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Neritic fronts are very abundant in austral South America, covering several scales of space and time. However, this region is poorly studied from a systemic point of view. Our main goal is to develop a holistic view of physical and ecological patterns and processes at austral South America, regarding frontal arrangements. Satellite information (sea surface temperature and chlorophyll concentration), and historical hydrographic data were employed to show fronts. We compiled all existing evidence (physical and biological) about fronts to identify regions defined by similar types of coastal fronts and to characterize them. Fronts in austral South America can be arranged in six zones according to their location, main forcing, key physical variables, seasonality, and enrichment mechanisms. Four zones, the Atlantic upwelling zone; the temperate estuarine zone; the Patagonian tidal zone and the Argentine shelf-break zone, occupy most of the Atlantic side. The Chile-Peru upwelling zone, on the Pacific, is the largest and best-known region. The Patagonian cold estuarine zone encompasses the tip of South America, connecting the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, and remains poorly studied. When observed at a continental scale, the Pacific coast dominated by two large frontal zones appears simplest than the Atlantic coast in terms of frontal richness. The extension of the continental shelf in the Atlantic coast allows for the development of a great diversity of mesoscale fronts. Though frontal zones we defined are extensive areas of the continental shelves, fronts inside the zones are comparatively small areas. Even so, they play a paramount role in ecological processes, allowing for high biological production; offering feeding and/or reproductive habitats for fishes, squids, and birds; acting as retention areas for larvae of benthic species; and promoting establishment of benthic invertebrates that benefit from the organic production in the frontal area. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Marine fronts at the continental shelves of austral South America: Physical and ecological processes
Autor:Acha, E.M.; Mianzan, H.W.; Guerrero, R.A.; Favero, M.; Bava, J.
Filiación:Facultad Cs. Exactas y Naturales, Univ. Nacional de Mar del Plata, Funes 3250, Mar del Plata 7600, Argentina
Consejo Nac. de Invest. Cie. y Tec., Rivadavia 1906, Buenos Aires 1033, Argentina
Inst. Nac. Invest. Desarrollo P., Paseo V. Ocampo no. 1, Mar del Plata 7600, Argentina
Inst. Astronomia y Fis. del Espacio, (CONICET) Pabellón IAFE, Ciudad Universitaria, Buenos Aires 1428, Argentina
Palabras clave:20-57° Lat. S; 40-76° Long W; Fronts; Marine ecology; Neritic province; Physical oceanography; Review; South America; Southeastern Pacific; Southwestern Atlantic; Chlorophyll; Ecology; Hydrographic surveys; Ocean habitats; Sea surface temperature; Marine engineering; biological oceanography; continental shelf; hydrographic survey; oceanic front; satellite imagery; Atlantic Ocean; Atlantic Ocean (Southwest); Pacific Ocean; Pacific Ocean (Southeast); Argentina (fish); Aves; Cephalopoda; Invertebrata; Pisces
Página de inicio:83
Página de fin:105
Título revista:Journal of Marine Systems
Título revista abreviado:J. Mar. Syst.


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---------- APA ----------
Acha, E.M., Mianzan, H.W., Guerrero, R.A., Favero, M. & Bava, J. (2004) . Marine fronts at the continental shelves of austral South America: Physical and ecological processes. Journal of Marine Systems, 44(1-2), 83-105.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Acha, E.M., Mianzan, H.W., Guerrero, R.A., Favero, M., Bava, J. "Marine fronts at the continental shelves of austral South America: Physical and ecological processes" . Journal of Marine Systems 44, no. 1-2 (2004) : 83-105.
---------- MLA ----------
Acha, E.M., Mianzan, H.W., Guerrero, R.A., Favero, M., Bava, J. "Marine fronts at the continental shelves of austral South America: Physical and ecological processes" . Journal of Marine Systems, vol. 44, no. 1-2, 2004, pp. 83-105.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Acha, E.M., Mianzan, H.W., Guerrero, R.A., Favero, M., Bava, J. Marine fronts at the continental shelves of austral South America: Physical and ecological processes. J. Mar. Syst. 2004;44(1-2):83-105.