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"A combined rock-magnetic and EPR study about the effects of hydrocarbon-related diagenesis on the magnetic signature of oil shales (Vaca Muerta formation, southwestern Argentina)" (2019) Costanzo-Álvarez, V.;Rapalini, A.E.;Aldana, M. (...)Walther, A.M. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering:861-879
"Crustal and Mantle Structure Beneath the Southern Payenia Volcanic Province Using Gravity and Magnetic Data" (2019) Astort, A.;Colavitto, B.;Sagripanti, L. (...)Folguera, A. Tectonics. 38(1):144-158
"Slow magnetization dynamics in Co(ii)/Co(iii) triethanolamine/pivalate complexes" (2018) Sarto, C.;Rouzières, M.;Liu, J.-L. (...)Alborés, P. Dalton Transactions. 47(47):17055-17066
"Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of diaquabis(2,6-diamino-7H-purin-1-ium-κN9)bis(4,4′-oxydibenzoato-κO)cobalt(II) dihydrate" (2018) Atria, A.M.;Parada, J.;Moreno, Y. (...)Peña, O. Acta Crystallographica Section C: Structural Chemistry. 74(1):37-44
"Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of diaquabis(2,6-diamino-7H-purin-1-ium-κN9)bis(4,4′-oxydibenzoato-κO)cobalt(II) dihydrate" (2018) Atria, A.M.;Parada, J.;Moreno, Y. (...)Peña, O. Acta Crystallographica Section C: Structural Chemistry. 74(1):37-44
"Thermo-responsive PNIPAm nanopillars displaying amplified responsiveness through the incorporation of nanoparticles" (2018) Giussi, J.M.;Von Bilderling, C.;Alarcón, E. (...)Azzaroni, O. Nanoscale. 10(3):1189-1195
"The influence of relativistic effects on nuclear magnetic resonance spin–spin coupling constant polarizabilities of H2O2, H2S2, H2Se2, and H2Te2" (2018) Pagola, G.I.; Larsen, M.A.B.; Ferraro, M.; Sauer, S.P.A. Journal of Computational Chemistry. 39(31):2589-2600
"Synthesis, structural characterization and magnetic behaviour of a family of [Co2 IIILn2 III] butterfly compounds" (2017) Funes, A.V.;Carrella, L.;Rechkemmer, Y. (...)Alborés, P. Dalton Transactions. 46(10):3400-3409
"Increased surface roughness in polydimethylsiloxane films by physical and chemical methods" (2017) Cabrera, J.N.;Ruiz, M.M.;Fascio, M. (...)Negri, R.M. Polymers. 9(8):331
"Entanglement-Based dc magnetometry with separated ions" (2017) Ruster, T.;Kaufmann, H.;Luda, M.A. (...)Poschinger, U.G. Physical Review X. 7(3)
"Age of the magnetically active WW Psa and TX Psa members of the β Pictoris association" (2017) Messina, S.;Santallo, R.;Tan, T.G. (...)Jofré, E. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 601
"Magnetic particles guided by ellipsoidal AC magnetic fields in a shallow viscous fluid: Controlling trajectories and chain lengths" (2017) Jorge, G.A.; Llera, M.; Bekeris, V. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 444:467-471
"Dielectric Behavior and Electro-Magnetic Coupling at Room Temperature in BiFeO3/PVDF and CoFe2O4/PVDF Composites" (2017) Saleh Medina, L.M.; Negri, R.M. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 121(49):27683-27692
"Interplay between Alfvén and magnetosonic waves in compressible magnetohydrodynamics turbulence" (2017) Andrés, N.;Clark di Leoni, P.;Mininni, P.D. (...)Matthaeus, W.H. Physics of Plasmas. 24(10)
"Potential effect of natural radionuclides in riverbed sediments: a statistical approach based on granulometric and magnetic mineral differences" (2017) Krishnamoorthy, N.;Mullainathan, S.;Chaparro, M.A.E. (...)Mehra, R. Environmental Earth Sciences. 76(7)
"Emplacement and temporal constraints of the Gondwanan intrusive complexes of northern Patagonia: La Esperanza plutono-volcanic case" (2017) Martínez Dopico, C.I.;López de Luchi, M.G.;Rapalini, A.E. (...)Basei, M.A.S. Tectonophysics. 712-713:249-269
"Magnetic-optical transitions induced by twisted light in quantum dots" (2017) Quinteiro, G.F.;Reiter, D.E.;Kuhn, T. (...)Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at the University of Rochester; Kurt J. Lesker Company; U.S. Department of Energy 20th International Conference on Electron Dynamics in Semiconductors, Optoelectronics and Nanostructures, EDISON 2017. 906(1)
