, A. (...)Turjanski, A.G. Journal of Bacteriology. 193(23):6797-6798
"A gravity waves study close to the Andes mountains in Patagonia and Antarctica with GPS radio occultation observations" (2010) Alexander, P.; Luna, D.; Llamedo, P.; De La Torre, A. Annales Geophysicae. 28(2):587-595
"Structure and tectonic history of the foreland basins of southernmost South America" (2010) Ghiglione, M.C.;Quinteros, J.;Yagupsky, D. (...)Zapata, y.T. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 29(2):262-277
"Paleomagnetic evidence for a pre-early Eocene (∼ 50 Ma) bending of the Patagonian orocline (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina): Paleogeographic and tectonic implications" (2010) Maffione, M.; Speranza, F.; Faccenna, C.; Rossello, E. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 289(1-2):273-286
"Pseudomonas extremaustralis sp. nov., a poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) producer isolated from an antarctic environment" (2009) López, N.I.;Pettinari, M.J.;Stackebrandt, E. (...)Méndez, B.S. Current Microbiology. 59(5):514-519
"Four new freshwater diatom species (Bacillariophyceae) from Antarctica" (2009) Zidarova, R.;Van De Vuver, B.;Mataloni, G. (...)Nedbalová, L. Cryptogamie, Algologie. 30(4):295-310
"Comparative analysis of bacterioplankton assemblages from maritime Antarctic freshwater lakes with contrasting trophic status" (2009) Schiaffino, M.R.;Unrein, F.;Gasol, J.M. (...)Izaguirre, I. Polar Biology. 32(6):923-936
"Occurrence and diversity of naphthalene dioxygenase genes in soil microbial communities from the Maritime Antarctic" (2009) Flocco, C.G.; Gomes, N.C.M.; Mac Cormack, W.; Smalla, K. Environmental Microbiology. 11(3):700-714
"The genus Ptychoceras D'ORBIGNY in the Aptian - Albian of Patagonia and Antarctica" (2008) Riccardi, A.C.; Medina, F.A. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie - Abhandlungen. 249(1):9-24
"Feeding ecology of benthic filter-feeders at Potter Cove, an Antarctic coastal ecosystem" (2008) Tatián, M.;Sahade, R.;Mercuri, G. (...)Esnal, G.B. Polar Biology. 31(4):509-517
"Feeding ecology of benthic filter-feeders at Potter Cove, an Antarctic coastal ecosystem" (2008) Tatián, M.;Sahade, R.;Mercuri, G. (...)Esnal, G.B. Polar Biology. 31(4):509-517
"Dynamics and GPR stratigraphy of a polar rock glacier on James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula" (2008) Fukui, K.;Sone, T.;Strelin, J.A. (...)Fujii, Y. Journal of Glaciology. 54(186):445-451
"Distribution and ecology of Pseudo-nitzschia species (Bacillariophyceae) in surface waters of the Weddell Sea (Antarctica)" (2008) Almandoz, G.O.;Ferreyra, G.A.;Schloss, I.R. (...)Ferrario, M.E. Polar Biology. 31(4):429-442
"Distribution and ecology of Pseudo-nitzschia species (Bacillariophyceae) in surface waters of the Weddell Sea (Antarctica)" (2008) Almandoz, G.O.;Ferreyra, G.A.;Schloss, I.R. (...)Ferrario, M.E. Polar Biology. 31(4):429-442
"Soil microalgal communities on an antarctic active volcano (Deception Island, South Shetlands)" (2007) Fermani, P.; Mataloni, G.; Van De Vijver, B. Polar Biology. 30(11):1381-1393
"Soil microalgal communities on an antarctic active volcano (Deception Island, South Shetlands)" (2007) Fermani, P.; Mataloni, G.; Van De Vijver, B. Polar Biology. 30(11):1381-1393
"The polyhydroxyalkanoate genes of a stress resistant Antarctic Pseudomonas are situated within a genomic island" (2007) Ayub, N.D.; Pettinari, M.J.; Méndez, B.S.; López, N.I. Plasmid. 58(3):240-248
"The polyhydroxyalkanoate genes of a stress resistant Antarctic Pseudomonas are situated within a genomic island" (2007) Ayub, N.D.; Pettinari, M.J.; Méndez, B.S.; López, N.I. Plasmid. 58(3):240-248
"Northwestern Weddell Sea deep outflow into the Scotia Sea during the austral summers of 2000 and 2001 estimated by inverse methods" (2007) Franco, B.C.; Mata, M.M.; Piola, A.R.; Garcia, C.A.E. Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 54(10):1815-1840
"The Cenozoic diamictitic deposits of the James Ross Basin, Antarctica: A stratigraphic synthesis and new paleontological findings " (2007) Concheyro, A.; Salani, F.M.; Adamonis, S.; Lirio, J.M. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 62(4):568-585
