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risk assessment
"Capacities for the risk assessment of GMOs: Challenges to build sustainable systems" (2018) Ríos, D.F.; Rubinstein, C.; Vicién, C. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 6(APR)
"Capacities for the risk assessment of GMOs: Challenges to build sustainable systems" (2018) Ríos, D.F.; Rubinstein, C.; Vicién, C. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 6(APR)
"Toward sustainable environmental quality: Identifying priority research questions for Latin America" (2018) Furley, T.H.;Brodeur, J.;Silva de Assis, H.C. (...)Brooks, B.W. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. 14(3):344-357
"Toward sustainable environmental quality: Identifying priority research questions for Latin America" (2018) Furley, T.H.;Brodeur, J.;Silva de Assis, H.C. (...)Brooks, B.W. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. 14(3):344-357
"Micropropagation of Asparagus macrorrhizus, a Spanish endemic species in extreme extinction risk" (2018) Regalado, J.J.;Carmona-Martin, E.;López-Granero, M. (...)Encina, C.L. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. 132(3):573-578
"Aerobic biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbon fractions in soil in the north Patagonia region, Argentina " (2017) Alvaro, C.E.S.; Arocena, L.A.; Martínez, M.Á.; Nudelman, N.E.S. Revista Internacional de Contaminacion Ambiental. 33(2):247-257
"Predicting the bioconcentration factor through a conformation-independent QSPR study" (2017) Aranda, J.F.;Bacelo, D.E.;Leguizamón Aparicio, M.S. (...)Duchowicz, P.R. SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research. 28(9):749-763
"Predicting the bioconcentration factor through a conformation-independent QSPR study" (2017) Aranda, J.F.;Bacelo, D.E.;Leguizamón Aparicio, M.S. (...)Duchowicz, P.R. SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research. 28(9):749-763
"Analyzing the spread of chagas disease with mobile phone data" (2016) De Monasterio, J.;Salles, A.;Lang, C. (...)ACM SIGMOD; Association for Computing Machinery (ACM); et al.; IEEE; IEEE Computer Society; IEEE TCDE 2016 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM 2016:607-612
"Effects of a fungicide formulation on embryo-larval development, metamorphosis, and gonadogenesis of the South American toad Rhinella arenarum" (2016) Svartz, G.; Meijide, F.; Pérez Coll, C. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology. 45:1-7
"Association Between Thoracic Aorta Calcium and Thoracic Aorta Geometry in a Cohort of Asymptomatic Participants at Increased Cardiovascular Risk " (2016) Craiem, D.;Alsac, J.-M.;Casciaro, M.E. (...)Simon, A. Revista Espanola de Cardiologia. 69(9):827-835
"Association Between Thoracic Aorta Calcium and Thoracic Aorta Geometry in a Cohort of Asymptomatic Participants at Increased Cardiovascular Risk " (2016) Craiem, D.;Alsac, J.-M.;Casciaro, M.E. (...)Simon, A. Revista Espanola de Cardiologia. 69(9):827-835
"Risk-driven revision of requirements models" (2016) Alrajeh, D.;Van Lamsweerde, A.;Kramer, J. (...)Uchitel, S. 2016 IEEE/ACM 38th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2016. 14-22-May-2016:855-865
"Logic-based learning in software engineering" (2016) Alrajeh, D.; Russo, A.; Uchitel, S.; Kramer, J. 2016 IEEE/ACM 38th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2016:892-893
"Association of thoracic aorta calcium and non cardiac vascular events in cardiac disease-free individuals" (2016) Craiem, D.;Chironi, D.G.;Casciaro, M.E. (...)Simon, A. Atherosclerosis. 245:22-27
"Association of thoracic aorta calcium and non cardiac vascular events in cardiac disease-free individuals" (2016) Craiem, D.;Chironi, D.G.;Casciaro, M.E. (...)Simon, A. Atherosclerosis. 245:22-27
"Carotid wall stress calculated with continuous intima-media thickness assessment using B-mode ultrasound" (2016) Pascaner, A.F.;Craiem, D.;Casciaro, M.E. (...)Guevara, E. 20th Argentinean Bioengineering Society Congressand the 9th Conference of Clinical Engineering, SABI 2015. 705(1)
"Waiting for chikungunya fever in Argentina: Spatio-temporal risk maps" (2015) Carbajo, A.E.; Vezzani, D. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 110(2):259-262