"Influence of the Hall effect and electron inertia in collisionless magnetic reconnection" (2016) Andrés, N.; Dmitruk, P.; Gómez, D. Physics of Plasmas. 23(2)
"Superposed epoch study of ICME sub-structures near Earth and their effects on Galactic cosmic rays" (2016) Masiás-Meza, J.J.;Dasso, S.;Démoulin, P. (...)Janvier, M. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 592
"Magnetic properties of Tillandsia recurvata L. and its use for biomonitoring a Mexican metropolitan area" (2016) Castañeda Miranda, A.G.; Chaparro, M.A.E.; Chaparro, M.A.E.; Böhnel, H.N. Ecological Indicators. 60:125-136
"Hydrological systems from the Antarctic Peninsula under climate change: James Ross archipelago as study case" (2016) Lecomte, K.L.;A. Vignoni, P.;Córdoba, F.E. (...)Böhnel, H.N. Environmental Earth Sciences. 75(7)
"Hydrological systems from the Antarctic Peninsula under climate change: James Ross archipelago as study case" (2016) Lecomte, K.L.;A. Vignoni, P.;Córdoba, F.E. (...)Böhnel, H.N. Environmental Earth Sciences. 75(7)
"Dependence of quantum kinetic effects in the spin dynamics of diluted magnetic semiconductors on the excitation conditions" (2016) Cygorek, M.;Ungar, F.;Tamborenea, P.I. (...)The Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Spintronics IX. 9931
"A long-lived Zeeman trapped-ion qubit" (2016) Ruster, T.;Schmiegelow, C.T.;Kaufmann, H. (...)Poschinger, U.G. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics. 122(10)
"Anisotropic magnetoresistivity in structured elastomer composites: Modelling and experiments" (2016) Mietta, J.L.; Tamborenea, P.I.; Martin Negri, R. Soft Matter. 12(30):6430-6441
"Molecular magnetism in closo -azadodecaborane supericosahedrons" (2016) Alcoba, D.R.;Oña, O.B.;Massaccesi, G.E. (...)Oliva, J.M. Molecular Physics. 114(3-4):400-406
"Tectonic rotations and internal structure of Eocene plutons in Chuquicamata, northern Chile" (2015) Somoza, R.;Tomlinson, A.J.;Zaffarana, C.B. (...)Dilles, J.H. Tectonophysics. 654:113-130
"Rock magnetism in two loess–paleosol sequences in Córdoba, Argentina" (2015) Rouzaut, S.;Orgeira, M.J.;Vásquez, C. (...)Sanabria, J. Environmental Earth Sciences. 73(10):6323-6339
"Structure and magnetism of a binuclear Cu II pyrophosphate: Transition to a 3D magnetic behaviour studied by single crystal EPR" (2015) Sartoris, R.P.;Nascimento, O.R.;Santana, R.C. (...)Calvo, R. Dalton Transactions. 44(10):4732-4743
"Structure and magnetism of a binuclear Cu II pyrophosphate: Transition to a 3D magnetic behaviour studied by single crystal EPR" (2015) Sartoris, R.P.;Nascimento, O.R.;Santana, R.C. (...)Calvo, R. Dalton Transactions. 44(10):4732-4743
"SBR/BiFeO3 Elastomer Capacitor Films Prepared under Magnetic and Electric Fields Displaying Magnetoelectric Coupling" (2015) Saleh Medina, L.M.;Jorge, G.A.;Rubi, D. (...)Negri, R.M. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 119(41):23319-23328
"Constraints on deformation of the Southern Andes since the Cretaceous from anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility" (2015) Maffione, M.;Hernandez-Moreno, C.;Ghiglione, M.C. (...)Lodolo, E. Tectonophysics. 665:236-250
"An interval fuzzy model for magnetic biomonitoring using the specie Tillandsia recurvata L" (2015) Chaparro, M.A.E.;Chaparro, M.A.E.;Castañeda Miranda, A.G. (...)Sinito, A.M. Ecological Indicators. 54:238-245
"Monte carlo-quantum mechanics study of magnetic properties of hydrogen peroxide in liquid water" (2014) Caputo, M.C.;Provasi, P.F.;Benitez, L. (...)Coutinho, K. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 118(32):6239-6247
"Structural, electrical and magnetic properties of epitaxial La 0.7 Sr 0.3 CoO 3 thin films grown on SrTiO 3 and LaAlO 3 substrates" (2014) Othmen, Z.;Schulman, A.;Daoudi, K. (...)Tsuchiya, T. Applied Surface Science. 306:60-65
