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"Variation in the isotopic composition of striped weakfish cynoscion guatucupa of the Southwest Atlantic Ocean in response to dietary shifts " (2018) Paso Viola, M.N.;Riccialdelli, L.;Jaureguizar, A. (...)Cappozzo, H.L. Brazilian Journal of Biology. 78(2):202-210
"Ontogenetic allometry conservatism across five teleost orders" (2018) da Silva Alcântara Castro, K.M.;do Santos, M.P.;Brito, M.F.G. (...)Martinez, P.A. Journal of Fish Biology. 93(4):745-749
"Presence of the telescope fish Mendosoma lineatum in Patagonian waters, a new species in the ichthyological fauna from the south-west Atlantic Ocean" (2017) Bovcon, N.D.;Cochia, P.D.;Ruibal Núñez, J. (...)Figueroa, D.E. Journal of Fish Biology. 91(4):1224-1227
"Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in fish with different feeding habits inhabiting a shallow lake ecosystem" (2016) Barni, M.F.S.;Ondarza, P.M.;Gonzalez, M. (...)Miglioranza, K.S.B. Science of the Total Environment. 550:900-909
"Trophic ecology of yellownose skate Zearaja chilensis, a top predator in the south-western Atlantic Ocean" (2016) Belleggia, M.;Andrada, N.;Paglieri, S. (...)Bremec, C. Journal of Fish Biology. 88(3):1070-1087
"Trematode diversity in freshwater fishes of the Globe II: ‘New World’" (2016) Choudhury, A.;Aguirre-Macedo, M.L.;Curran, S.S. (...)Portes Santos, C. Systematic Parasitology. 93(3):271-282
"Inhibitory effect and cell damage on bacterial flora of fish caused by chitosan, nisin and sodium lactate" (2016) Schelegueda, L.I.; Zalazar, A.L.; Gliemmo, M.F.; Campos, C.A. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 83:396-402
"Conserved form and function of the germinal epithelium through 500 million years of vertebrate evolution" (2016) Grier, H.J.;Uribe, M.C.;Lo Nostro, F.L. (...)Parenti, L.R. Journal of morphology. 277(8):1014-1044
"Histochemical characterization of oocytes in the pink Cuskeel (Genypterus blacodes)" (2015) Cohen, S.;Petcoff, G.;Freijo, R.O. (...)Díaz, A.O. Zoological Science. 32(4):383-388
"Fingerprint of persistent organic pollutants in tissues of Antarctic notothenioid fish" (2014) Lana, N.B.;Berton, P.;Covaci, A. (...)Altamirano, J.C. Science of the Total Environment. 499:89-98
"Surface ultrastructure of the gills of odontesthes bonariensis (Valenciennes, 1835) (Teleostei: Atheriniformes) from a temperate shallow lake " (2014) Tano de la Hoz, M.F.; Longo, M.V.; Escalante, A.H.; Díaz, A.O. International Journal of Morphology. 32(4):1341-1346
"Genetic and morphological evidence reveals the existence of a new family, genus and species of Echinorhynchida (Acanthocephala)" (2014) Braicovich, P.E.;Lanfranchi, A.L.;Farber, M.D. (...)Timi, J.T. Folia Parasitologica. 61(4):377-384
"The Mauthner-cell circuit of fish as a model system for startle plasticity" (2014) Medan, V.; Preuss, T. Journal of Physiology Paris. 108(2-3):129-140
"Evolution of the coastal bottom trawl fishery at Puerto Quequén, Buenos Aires province, Argentina: 1999-2010 period " (2013) Perez Comesaña, J.E.; Nogueira, J.L. Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, Nueva Serie. 15(2):183-190
"Structure and dynamics of Antarctic fish neuroglobin assessed by computer simulations" (2011) Boron, I.;Russo, R.;Boechi, L. (...)Nadra, A.D. IUBMB Life. 63(3):206-213
"ALA-D and ALA-D reactivated as biomarkers of lead contamination in the fish Prochilodus lineatus" (2010) Lombardi, P.E.; Peri, S.I.; Verrengia Guerrero, N.R. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 73(7):1704-1711
"Trace metal levels in Prochilodus lineatus collected from the la Plata River, Argentina" (2010) Lombardi, P.E.; Peri, S.I.; Verrengia Guerrero, N.R. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 160(1-4):47-59