"Waiting for chikungunya fever in Argentina: Spatio-temporal risk maps" (2015) Carbajo, A.E.; Vezzani, D. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 110(2):259-262
"Circannual rhythms of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity in the freshwater fish Cnesterodon decemmaculatus" (2015) Menéndez-Helman, R.J.; Ferreyroa, G.V.; dos Santos Afonso, M.; Salibián, A. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 111:236-241
"Effects of six antibiotics and their binary mixtures on growth of Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata" (2015) Magdaleno, A.; Saenz, M.E.; Juárez, A.B.; Moretton, J. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 113:72-78
"Effects of six antibiotics and their binary mixtures on growth of Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata" (2015) Magdaleno, A.; Saenz, M.E.; Juárez, A.B.; Moretton, J. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 113:72-78
"Effects of six antibiotics and their binary mixtures on growth of Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata" (2015) Magdaleno, A.; Saenz, M.E.; Juárez, A.B.; Moretton, J. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 113:72-78
"New insights on the structure of the picloram-montmorillonite surface complexes" (2015) Marco-Brown, J.L.;Trinelli, M.A.;Gaigneaux, E.M. (...)Dos Santos Afonso, M. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 444:115-122
"Early protein malnutrition negatively impacts physical growth and neurological reflexes and evokes anxiety and depressive-like behaviors" (2014) Belluscio, L.M.;Berardino, B.G.;Ferroni, N.M. (...)Cánepa, E.T. Physiology and Behavior. 129:237-254
"Calcifications of the thoracic aorta on extended non-contrast-enhanced cardiac CT" (2014) Craiem, D.;Chironi, G.;Casciaro, M.E. (...)Simon, A. PLoS ONE. 9(10)
"Calcifications of the thoracic aorta on extended non-contrast-enhanced cardiac CT" (2014) Craiem, D.;Chironi, G.;Casciaro, M.E. (...)Simon, A. PLoS ONE. 9(10)
"GIS-based pollution hazard mapping and assessment framework of shallow lakes: Southeastern Pampean lakes (Argentina) as a case study" (2013) Romanelli, A.; Esquius, K.S.; Massone, H.E.; Escalante, A.H. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 185(8):6943-6961
"Comparative toxicity of two glyphosate-based formulations to Eisenia andrei under laboratory conditions" (2013) Piola, L.;Fuchs, J.;Oneto, M.L. (...)Casabé, N. Chemosphere. 91(4):545-551
"Effect of conspecific alarm calls in the parental behaviour of nesting southern house wrens" (2013) Corral, M.G.; Llambías, P.E.; Fernández, G.J. Acta Ethologica. 16(1):47-51
"Reproductive impairment of a viviparous fish species inhabiting a freshwater system with anthropogenic impact" (2013) Hued, A.C.; Nostro, F.L.L.; Wunderlin, D.A.; De Los Ángeles Bistoni, M. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 64(2):281-290
"Glutathione-S-transferase (GST) polymorphisms are associated with relapse after radical prostatectomy" (2013) Cotignola, J.;Leonardi, D.B.;Shahabi, A. (...)Vazquez, E. Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases. 16(1):28-34
"Mesenchymal stem cells and their use in therapy: What has been achieved?" (2013) Fernández Vallone, V.B.;Romaniuk, M.A.;Choi, H. (...)Chasseing, N.A. Differentiation. 85(1-2):1-10
"Critical consideration of the multiplicity of experimental and organismic determinants of pyrethroid neurotoxicity: A proof of concept" (2013) Wolansky, M.J.; Tornero-Velez, R. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health - Part B: Critical Reviews. 16(8):453-490
"Typing clinical and animal environment Aspergillus fumigatus gliotoxin producer strains isolated from Brazil by PCR-RFLP markers" (2013) Soleiro, C.A.;Pena, G.A.;Cavaglieri, L.R. (...)Rosa, C.A.R. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 57(6):484-491
"An in situ test to explore the responses of Scenedesmus acutus and Lepocinclis acus as indicators of the changes in water quality in lowland streams" (2012) Bauer, D.E.; Conforti, V.; Ruiz, L.; Gómez, N. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 77:71-78