"Frustration in biomolecules" (2014) Ferreiro, D.U.; Komives, E.A.; Wolynes, P.G. Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics. 47(4):285-363
"Characterization of titanium films deposited with a cathodic arc using a straight magnetic duct" (2014) Bermeo, F.;Torre, H.D.;Kleiman, A. (...)Marquez, A. 15th International Congress on Plasma Physics, ICPP 2010 and 13th Latin American Workshop on Plasma Physics, LAWPP 2010. 511(1)
"Magnetic parameters and their palaeoclimatic implications-the sediment record of the last 15 500 cal. BP from Laguna Potrok Aike (Argentina)" (2014) Irurzun, M.A.;Orgeira, M.J.;Gogorza, C.S.G. (...)Zolitschka, B. Geophysical Journal International. 198(2):710-726
"Characterization of primary and secondary magnetite in marine sediment by combining chemical and magnetic unmixing techniques" (2013) Ludwig, P.;Egli, R.;Bishop, S. (...)Orgeira, M.J. Global and Planetary Change. 110:321-339
"Electronic structure and properties of NbS2 and TiS2 low dimensional structures" (2012) Güller, F.; Helman, C.; Llois, A.M. Physica B: Condensed Matter. 407(16):3188-3191
"Search for magnetic monopoles in √s = 7 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector" (2012) ATLAS Collaboration Physical Review Letters. 109(26)
"Study of the efficiency of magnetic island macroparticle filters for different vacuum arc configurations" (2012) Duran, A.A.;Fazio, M.;Kleiman, A. (...)Grondona, D. 14th Latin American Workshop on Plasma Physics, LAWPP 2011. 370(1)
"Geometry distortion of the benzene molecule in a strong magnetic field" (2011) Caputo, M.C.; Lazzeretti, P. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 111(4):772-779
"Co-doped ceria: Tendency towards ferromagnetism driven by oxygen vacancies" (2010) Ferrari, V.; Llois, A.M.; Vildosola, V. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 22(27)
"Magnetism and structure in chains of copper dinuclear paddlewheel units" (2010) Perec, M.;Bagglo, R.;Sartoris, R.P. (...)Calvo, R. Inorganic Chemistry. 49(2):695-703
"Pyrophosphate-bridged CuII chain magnet: {[Na 3Cu(P2O7)(NO3)]•3H 2O}n" (2010) Sartoris, R.P.;Santana, R.C.;Baggio, R.F. (...)Calvo, R. Inorganic Chemistry. 49(12):5650-5657
"Titan's highly dynamic magnetic environment: A systematic survey of Cassini magnetometer observations from flybys TAT62" (2010) Simon, S.;Wennmacher, A.;Neubauer, F.M. (...)Dougherty, M.K. Planetary and Space Science. 58(10):1230-1251
"The use of the magnetic signal of soils and paleosoils as a climatic function " (2009) Orgeira, M.J.; Compagnucci, R.H. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 65(4):612-623
"A discussion of bias in magnetotelluric responses" (2009) Pomposiello, M.C.; Booker, J.R.; Favetto, A. Geophysics. 74(4):F59-F65
"Substrate effects on the magnetic ground state of 3d transition metal chains" (2009) Urdaniz, M.C.; Barral, M.A.; Llois, A.M. Physica B: Condensed Matter. 404(18):2822-2825
"Electric and magnetic properties of PMMA/manganite composites" (2009) Artale, C.;Fermepin, S.;Forti, M. (...)Levy, P. Physica B: Condensed Matter. 404(18):2760-2762
"Alternate Cu2 and Er2 spin carriers in a carboxylate-bridged chain: EPR study" (2009) Calvo, R.;Rapp, R.E.;Sartoris, R.P. (...)Perec, M. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 113(31):8830-8833
"Multi-scale reconnections in a complex CME" (2008) van Driel-Gesztelyi, L.;Goff, C.P.;Démoulin, P. (...)Kurokawa, H. Advances in Space Research. 42(5):858-865
"Mid-Cretaceous polar standstill of South America, motion of the Atlantic hotspots and the birth of the Andean cordillera" (2008) Somoza, R.; Zaffarana, C.B. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 271(1-4):267-277
"1-D polymers with alternate Cu2 and Ln2 units (Ln = Gd, Er, Y) and carboxylate linkages" (2008) Calvo, R.;Rapp, R.E.;Chagas, E. (...)Perec, M. Inorganic Chemistry. 47(22):10389-10397
