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The volutid snail Zidona dufresnei is a benthic top predator in the Mar del Plata (Argentina) shelf area where it was subjected to unregulated commercial exploitation for more than 20 years. So far there is no stock management, and hitherto even the most basic information on population dynamics of this species is missing. Annual formation of internal shell growth bands visible by x-ray was confirmed by the stable oxygen isotope record in the shell carbonate that reflects seasonal oscillations in water temperature. A Gompertz growth function (SL∞ = 208.84 mm, K = 0.211 year-1, t0 = 5.496) fitted 142 pairs of size-at-age data (30 shells) best. Maximum individual production amounted to 26.8 g shell-free wet mass (SFWM) at 115 mm shell length. Based on a size-frequency distribution derived from commercial catches, annual mortality rate of Z. dufresnei was estimated to be 0.61 (± 0.21) year-1. © Springer-Verlag 2004.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Age, growth, and mortality of the prosobranch Zidona dufresnei (Donovan, 1823) in the Mar del Plata area, south-western Atlantic Ocean
Autor:Giménez, J.; Brey, T.; Mackensen, A.; Penchaszadeh, P.E.
Filiación:CONICET Lab. Invertebrados Depto C., Fac. de Ciencias Exactas Y Naturales, Ciudad Universitaria Pab II, C1428EHA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Alfred Wegener Inst. Polar Mar. Res., PO Box 120161, 27515 Bremerhaven, Germany
Museo Argentino de Cie. Naturales, Av Ángel Gallardo 470, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:age; growth; mortality; population dynamics; snail; Argentina; Atlantic Ocean; Buenos Aires [Argentina]; Mar del Plata; South America; Gastropoda
Página de inicio:707
Página de fin:712
Título revista:Marine Biology
Título revista abreviado:Mar. Biol.


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---------- APA ----------
Giménez, J., Brey, T., Mackensen, A. & Penchaszadeh, P.E. (2004) . Age, growth, and mortality of the prosobranch Zidona dufresnei (Donovan, 1823) in the Mar del Plata area, south-western Atlantic Ocean. Marine Biology, 145(4), 707-712.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Giménez, J., Brey, T., Mackensen, A., Penchaszadeh, P.E. "Age, growth, and mortality of the prosobranch Zidona dufresnei (Donovan, 1823) in the Mar del Plata area, south-western Atlantic Ocean" . Marine Biology 145, no. 4 (2004) : 707-712.
---------- MLA ----------
Giménez, J., Brey, T., Mackensen, A., Penchaszadeh, P.E. "Age, growth, and mortality of the prosobranch Zidona dufresnei (Donovan, 1823) in the Mar del Plata area, south-western Atlantic Ocean" . Marine Biology, vol. 145, no. 4, 2004, pp. 707-712.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Giménez, J., Brey, T., Mackensen, A., Penchaszadeh, P.E. Age, growth, and mortality of the prosobranch Zidona dufresnei (Donovan, 1823) in the Mar del Plata area, south-western Atlantic Ocean. Mar. Biol. 2004;145(4):707-712.