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The Auca Mahuida volcanic field lies on the southernmost Payenia Volcanic Province, one of the broadest retroarc volcanic plateaux in the southern Central Andes (~38°S). This voluminous basaltic flooding of Quaternary age was originated from a deep asthenospheric source, interpreted as a mantle plume product of changing slab dynamics. The geometry of this source is deduced from magnetotelluric data, but the limited spatial coverage of this array does not allow a detailed resolution of this anomaly. In order to present a detailed geometry of the conductive anomaly and related crustal magmatic bodies, we used multiple data sources. We combined Magnetic and Bouguer anomalies, Curie isotherm depth (T c ), Elastic Thickness (T e ) and Moho depth derived from the Global Earth Magnetic Anomaly Grid (EMAG2) and terrestrial gravity measurements, all together in a holistic geophysical analysis. The magnetic data depict a nearly 200-km-in-diameter circular anomaly that would correspond to a dense body according to the Bouguer anomaly. Geoid data from the Gravity Field Model (EIGEN-6c4) have been filtered in order to isolate deeper mass influences and visualize the asthenospheric upwelling previously described from magnetotelluric data. Moho inversion yields a crustal attenuation at 36- to 32-km depth coinciding with T e below 20-km depth and a shallow T c (≤15-km depth) at the site where Geoid positive undulation was calculated. Finally, surface analysis allowed defining a topographic swell, compatible with the dimensions of the identified magnetic anomaly, where the main rivers deviated, potentially due to a recent base level change. ©2018. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Crustal and Mantle Structure Beneath the Southern Payenia Volcanic Province Using Gravity and Magnetic Data
Autor:Astort, A.; Colavitto, B.; Sagripanti, L.; García, H.; Echaurren, A.; Soler, S.; Ruíz, F.; Folguera, A.
Filiación:Laboratorio de Geodinámica, IDEAN, Universidad de Buenos Aires, CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Instituto Geofísico Sismológico Ing. Volponi, Universidad Nacional de San Juan, San Juan, Argentina
Palabras clave:asthenospheric upwelling; geoid data; gravimetric data; magnetic data; Payenia Volcanic Province; surface analysis; Gravitation; Lunar surface analysis; Magnetic storage; Magnetotellurics; Surface analysis; Telluric prospecting; Volcanoes; asthenospheric upwelling; geoid data; Gravimetric data; Magnetic data; Payenia Volcanic Province; Magnetism; asthenosphere; Bouguer anomaly; crustal structure; geoid; gravimetry; gravity survey; magnetic anomaly; magnetic survey; magnetotelluric method; mantle structure; Moho; Quaternary; Argentina; Payenia Volcanic Province
Página de inicio:144
Página de fin:158
Título revista:Tectonics
Título revista abreviado:Tectonics


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---------- APA ----------
Astort, A., Colavitto, B., Sagripanti, L., García, H., Echaurren, A., Soler, S., Ruíz, F.,..., Folguera, A. (2019) . Crustal and Mantle Structure Beneath the Southern Payenia Volcanic Province Using Gravity and Magnetic Data. Tectonics, 38(1), 144-158.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Astort, A., Colavitto, B., Sagripanti, L., García, H., Echaurren, A., Soler, S., et al. "Crustal and Mantle Structure Beneath the Southern Payenia Volcanic Province Using Gravity and Magnetic Data" . Tectonics 38, no. 1 (2019) : 144-158.
---------- MLA ----------
Astort, A., Colavitto, B., Sagripanti, L., García, H., Echaurren, A., Soler, S., et al. "Crustal and Mantle Structure Beneath the Southern Payenia Volcanic Province Using Gravity and Magnetic Data" . Tectonics, vol. 38, no. 1, 2019, pp. 144-158.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Astort, A., Colavitto, B., Sagripanti, L., García, H., Echaurren, A., Soler, S., et al. Crustal and Mantle Structure Beneath the Southern Payenia Volcanic Province Using Gravity and Magnetic Data. Tectonics. 2019;38(1):144-158.