"Atomic partition of the optical rotatory power of methylhydroperoxide" (2008) Sánchez, M.;Ferraro, M.B.;Alkorta, I. (...)Sauer, S.P.A. Journal of Chemical Physics. 128(6)
"Analysis of large scale MHD quantities in expanding magnetic clouds" (2008) Nakwacki, M.S.; Dasso, S.; Mandrini, C.H.; Démoulin, P. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. 70(10):1318-1326
"The magnetic memory of Titan's ionized atmosphere" (2008) Bertucci, C.;Achilleos, N.;Dougherty, M.K. (...)Young, D.T. Science. 321(5895):1475-1478
"A new copper(II) di-μ2-carboxylato bridged dinuclear complex: [Cu(oda)phen]2 · 6H2O (oda = oxydiacetate, phen = phenanthroline)" (2007) Baggio, R.;Calvo, R.;Garland, M.T. (...)Slep, L.D. Inorganic Chemistry Communications. 10(11):1249-1252
"Release of NO from reduced nitroprusside ion. Iron-dinitrosyl formation and NO-disproportionation reactions" (2005) Roncaroli, F.; Van Eldik, R.; Olabe, J.A. Inorganic Chemistry. 44(8):2781-2790
"Ring current effects on nuclear magnetic shielding of carbon in the benzene molecule" (2005) Ferraro, M.B.;Faglioni, F.;Ligabue, A. (...)Lazzeretti, P. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. 43(4):316-320
"Gadolinium and neodymium citrates: Evidence for weak ferromagnetic exchange between gadolinium(III) cations" (2005) Baggio, R.;Calvo, R.;Garland, M.T. (...)Rizzi, A. Inorganic Chemistry. 44(24):8979-8987
"Enhanced diffraction by a rectangular grating made of a negative phase-velocity (or negative index) material" (2005) Depine, R.A.; Lakhtakia, A.; Smith, D.R. Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics. 337(1-2):155-160
"U-J synergy effect for high-T c superconductors" (2005) Arrachea, L.; Zanchi, D. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 71(6)
"Crystal structure and magnetic properties of lanthanide-trans-2-butenoate polymers (Ln = La, Pr, Dy, Ho)" (2005) Baggio, R.; Garland, M.T.; Peña, O.; Perec, M. Inorganica Chimica Acta. 358(7):2332-2340
"EPR insensitivity of the metal-nitrosyl spin-bearing moiety in complexes [LnRuII-NO.]k" (2004) Frantz, S.;Sarkar, B.;Sieger, M. (...)Záliš, S. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry(14):2902-2907
"Noncollinear magnetism in LaMn2Ge2 and LaMn 2Si2 compounds" (2004) Di Napoli, S.;Bihlmayer, G.;Blügel, S. (...)Llois, A.M. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 272-276(SUPPL 1):e265-e266
"Thermodynamic properties of excess-oxygen-doped La2CuO 4.11 near a simultaneous transition to superconductivity and long-range magnetic order" (2004) Jorge, G.A.;Jaime, M.;Civale, L. (...)Birgeneau, R.J. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 69(17):174506-1-174506-8
"dc response of a dissipative driven mesoscopic ring" (2004) Arrachea, L. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 70(15):155407-1-155407-10
"Rashba coupling in quantum dots: An exact solution" (2004) Tsitsishvili, E.; Lozano, G.S.; Gogolin, A.O. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 70(11):115316-1-115316-11
"Gadolinium-Nickel ferrites prepared from metal citrates precursors" (2004) Sileo, E.E.; Jacobo, S.E. Physica B: Condensed Matter. 354(1-4 SPEC ISS):241-245
"Magnetic and transport properties of Ag/Co 90Fe 10 granular multilayers" (2004) Milano, J.;Llois, A.M.;Steren, L.B. (...)Barnard, J. Journal of Applied Physics. 96(12):7392-7398
"Magnetic structure and transport properties of noncollinear LaMn 2X2 (X=Ge,Si) systems" (2004) Di Napoli, S.;Llois, A.M.;Bihlmayer, G. (...)Dreyssé, H. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 70(17):1-10
"Magnetic trends in Mnn nanoclusters effects of uniform relaxations on the magnetic properties" (2004) Guevara, J.; Llois, A.M.; Aguilera-Granja, F.; Montejano-Carrizales, J.M. Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics. 325(2):144-148
"Effects of strong magnetic fields on the electron distribution and magnetisability of rare gas atoms" (2004) Pagola, G.I.; Caputo, M.C.; Ferraro, M.B.; Lazzeretti, P. Chemical Physics Letters. 400(1-3):133-138