"The Cenozoic diamictitic deposits of the James Ross Basin, Antarctica: A stratigraphic synthesis and new paleontological findings " (2007) Concheyro, A.; Salani, F.M.; Adamonis, S.; Lirio, J.M. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 62(4):568-585
"Seismic activity and an anomalous fumarolic chemical composition due to seal effect in the volcanic system of Deception Island (Antarctica) " (2007) Caselli, A.T.;Badi, G.;Bonatto, A.L. (...)Ibáñez, J. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 62(4):545-552
"Seismic activity and an anomalous fumarolic chemical composition due to seal effect in the volcanic system of Deception Island (Antarctica) " (2007) Caselli, A.T.;Badi, G.;Bonatto, A.L. (...)Ibáñez, J. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 62(4):545-552
"Geology of the Cerro Negro Formation (Cretaceous) in Livingston Island: Contributions to its geochronology and paleontological content " (2007) Parica, C.A.;Salani, F.M.;Vera, E. (...)Césari, S.N. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 62(4):553-567
"Geology of the Cerro Negro Formation (Cretaceous) in Livingston Island: Contributions to its geochronology and paleontological content " (2007) Parica, C.A.;Salani, F.M.;Vera, E. (...)Césari, S.N. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 62(4):553-567
"Desmoceratidae and Silesitidae (ammonitida) from the Aptian - Albian of Antarctica" (2006) Medina, F.A.; Riccardi, A.C. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie - Abhandlungen. 242(2-3):289-327
"Algal structure of the littoral epilithon in lentic water bodies at Hope Bay, Antarctic Peninsula" (2006) Bonaventura, S.M.; Vinocur, A.; Allende, L.; Pizarro, H. Polar Biology. 29(8):668-680
"Algal communities of a geothermally heated lagoon on Deception Island (South Shetland Islands)" (2006) Izaguirre, I.; Allende, L.; Tell, G. Polar Biology. 29(5):364-371
"Algal communities of a geothermally heated lagoon on Deception Island (South Shetland Islands)" (2006) Izaguirre, I.; Allende, L.; Tell, G. Polar Biology. 29(5):364-371
"Geology of the Ramírez Nunatak, Jason Peninsula, Antarctic Peninsula " (2006) del Valle, R.A.; Morelli, J.; Azcuy, C.L.; Carrizo, H.A. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 61(3):383-392
"Geology of the Ramírez Nunatak, Jason Peninsula, Antarctic Peninsula " (2006) del Valle, R.A.; Morelli, J.; Azcuy, C.L.; Carrizo, H.A. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 61(3):383-392
"Digestive enzymes in the ontogenetic stages of the southern king crab, Lithodes santolla" (2006) Saborowski, R.;Thatje, S.;Calcagno, J.A. (...)Anger, K. Marine Biology. 149(4):865-873
"Climate response associated with the Southern Annular Mode in the surroundings of Antarctic Peninsula: A multimodel ensemble analysis" (2005) Carril, A.F.; Menéndez, C.G.; Navarra, A. Geophysical Research Letters. 32(16):1-5
"Food consumption estimates of southern elephant seal females during their post-breeding aquatic phase at King George Island" (2005) Carlini, A.R.;Daneri, G.A.;Márquez, M.E.I. (...)Plötz, J. Polar Biology. 28(10):769-775
"Costa Recta beach, Deception Island, West Antarctica: A retreated scarp of a submarine fault?" (2005) Fernández-Ibáñez, F.;Pérez-López, R.;Martínez-Díaz, J.J. (...)Ibáñez, J.M. Antarctic Science. 17(3):418-426
"Nautilids from the upper cretaceous of the James Ross Basin, Antarctic Peninsula" (2005) Cichowolski, M.; Ambrosio, A.; Concheyro, A. Antarctic Science. 17(2):267-280
"Abiotic characterization and epilithic communities of a naturally enriched stream at Cierva Point, Antarctic Peninsula" (2005) Mataloni, G.; Vinocur, A.; De Tezanos Pinto, P. Antarctic Science. 17(2):163-170
"Activity rhythms at a gentoo penguin (Pygoscelis papua) colony at Cierva Point, Antarctic Peninsula" (2005) Quintana, R.D.;Pratolongo, P.D.;Agraz, J.L. (...)Mengual, A.R. Notornis. 52(3):133-137
"Diatoms from a patagonic-antarctic transect " (2005) Maidana, N.I.;Izaguirre, I.;Vinocur, A. (...)Pizarro, H. Ecologia Austral. 15(2):159-176
"The boundary of Larsen Basin on Tabarin Peninsula, Antarctica " (2004) del Valle, R.A.; Scasso, R.A. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 59(1):38-44
"Experimental evidence of the grazing impact of Boeckella poppei on phytoplankton in a maritime Antarctic lake" (2004) Almada, P.; Allende, L.; Tell, G.; Izaguirre, I. Polar Biology. 28(1):39-46
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