
Violante, R.A.; Paterlini, C.M.; Marcolini, S.I.; Costa, I.P.; Cavallotto, J.L.; Laprida, C.; Dragani, W.; García Chapori, N.; Watanabe, S.; Totah, V.; Rovere, E.I.; Osterrieth, M.L. "The Argentine continental shelf: Morphology, sediments, processes and evolution since the last glacial maximum" (2014) Geological Society Memoir. 41(1):55-68
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The Argentine continental shelf is one of the largest and smoothest siliciclastic shelves in the world. Although it is largely emplaced in a passive continental margin, the southernmost regions are related to transcurrent and active margins respectively associated with the Malvinas Plateau and Scotia Arc. Sea-level fluctuations, sediment dynamics and climatic/oceanographic processes were the most important conditioning factors in the modelling of the shelf, with a minor influence from isostatic and tectonic factors that are more relevant in the southernmost regions. The shelf is shaped by diverse geomorphic features, among which the most significant are four sets of terraces genetically associated to sea-level stillstands during the post-glacial transgression; the final one occurred at around 11 ka and is associated with the Younger Dryas event. The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) sedimentary sequence is composed of, on average, 5-15 m-thick terrigenous, siliciclastic, relict-palimpsest sands mainly sourced from the Andean region, with minor amounts of bioclast and gravels, resulting from the reworking of pre-transgressive coastal environments. © The Geological Society of London 2014.


Documento: Artículo
Título:The Argentine continental shelf: Morphology, sediments, processes and evolution since the last glacial maximum
Autor:Violante, R.A.; Paterlini, C.M.; Marcolini, S.I.; Costa, I.P.; Cavallotto, J.L.; Laprida, C.; Dragani, W.; García Chapori, N.; Watanabe, S.; Totah, V.; Rovere, E.I.; Osterrieth, M.L.
Filiación:Division of Marine Geology and Geophysics, Argentine Hydrographic Survey, Avenida Montes de Oca 2124, Buenos Aires, C1270AVB, Argentina
Department of Geology, University of Buenos Aires, IDEAN-SACMA, Ciudad Universitaria, Buenos Aires, C1428EHA, Argentina
CONICET, National Council of Science, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Division of Coastal Oceanography, Argentine Hydrographic Survey, Avenida Montes de Oca 2124, Buenos Aires, C1270AVB, Argentina
Argentine Museum of Natural Sciences 'B. Rivadavia', CONICET (National Council of Science), Avenida Angel Gallardo 470, Buenos Aires, C1405DJR, Argentina
Division of Regional Geology, Argentine Geological Survey, Parque Tecnológico Miguelete, Avenida General Paz 5445, Edificio 25, San Martín, Buenos Aires, B1650WAB, Argentina
Institute of Coastal Geology and Quaternary, University of Mar del Plata, Funes 3350, Mar del Plata, B7602AYL, Argentina
Palabras clave:bioclastic sediment; continental margin; continental shelf; depositional environment; Last Glacial Maximum; sedimentary sequence; siliciclastic deposit; tectonic evolution; tectonic setting; Younger Dryas; Antarctica; Argentina; Scotia Arc
Página de inicio:55
Página de fin:68
Título revista:Geological Society Memoir
Título revista abreviado:Geol. Soc. Mem.


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---------- APA ----------
Violante, R.A., Paterlini, C.M., Marcolini, S.I., Costa, I.P., Cavallotto, J.L., Laprida, C., Dragani, W.,..., Osterrieth, M.L. (2014) . The Argentine continental shelf: Morphology, sediments, processes and evolution since the last glacial maximum. Geological Society Memoir, 41(1), 55-68.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Violante, R.A., Paterlini, C.M., Marcolini, S.I., Costa, I.P., Cavallotto, J.L., Laprida, C., et al. "The Argentine continental shelf: Morphology, sediments, processes and evolution since the last glacial maximum" . Geological Society Memoir 41, no. 1 (2014) : 55-68.
---------- MLA ----------
Violante, R.A., Paterlini, C.M., Marcolini, S.I., Costa, I.P., Cavallotto, J.L., Laprida, C., et al. "The Argentine continental shelf: Morphology, sediments, processes and evolution since the last glacial maximum" . Geological Society Memoir, vol. 41, no. 1, 2014, pp. 55-68.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Violante, R.A., Paterlini, C.M., Marcolini, S.I., Costa, I.P., Cavallotto, J.L., Laprida, C., et al. The Argentine continental shelf: Morphology, sediments, processes and evolution since the last glacial maximum. Geol. Soc. Mem. 2014;41(1):55-68.