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"Pituitary tumors: Cell type-specific roles for BMP-4" (2010) Labeur, M.;Páez-Pereda, M.;Haedo, M. (...)Stalla, G.K. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 326(1-2):85-88
"Enhanced LH action in transgenic female mice expressing hCGβ-subunit induces pituitary prolactinomas; the role of high progesterone levels" (2010) Ahtiainen, P.;Sharp, V.;Rulli, S.B. (...)Huhtaniemi, I. Endocrine-Related Cancer. 17(3):611-621
"Novel medical therapies for pituitary tumors" (2010) Theodoropoulou, M.;Labeur, M.;Paez Pereda, M. (...)Stalla, G.K. Frontiers of Hormone Research. 38:158-164
"New perspectives in the treatment of cushing's syndrome" (2004) Labeur, M.; Arzt, E.; Stalla, G.K.; Péz-Pereda, M. Current Drug Targets: Immune, Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders. 4(4):335-342
"Antidopaminergic‐lnduced Hypothalamic LHRH Release and Pituitary Gonadotrophin Secretion in 12 Day‐Old Female and Male Rats" (1993) Lacau‐Mengido, I.M.;Becú‐Villalobos, D.;Thyssen, S.M. (...)Libertun, C. Journal of Neuroendocrinology. 5(6):705-709
"Antidopaminergic‐lnduced Hypothalamic LHRH Release and Pituitary Gonadotrophin Secretion in 12 Day‐Old Female and Male Rats" (1993) Lacau‐Mengido, I.M.;Becú‐Villalobos, D.;Thyssen, S.M. (...)Libertun, C. Journal of Neuroendocrinology. 5(6):705-709
"Natural and Artificially Induced Ovulatory Models Related to Lactation in the Rat: Role of Prolactin" (1988) Lux, V.A.R.; Ramírez, M.I.; Libertun, C. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 188(3):301-307
"Natural and Artificially Induced Ovulatory Models Related to Lactation in the Rat: Role of Prolactin" (1988) Lux, V.A.R.; Ramírez, M.I.; Libertun, C. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 188(3):301-307
"Effects of prolactin, bromocriptine and sulpiride on estrogen and lactogenic receptors in the rat adrenal gland" (1984) Luthy, I.A.; Chiauzzi, V.A.; Charreau, E.H.; Calandra, R.S. Acta Physiologica et Pharmacologica Latinoamericana. 34(1):15-23
"Effects of prolactin, bromocriptine and sulpiride on estrogen and lactogenic receptors in the rat adrenal gland" (1984) Luthy, I.A.; Chiauzzi, V.A.; Charreau, E.H.; Calandra, R.S. Acta Physiologica et Pharmacologica Latinoamericana. 34(1):15-23
"Effect of prolactin on the steroidogenic response of rat luteal cells" (1984) Tesone, M.; Ladenheim, R.G.; Chiauzzi, V.A.; Charreau, E.H. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 36(3):187-194
"Prolactin regulation of prolactin binding sites in pancreatic islets and adrenal glands of ovariectomized rats" (1983) Tesone, M.; Luthy, I.A.; Ladenheim, R.G. Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction. 3(6):711-726
"Prolactin regulation of prolactin binding sites in pancreatic islets and adrenal glands of ovariectomized rats" (1983) Tesone, M.; Luthy, I.A.; Ladenheim, R.G. Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction. 3(6):711-726
"Is there a role for dopamine in the regulation of motility of sow oviducts?" (1983) Chaud, M.;Pardal, J.F.;Viggiano, M. (...)Gimeno, A.L. Pharmacological Research Communications. 15(10):923-936
"Effects of bromocriptine on [ 3 H]Estradiol binding in cytosol of anterior pituitary" (1981) Nicola, A.F.D.; Weisenberg, L.S.; Arakelian, M.C.; Libertun, C. Endocrinology. 109(1):83-86
"Effects of bromocriptine on [ 3 H]Estradiol binding in cytosol of anterior pituitary" (1981) Nicola, A.F.D.; Weisenberg, L.S.; Arakelian, M.C.; Libertun, C. Endocrinology. 109(1):83-86
"Effects of bromocriptine on [ 3 H]Estradiol binding in cytosol of anterior pituitary" (1981) Nicola, A.F.D.; Weisenberg, L.S.; Arakelian, M.C.; Libertun, C. Endocrinology. 109(1):83-86
"Effects of prolactin on androgen metabolism in androgen target tissues of immature rats" (1981) Barañao, J.L.S.;Legnani, B.;Chiauzzi, V.A. (...)Calandra, R.S. Endocrinology. 109(6):2188-2195
"Effects of prolactin on androgen metabolism in androgen target tissues of immature rats" (1981) Barañao, J.L.S.;Legnani, B.;Chiauzzi, V.A. (...)Calandra, R.S. Endocrinology. 109(6):2188-2195