"New homobinuclear carboxylate-bridged gadolinium(III) complexes" (2003) Rizzi, A.;Baggio, R.;Garland, M.T. (...)Perec, M. Inorganica Chimica Acta. 353:315-319
"New homobinuclear carboxylate-bridged gadolinium(III) complexes" (2003) Rizzi, A.;Baggio, R.;Garland, M.T. (...)Perec, M. Inorganica Chimica Acta. 353:315-319
"Sum rules related to third-order properties: A numerical check" (2003) Caputo, M.C.; Lazzeretti, P. Chemical Physics. 288(2-3):281-289
"Crystal structures and luminescent properties of terbium(III) carboxylates" (2003) Barja, B.;Baggio, R.;Garland, M.T. (...)Perec, M. Inorganica Chimica Acta. 346:187-196
"Rationalization of the optical rotatory power of chiral molecules into atomic terms: A study of N2H4" (2003) Béccar Varela, M.P.; Ferraro, M.B.; Rial, D.; Morokuma, K. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts. 110(6):428-433
"Europium(III) and terbium(III) trans-2-butenoates: Syntheses, crystal structures, and properties" (2003) Barja, B.;Aramendia, P.;Baggio, R. (...)Perec, M. Inorganica Chimica Acta. 355:183-190
"The Magnetic Helicity of an Interplanetary Hot Flux Rope" (2003) Dasso, S.;Mandrini, C.H.;Démoulin, P. (...)Malara F. 10th International Solar Wind Conference. 679:786-789
"Combined impurity and band effects on the appearance of inverse giant magnetoresistance in Cu/Fe multilayers with Cr" (2002) Milano, J.; Llois, A.M.; Steren, L.B. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 66(13):1344051-1344057
"Paleomagnetism of the Sierra de Las Animas Complex, Southern Uruguay: Its implications in the assembly of Western Gondwana" (2002) Sánchez-Bettucci, L.; Rapalini, A.E. Precambrian Research. 118(3-4):243-265
"Carboxylate-bridged copper(II)-lanthanide(III) complexes [{Cu3Ln2(oda)6 (H2O)6}.12H2O]n (Ln = Dy, Ho, Er, Y; oda = oxydiacetate)" (2002) Rizzi, A.C.;Calvo, R.;Baggio, R. (...)Perec, M. Inorganic Chemistry. 41(21):5609-5614
"Synthesis, crystal structure, and magnetic properties of the mixed-ligand complex [Gd(CF3CO2)3(phen)2 (H2O)]" (2001) Rizzi, A.;Baggio, R.;Calvo, R. (...)Perec, M. Inorganic Chemistry. 40(14):3623-3625
"Mixing of magnetic and phononic excitations in incommensurate spin-Peierls systems" (2001) Dobry, A.; Ibaceta, D. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 63(14)
"The anomalous metallic ferromagnetic state of Sr doped manganites" (2001) Ferrari, V.; Rozenberg, M.J.; Weht, R. Modern Physics Letters B. 15(23):1031-1040
"Stereoelectronic contributions to 1H-1H coupling constants" (2000) Sproviero, E.M.; Burton, G. Molecules. 5(3):539-540
"Structure and magnetic properties of binuclear Cu 2 (O 2 CCH=CHCH 3 ) 4 (DMF) 2 : A carboxylate-bridged Cu(II) spin dimer" (2000) Schlam, R.F.;Perec, M.;Calvo, R. (...)Foxman, B.M. Inorganica Chimica Acta. 310(1):81-88
"The polar bond-polarizable bond interaction in 1-X,2-methoxy naphthalenes. An experimental and theoretical study" (2000) Contreras, R.H.; Taurian, O.E.; Ortiz, F.S.; Peralta, J.E. Journal of Molecular Structure. 556(1-3):263-273
"Itinerant ferromagnetism in the two-dimensional t-t′ Hubbard model" (2000) Arrachea, L. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 62(15):10033-10037
"The effect of spillover in the electronic and magnetic properties of Ni, Co, and Fe clusters" (1998) Guevara, J.; Parisi, F.; Llois, A.M.; Weissmann, M. Computational Materials Science. 10(1-4):440-443
"Electronic properties of mixed transition metal clusters: Co clusters embedded in Ag" (1998) Guevara, J.; Llois, A.M.; Weissmann, M. Revista Mexicana de Fisica. 44(SUPPL 3):29-33
"Magnetic structure of small Fe-Ni clusters: Calculations in the Ni rich region" (1998) Guevara, J.; Llois, A.M. Revista Mexicana de Fisica. 44(SUPPL 3):22-24
"Inelastic Scattering of Slow Electrons from a Heisenfoerg Ferromagnet" (1974) Harriague, S.; Majlis, N.; Makler, S.A.; Olmedo, A.M. physica status solidi (b). 66(1):377-387