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"The alkaline transition of cytochrome c revisited: Effects of electrostatic interactions and tyrosine nitration on the reaction dynamics" (2019) Oviedo-Rouco, S.;Castro, M.A.;Alvarez-Paggi, D. (...)Murgida, D.H. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 665:96-106
"Bicoid gradient formation mechanism and dynamics revealed by protein lifetime analysis" (2018) Durrieu, L.;Kirrmaier, D.;Schneidt, T. (...)Knop, M. Molecular Systems Biology. 14(9)
"In vivo hemin conditioning targets the vascular and immunologic compartments and restrains prostate tumor development" (2017) Jaworski, F.M.;Gentilini, L.D.;Gueron, G. (...)Vazquez, E.S. Clinical Cancer Research. 23(17):5135-5148
"Translating the ‘Sugar Code’ into Immune and Vascular Signaling Programs" (2017) Cerliani, J.P.;Blidner, A.G.;Toscano, M.A. (...)Rabinovich, G.A. Trends in Biochemical Sciences. 42(4):255-273
"An integrated model for motor control of song in Serinus canaria" (2016) Alonso, R.G.; Amador, A.; Mindlin, G.B. Journal of Physiology Paris. 110(3):127-139
"The undecided have the key: Interaction-driven opinion dynamics in a three state model" (2015) Balenzuela, P.; Pinasco, J.P.; Semeshenko, V. PLoS ONE. 10(10)
"Analysis and modelling of turbulent fluxes in two different ecosystems in Argentina" (2015) Ulke, A.G.; Gattinoni, N.N.; Posse, G. International Journal of Environment and Pollution. 58(1-2):52-62
"An interval fuzzy model for magnetic biomonitoring using the specie Tillandsia recurvata L" (2015) Chaparro, M.A.E.;Chaparro, M.A.E.;Castañeda Miranda, A.G. (...)Sinito, A.M. Ecological Indicators. 54:238-245
"Coping with daily thermal variability: Behavioural performance of an ectotherm model in a warming world" (2014) Rojas, J.M.;Castillo, S.B.;Folguera, G. (...)Bozinovic, F. PLoS ONE. 9(9)
"Pesticides used in South American GMO-based agriculture. A review of their effects on humans and animal models" (2012) López, S.L.;Aiassa, D.;Benítez-Leite, S. (...)Carrasco, A.E. Advances in Molecular Toxicology. 6:41-75
"The human Turing machine: A neural framework for mental programs" (2011) Zylberberg, A.; Dehaene, S.; Roelfsema, P.R.; Sigman, M. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 15(7):293-300
"Chromophore structure of cyanobacterial phytochrome Cph1 in the Pr state: Reconciling structural and spectroscopic data by QM/MM calculations" (2009) Mroginski, M.A.;Von Stetten, D.;Escobar, F.V. (...)Hildebrandt, P. Biophysical Journal. 96(10):4153-4163
"Potentiality of lignin from the Kraft pulping process for removal of trace nickel from wastewater: Effect of demineralisation" (2009) Betancur, M.; Bonelli, P.R.; Velásquez, J.A.; Cukierman, A.L. Bioresource Technology. 100(3):1130-1137
"Kinematic models of basement/cover interaction: Insights from the Malargüe fold and thrust belt, Mendoza, Argentina" (2009) Giambiagi, L.; Ghiglione, M.; Cristallini, E.; Bottesi, G. Journal of Structural Geology. 31(12):1443-1457
"Theoretical insight into the hydroxylamine oxidoreductase mechanism" (2008) Fernández, M.L.; Estrin, D.A.; Bari, S.E. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. 102(7):1523-1530
"Aggressiveness and memory: Subordinate crabs present higher memory ability than dominants after an agonistic experience" (2007) Kaczer, L.; Pedetta, S.; Maldonado, H. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 87(1):140-148
"A model considering light reabsorption processes to correct in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence spectra in apples" (2006) Ramos, M.E.; Lagorio, M.G. Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences. 5(5):508-512
"Re-absorption of chlorophyll fluorescence in leaves revisited. A comparison of correction models" (2006) Cordón, G.B.; Lagorio, M.G. Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences. 5(8):735-740
"Cross-talk between signaling pathways regulates alternative splicing: A novel role for JNK" (2005) Pelisch, F.; Blaustein, M.; Kornblihtt, A.R.; Srebrow, A. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 280(27):25461-25469
"Model for Andean orogenic volume variation and shortening in the 20°-46°S sector " (2005) Pose, F.A.; Spagnuolo, M.; Folguera, A. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 60(4):724-730
"A new method to estimate the basic reproductive number of diseases (R 0): An application to the study of dengue epidemics in the Federal District of Brazil " (2005) Degallier, N.;Favier, C.;Boulanger, J.-P. (...)Oliveira, C. Environnement, Risques et Sante. 4(2):131-135
"Application of atmospheric dispersion models to evaluate population exposure to NO2 concentration in Buenos Aires" (2005) Venegas, L.E.; Mazzeo, N.A. International Journal of Environment and Pollution. 25(1-4):224-238