"Morphological and histochemical characteristics of the epithelium of ovarian lamellae of Genypterus blacodes (Schneider, 1801)" (2009) Freijo, R.O.;García, A.M.;Portiansky, E.L. (...)Díaz, A.O. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. 35(3):359-367
"Food partitioning and spatial subsidy in shelter-limited fishes inhabiting patchy reefs of Patagonia" (2009) Galván, D.E.;Botto, F.;Parma, A.M. (...)Iribarne, O.O. Journal of Fish Biology. 75(10):2585-2605
"Main features of the oxidative metabolism in gills and liver of Odontesthes nigricans Richardson (Pisces, Atherinopsidae)" (2009) Lattuca, M.E.;Malanga, G.;Hurtado, C.A. (...)Puntarulo, S. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - B Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 154(4):406-411
"Transcriptional regulation of pituitary POMC is conserved at the vertebrate extremes despite great promoter sequence divergence" (2007) Bumaschny, V.F.;De Souza, F.S.J.;Leal, R.A.L. (...)Rubinstein, M. Molecular Endocrinology. 21(11):2738-2749
"Subfunctionalization of expression and peptide domains following the ancient duplication of the proopiomelanocortin gene in teleost fishes" (2005) De Souza, F.S.J.; Bumaschny, V.F.; Low, M.J.; Rubinstein, M. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 22(12):2417-2427
"Effects of storage in ozonised slurry ice on the sensory and microbial quality of sardine (Sardina pilchardus)" (2005) Campos, C.A.;Rodríguez, O.;Losada, V. (...)Barros-Velázquez, J. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 103(2):121-130
"Bacterial community shifts in nonylphenol polyethoxylates-enriched activated sludge" (2004) Lozada, M.;Itria, R.F.;Figuerola, E.L.M. (...)Erijman, L. Water Research. 38(8):2077-2086
"Localization of Neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactive structures in the brain of the pejerrey, Odontesthes bonariensis (Teleostei, Atheriniformes)" (2003) Traverso, J.M.;Ravaglia, M.A.;Vissio, P.G. (...)Paz, D.A. Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series C: Anatomia Histologia Embryologia. 32(1):29-35
"Relation between the reproductive status and somatolactin cell activity in the pituitary of pejerrey, Odontesthes bonariensis (Atheriniformes)" (2002) Vissio, P.G.;Andreone, L.;Paz, D.A. (...)Strssmann, C.A. Journal of Experimental Zoology. 293(5):492-499
"Metals contents in two fishes of different feeding behaviour in the Lower Paraná River and Río de la Plata Estuary" (2001) Villar, C.;Stripeikis, J.;Colautti, D. (...)Bonetto, C. Hydrobiologia. 457:225-233
"Steganoderma szidati n. sp. (Trematoda: Zoogonidae) from Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns) and G. platei Steindachner in Patagonia, Argentina" (2000) Viozzi, G.; Flores, V.; Ostrowski De Núñez, M. Systematic Parasitology. 46(3):203-208
"Fishes as definitive or intermediate hosts of Opisthorchioid trematodes in South America." (1999) Ostrowski de Núñez, M. Wiadomości parazytologiczne. 45(3):329-336
"Life history of Pygidiopsis crassus n. sp. (Trematoda, Digenea, Heterophyidae) in the neotropical region." (1995) Ostrowski de Núñez, M. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 90(1):13-19
"Life history studies of heterophyid trematodes in the Neotropical region: Ascocotyle (Leighia) hadra sp. n." (1992) Ostrowski de Nunez, M. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 87(4):539-543
"Chemical signals of fish skin for the attachment response of Acanthostomum brauni cercariae" (1988) Haas, W.; Ostrowski de Nuñez, M. Parasitology Research. 74(6):552-557