"An in situ test to explore the responses of Scenedesmus acutus and Lepocinclis acus as indicators of the changes in water quality in lowland streams" (2012) Bauer, D.E.; Conforti, V.; Ruiz, L.; Gómez, N. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 77:71-78
"Clinical relevance of ErbB-2/HER2 nuclear expression in breast cancer" (2012) Schillaci, R.;Guzmán, P.;Cayrol, F. (...)Elizalde, P.V. BMC Cancer. 12
"The potential for comparative research across New World bird migration systems" (2012) Jahn, A.E.; Cueto, V.R. Journal of Ornithology. 153(SUPPL 1):199-205
"Health informatics design for assisted diagnosis of subclinical atherosclerosis, structural, and functional arterial age calculus and patient-specific cardiovascular risk evaluation" (2012) Santana, D.B.;Zócalo, Y.A.;Ventura, I.F. (...)Armentano, R.L. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine. 16(5):943-951
"Groundwater vulnerability assessment combining the drastic and Dyna-CLUE model in the Argentine Pampas" (2011) Lima, M.L.; Zelaya, K.; Massone, H. Environmental Management. 47(5):828-839
"Groundwater vulnerability assessment combining the drastic and Dyna-CLUE model in the Argentine Pampas" (2011) Lima, M.L.; Zelaya, K.; Massone, H. Environmental Management. 47(5):828-839
"The application of toxicity test on the specie Atriplex lampa in the risk assessment of oil spills in Patagonian soils " (2011) Barquín, M.; Ríos, S.M.; Nudelman, N. Revista de Toxicologia. 28(2):135-139
"Hull fouling as an invasion vector: Can simple models explain a complex problem?" (2011) Sylvester, F.;Kalaci, O.;Leung, B. (...)Macisaac, H.J. Journal of Applied Ecology. 48(2):415-423
"Impact of coronary artery calcium on cardiovascular risk categorization and lipid-lowering drug eligibility in asymptomatic hypercholesterolemic men" (2011) Chironi, G.;Simon, A.;Megnien, J.-L. (...)Armentano, R. International Journal of Cardiology. 151(2):200-204
"Impact of coronary artery calcium on cardiovascular risk categorization and lipid-lowering drug eligibility in asymptomatic hypercholesterolemic men" (2011) Chironi, G.;Simon, A.;Megnien, J.-L. (...)Armentano, R. International Journal of Cardiology. 151(2):200-204
"Stochastic eco-epidemiological model of dengue disease transmission by Aedes aegypti mosquito" (2010) Otero, M.; Solari, H.G. Mathematical Biosciences. 223(1):32-46
"Projected precipitation changes in South America: A dynamical downscaling within CLARIS" (2010) Sörensson, A.A.;Menéndez, C.G.;Ruscica, R. (...)Willén, U. Meteorologische Zeitschrift. 19(4):347-355
"World Health Organization - Technical Report Series: Introduction" (2010) Alexander, J.;Baines, J.;Bolger, M. (...)Walker, R. World Health Organization - Technical Report Series(959):1-105
"Safety assessment of food products from r-DNA animals" (2009) Lema, M.A.; Burachik, M. Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 32(2):163-189
"Carotid artery stenosis: Tailoring treatment according to risk profile" (2009) Belardi, J. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions. 73(2):137-138
"Two-stent technique: A dead duck or alive and kicking?" (2009) Belardi, J.A. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions. 74(2):321-322
"Large rock avalanches: A kinematic model" (2008) Zambrano, O.M. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering. 26(3):283-287
"Fractional Brownian motion, fractional Gaussian noise, and Tsallis permutation entropy" (2008) Zunino, L.;Pérez, D.G.;Kowalski, A. (...)Rosso, O.A. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 387(24):6057-6068
"Ethical review and informed consent in cardiovascular research reports in Argentina " (2008) Borracci, R.A.;Calderón, G.;Seoane, M.R. (...)Doval, H.C. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia. 90(5):290-293+317-321
"Treatment of drug-eluting stent restenosis: A sandwich may not be the best combo" (2008) Belardi, J. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions. 71(5):599
"Estimation and extrapolation of optimal treatment and testing strategies" (2008) Robins, J.; Orellana, L.; Rotnitzky, A. Statistics in Medicine. 27(23):4678-4721
"Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence in Thoracic Surgery" (2007) Esteva, H.; Núñez, T.G.; Rodríguez, R.O. Thoracic Surgery Clinics. 17(3):359-367