"A model-independent algorithm to derive Ca2+ fluxes underlying local cytosolic Ca2+ transients" (2005) Ventura, A.C.;Bruno, L.;Demuro, A. (...)Dawson, S.P. Biophysical Journal. 88(4):2403-2421
"Navier-Stokes solutions for parallel flow in rivulets on an inclined plane" (2004) Perazzo, C.A.; Gratton, J. Journal of Fluid Mechanics(507):367-379
"Single field inflationary models with non-compact Kaluza-Klein theory" (2004) Ledesma, D.S.; Bellini, M. Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 581(1-2):1-8
"A numerical study of the barotropic circulation of the Río de la Plata estuary: Sensitivity to bathymetry, the Earth's rotation and low frequency wind variability" (2004) Simionato, C.G.; Dragani, W.; Meccia, V.; Nuñez, M. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 61(2):261-273
"Understanding proton magnetic shielding in the benzene molecule" (2004) Ferraro, M.B.; Lazzeretti, P.; Viglione, R.G.; Zanasi, R. Chemical Physics Letters. 390(1-3):268-271
"Design methodology for background air pollution monitoring site selection in an urban area" (2003) Venegas, L.E.; Mazzeo, N.A. International Journal of Environment and Pollution. 20(1-6):185-195
"On the influence of liquid distribution on heat transfer parameters in trickle bed systems" (2003) Mariani, N.J.;Mazza, G.D.;Martínez, O.M. (...)Barreto, G.F. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 81(3-4):814-820
"Symmetries leading to inflation" (2003) Aguirregabiria, J.M.; Chimento, L.P.; Jakubi, A.S.; Lazkoz, R. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 67(8):835181
"Synthesis of anticonvulsant sulfamides. Theoretical study of the related mechanism" (2003) Gavernet, L.; Cisneros, H.S.; Bruno-Blanch, L.E.; Estiú, G.L. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts. 110(6):434-440
"Adsorption of atoms and fluids on spherical surfaces" (2003) Hernandez, S.; Cole, M.W.; Boninsegni, M. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 68(12)
"Modulation of the NO trans effect in heme proteins: Implications for the activation of soluble guanylate cyclase" (2003) Martí, M.A.;Scherlis, D.A.;Doctorovich, F.A. (...)Estrin, D.A. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. 8(6):595-600
"Yield and internal stresses in aluminum filled epoxy resin. A compression test and positron annihilation analysis" (2003) Goyanes, S.;Rubiolo, G.;Marzocca, A. (...)Mondragon, I. Polymer. 44(11):3193-3199
"Optimization of manganese peroxidase and laccase production in the South American fungus Fomes sclerodermeus (Lév.) Cke" (2003) Papinutti, V.L.; Forchiassin, F. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. 30(9):536-541
"Dark energy, dissipation, and the coincidence problem" (2003) Chimento, L.P.; Jakubi, A.S.; Pavón, D. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 67(8)
"A photochromic acceptor as a reversible light-driven switch in fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)" (2002) Song, L.; Jares-Erijman, E.A.; Jovin, T.M. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry. 150(1-3):177-185
"Friction force on a vortex due to the scattering of superfluid excitations in helium II" (2002) Cataldo, H.M.; Jezek, D.M. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 65(18):1845231-1845237
"Changes in IGF-I receptor and IGF-I mRNA during differentiation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes" (2002) Zizola, C.F.; Balaña, M.E.; Sandoval, M.; Calvo, J.C. Biochimie. 84(10):975-980
"Single field inflation and non-Gaussianity" (2002) Gangui, A. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 66(8)
"Lignocellulosic materials as potential biosorbents of trace toxic metals from wastewater" (2002) Basso, M.C.; Cerrella, E.G.; Cukierman, A.L. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. 41(15):3580-3585
"The formation of classical defects after a slow quantum phase transition" (2002) Rivers, R.J.; Lombardo, F.C.; Mazzitelli, F.D. Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 539(1-2):1-7
"Paleomagnetism of the Sierra de Las Animas Complex, Southern Uruguay: Its implications in the assembly of Western Gondwana" (2002) Sánchez-Bettucci, L.; Rapalini, A.E. Precambrian Research. 118(3-4):243-265
"Packed bed structure: Evaluation of radial particle distribution" (2002) Mariani, N.J.; Salvat, W.I.; Martínez, O.M.; Barreto, G.F. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 80(2):186-193
"Packed bed structure: Evaluation of radial particle distribution" (2002) Mariani, N.J.; Salvat, W.I.; Martínez, O.M.; Barreto, G.F. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 80(2):186-193
