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"Quantum work for sudden quenches in Gaussian random Hamiltonians" (2018) Arrais, E.G.;Wisniacki, D.A.;Céleri, L.C. (...)Toscano, F. Physical Review E. 98(1)
"Quantum-to-classical transition in the work distribution for chaotic systems" (2017) García-Mata, I.; Roncaglia, A.J.; Wisniacki, D.A. Physical Review E. 95(5)
"Sturmian bases for two-electron systems in hyperspherical coordinates" (2016) Abdouraman, A.;Frapiccini, A.L.;Hamido, A. (...)Piraux, B. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 49(23)
"Molecular magnetism in closo -azadodecaborane supericosahedrons" (2016) Alcoba, D.R.;Oña, O.B.;Massaccesi, G.E. (...)Oliva, J.M. Molecular Physics. 114(3-4):400-406
"Hydrogen bond dynamics at water/Pt interfaces" (2016) Videla, P.E.; Ansourian, L.; Laria, D. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 120(48):27276-27284
"Formulation of the twisted-light-matter interaction at the phase singularity: The twisted-light gauge" (2015) Quinteiro, G.F.; Reiter, D.E.; Kuhn, T. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 91(3)
"Electron dynamics in complex environments with real-time time dependent density functional theory in a QM-MM framework" (2014) Morzan, U.N.;Ramírez, F.F.;Oviedo, M.B. (...)Lebrero, M.C.G. Journal of Chemical Physics. 140(16)
"Theoretical study of the relativistic molecular rotational g-tensor" (2014) Aucar, I.A.; Gomez, S.S.; Giribet, C.G.; Ruiz De Azúa, M.C. Journal of Chemical Physics. 141(19)
"Complexity of energy eigenstates as a mechanism for equilibration" (2013) Masanes, L.; Roncaglia, A.J.; Acín, A. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 87(3)
"Sensitivity to perturbations and quantum phase transitions" (2013) Wisniacki, D.A.; Roncaglia, A.J. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 87(5)
"Relativistic effects on nuclear magnetic shieldings of CHnX 4-n and CHXYZ (X, Y, Z = H, F, Cl, Br, I)" (2012) Melo, J.I.; Maldonado, A.F.; Aucar, G.A. Journal of Chemical Physics. 137(21)
"Some theoretical questions about the G-particle-hole hypervirial equation" (2011) Valdemoro, C.; Alcoba, D.R.; Tel, L.M.; Paérez-Romero, E. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 111(2):245-255
"Poincaré-Birkhoff theorem in quantum mechanics" (2011) Wisniacki, D.A.;Saraceno, M.;Arranz, F.J. (...)Borondo, F. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 84(2)
"Bose-Hubbard model in a ring-shaped optical lattice with high filling factors" (2011) Cataldo, H.M.; Jezek, D.M. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 84(1)
"Orbital and spin dynamics of intraband electrons in quantum rings driven by twisted light" (2011) Quinteiro, G.F.; Tamborenea, P.I.; Berakdar, J. Optics Express. 19(27):26733-26741
"Permutation group SN and hadron spectroscopy" (2009) Pirjol, D.; Schat, C. International Workshop on Effective Field Theories: From the Pion to the Upsilon, EFT 2009
"On the quantization of sectorially Hamiltonian dissipative systems" (2009) Castagnino, M.; Gadella, M.; Lara, L.P. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 42(1):94-100
"Quark forces from hadronic spectroscopy" (2009) Pirjol, D.; Schat, C. Physical Review Letters. 102(15)
"A new formulation for the Traveling Deliveryman Problem" (2008) Méndez-Díaz, I.; Zabala, P.; Lucena, A. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 156(17):3223-3237
"Decoherence induced by a dynamic spin environment: The universal regime" (2008) Cormick, C.; Pablo Paz, J. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 77(2)
"Atomic partition of the optical rotatory power of methylhydroperoxide" (2008) Sánchez, M.;Ferraro, M.B.;Alkorta, I. (...)Sauer, S.P.A. Journal of Chemical Physics. 128(6)
"Protons in non-ionic aqueous reverse micelles" (2007) Rodriguez, J.; Martí, J.; Guàrdia, E.; Laria, D. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 111(17):4432-4439
"Surface behavior of N-dodecylimidazole at air/water interfaces" (2007) Rodriguez, J.; Laria, D. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 111(2):908-915
"Structural and dynamical characteristics of mesoscopic H+[H2O]n clusters" (2007) Galvagno, M.; Laria, D.; Rodriguez, J. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 136(3):317-322
"Tunneling magnetoresistance of Fe/ZnSe (0 0 1) single- and double-barrier junctions as a function of interface structure" (2007) Peralta-Ramos, J.; Llois, A.M. Physica B: Condensed Matter. 398(2):393-396
