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Atlantic Ocean
"Nutritional condition and otolith growth of Engraulis anchoita larvae: The comparison of two life traits indexes" (2019) Do Souto, M.;Brown, D.R.;Leonarduzzi, E. (...)Diaz, M.V. Journal of Marine Systems. 193:94-102
"Nutritional condition and otolith growth of Engraulis anchoita larvae: The comparison of two life traits indexes" (2019) Do Souto, M.;Brown, D.R.;Leonarduzzi, E. (...)Diaz, M.V. Journal of Marine Systems. 193:94-102
"Sexual system, reproductive cycle and embryonic development of the red-striped shrimp Lysmata vittata, an invader in the western Atlantic Ocean" (2019) Alves, D.F.R.; López Greco, L.S.; de Paiva Barros-Alves, S.; Hirose, G.L. PLoS ONE. 14(1)
"Validation of MODIS-Aqua bio-optical algorithms for phytoplankton absorption coefficient measurement in optically complex waters of El Rincón (Argentina)" (2019) Delgado, A.L.;Guinder, V.A.;Dogliotti, A.I. (...)Pratolongo, P.D. Continental Shelf Research. 173:73-86
"The Amazon basin as a moisture source for an Atlantic Walker-type Circulation" (2019) Hierro, R.; Llamedo, P.; de la Torre, A.; Alexander, P. Atmospheric Research. 216:160-166
"Malvinas Current Volume Transport at 41°S: A 24 Yearlong Time Series Consistent With Mooring Data From 3 Decades and Satellite Altimetry" (2018) Artana, C.;Ferrari, R.;Koenig, Z. (...)Provost, C. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 123(1):378-398
"Variation in the isotopic composition of striped weakfish cynoscion guatucupa of the Southwest Atlantic Ocean in response to dietary shifts " (2018) Paso Viola, M.N.;Riccialdelli, L.;Jaureguizar, A. (...)Cappozzo, H.L. Brazilian Journal of Biology. 78(2):202-210
"Variation in the isotopic composition of striped weakfish cynoscion guatucupa of the Southwest Atlantic Ocean in response to dietary shifts " (2018) Paso Viola, M.N.;Riccialdelli, L.;Jaureguizar, A. (...)Cappozzo, H.L. Brazilian Journal of Biology. 78(2):202-210
"Strong Mixing and Recirculation in the Northwestern Argentine Basin" (2018) Valla, D.; Piola, A.R.; Meinen, C.S.; Campos, E. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 123(7):4624-4648
"A New Dinoflagellate from the Late Cretaceous of the Colorado Basin, off Shore Argentina" (2018) Ottone, E.G.; Lovecchio, J.P.; Pérez-Panera, J.P.; Ronchi, D. Ameghiniana. 55(3):343-349
"Malvinas Current at 40°S–41°S: First Assessment of Temperature and Salinity Temporal Variability" (2018) Paniagua, G.F.;Saraceno, M.;Piola, A.R. (...)Artana, C.I. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 123(8):5323-5340
"Seasonal patterns of Patagonian sprat Sprattus fuegensis early life stages in an open sea Sub-Antarctic Marine Protected Area" (2018) García Alonso, V.A.;Brown, D.;Martín, J. (...)Capitanio, F.L. Polar Biology. 41(11):2167-2179
"Size at first maturity of Brachidontes rodriguezii (d'Orbigny, 1846) from the South-western Atlantic Ocean" (2018) Torroglosa, M.E.; Giménez, J. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 98(3):457-462
"Geometry and structure of the pull-apart basins developed along the western South American-Scotia plate boundary (SW Atlantic Ocean)" (2018) Esteban, F.D.;Tassone, A.;Isola, J.I. (...)Menichetti, M. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 83:96-116
"Modeling the Offshore Export of Subantarctic Shelf Waters From the Patagonian Shelf" (2018) Franco, B.C.;Palma, E.D.;Combes, V. (...)Saraceno, M. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 123(7):4491-4502
