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The epilithic biomass of an outflow stream at Potter Peninsula (King George Island, Antarctica) was studied from November 1996 to February 1997 by means of chlorophyll a concentration, dry weight and ash-free dry weight. The Autotrophic Index and the Lakatos classification were also used in order to characterize the epilithic community. Several physical and chemical parameters were analyzed. Snow and ice melt greatly increased water flow through Tres Hermanos Lake and in the stream. Chlorophyll a concentrations fluctuated between undetectable and 3.5 μg cm-2 with a marked increase, which averaged 3 orders of magnitude, towards the end of the study period. Dry weight ranged between 299.9 and 13,118.7 μg cm-2 and ash-free dry weight between 70.8 and 996.9 μg cm-2. According to the Autotrophic Index and the Lakatos classification, the epilithon of the stream had a low mass with low organic component and large amount of inorganic sediment. The organic matter comprised a low proportion of chlorophyll a and a major proportion of probably detritus or bacteria, rather than fauna.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Epilithic biomass in an outflow stream at Potter Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica
Autor:Pizarro, H.; Vinocur, A.
Filiación:Departamento de Ciencias Biologicas, Fac. de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, C1428 EHA Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:biomass; epilithon; lake ecosystem; outflow; Antarctica; King George Island; South Shetland Islands
Página de inicio:851
Página de fin:857
Título revista:Polar Biology
Título revista abreviado:Polar Biol.


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---------- APA ----------
Pizarro, H. & Vinocur, A. (2000) . Epilithic biomass in an outflow stream at Potter Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica. Polar Biology, 23(12), 851-857.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Pizarro, H., Vinocur, A. "Epilithic biomass in an outflow stream at Potter Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica" . Polar Biology 23, no. 12 (2000) : 851-857.
---------- MLA ----------
Pizarro, H., Vinocur, A. "Epilithic biomass in an outflow stream at Potter Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica" . Polar Biology, vol. 23, no. 12, 2000, pp. 851-857.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Pizarro, H., Vinocur, A. Epilithic biomass in an outflow stream at Potter Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica. Polar Biol. 2000;23(12):851-857.