"A natural normalization for the eigenstates of a Hamiltonian with continuous spectrum" (2007) Murgida, G.; Castagnino, M. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 381(1-2):170-188
"Ab initio electronic structure calculations for Mn linear chains deposited on CuN / Cu (0 0 1) surfaces" (2007) Barral, M.A.; Weht, R.; Lozano, G.; María Llois, A. Physica B: Condensed Matter. 398(2):369-371
"Tunnel transport through multiple junctions" (2006) Peralta-Ramos, J.; Llois, A.M. Physica B: Condensed Matter. 384(1-2):129-131
"Relativistic calculation of indirect NMR spin-spin couplings using the Douglas-Kroll-Hess approximation" (2005) Melo, J.I.; De Azúa, M.C.R.; Peralta, J.E.; Scuseria, G.E. Journal of Chemical Physics. 123(20)
"Magnetic properties of bimetallic Co-Pd nanostructures" (2005) Guevara, J.; Llois, A.M.; Aguilera-Granja, F.; Montejano-Carrizales, J.M. Physica Status Solidi C: Conferences. 2(10):3572-3575
"Decoherence from spin environments" (2005) Cucchietti, F.M.; Paz, J.P.; Zurek, W.H. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 72(5)
"Periodic solutions of a resonant third-order equation" (2005) Amster, P.; De Nápoli, P.; Mariani, M.C. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications. 60(3):399-410
"Hertz potentials approach to the dynamical Casimir effect in cylindrical cavities of arbitrary section" (2005) Crocce, M.; Dalvit, D.A.R.; Lombardo, F.C.; Mazzitelli, F.D. Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics. 7(3):S32-S39
"Homoclinic motions in the vibrational spectra of floppy systems: The LiCN molecule" (2005) Borondo, F.;Vergini, E.;Wisniacki, D.A. (...)Benito, R.M. Journal of Chemical Physics. 122(11)
"Signatures of homoclinic motion in quantum chaos" (2005) Wisniacki, D.A.; Vergini, E.; Benito, R.M.; Borondo, F. Physical Review Letters. 94(5)
"Caloric curves in two- and three-dimensional Lennard-Jones-like systems including long-range forces" (2004) Ison, M.J.; Chernomoretz, A.; Dorso, C.O. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 341(1-4):389-400
"Exactly solvable models for atom-molecule hamiltonians" (2004) Dukelsky, J.; Dussel, G.G.; Esebbag, C.; Pittel, S. Physical Review Letters. 93(5):050403-1-050403-4
"Magnon squeezing in an antiferromagnet: Reducing the spin noise below the standard quantum limit" (2004) Zhao, J.; Bragas, A.V.; Lockwood, D.J.; Merlin, R. Physical Review Letters. 93(10):107203-1-107203-4
"Validity of the rotating wave approximation in the driven Jaynes-Cummings model" (2004) Berlín, G.; Aliaga, J. Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics. 6(4):231-237
"Memory effects in superfluid vortex dynamics" (2004) Cataldo, H.M.; Jezek, D.M. Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 136(3-4):217-239
"BEC Dynamics with Fluctuations: Beyond HFB Approximation" (2004) Rey, A.M.;Hu, B.L.;Calzetta, E. (...)Clark, C. Laser Physics. 14(2):318-330
"D-wave superconductivity in the effective extended Hubbard model for cuprates" (2004) Arrachea, L.; Aligia, A.A. Proceedings of the International Conference on Materials. 408-410(1-4):224-225
"The classical-statistical limit of quantum mechanics" (2004) Castagnino, M. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 335(3-4):511-517
"Dynamical mean field theory with the density matrix renormalization group" (2004) García, D.J.; Hallberg, K.; Rozenberg, M.J. Physical Review Letters. 93(24)
"Extended Heisenberg Hamiltonian for LaMn2X2 (X = Si, Ge) using an ab initio parametrization" (2004) Massidda, V.; Di Napoli, S.; Llois, A.M. Physica B: Condensed Matter. 354(1-4 SPEC ISS):232-236
"Nonequilibrium dynamics of optical-lattice-loaded Bose-Einstein-condensate atoms: Beyond the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approximation" (2004) Rey, A.M.;Hu, B.L.;Calzetta, E. (...)Clark, C.W. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 69(3):033610-1-033610-21
"Electrical conductivity around the topological percolation limit in Co-Ag multilayered granular alloys" (2004) Milano, J.; Llois, A.M.; Steren, L.B. Physica B: Condensed Matter. 354(1-4 SPEC ISS):198-202
"Exactly solvable models for trapped boson systems" (2004) Dukelsky, J.; Dussel, G.G.; Pittel, S. Optics Communications. 243(1-6):131-143
"Band contribution to electronic transport in Co/Ag based multilayered granular alloys" (2004) Milano, J.; Steren, L.B.; Llois, A.M. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 272-276(SUPPL 1):e931-e932
"Memory effects in classical and quantum mean-field disordered models" (2004) Cugliandolo, L.F.; Lozano, G.; Lozza, H. European Physical Journal B. 41(1):87-96