"Geology of the Río de la Plata and the surrounding areas of Argentina and Uruguay related to the evolution of the Atlantic margin" (2018) Rossello, E.A.; Veroslavsky, G.; de Santa Ana, H.; Rodríguez, P. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 83:147-164
"A Late Jurassic plesiosaur in Antarctica: Evidence of the dispersion of marine fauna through the Trans-Erythraean Seaway? " (2018) O'Gorman, J.P.;Gouiric-Cavalli, S.;Scasso, R.A. (...)Acosta-Burlaille, L. Comptes Rendus - Palevol. 17(3):158-165
"Patterns of habitat partitioning for the portunid crab Ovalipes trimaculatus in costal Patagonian waters" (2018) de la Barra, P.; Botto, F.; Iribarne, O.; Narvarte, M. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 213:92-97
"Leukoma antiqua (Bivalvia) - A high-resolution marine paleoclimate archive for southern South America?" (2018) Rubo, S.;Aguirre, M.L.;Richiano, S.M. (...)Schöne, B.R. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 505:398-409
"Age of basement rocks from the Maurice Ewing Bank and the Falkland/Malvinas Plateau" (2018) Chemale, F., Jr.;Ramos, V.A.;Naipauer, M. (...)Vargas, M. Precambrian Research. 314:28-40
"Fronts of the Malvinas Current System: Surface and Subsurface Expressions Revealed by Satellite Altimetry, Argo Floats, and Mercator Operational Model Outputs" (2018) Artana, C.;Lellouche, J.-M.;Park, Y.-H. (...)Provost, C. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 123(8):5261-5285
"Differential impact of marine debris ingestion during ontogenetic dietary shift of green turtles in Uruguayan waters" (2018) Vélez-Rubio, G.M.;Teryda, N.;Asaroff, P.E. (...)Tomás, J. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 127:603-611
"A hot-spot of biodiversity in Northern Patagonia, Argentina" (2017) Güller, M.; Zelaya, D.G. Biodiversity and Conservation. 26(14):3329-3342
"Genetically diverse herpesviruses in south American Atlantic coast seabirds" (2017) Niemeyer, C.;Favero, C.M.;Shivaprasad, H.L. (...)Catão-Dias, J.L. PLoS ONE. 12(6)
"Genetically diverse herpesviruses in south American Atlantic coast seabirds" (2017) Niemeyer, C.;Favero, C.M.;Shivaprasad, H.L. (...)Catão-Dias, J.L. PLoS ONE. 12(6)
"Wind modulation of upwelling at the shelf-break front off Patagonia: Observational evidence" (2017) Carranza, M.M.;Gille, S.T.;Piola, A.R. (...)Romero, S.I. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 122(3):2401-2421
"Application of Slope Maps as a Complement of Bathymetry: Example from the SW Atlantic" (2017) Esteban, F.D.; Tassone, A.; Menichetti, M.; Lodolo, E. Marine Geodesy. 40(1):57-71
"Improved Sea Surface Height from Satellite Altimetry in Coastal Zones: A Case Study in Southern Patagonia" (2017) Lago, L.S.;Saraceno, M.;Ruiz-Etcheverry, L.A. (...)Gonzalez, R.A. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 10(8):3493-3503
"Physical processes controlling passive larval transport at the Patagonian Shelf Break Front" (2017) Franco, B.C.; Palma, E.D.; Combes, V.; Lasta, M.L. Journal of Sea Research. 124:17-25
"Variation in density, size, and morphology of the pulmonate limpet Siphonaria lessonii along the Southwestern Atlantic" (2017) Soria, S.A.;Teso, V.;Gutiérrez, J.L. (...)Palomo, M.G. Journal of Sea Research. 129:29-35
"Distribution of sea-air CO2 fluxes in the Patagonian Sea: Seasonal, biological and thermal effects" (2017) Kahl, L.C.;Bianchi, A.A.;Osiroff, A.P. (...)Piola, A.R. Continental Shelf Research. 143:18-28
"Presence of the telescope fish Mendosoma lineatum in Patagonian waters, a new species in the ichthyological fauna from the south-west Atlantic Ocean" (2017) Bovcon, N.D.;Cochia, P.D.;Ruibal Núñez, J. (...)Figueroa, D.E. Journal of Fish Biology. 91(4):1224-1227
