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brain injury
"CaMKII isoforms in learning and memory: Localization and function" (2018) Zalcman, G.; Federman, N.; Romano, A. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 11
"Dynamical Signatures of Structural Connectivity Damage to a Model of the Brain Posed at Criticality" (2016) Haimovici, A.; Balenzuela, P.; Tagliazucchi, E. Brain Connectivity. 6(10):759-771
"Dynamical Signatures of Structural Connectivity Damage to a Model of the Brain Posed at Criticality" (2016) Haimovici, A.; Balenzuela, P.; Tagliazucchi, E. Brain Connectivity. 6(10):759-771
"Progesterone neuroprotection in traumatic CNS injury and motoneuron degeneration" (2009) De Nicola, A.F.;Labombarda, F.;Deniselle, M.C.G. (...)Schumacher, M. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology. 30(2):173-187
"Progesterone neuroprotection in traumatic CNS injury and motoneuron degeneration" (2009) De Nicola, A.F.;Labombarda, F.;Deniselle, M.C.G. (...)Schumacher, M. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology. 30(2):173-187
"A statistical analysis of 1300 patients with dizziness-vertigo. Its most frequent causes " (2003) López-Gentili, L.I.; Kremenchutzky, M.; Salgado, P. Revista de Neurologia. 36(5):417-420
"Decision-making processes following damage to the prefrontal cortex" (2002) Manes, F.;Sahakian, B.;Clark, L. (...)Robbins, T. Brain. 125(3):624-639
"Unilateral focal lesions in the rostrolateral medulla influence chemosensitivity and breathing measured during wakefulness, sleep, and exercise (multiple letters)" (2000) Nogues, M.;Heidel, K.;Benarroch, E. (...)Guz, A. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. 69(1):138-139
"Mechanism of disinhibition after brain lesions" (1997) Starkstein, S.E.; Robinson, R.G. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 185(2):108-114
"Peripheral ocular motor disorders" (1994) Ebner, R. Current Opinion in Ophthalmology. 5(6):23-28
"Learning under partial reinforcement in the toad (Bufo arenarum): Effects of lesions in the medial pallium" (1994) Muzio, R.N.; Segura, E.T.; Papini, M.R. Behavioral and Neural Biology. 61(1):36-46
"Effects of lesions in the medial pallium on instrumental learning in the toad (Bufo arenarum)" (1993) Muzio, R.N.; Segura, E.T.; Papini, M.R. Physiology and Behavior. 54(1):185-188
"P-tyramine, a natural amine, inhibits prolactin release in vivo" (1985) Bec-Villalobos, D.; de mengido, I.M.; Libertun, C. Endocrinology. 116(5):2044-2048
"Effects of bromocriptine on [ 3 H]Estradiol binding in cytosol of anterior pituitary" (1981) Nicola, A.F.D.; Weisenberg, L.S.; Arakelian, M.C.; Libertun, C. Endocrinology. 109(1):83-86
"Effect of median eminence lesions on [3h]estradiol binding in the anterior pituitary and hypothalamus" (1979) Weisenberg, L.S.; De Nicola, A.F.; Arakelian, M.C.; Libertun, C. Endocrinology. 105(5):1152-1157