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"Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi alleviate oxidative stress in pomegranate plants growing under different irrigation conditions" (2014) Bompadre, M.J.;Silvani, V.A.;Bidondo, L.F. (...)Godeas, A.M. Botany. 92(3):187-193
"Agarofuran sesquiterpenes from Schaefferia argentinensis" (2013) García, M.E.;Motrich, R.D.;Caputto, B.L. (...)Nicotra, V.E. Phytochemistry. 94:260-267
"Agarofuran sesquiterpenes from Schaefferia argentinensis" (2013) García, M.E.;Motrich, R.D.;Caputto, B.L. (...)Nicotra, V.E. Phytochemistry. 94:260-267
"Agarofuran sesquiterpenes from Schaefferia argentinensis" (2013) García, M.E.;Motrich, R.D.;Caputto, B.L. (...)Nicotra, V.E. Phytochemistry. 94:260-267
"Chemical constituents and biological activity of euglena gracilis extracts" (2013) Tolivia, A.; Conforti, V.; Córdoba, O.; Flores, L. Journal of Pharmacy Research. 7(3):209-214
"Calcium and silica biomineralizations in leaves of eleven aquatic species of the Pampean Plain, Argentina" (2011) Borrelli, N.; Fernández Honaine, M.; Altamirano, S.M.; Osterrieth, M. Aquatic Botany. 94(1):29-36
"Steroids from the red alga Acanthophora spicifera" (2007) Lang, K.L.; Palermo, J.A.; Falkenberg, M.; Schenkel, E.P. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 35(11):805-808
"Amaranth starch-rich fraction properties modified by high-temperature heating" (2007) González, R.;Tosi, E.;Ré, E. (...)Martinez, K. Food Chemistry. 103(3):927-934
"15,21-Cyclowithanolides from Jaborosa bergii" (2003) Nicotra, V.E.;Gil, R.R.;Vaccarini, C. (...)Burton, G. Journal of Natural Products. 66(11):1471-1475
"Induction of quinone reductase by withanolides" (2002) Misico, R.I.;Song, L.L.;Veleiro, A.S. (...)Pezzuto, J.M. Journal of Natural Products. 65(5):677-680
"Antiviral activity of an acidic polysaccharides fraction extracted from Cedrela tubiflora leaves" (2001) Craig, M.I.; Benencia, F.; Coulombié, F.C. Fitoterapia. 72(2):113-119
"Rapeseed chloroplast thioredoxin-m modulation of the affinity for target proteins" (2001) Duek, P.D.; Wolosiuk, R.A. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Protein Structure and Molecular Enzymology. 1546(2):299-311
"Sesquiterpene lactone variability in Parthenium hysterophorus L." (2000) De La Fuente, J.R.; Uriburu, M.L.; Burton, G.; Sosa, V.E. Phytochemistry. 55(7):769-772
"New withanolides from two varieties of Jaborosa caulescens" (2000) Nicotra, V.E.; Gil, R.R.; Oberti, J.C.; Burton, G. Molecules. 5(3):514-515
"Ayahoasca: An experimental psychosis that mirrors the transmethylation hypothesis of schizophrenia" (1999) Pomilio, A.B.;Vitale, A.A.;Ciprian-Ollivier, J. (...)Vázquez, G. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 65(1):29-51
"The genus Bulnesia revisited: A cladistic analysis of seed protein data" (1998) Comas, C.I.; Confalonieri, V.A.; Hunziker, J.H. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 26(6):611-618
"Short side-chain cycloartanes from Tillandsia usneoides" (1997) Cabrera, G.M.; Seldes, A.M. Phytochemistry. 45(5):1019-1021
"16-hydroxylated withanolides from Exodeconus maritimus" (1997) Gil, R.R.;Misico, R.I.;Sotes, I.R. (...)Burton, G. Journal of Natural Products. 60(6):568-572
"A L-galactose-containing carrageenan from cystocarpic Gigartina skottsbergii" (1997) Ciancia, M.; Matulewicz, M.C.; Cerezo, A.S. Phytochemistry. 45(5):1009-1013
"Withanolides from Jaborosa leucotricha" (1997) Misico, R.I.; Veleiro, A.S.; Burton, G.; Oberti, J.C. Phytochemistry. 45(5):1045-1048
"Festuca argentina and Festuca hieronymi: Chemical relationships between non-polar constituents" (1996) Casabuono, A.C.; Pomilio, A.B. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 24(3):247-254
"Flavonoids from Macroptilium prostratum, M. psammodes and M. fraternum" (1994) Zallocchi, E.M.; Pomilio, A.B. Fitoterapia. 65(5):469
"Flavonoids from Vigna candida, V. spiralis and V. adenantha" (1994) Zallocchi, E.M.; Pomilio, A.B. Fitoterapia. 65(5):470
"High-field NMR spectroscopy of cystocarpic and tetrasporic carrageenans from Iridaea undulosa" (1994) Stortz, C.A.; Bacon, B.E.; Cherniak, R.; Cerezo, A.S. Carbohydrate Research. 261(2):317-326
"Flavonoids from Argentinian species of Phaseolus" (1994) Zallocchi, E.M.; Pomilio, A.B. Fitoterapia. 65(5):467
"Constituents of Senecio crassiflorus" (1994) Tettamanzi, M.C.; Jares, E.A.; Iannone, L.M.; Pomilio, A.B. Fitoterapia. 65(5):468
"Flavonoids from Vigna luteola and V. peduncularis" (1994) Zallocchi, E.M.; Pomilio, A.B. Fitoterapia. 65(5):471
"Determination of the structures of cystocarpic carrageenans from Gigartina skottsbergii by methylation analysis and NMR spectroscopy" (1993) Ciancia, M.; Matulewicz, M.C.; Finch, P.; Cerezo, A.S. Carbohydrate Research. 238(C):241-248
"Constituents of Senecio bonariensis roots" (1992) Tettamanzi, M.C.; Jares, E.A.; Pomilio, A.B. Fitoterapia. 63(6):551-552
"Chondriamides A and B, new indolic metabolites from the red alga Chondria sp." (1992) Palermo, J.A.; Flower, P.B.; Seldes, A.M. Tetrahedron Letters. 33(22):3097-3100