"Presence of the telescope fish Mendosoma lineatum in Patagonian waters, a new species in the ichthyological fauna from the south-west Atlantic Ocean" (2017) Bovcon, N.D.;Cochia, P.D.;Ruibal Núñez, J. (...)Figueroa, D.E. Journal of Fish Biology. 91(4):1224-1227
"Egg cases of the graytail skate Bathyraja griseocauda and the cuphead skate Bathyraja scaphiops from the south-west Atlantic Ocean" (2017) Mabragaña, E.;Vazquez, D.M.;Gabbanelli, V. (...)Lucifora, L.O. Journal of Fish Biology. 91(3):968-974
"Egg cases of the graytail skate Bathyraja griseocauda and the cuphead skate Bathyraja scaphiops from the south-west Atlantic Ocean" (2017) Mabragaña, E.;Vazquez, D.M.;Gabbanelli, V. (...)Lucifora, L.O. Journal of Fish Biology. 91(3):968-974
"Population variance in prey, diets and their macronutrient composition in an endangered marine predator, the Franciscana dolphin" (2017) Denuncio, P.;Paso Viola, M.N.;Machovsky-Capuska, G.E. (...)Rodriguez, D.H. Journal of Sea Research. 129:70-79
"The origin of valleys crossing patagonia and their relation with cordilleran uplift " (2017) Ghiglione, M.C. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 74(1):102-108
"The origin of valleys crossing patagonia and their relation with cordilleran uplift " (2017) Ghiglione, M.C. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 74(1):102-108
"δ13C decreases in the upper western South Atlantic during Heinrich Stadials 3 and 2" (2017) Campos, M.C.;Chiessi, C.M.;Voigt, I. (...)Mulitza, S. Climate of the Past. 13(4):345-358
"Three new paramunnids (Isopoda: Asellota: Paramunnidae) from the Argentine Sea, South-west Atlantic" (2017) Doti, B.L. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 97(8):1695-1709
"Oxidative stress indicators in populations of the gastropod Buccinanops globulosus affected by imposex" (2017) Primost, M.A.;Sabatini, S.E.;Di Salvatore, P. (...)Bigatti, G. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 97(1):35-42
"Temperature extremes in the Argentina central region and their monthly relationship with the mean circulation and ENSO phases" (2017) Rusticucci, M.; Barrucand, M.; Collazo, S. International Journal of Climatology. 37(6):3003-3017
"Satellite Altimetry and Current-Meter Velocities in the Malvinas Current at 41°S: Comparisons and Modes of Variations" (2017) Ferrari, R.;Artana, C.;Saraceno, M. (...)Provost, C. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 122(12):9572-9590
"Intra-specific isotope variations of franciscana dolphin Pontoporia blainvillei regarding biological parameters and distinct environments" (2017) Paso Viola, M.N.;Riccialdelli, L.;Negri, M.F. (...)Cappozzo, H.L. Mammalian Biology. 85:47-54
"Evaluating the isotopic niche of beaked whales from the southwestern south atlantic and southern oceans" (2017) Riccialdelli, L.; Natalia Paso Viola, M.; Panarello, H.O.; Goodall, R.N.P. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 581:183-198
"Namuncurá Marine Protected Area: an oceanic hot spot of benthic biodiversity at Burdwood Bank, Argentina" (2016) Schejter, L.;Rimondino, C.;Chiesa, I. (...)Bremec, C.S. Polar Biology. 39(12):2373-2386
"Circular structures of Bajada del Diablo (Argentina): Geophysical signatures" (2016) Prezzi, C.B.;Orgeira, M.J.;Martinez, O. (...)Rabassa, J. Geophysical Journal International. 205(2):876-899
"Trophic ecology of yellownose skate Zearaja chilensis, a top predator in the south-western Atlantic Ocean" (2016) Belleggia, M.;Andrada, N.;Paglieri, S. (...)Bremec, C. Journal of Fish Biology. 88(3):1070-1087
