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Visual Pathways
"Matched function of the neuropil processing optic flow in flies and crabs: the lobula plate mediates optomotor responses in Neohelice granulata" (2022) Barnatan, Yair; Tomsic, Daniel; Sztarker, Julieta; Cámera, A. Royal Society Publishing. 289(1981):1-35
"A crustacean lobula plate: Morphology, connections, and retinotopic organization" (2018) Bengochea, M.; Berón de Astrada, M.; Tomsic, D.; Sztarker, J. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 526(1):109-119
"The Emergence of the Spatial Structure of Tectal Spontaneous Activity Is Independent of Visual Inputs" (2017) Pietri, T.;Romano, S.A.;Pérez-Schuster, V. (...)Sumbre, G. Cell Reports. 19(5):939-948
"Visual motion processing subserving behavior in crabs" (2016) Tomsic, D. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 41:113-121
"The Formation of Hierarchical Decisions in the Visual Cortex" (2015) Lorteije, J.A.M.;Zylberberg, A.;Ouellette, B.G. (...)Roelfsema, P.R. Neuron. 87(6):1344-1356
"A network of visual motion-sensitive neurons for computing object position in an arthropod" (2015) Medan, V.; De Astrada, M.B.; Scarano, F.; Tomsic, D. Journal of Neuroscience. 35(17):6654-6666
"A look into the cockpit of the developing locust: Looming detectors and predator avoidance" (2014) Sztarker, J.; Rind, F.C. Developmental Neurobiology. 74(11):1078-1095
"Organization of columnar inputs in the third optic ganglion of a highly visual crab" (2014) Bengochea, M.; Berón de Astrada, M. Journal of Physiology Paris. 108(2-3):61-70
"Neural organization of the second optic neuropil, the medulla, in the highly visual semiterrestrial crab Neohelice granulata" (2014) Sztarker, J.; Tomsic, D. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 522(14):3177-3193
"Looming detection by identified visual interneurons during larval development of the locust Locusta migratoria" (2013) Simmons, P.J.; Sztarker, J.; Rind, F.C. Journal of Experimental Biology. 216(12):2266-2275
"How visual space maps in the optic neuropils of a crab" (2011) De Astrada, M.B.; Medan, V.; Tomsic, D. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 519(9):1631-1639
"Neural organization of first optic neuropils in the littoral crab Hemigrapsus oregonensis and the semiterrestrial species Chasmagnathus granulatus" (2009) Sztarker, J.; Strausfeld, N.; Andrew, D.; Tomsic, D. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 513(2):129-150
"Physiology and morphology of sustaining and dimming neurons of the crab Chasmagnathus granulatus (Brachyura: Grapsidae)" (2009) de Astrada, M.B.; Tuthill, J.C.; Tomsic, D. Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology. 195(8):791-798
"Effect of nitroxyl on the hamster retinal nitridergic pathway" (2007) Sáenz, D.A.;Bari, S.E.;Salido, E. (...)Rosenstein, R.E. Neurochemistry International. 51(6-7):424-432
"Organization of optic lobes that support motion detection in a semiterrestrial crab" (2005) Sztarker, J.; Strausfeld, N.J.; Tomsic, D. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 493(3):396-411