Lista de

"Impacts of climate change on bovine livestock production in Argentina" (2019) Rolla, A.L.; Nuñez, M.N.; Ramayón, J.J.; Ramayón, M.E. Climatic Change
"Affinity chromatography matrices for depletion and purification of casein glycomacropeptide from bovine whey" (2017) Baieli, M.F.;Urtasun, N.;Martinez, M.J. (...)Wolman, F.J. Biotechnology Progress. 33(1):171-180
"First record of a Late Holocene fauna associated with an ephemeral fluvial sequence in La Pampa Province, Argentina. Taphonomy and paleoenvironment" (2017) Montalvo, C.I.;Fernández, F.J.;Bargo, M.S. (...)Mehl, A. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 76:225-237
"A comparative study of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in sylvatic mammals from a protected and a disturbed area in the Argentine Chaco" (2016) Orozco, M.M.;Enriquez, G.F.;Cardinal, M.V. (...)Gürtler, R.E. Acta Tropica. 155:34-42
"Quantitative imaging of mammalian transcriptional dynamics: From single cells to whole embryos" (2016) Zhao, Z.W.;White, M.D.;Bissiere, S. (...)Plachta, N. BMC Biology. 14(1)
"Musashi mediates translational repression of the Drosophila hypoxia inducible factor" (2016) Bertolin, A.P.;Katz, M.J.;Yano, M. (...)Wappner, P. Nucleic Acids Research. 44(16):7555-7567
"Pleiotropic effects of 5-aminolevulinic acid in mouse brain" (2016) Lavandera, J.;Rodríguez, J.;Ruspini, S. (...)Buzaleh, A.M. Biochemistry and Cell Biology. 94(4):297-305
"First finding of Trypanosoma cruzi II in vampire bats from a district free of domestic vector-borne transmission in Northeastern Argentina" (2016) Argibay, H.D.;Orozco, M.M.;Cardinal, M.V. (...)Gürtler, R.E. Parasitology. 143(11):1358-1368
"New hosts and localities for helminths of carnivores in Argentina" (2015) Moleón, M.S.;Kinsella, J.M.;Moreno, P.G. (...)Beldomenico, P.M. Zootaxa. 4057(1):106-114
"Reef-forming polychaetes outcompetes ecosystem engineering mussels" (2013) Jaubet, M.L.; Garaffo, G.V.; Sánchez, M.A.; Elías, R. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 71(1-2):216-221
"Physicochemical and antimicrobial properties of bovine and salmon gelatin-chitosan films" (2013) Matiacevich, S.; Cofré, D.C.; Schebor, C.; Enrione, J. CYTA - Journal of Food. 11(4):366-378
"Binding of modulators to mouse and human multidrug resistance P-glycoprotein. A computational study" (2013) Jara, G.E.; Vera, D.M.A.; Pierini, A.B. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling. 46:10-21
"Enhancer turnover and conserved regulatory function in vertebrate evolution" (2013) Domené, S.;Bumaschny, V.F.;de Souza, F.S.J. (...)Rubinstein, M. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 368(1632)
"Enhancer turnover and conserved regulatory function in vertebrate evolution" (2013) Domené, S.;Bumaschny, V.F.;de Souza, F.S.J. (...)Rubinstein, M. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 368(1632)
"Prestin and the cholinergic receptor of hair cells: Positively-selected proteins in mammals" (2011) Elgoyhen, A.B.; Franchini, L.F. Hearing Research. 273(1-2):100-108
"Highly specialized mammalian skulls from the Late Cretaceous of South America" (2011) Rougier, G.W.; Apesteguía, S.; Gaetano, L.C. Nature. 479(7371):98-102
"Convergent evolution of two mammalian neuronal enhancers by sequential exaptation of unrelated retroposons" (2011) Franchini, L.F.;López-Leal, R.;Nasif, S. (...)Rubinstein, M. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108(37):15270-15275
"Characterization of substrates that have a differential effect on Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein kinase A holoenzyme activation" (2010) Galello, F.; Portela, P.; Moreno, S.; Rossi, S. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 285(39):29770-29779
"Taphonomic study of Pleistocene mammals from Playa del Barco site (Pehuen Co) Buenos Aires Province, Argentina " (2010) Tomassini, R.L.; Montalvo, C.I.; Manera, T.; Oliva, C. Ameghiniana. 47(2):137-152