"Trophic ecology of yellownose skate Zearaja chilensis, a top predator in the south-western Atlantic Ocean" (2016) Belleggia, M.;Andrada, N.;Paglieri, S. (...)Bremec, C. Journal of Fish Biology. 88(3):1070-1087
"New latitude-based nannofossil zonations for the Campanian-Maastrichtian of the South Atlantic Ocean and their paleoceanographic implications" (2016) do Monte Guerra, R.;Concheyro, A.;Wise, S.W., Jr. (...)Fauth, G. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 452:55-67
"New latitude-based nannofossil zonations for the Campanian-Maastrichtian of the South Atlantic Ocean and their paleoceanographic implications" (2016) do Monte Guerra, R.;Concheyro, A.;Wise, S.W., Jr. (...)Fauth, G. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 452:55-67
"Freezing resistance in Patagonian woody shrubs: the role of cell wall elasticity and stem vessel size" (2016) Zhang, Y.-J.;Bucci, S.J.;Arias, N.S. (...)Goldstein, G. Tree Physiology. 36(8):1007-1018
"Spatial and temporal trends in the distribution of macronutrients in surface waters of the Drake Passage " (2016) Paparazzo, F.E.;Alder, V.A.;Schloss, I.R. (...)Esteves, J.L. Ecologia Austral. 26(1):27-39
"Late Campanian-Maastrichtian Kamptnerius magnificus acme in the South Atlantic section of the Southern Ocean, ODPHoles 690C and 700B" (2016) Guerra, R.M.; Concheyro, A.; Wise, S.W.; Fauth, G. Micropaleontology. 62(3):213-219
"Influence of the large-scale climate variability on daily rainfall extremes over Argentina" (2016) Robledo, F.A.; Vera, C.; Penalba, O.C. International Journal of Climatology. 36(1):412-423
"Malvinas Current variability from Argo floats and satellite altimetry" (2016) Artana, C.;Ferrari, R.;Koenig, Z. (...)Provost, C. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 121(7):4854-4872
"Increased algal fouling on mussels with barnacle epibionts: A fouling cascade" (2016) Gutiérrez, J.L.; Palomo, M.G. Journal of Sea Research. 112:49-54
"Sea level anomaly on the Patagonian continental shelf: Trends, annual patterns and geostrophic flows" (2016) Ruiz Etcheverry, L.A.; Saraceno, M.; Piola, A.R.; Strub, P.T. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 121(4):2733-2754
"Bio-optical characteristics along the Straits of Magallanes" (2016) Lutz, V.;Frouin, R.;Negri, R. (...)Martinez, G. Continental Shelf Research. 119:56-67
"Wind speed trends over the southwestern Atlantic Ocean, between 33° and 50°S" (2016) Pescio, A.E.; Martin, P.B.; Dragani, W.C. International Journal of Climatology. 36(1):501-507
"Exploring nursery sites for oviparous chondrichthyans in the Southwest Atlantic (36°S–41°S)" (2016) Vazquez, D.M.; Mabragaña, E.; Gabbanelli, V.; Díaz de Astarloa, J.M. Marine Biology Research. 12(7):715-725
"Sperm ultrastructure in two species of Brachidontes (Bivalvia, Mytilidae) from the south-western Atlantic Ocean" (2015) Torroglosa, M.E.; Giménez, J. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 95(5):991-998
"Latitudinal diversity patterns of diatoms in the Southwestern Atlantic and Antarctic waters" (2015) Olguín Salinas, H.F.; Alder, V.A.; Puig, A.; Boltovskoy, D. Journal of Plankton Research. 37(4):659-665
"Microplankton dynamics under heavy anthropogenic pressure. The case of the Bahía Blanca Estuary, southwestern Atlantic Ocean" (2015) López Abbate, M.C.;Molinero, J.C.;Guinder, V.A. (...)Hoffmeyer, M.S. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 95(1):305-314
"Microplankton dynamics under heavy anthropogenic pressure. The case of the Bahía Blanca Estuary, southwestern Atlantic Ocean" (2015) López Abbate, M.C.;Molinero, J.C.;Guinder, V.A. (...)Hoffmeyer, M.S. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 95(1):305-314
