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low temperature
"Seasonal patterns of Patagonian sprat Sprattus fuegensis early life stages in an open sea Sub-Antarctic Marine Protected Area" (2018) García Alonso, V.A.;Brown, D.;Martín, J. (...)Capitanio, F.L. Polar Biology. 41(11):2167-2179
"Climate impacts on crop yields in Central Argentina. Adaptation strategies" (2018) Rolla, A.L.;Nuñez, M.N.;Guevara, E.R. (...)Ortiz de Zárate, M.I. Agricultural Systems. 160:44-59
"The cost of avoiding freezing in stems: Trade-off between xylem resistance to cavitation and supercooling capacity in woody plants" (2017) Arias, N.S.; Scholz, F.G.; Goldstein, G.; Bucci, S.J. Tree Physiology. 37(9):1251-1262
"Long-Term spatio-Temporal dynamics of the mosquito Aedes aegypti in temperate Argentina" (2017) Fischer, S.;De Majo, M.S.;Quiroga, L. (...)Schweigmann, N. Bulletin of Entomological Research. 107(2):225-233
"Exhumation of the Neuquén Basin in the southern Central Andes (Malargüe fold and thrust belt) from field data and low-temperature thermochronology" (2015) Folguera, A.;Bottesi, G.;Duddy, I. (...)Ramos, V.A. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 64:381-398
"Thermosensation and the TRPV channel in Rhodnius prolixus" (2015) Zermoglio, P.F.;Latorre-Estivalis, J.M.;Crespo, J.E. (...)Lazzari, C.R. Journal of Insect Physiology. 81:145-156
"AtCBF1 Overexpression Confers Tolerance to High Light Conditions at Warm Temperatures in Potato Plants" (2015) Storani, L.;Hernando, C.E.;Staneloni, R.J. (...)Yanovsky, M.J. American Journal of Potato Research. 92(6):619-635
"Influence of pyrolytic seeds on ZnO nanorod growth onto rigid substrates for photocatalytic abatement of Escherichia coli in water" (2014) Sanchez, L.;Guz, L.;García, P. (...)Rodriguez, J. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. 14(6):1087-1094
"Influence of pyrolytic seeds on ZnO nanorod growth onto rigid substrates for photocatalytic abatement of Escherichia coli in water" (2014) Sanchez, L.;Guz, L.;García, P. (...)Rodriguez, J. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. 14(6):1087-1094
"Development of a novel methodology for cryopreservation of melanoma cells applied to CSF470 therapeutic vaccine" (2013) Tapia, I.J.;Aris, M.;Arriaga, J.M. (...)Barrio, M.M. Cryobiology. 67(2):163-169
"Age, growth and mortality in four populations of the boring bivalve Lithophaga patagonica from Argentina" (2013) Bagur, M.;Richardson, C.A.;Gutiérrez, J.L. (...)Palomo, M.G. Journal of Sea Research. 81:49-56
"The host rock of the central Patagonian batholith in Gastre: Further insights on the late Triassic to early Jurassic deformation in the region " (2012) Zaffarana, C.B.; Montenegro, T.; Somoza, R. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 69(1):106-126
"High salinity induces dehydrin accumulation in Chenopodium quinoa Willd. cv. Hualhuas embryos" (2012) Burrieza, H.P.;Koyro, H.-W.;Tosar, L.M. (...)Maldonado, S. Plant and Soil. 354(1-2):69-79
"Water economy of woody species from the Patagonian steppes " (2011) Bucci, S.J.; Scholz, F.G.; Iogna, P.A.; Goldstein, G. Ecologia Austral. 21(1):43-60
"Origin of superparamagnetic particles in Argiudolls developed on loess, Buenos Aires (Argentina)" (2009) Vasquez, C.A.; Orgeira, M.J.; Sinito, A.M. Environmental Geology. 56(8):1653-1661
"Lipase-catalysed preparation of acyl derivatives of the germacranolide cnicin" (2009) Monsalve, L.N.; Rosselli, S.; Bruno, M.; Baldessari, A. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic. 57(1-4):40-47
"A spectroscopic study of the temperature induced modifications on ferredoxin folding and iron-sulfur moieties" (2007) Todorovic, S.;Leal, S.S.;Salgueiro, C.A. (...)Gomes, C.M. Biochemistry. 46(37):10733-10738
"Optical properties of the adaxial and abaxial faces of leaves. Chlorophyll fluorescence, absorption and scattering coefficients" (2007) Cordón, G.B.; Lagorio, M.G. Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences. 6(8):873-882
"Amaranth starch-rich fraction properties modified by high-temperature heating" (2007) González, R.;Tosi, E.;Ré, E. (...)Martinez, K. Food Chemistry. 103(3):927-934
"Digestive enzymes in the ontogenetic stages of the southern king crab, Lithodes santolla" (2006) Saborowski, R.;Thatje, S.;Calcagno, J.A. (...)Anger, K. Marine Biology. 149(4):865-873
"Heat capacity of helium in cylindrical environments" (2003) Gatica, S.M.; Hernández, E.S.; Szybisz, L. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 68(14):1445011
"Excitations of quantum fluid 3He confined to cylindrical shells" (2002) Hernández, E.S. Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 127(3-4):153-172
"Low temperature limit of the Grüneisen parameters for an HCP lattice using elastic data" (1992) Batana, A.; Gómez, I. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 53(2):339-340