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"Representation of spatial sequences using nested rules in human prefrontal cortex" (2019) Wang, L.;Amalric, M.;Fang, W. (...)Dehaene, S. NeuroImage. 186:245-255
"Fused and unzipped carbon nanotubes, electrochemically treated, for selective determination of dopamine and serotonin" (2018) Bonetto, M.C.;Muñoz, F.F.;Diz, V.E. (...)Cortón, E. Electrochimica Acta. 283:338-348
"Altered neural signatures of interoception in multiple sclerosis" (2018) Salamone, P.C.;Esteves, S.;Sinay, V.J. (...)Sedeño, L. Human Brain Mapping. 39(12):4743-4754
"Differential processing in modality-specific Mauthner cell dendrites" (2018) Medan, V.; Mäki-Marttunen, T.; Sztarker, J.; Preuss, T. Journal of Physiology. 596(4):667-689
"A Visible-Light-Sensitive Caged Serotonin" (2017) Cabrera, R.;Filevich, O.;García-Acosta, B. (...)Etchenique, R. ACS Chemical Neuroscience. 8(5):1036-1042
"Graded boosting of synaptic signals by low-threshold voltage-activated calcium conductance" (2015) Tano, M.C.; Vilarchao, M.E.; Szczupak, L. Journal of Neurophysiology. 114(1):332-340
"Low dimensional dynamics in birdsong production" (2014) Amador, A.; Mindlin, G.B. European Physical Journal B. 87(12)
"Differential vulnerability of adult neurogenesis by adult and prenatal inflammation: Role of TGF-β1" (2013) Graciarena, M.;Roca, V.;Mathieu, P. (...)Pitossi, F.J. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 34:17-28
"Neural Correlates of Musical Creativity: Differences between High and Low Creative Subjects" (2013) Villarreal, M.F.;Cerquetti, D.;Caruso, S. (...)Leiguarda, R.C. PLoS ONE. 8(9)
"Ruthenium polypyridyl phototriggers: From beginnings to perspectives" (2013) Zayat, L.; Filevich, O.; Baraldo, L.M.; Etchenique, R. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 371(1995)
"The neuroethology of escape in crabs: From sensory ecology to neurons and back" (2012) Hemmi, J.M.; Tomsic, D. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 22(2):194-200
"Caged amino acids for visible-light photodelivery" (2008) Salierno, M.; Fameli, C.; Etchenique, R. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry(7):1125-1128
"A bio-inspired method for incipient slip detection" (2007) Herrera, R.M. 20th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AI 2007. 4830 LNAI:347-356
"The α10 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit is required for normal synaptic function and integrity of the olivocochlear system" (2007) Vetter, D.E.;Katz, E.;Maison, S.F. (...)Boulter, J. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 104(51):20594-20599
"The generation of respiratory rhythms in birds" (2006) Granada, A.;Gabitto, M.;García, G. (...)Mindlin, G.B. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 371(1):84-87
"Bio-inspired control of dexterous manipulation" (2005) Herrera, R.M.; Leoni, F. 18th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AI 2005: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. 3809 LNAI:1319-1322
"Mismatch between what is expected and what actually occurs triggers memory reconsolidation or extinction" (2004) Pedreira, M.E.; Pérez-Cuesta, L.M.; Maldonado, H. Learning and Memory. 11(5):579-585
"Spike timing and synaptic plasticity in the premotor pathway of birdsong" (2004) Abarbanel, H.D.I.;Gibb, L.;Mindlin, G.B. (...)Talathi, S. Biological Cybernetics. 91(3):159-167
"Role of unconditioned stimulus prediction in the operant learning: A neural network model" (2001) Lew, S.E.; Wedemeyer, C.; Zanutto, B.S. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN'01). 1:331-336
"Information transmission and recovery in neural communications channels" (2000) Eguia, M.C.; Rabinovich, M.I.; Abarbanel, H.D.I. Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 62(5):7111-7122
"Theories and models of the hippocampal function " (1981) Schmajuk, N.A.; Segura, E.T. Acta Physiologica Latino-Americana. 31(4):261-282