"Microplankton dynamics under heavy anthropogenic pressure. The case of the Bahía Blanca Estuary, southwestern Atlantic Ocean" (2015) López Abbate, M.C.;Molinero, J.C.;Guinder, V.A. (...)Hoffmeyer, M.S. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 95(1):305-314
"Evidence for a modulation of the intraseasonal summer temperature in Eastern Patagonia by the Madden-Julian Oscillation" (2015) Jacques-Coper, M.;Brönnimann, S.;Martius, O. (...)Cerne, S.B. Journal of Geophysical Research. 120(15):7340-7357
"Biological and physical factors affecting the colonization of vegetation-free patches in a SW Atlantic salt marsh" (2015) Kaminsky, J.; Alberti, J.; Aguiar, M.; Iribarne, O. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 531:33-41
"Wave action limits crowding in an intertidal mussel" (2015) Gutiérrez, J.L.;Palomo, M.G.;Bagur, M. (...)Soria, S.A. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 518:153-163
"Future Sea Level Rise and Changes on Tides in the Patagonian Continental Shelf" (2015) Luz Clara, M.; Simionato, C.G.; D'Onofrio, E.; Moreira, D. Journal of Coastal Research. 31(3):519-535
"Are stocks of immature loggerhead sea turtles always mixed?" (2015) Prosdocimi, L.; Bugoni, L.; Albareda, D.; Remis, M.I. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 466:85-91
"Precipitation extremes over La Plata Basin - Review and new results from observations and climate simulations" (2015) Cavalcanti, I.F.A.;Carril, A.F.;Penalba, O.C. (...)Flach, R. Journal of Hydrology. 523:211-230
"Matching spatial scales of variation in mussel recruitment and adult densities across southwestern Atlantic rocky shores" (2015) Arribas, L.P.; Bagur, M.; Gutiérrez, J.L.; Palomo, M.G. Journal of Sea Research. 95:16-21
"Evidence of upwelling events at the northern Patagonian shelf break" (2015) Valla, D.; Piola, A.R. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 120(11):7635-7656
"Effect of crab bioturbation on organic matter processing in South West Atlantic intertidal sediments" (2015) Fanjul, E.;Escapa, M.;Montemayor, D. (...)Iribarne, O. Journal of Sea Research. 95:206-216
"Sea-surface temperature reconstruction of the Quaternary western South Atlantic: New planktonic foraminiferal correlation function" (2015) Chapori, N.G.; Chiessi, C.M.; Bickert, T.; Laprida, C. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 425:67-75
"Synorogenic foreland rifts and transtensional basins: A review of Andean imprints on the evolution of the San Jorge Gulf, Salta Group and Taubaté Basins" (2015) Gianni, G.M.; Navarrete, C.G.; Folguera, A. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 64:288-306
"Tectonic inversion events in the western San Jorge Gulf Basin from seismic, borehole and field data" (2015) Navarrete, C.R.; Gianni, G.M.; Folguera, A. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 64:486-497
"Incongruence between molecular and morphological characters in the southern king crabs Lithodes santolla and Lithodes confundens (Decapoda: Anomura)" (2015) Pérez-Barros, P.; Confalonieri, V.A.; Paschke, K.; Lovrich, G.A. Polar Biology. 38(12):2097-2107
"A comparison of the annual cycle of sea level in coastal areas from gridded satellite altimetry and tide gauges" (2015) Ruiz Etcheverry, L.A.;Saraceno, M.;Piola, A.R. (...)Möller, O.O. Continental Shelf Research. 92:87-97
"Temporal and spatial differences in the reproductive biology of the sea urchin Arbacia dufresnii" (2015) Epherra, L.;Gil, D.G.;Rubilar, T. (...)Tolosano, J.A. Marine and Freshwater Research. 66(4):329-342
