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nonlinear system
"Intrinsic optical sectioning with upconverting nanoparticles" (2018) Sorbello, C.; Etchenique, R. Chemical Communications. 54(15):1861-1864
"Nonlinear dynamics in the study of birdsong" (2017) Mindlin, G.B. Chaos. 27(9)
"Difference between the vocalizations of two sister species of pigeons explained in dynamical terms" (2016) Alonso, R.G.;Kopuchian, C.;Amador, A. (...)Mindlin, G.B. Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology. 202(5):361-370
"Fast distributed dynamics of semantic networks via social media" (2015) Carrillo, F.; Cecchi, G.A.; Sigman, M.; Slezak, D.F. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience. 2015
"Nonlinear mixed-effects modelling for single cell estimation: When, why, and how to use it" (2015) Karlsson, M.;Janzén, D.L.I.;Durrieu, L. (...)Cedersund, G. BMC Systems Biology. 9(1)
"Pupillary dynamics reveal computational cost in sentence planning" (2014) Sevilla, Y.; Maldonado, M.; Shalóm, D.E. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 67(6):1041-1052
"Wave turbulence in shallow water models" (2014) Clark Di Leoni, P.; Cobelli, P.J.; Mininni, P.D. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 89(6)
"The role of additional pulses in electropermeabilization protocols" (2014) Suárez, C.;Soba, A.;Maglietti, F. (...)Marshall, G. PLoS ONE. 9(12)
"Small perturbations in a finger-tapping task reveal inherent nonlinearities of the underlying error correction mechanism" (2013) Bavassi, M.L.; Tagliazucchi, E.; Laje, R. Human Movement Science. 32(1):21-47
"Ideal evolution of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence when imposing Taylor-Green symmetries" (2013) Brachet, M.E.;Bustamante, M.D.;Krstulovic, G. (...)Rosenberg, D. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 87(1)
"Bayesian Approach to Model CD137 Signaling in Human M. tuberculosis In Vitro Responses" (2013) Fernández Do Porto, D.A.;Auzmendi, J.;Peña, D. (...)Moffatt, L. PLoS ONE. 8(2)
"Effective diffusivity of passive scalars in rotating turbulence" (2013) Imazio, P.R.; Mininni, P.D. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 87(2)
"Prosthetic Avian vocal organ controlled by a freely behaving bird based on a low dimensional model of the biomechanical periphery" (2012) Arneodo, E.M.; Perl, Y.S.; Goller, F.; Mindlin, G.B. PLoS Computational Biology. 8(6)
"Complex-linear invariants of biochemical networks" (2012) Karp, R.L.;Pérez Millán, M.;Dasgupta, T. (...)Gunawardena, J. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 311:130-138
"Integrated e-health approach based on vascular ultrasound and pulse wave analysis for asymptomatic atherosclerosis detection and cardiovascular risk stratification in the community" (2012) Santana, D.B.; Zócalo, Y.A.; Armentano, R.L. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine. 16(2):287-294
"Smooth operator: Avoidance of subharmonic bifurcations through mechanical mechanisms simplifies song motor control in adult zebra finches" (2010) Elemans, C.P.H.; Laje, R.; Mindlin, G.B.; Goller, F. Journal of Neuroscience. 30(40):13246-13253
"Topics on non-equilibrium statistical mechanics and nonlinear physics" (2009) Descalzi, O.; Martí, A.C.; Masoller, C.; Rosso, O.A. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 367(1901):3151-3156
"Quantifiers for randomness of chaotic pseudo-random number generators" (2009) De Micco, L.; Larrondo, H.A.; Plastino, A.; Rosso, O.A. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 367(1901):3281-3296
"Beyond harmonic sounds in a simple model for birdsong production" (2008) Amador, A.; Mindlin, G.B. Chaos. 18(4)
"Frequency modulation during song in a suboscine does not require vocal muscles" (2008) Amador, A.; Goller, F.; Mindlin, G.B. Journal of Neurophysiology. 99(5):2383-2389
"Nonlinear model predicts diverse respiratory patterns of birdsong" (2006) Trevisan, M.A.; Mindlin, G.B.; Goller, F. Physical Review Letters. 96(5)
"Modeling source-source and source-filter acoustic interaction in birdsong" (2005) Laje, R.; Mindlin, G.B. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 72(3)
"Analysis of wavelet-filtered tonic-clonic electroencephalogram recordings" (2004) Rosso, O.A.; Figliola, A.; Creso, J.; Serrano, E. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing. 42(4):516-523
"Wavelet statistical complexity analysis of the classical limit" (2003) Kowalski, A.M.;Martin, M.T.;Plastino, A. (...)Rosso, O.A. Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics. 311(2-3):180-191
"Second-harmonic generation in arrays of spherical particles" (2003) Mochán, W.L.; Maytorena, J.A.; Mendoza, B.S.; Brudny, V.L. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 68(8):853181
"Modeling gravitational radiation from coalescing binary black holes" (2002) Baker, J.; Campanelli, M.; Lousto, C.O.; Takahashi, R. Physical Review D. 65(12)
"The Lazarus project: A pragmatic approach to binary black hole evolutions" (2002) Baker, J.; Campanelli, M.; Lousto, C.O. Physical Review D. 65(4)
"Nonlinear dynamics in far-infrared driven quantum-well intersubband transitions" (2002) Batista, A.A.;Tamborenea, P.I.;Birnir, B. (...)Citrin, D.S. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 66(19):1953251-19532512
"Sustained oscillations in stochastic systems" (2001) Aparicio, J.P.; Solari, H.G. Mathematical Biosciences. 169(1):15-25
"Oxidation of toluene to benzaldehyde over VSb1-xTixO4 catalyst. Kinetics studies" (2000) Barbaro, A.; Larrondo, S.; Amadeo, N. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis. 130 B:1733-1738
"Using nonlinear dynamic metric tools for characterizing brain structures" (1997) Blanco, S.; Figliola, A.; Kochen, S.; Rosso, O.A. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine. 16(4):83-92