"Symmetry and inflation" (2002) Chimento, L.P. Physical Review D. 65(6)
"Infinite-range quantum random Heisenberg magnet" (2002) Arrachea, L.; Rozenberg, M.J. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 65(22):2244301-22443011
"A dynamical model of kinesin-microtubule motility assays" (2001) Gibbons, F.; Chauwin, J.-F.; Despósito, M.; José, J.V. Biophysical Journal. 80(6):2515-2526
"Modeling pentachlorophenol bioavailability and bioaccumulation by the freshwater fingernail clam Sphaerium corneum using artificial particles and humic acids" (2001) Guerrero, N.R.V.; Taylor, M.G.; Wider, E.A.; Simkiss, K. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 20(12):2910-2915
"Model application: Hydration and gelatinization during rice parboiling" (2001) Elbert, G.; Tolaba, M.P.; Suárez, C. Drying Technology. 19(3-4):571-581
"Pairing correlations in electron-doped cuprates" (2001) Aligia, A.A.; Arrachea, L. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 64(21):2145181
"Cosmic microwave background bispectrum from active models of structure formation" (2001) Gangui, A.; Pogosian, L.; Winitzki, S. Physical Review D. 64(4)
"Phase space path integral in curved space" (2001) Ferraro, R.; Lesion, M. International Journal of Modern Physics A. 16(31):5033-5042
"Analysis of thermal diffusivity in aluminum (particle)-filled PMMA compounds" (2001) Goyanes, S.N.;Marconi, J.D.;König, P.G. (...)Marzocca, A.J. Polymer. 42(12):5267-5274
"Nielsen-Olesen vortices in noncommutative space" (2001) Lozano, G.S.; Moreno, E.F.; Schaposnik, F.A. Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 504(1-2):117-121
"Crystallization kinetics of lactose in sytems co-lyofilized with trehalose. Analysis by differential scanning calorimetry" (2001) Mazzobre, M.F.; Soto, G.; Aguilera, J.M.; Buera, M.P. Food Research International. 34(10):903-911
"Quantization of the Taub model with extrinsic time" (2001) Catren, G.; Ferraro, R. Physical Review D. 63(2)
"Traffic pollution in a downtown site of Buenos Aires City" (2001) Bogo, H.;Gómez, D.R.;Reich, S.L. (...)San Román, E. Atmospheric Environment. 35(10):1717-1727
"Towards a global classification of excitable reaction-diffusion systems" (2000) Dawson, S.P.; D'Angelo, M.V.; Pearson, J.E. Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics. 265(5-6):346-352
"Entropy gap and time asymmetry II" (2000) Aquilano, R.; Castagnino, M.; Eiroa, E. Modern Physics Letters A. 15(13):875-881
"Model for dissolution of irradiated metal oxides: Reactivity and structure" (2000) Dos Santos Afonso, M.; Di Risio, D.R. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 58(3):261-265
"Transmission and dynamics of tuberculosis on generalized households" (2000) Aparicio, J.P.; Capurro, A.F.; Castillo-Chavez, C. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 206(3):327-341
"Color formation due to non-enzymatic browning in amorphous, glassy, anhydrous, model systems" (1999) Schebor, C.; Buera, M.D.P.; Karel, M.; Chirife, J. Food Chemistry. 65(4):427-432
"Pyrolysis of hardwoods residues: On kinetics and chars characterization" (1999) Della Rocca, P.A.; Cerrella, E.G.; Bonelli, P.R.; Cukierman, A.L. Biomass and Bioenergy. 16(1):79-88
"Fire-diffuse-fire model of dynamics of intracellular calcium waves" (1999) Dawson, S.P.; Keizer, J.; Pearson, J.E. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 96(11):6060-6063
"Conversion of benzaldehyde into benzyl benzoate from the reaction with lithium metal in hexane" (1997) Nudelman, N.S.; Mendiara, S. Tetrahedron Letters. 38(13):2245-2248
"Ananalytical model for the prediction of nocturnal and dawn surface temperatures under calm, clear sky conditions" (1997) Figuerola, P.I.; Mazzeo, N.A. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 85(3-4):229-237
"A model of the annealing and activation of dissolution sites in magnetite exposed to (γ + n) radiation" (1996) Dos Santos Afonso, M.;Di Risio, C.D.;Zysmilich, M. (...)Blesa, M.A. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 48(6):715-718
"Patch choice by guinea pigs: is patch recognition important?" (1994) Cassini, M.H.; Kacelniks, A. Behavioural Processes. 31(2-3):145-156
"The effect of the low-level jet on the poleward water vapour transport in the central region of South America" (1993) Berri, G.J.; Inzunza, J.B. Atmospheric Environment Part A, General Topics. 27(3):335-341
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"Heparin and Concanavalin A interaction as a model for studying the mechanism of the anticoagulant activity" (1989) Monge, J.C.; Recondo, E.F.; Fernandez de Recondo, M.E. Thrombosis Research. 54(3):237-243
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