"Patagonian broken foreland and related synorogenic rifting: The origin of the Chubut Group Basin" (2015) Gianni, G.;Navarrete, C.;Orts, D. (...)Giménez, M. Tectonophysics. 649:81-99
"Synoptic oceanography of San Jorge Gulf (Argentina): A template for Patagonian red shrimp (Pleoticus muelleri) spatial dynamics" (2015) Glembocki, N.G.;Williams, G.N.;Góngora, M.E. (...)Orensanz, J.M.(. Journal of Sea Research. 95:22-35
"Origin and genetic diversity of leatherbacks (Dermochelys coriacea) at argentine foraging grounds" (2014) Prosdocimi, L.; Dutton, P.H.; Albareda, D.; Remis, M.I. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 458:13-19
"Late Cretaceous aquatic plant world in Patagonia, Argentina" (2014) Cúneo, N.R.; Gandolfo, M.A.; Zamaloa, M.C.; Hermsen, E. PLoS ONE. 9(8)
"Remarks on the deep-sea genus Chalarostylis (Cumacea: Lampropidae)" (2014) Alberico, N.A.; Roccatagliata, D.; Mühlenhardt-Siegel, U. Zootaxa. 3753(4):323-334
"Remarks on the deep-sea genus Chalarostylis (Cumacea: Lampropidae)" (2014) Alberico, N.A.; Roccatagliata, D.; Mühlenhardt-Siegel, U. Zootaxa. 3753(4):323-334
"Pan-Atlantic analysis of the overlap of a highly migratory species, the leatherback turtle, with pelagic longline fisheries" (2014) Fossette, S.;Witt, M.J.;Miller, P. (...)Godley, B.J. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 281(1780)
"Mid-late pleistocene benthic foraminifera from Southwestern South Atlantic: Driven by primary productivity or water mass properties?" (2014) Chapori, N.G.;Laprida, C.;Watanabe, S. (...)Violante, R.A. Micropaleontology. 60(2):195-210
"Environmental constraints on benthic foraminifera communities during Middle Pleistocene from the Southwest South Atlantic Ocean " (2014) Laprida, C.;García Chapori, N.;Ramón Mercau, J. (...)Violante, R. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 71(3):1-2
"Nico Pérez - Zapicán basic dykes swarm, Uruguay: radimetric and paleomagnetic evidence about their age " (2014) Lossada, A.C.; Rapalini, A.E.; Betucci, L.S. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 71(3):345-355
"Revision of genus Retrotapes del Río (Bivalvia: Veneridae) in the eocene of Antarctica " (2014) Alvarez, M.J.; Del Río, C.J.; Marenssi, S.A. Ameghiniana. 51(1):61-78
"Genetic and morphological evidence reveals the existence of a new family, genus and species of Echinorhynchida (Acanthocephala)" (2014) Braicovich, P.E.;Lanfranchi, A.L.;Farber, M.D. (...)Timi, J.T. Folia Parasitologica. 61(4):377-384
"Genetic and morphological evidence reveals the existence of a new family, genus and species of Echinorhynchida (Acanthocephala)" (2014) Braicovich, P.E.;Lanfranchi, A.L.;Farber, M.D. (...)Timi, J.T. Folia Parasitologica. 61(4):377-384
"Eolian sand sheet deposition in the San Luis paleodune field, western Argentina as an indicator of a semi-arid environment through the Holocene" (2014) Forman, S.L.; Tripaldi, A.; Ciccioli, P.L. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 411:122-135
"Magnetic parameters and their palaeoclimatic implications-the sediment record of the last 15 500 cal. BP from Laguna Potrok Aike (Argentina)" (2014) Irurzun, M.A.;Orgeira, M.J.;Gogorza, C.S.G. (...)Zolitschka, B. Geophysical Journal International. 198(2):710-726
"La Plata basin precipitation variability in spring: Role of remote SST forcing as simulated by GCM experiments" (2014) Cherchi, A.; Carril, A.F.; Menéndez, C.G.; Zamboni, L. Climate Dynamics. 42(1-2):219-236