"Magnetic properties of bimetallic Ni-Pd nanoclusters" (2004) Guevara, J.; Llois, A.M.; Aguilera-Granja, F.; Montejano-Carrizales, J.M. Physica B: Condensed Matter. 354(1-4 SPEC ISS):300-302
"Helium atom in a box: Doubly excited levels within the S-wave model" (2004) Mitnik, D.M. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 70(2):022703-1-0227031-1
"Classical invariants and the quantization of chaotic systems" (2004) Wisniacki, D.A.; Vergini, E.; Benito, R.M.; Borondo, F. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 70(3 2):035202-1-035202-4
"Short-time decay of the Loschmidt echo" (2003) Wisniacki, D.A. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 67(1 2):162051-162056
"Testing integrability with a single bit of quantum information" (2003) Poulin, D.; Laflamme, R.; Milburn, G.J.; Paz, J.P. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 68(2):223021-223026
"Stadium billiard with moving walls" (2003) Cohen, D.; Wisniacki, D.A. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 67(2 2):262061-2620614
"Method for modeling decoherence on a quantum-information processor" (2003) Teklemariam, G.;Fortunato, E.M.;López, C.C. (...)Cory, D.G. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 67(6):623161-6231611
"Coupled quantum dots: Effect of inter-dot interactions" (2003) Apel, V.M.;Davidovich, M.A.;Anda, E.V. (...)Chiappe, G. Microelectronics Journal. 34(5-8):729-731
"Bose-Einstein condensate collapse and dynamical squeezing of vacuum fluctuations" (2003) Calzetta, E.A.; Hu, B.L. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 68(4 B):043625-1-043625-16
"Relativistic effects on the nuclear magnetic shielding tensor" (2003) Melo, J.I.;Ruiz de Azua, M.C.;Giribet, C.G. (...)Romero, R.H. Journal of Chemical Physics. 118(2):471-486
"Semigrand-canonical ensemble simulations of the phase diagrams of alloys" (2003) Marquez, F.M.;Cienfuegos, C.;Pongsai, B.K. (...)Barrera, G.D. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering. 11(2):115-126
"Ground state and thermal properties of a lattice gas on a cylindrical surface" (2002) Calbi, M.M.; Gatica, S.M.; Bojan, M.J.; Cole, M.W. Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 66(6):7
"Singlet-triplet transition in a quantum dot: Effect on mesoscopic transport" (2002) Davidovich, M.A.; Anda, E.V.; Büsser, C.A.; Chiappe, G. Physica B: Condensed Matter. 320(1-4):366-369
"The quantum Ising spin glass at T = 0" (2002) Rozenberg, M.J.; Arrachea, L. International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electrons. 312-313:416-417
"Persistent currents in a mesoscopic ring with a side connected quantum dot" (2002) Anda, E.V.; Busser, C.; Chiappe, G.; Davidovich, M.A. Physica B: Condensed Matter. 320(1-4):358-361
"On the resolution of the optical rotatory power of chiral molecules into atomic terms. A study of hydrogen peroxide" (2002) Ligabue, A.; Lazzeretti, P.; Béccar Varela, M.P.; Ferraro, M.B. Journal of Chemical Physics. 116(15):6427-6434
"Appearance of inverse giant magnetoresistance in noncollinear magnetic systems" (2002) Di Napoli, S.; Milano, J.; LLois, A.M.; Dreyssé, H. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 240(1-3):203-205
"Decoherence in a classically chaotic quantum system: Entropy production and quantum-classical correspondence" (2001) Monteoliva, D.; Paz, J.P. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 64(5 II):056238-1-056238-13
"Dynamical response of quantum spin-glass models at T = 0" (2001) Arrachea, L.; Rozenberg, M.J. Physical Review Letters. 86(22):5172-5175
"Quantum dynamical properties of a two-photon non linear Jaynes-Cummings model" (2001) Berlin, G.; Aliaga, J. Journal of Modern Optics. 48(12):1819-1829
"Zero-sound density oscillations in Fermi-Bose mixtures" (2001) Capuzzi, P.; Hernández, E.S. Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 64(4):436071-436079
"Quantum effects after decoherence in a quenched phase transition" (2001) Antunes, N.D.; Lombardo, F.C.; Monteoliva, D. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 64(6 II):1-6
"NMR 1J(HD) coupling in HD as a function of interatomic distance in the presence of an external magnetic field" (2000) Vizioli, C.V.; Ruiz De Azúa, M.C. Molecular Physics. 98(13):891-897
"Metal-non-metal transition and specific heat of Kondo insulators" (2000) Büsser, C.A.; Anda V, E.; Chiappe, G. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 12(48):9885-9896