"The impact of conservation on the status of the world's vertebrates" (2010) Multitudinario:174 Science. 330(6010):1503-1509
"Rodent control at different spatial scales on poultry farms in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina" (2009) León, V.; Fraschina, J.; Busch, M. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation. 63(8):1113-1118
"Changes in rodent communities according to the landscape structure in an urban ecosystem" (2009) Cavia, R.; Cueto, G.R.; Suárez, O.V. Landscape and Urban Planning. 90(1-2):11-19
"Synthesis of a tetrasaccharide fragment of mycobacterial arabinogalactan" (2008) Gandolfi-Donadío, L.; Gallo-Rodriguez, C.; de Lederkremer, R.M. Carbohydrate Research. 343(10-11):1870-1875
"The catalytic domain of insulin-degrading enzyme forms a denaturant-resistant complex with amyloid β peptide: Implications for Alzheimer disease pathogenesis" (2008) Llovera, R.E.;De Tullio, M.;Alonso, L.G. (...)Castaño, E.M. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 283(25):17039-17048
"Multicolor far-field fluorescence nanoscopy through isolated detection of distinct molecular species" (2008) Bossi, M.;Föiling, J.;Belov, V.N. (...)Hell, S.W. Nano Letters. 8(8):2463-2468
"Ancient exaptation of a CORE-SINE retroposon into a highly conserved mammalian neuronal enhancer of the proopiomelanocortin gene" (2007) Santangelo, A.M.;De Souza, F.S.J.;Franchini, L.F. (...)Rubinstein, M. PLoS Genetics. 3(10):1813-1826
"The trans-sialidase from Trypanosoma cruzi efficiently transfers α-(2→3)-linked N-glycolylneuraminic acid to terminal β-galactosyl units" (2007) Agustí, R.; Giorgi, M.E.; de Lederkremer, R.M. Carbohydrate Research. 342(16):2465-2469
"Sensing and responding to hypoxia via HIF in model invertebrates" (2006) Gorr, T.A.; Gassmann, M.; Wappner, P. Journal of Insect Physiology. 52(4):349-364
"Does the shelterwood method to regenerate oak forests affect acorn production and predation?" (2005) Bellocq, M.I.; Jones, C.; Dey, D.C.; Turgeon, J.J. Forest Ecology and Management. 205(1-3):311-323
"Regulation of alternative splicing by a transcriptional enhancer through RNA pol II elongation" (2002) Kadener, S.; Fededa, J.P.; Rosbash, M.; Kornblihtt, A.R. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 99(12):8185-8190
"A mitogenic and hormonal signalling network regulate mammalian cell division commitment time" (1997) Jimenez De Asua, L.; Goin, M.; Ortiz, M.; Gomez De Alzaga, M.B. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 400(A):449-454
"Glutatión S-transferasas en no-vertebrados y en mamíferos. Su importancia en la detoxificación de insecticidas" (1997) Sívori, J.L.; Casabé, N.B.; Wood, E.J. Acta Bioquimica Clinica Latinoamericana. 31(2):139-176
"Decrease of body temperature in armadillos experimentally covered by soil" (1995) Casanave, E.B.; Affanni, J.M. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry. 103(1):29-32
"Bradycardia in armadillos experimentally covered with soil" (1995) Casanave, E.B.; Samartino, L.G.; Affanni, J.M. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry. 103(1):51-53
"Effects of juvenile hormone on mammalian steroidogenesis" (1994) Vladusic, E.A.;Bussmann, L.E.;Visconti, P.E. (...)Charreau, E.H. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 50(3-4):181-187
"Body temperature of the armadillo chaetophractus villosus (mammalia, dasypodidae)" (1994) Casanave, E.B.; Affanni, J.M. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry. 102(5):243-246
"Sylvatic american trypanosomiasis in argentina. trypanosoma cruziinfection in mammals from the chaco forest in santiago del estero" (1992) Wisnivesky-Colli, C.;Schweigmann, N.J.;Alberti, A. (...)Rivas, C. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 86(1):38-41
"Mechanisms underlying hormone effects on pineal function: a model for the study of integrative neuroendocrine processes" (1978) Cardinali, D.P.; Vacas, M.I. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation: Official Journal of the Italian Society of Endocrinology. 1(1):89-96