"New age constraints for the Cenozoic marine transgressions of northwestern Patagonia, Argentina (41°-43° S): Paleogeographic andtectonic implications" (2014) Bechis, F.;Encinas, A.;Concheyro, A. (...)Ramos, V.A. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 52:72-93
"Pseudocnoside A, a new cytotoxic and antiproliferative triterpene glycoside from the sea cucumber Pseudocnus dubiosus leoninus" (2014) Careaga, V.P.;Bueno, C.;Muniain, C. (...)Maier, M.S. Natural Product Research. 28(4):213-220
"Evolution of the Golfo San Jorge Basin: structure and tectonic regime" (2014) Ramos, V.A. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 72(1):263-282
"Assessment of remotely-sensed sea-surface temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration in San Matías Gulf (Patagonia, Argentina)" (2013) Williams, G.N.;Dogliotti, A.I.;Zaidman, P. (...)Gagliardini, D.A. Continental Shelf Research. 52:159-171
"A new species of allophryne (Anura: Allophrynidae) from the atlantic rain forest biome of eastern Brazil" (2013) Caramaschi, U.;Orrico, V.G.D.;Faivovich, J. (...)Solé, M. Herpetologica. 69(4):480-491
"Seasonal variation in agar composition and properties from Gracilaria gracilis (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta) of the Patagonian coast of Argentina" (2013) Martín, L.A.;Rodríguez, M.C.;Matulewicz, M.C. (...)Leonardi, P.I. Phycological Research. 61(3):163-171
"Reef-forming polychaetes outcompetes ecosystem engineering mussels" (2013) Jaubet, M.L.; Garaffo, G.V.; Sánchez, M.A.; Elías, R. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 71(1-2):216-221
"Synoptic patterns associated with the highest wind-waves at the mouth of the Río de la Plata estuary" (2013) Dragani, W.C.;Cerne, B.S.;Campetella, C.M. (...)Campos, M.I. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans. 61-62:1-13
"Phytoplankton types and primary production in the Argentine Sea" (2013) Segura, V.;Lutz, V.A.;Dogliotti, A. (...)Benavides, H. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 491:15-31
"Geological evidence for a drought episode in the western Pampas (Argentina, South America) during the early-mid 20th century" (2013) Tripaldi, A.;Zárate, M.A.;Forman, S.L. (...)Ciccioli, P. Holocene. 23(12):1731-1746
"Sperm morphology of two species of Olivancillaria (Gastropoda: Olividae) from the south-western Atlantic" (2013) Teso, V.; Giménez, J. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 93(3):825-831
"Comparison of body size, relative growth and size at onset sexual maturity of Uca uruguayensis (Crustacea: Decapoda: Ocypodidae) from different latitudes in the south-western Atlantic" (2013) Hirose, G.L.;Fransozo, V.;Tropea, C. (...)Negreiros-Fransozo, M.L. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 93(3):781-788
"Teleconnections between tropical-extratropical oceans and the daily intensity of extreme rainfall over Argentina" (2013) Robledo, F.A.; Penalba, O.C.; Bettolli, M.L. International Journal of Climatology. 33(3):735-745
"Present and future global distributions of the marine Cyanobacteria Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus" (2013) Flombaum, P.;Gallegos, J.L.;Gordillo, R.A. (...)Martiny, A.C. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110(24):9824-9829
"Two new species of the genus Munnogonium (Isopoda: Asellota: Paramunnidae) from Argentina" (2013) Doti, B.L.; Roccatagliata, D. Zootaxa. 3717(3):301-319
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"Age, growth and mortality in the giant snail Adelomelon beckii (Broderip 1836) on the Argentinean shelf" (2011) Arrighetti, F.; Brey, T.; Mackensen, A.; Penchaszadeh, P.E. Journal of Sea Research. 65(2):219-223