"Ecotoxicological assessment of the effects of glyphosate and chlorpyrifos in an Argentine soya field" (2007) Casabé, N.;Piola, L.;Fuchs, J. (...)Kesten, E. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 7(4):232-239
"Discussions" (2007) Robins, J.; Rotnitzky, A.; Vansteelandt, S. Biometrics. 63(3):650-653
"Spatial and temporal transmission risk of Dirofilaria immitis in Argentina" (2006) Vezzani, D.; Carbajo, A.E. International Journal for Parasitology. 36(14):1463-1472
"Spatial and temporal transmission risk of Dirofilaria immitis in Argentina" (2006) Vezzani, D.; Carbajo, A.E. International Journal for Parasitology. 36(14):1463-1472
"Spatial and temporal transmission risk of Dirofilaria immitis in Argentina" (2006) Vezzani, D.; Carbajo, A.E. International Journal for Parasitology. 36(14):1463-1472
"Controversial role of inhibin α-subunit gene in the aetiology of premature ovarian failure" (2006) Sundblad, V.;Chiauzzi, V.A.;Andreone, L. (...)Dain, L. Human Reproduction. 21(5):1154-1160
"Factors associated with H pylori epidemiology in symptomatic children in Buenos Aires, Argentina" (2006) Goldman, C.;Barrado, A.;Janjetic, M. (...)Boccio, J. World Journal of Gastroenterology. 12(33):5384-5388
"Urban geology of the Buenos Aires metropolitan area and its influence on environmental problems " (2004) Pereyra, F.X. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 59(3):394-410
"Spatio-temporal variability in the transmission of dengue in Buenos Aires City " (2004) Carbajo, A.E.; Gomez, S.M.; Curto, S.I.; Schweigmann, N.J. Medicina. 64(3):231-234
"Spatio-temporal variability in the transmission of dengue in Buenos Aires City " (2004) Carbajo, A.E.; Gomez, S.M.; Curto, S.I.; Schweigmann, N.J. Medicina. 64(3):231-234
"Seasonal pattern of abundance of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) in Buenos Aires City, Argentina" (2004) Vezzani, D.; Velázquez, S.M.; Schweigmann, N. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 99(4):351-356
"An eco-epidemiological study of contamination of soil with infective forms of intestinal parasites" (2004) Thevenet, P.S.;Ñancufil, A.;Oyarzo, C.M. (...)Basualdo, J.A. European Journal of Epidemiology. 19(5):481-489
"Cytogenetic evaluation of two nitroimidazole derivatives" (2003) López Nigro, M.M.; Palermo, A.M.; Mudry, M.D.; Carballo, M.A. Toxicology in Vitro. 17(1):35-40
"Cytogenetic evaluation of two nitroimidazole derivatives" (2003) López Nigro, M.M.; Palermo, A.M.; Mudry, M.D.; Carballo, M.A. Toxicology in Vitro. 17(1):35-40
"Terrorism in argentina" (2003) Muro, M.;Cohen, R.;Maffei, D. (...)Espinosa, L. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 18(2):53-56
"Terrorism in argentina" (2003) Muro, M.;Cohen, R.;Maffei, D. (...)Espinosa, L. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 18(2):53-56
"Cold and warm events over Argentina and their relationship with the ENSO phases: Risk evaluation analysis" (2002) Rusticucci, M.; Vargas, W. International Journal of Climatology. 22(4):467-483
"Stroke vs. chronic progressive cerebrovascular disease: A magnetic resonance imaging study of symptomatic outpatients" (2002) Domínguez, R.O.;Marschoff, E.R.;Serra, J.A. (...)Famulari, A.L. Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 203-204:67-71
"Decision-making processes following damage to the prefrontal cortex" (2002) Manes, F.;Sahakian, B.;Clark, L. (...)Robbins, T. Brain. 125(3):624-639
"Modeling pentachlorophenol bioavailability and bioaccumulation by the freshwater fingernail clam Sphaerium corneum using artificial particles and humic acids" (2001) Guerrero, N.R.V.; Taylor, M.G.; Wider, E.A.; Simkiss, K. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 20(12):2910-2915
"Survey of genetic counselors and clinical geneticists regarding recurrence risks for families with nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate" (1998) Wyszynski, D.F.;Zeiger, J.;Tilli, M.T. (...)Beaty, T.H. American Journal of Medical Genetics. 79(3):184-190
"Decreased Tamm-Horsfall protein in lithiasic patients" (1997) Romero, M.C.; Nocera, S.; Nesse, A.B. Clinical Biochemistry. 30(1):63-67