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Engraulis anchoita larvae were captured in 16 surveys carried out at a fixed sampling station (EPEA) in the Argentinean Sea between 2008 and 2017. Nutritional condition and growth of 214 anchovy larvae were estimated through RNA/DNA index and analysis of otolith microstructure. Standard length, developmental stage, age, weight, otolith radius, recent otolith growth rate (RGR), daily otolith growth rate (DGR), RNA/DNA index (sRD) and a derived index of growth performance were determined for each larva. Significant differences in nutritional condition and otolith growth rates were found among seasons and developmental stages, with slower RGR and lower sRD in larvae captured during winter and in the preflexion stage. On a long time scale, a similar seasonal pattern was observed with DGR. However, the amount of variability explained by ontogeny and seasonality was not equal in both RGR and sRD indexes. RGR was better explained with the analyzed variables, while future studies are required to improve the understanding of the nature of sRD. We observed signs that spring and autumn would be the most propitious season for larval survival in a short time scale, while winter would be the worst one, both in short and in long term scale. © 2019 Elsevier B.V.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Nutritional condition and otolith growth of Engraulis anchoita larvae: The comparison of two life traits indexes
Autor:Do Souto, M.; Brown, D.R.; Leonarduzzi, E.; Capitanio, F.L.; Diaz, M.V.
Filiación:Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP), Paseo Victoria Ocampo N°1, Escollera Norte, Mar del Plata, B7602HSA, Argentina
Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (IIMyC-CONICET), Rodriguez Peña 4046 Nivel 1, Mar del Plata, B7602GSD, Argentina
Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología experimental (DBBE), Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales Universidad de Buenos Aires, Instituto de Biodiversidad y Biología experimental aplicada IBBEA CONICET UBA, Intendente Güiraldes 2160, CABA, C1428EGA, Argentina
Palabras clave:Engraulis anchoita larvae; Generalized linear models; Otolith microstructure; RNA/DNA index; South West Atlantic Ocean; Microstructure; Atlantic Ocean; Developmental stage; Engraulis anchoita; Generalized linear model; Growth performance; Nutritional conditions; Sampling stations; Seasonal patterns; RNA; clupeoid; developmental stage; growth; growth rate; larva; life history trait; microstructure; otolith; RNA-DNA ratio; seasonal variation; Argentine Sea; Atlantic Ocean; Atlantic Ocean (Southwest); Engraulidae; Engraulis anchoita
Página de inicio:94
Página de fin:102
Título revista:Journal of Marine Systems
Título revista abreviado:J. Mar. Syst.


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---------- APA ----------
Do Souto, M., Brown, D.R., Leonarduzzi, E., Capitanio, F.L. & Diaz, M.V. (2019) . Nutritional condition and otolith growth of Engraulis anchoita larvae: The comparison of two life traits indexes. Journal of Marine Systems, 193, 94-102.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Do Souto, M., Brown, D.R., Leonarduzzi, E., Capitanio, F.L., Diaz, M.V. "Nutritional condition and otolith growth of Engraulis anchoita larvae: The comparison of two life traits indexes" . Journal of Marine Systems 193 (2019) : 94-102.
---------- MLA ----------
Do Souto, M., Brown, D.R., Leonarduzzi, E., Capitanio, F.L., Diaz, M.V. "Nutritional condition and otolith growth of Engraulis anchoita larvae: The comparison of two life traits indexes" . Journal of Marine Systems, vol. 193, 2019, pp. 94-102.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Do Souto, M., Brown, D.R., Leonarduzzi, E., Capitanio, F.L., Diaz, M.V. Nutritional condition and otolith growth of Engraulis anchoita larvae: The comparison of two life traits indexes. J. Mar. Syst. 2019;193:94-102.