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"Biomonitoring of TBT contamination and imposex incidence along 4700 km of Argentinean shoreline (SW Atlantic: From 38S to 54S)" (2009) Bigatti, G.;Primost, M.A.;Cledón, M. (...)Penchaszadeh, P.E. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 58(5):695-701
"Tidal and residual currents observations at the San Matías and San José Gulfs, Northern Patagonia, Argentina" (2009) Moreira, D.; Simionato, C.G.; Dragani, W.C.; Nuñez, M.N. Journal of Coastal Research. 25(4):957-968
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"Appendicularian assemblages and their space-time variability off the La Plata River, SW Atlantic Ocean" (2009) Spinelli, M.L.; Martos, P.; Esnal, G.B.; Capitanio, F.L. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 85(1):97-106
"Long-term variation in the anticyclonic ocean circulation over the Zapiola Rise as observed by satellite altimetry: Evidence of possible collapses" (2009) Saraceno, M.; Provost, C.; Zajaczkovski, U. Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 56(7):1077-1092
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"Evaluation of SeaWiFS and MODIS chlorophyll-a products in the Argentinean Patagonian Continental Shelf (38° S-55° S)" (2008) Dogliotti, A.I.; Schloss, I.R.; Almandoz, G.O.; Gagliardini, D.A. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 30(1):251-273
"Taxonomic status of two South American sympatric squat lobsters, Munida gregaria and Munida subrugosa (Crustacea: Decapoda: Galatheidae), challenged by DNA sequence information" (2008) Pérez-Barros, P.; D'Amato, M.E.; Guzmán, N.V.; Lovrich, G.A. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 94(2):421-434
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"Size and age at sexual maturity in Adelomelon brasiliana (Neogastropoda: Volutidae) off Argentina" (2008) Cledón, M.; Arntz, W.; Penchaszadeh, P.E. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 88(1):169-173
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"Gonadal development, allometric growth and ecological impact of Appendicularia sicula (Appendicularia: Fritillariidae) from the south-western Atlantic Ocean" (2006) Aguirre, G.E.; Capitanio, F.L.; Viñas, M.D.; Esnal, G.B. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 86(5):1215-1220
"Does Mugil liza Valenciennes 1836 (Teleostei: Mugiliformes) occur in Argentinean waters?" (2005) Cousseau, M.B.; Castro, M.G.; Figueroa, D.E.; Gosztonyi, A.E. Revista de Biologia Marina y Oceanografia. 40(2):133-140
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"Appendicularians: An important food supply for the Argentine anchovy Engraulis anchoita in coastal waters" (2005) Capitanio, F.L.; Pájaro, M.; Esnal, G.B. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 21(5):414-419
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"Batch fecundity and spawning frequency of southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis) in the southwest Atlantic Ocean" (2005) Macchi, G.J.;Pájaro, M.;Wöhler, O.C. (...)Urteaga, D.G. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. 39(5):993-1000
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"Sagitta friderici Ritter-Záhony (Chaetognatha) from South Atlantic waters: Abundance, population structure, and life cycle" (2004) Daponte, M.C.;Capitanio, F.L.;Nahabedian, D.E. (...)Negri, R.M. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 61(4):680-686
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