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genome analysis
"Influence of osmotic stress on the profile and gene expression of surface layer proteins in Lactobacillus acidophilus ATCC 4356" (2016) Palomino, M.M.;Waehner, P.M.;Fina Martin, J. (...)Ruzal, S.M. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 100(19):8475-8484
"Genome sequence analysis of Pseudomonas extremaustralis provides new insights into environmental adaptability and extreme conditions resistance" (2015) Raiger Iustman, L.J.;Tribelli, P.M.;Ibarra, J.G. (...)López, N.I. Extremophiles. 19(1):207-220
"Genome sequence of the polyhydroxybutyrate producer Pseudomonas extremaustralis, a highly stress-resistant antarctic bacterium" (2012) Tribelli, P.M.;Iustman, L.J.R.;Catone, M.V. (...)López, N.I. Journal of Bacteriology. 194(9):2381-2382
"The revised Trypanosoma cruzi subspecific nomenclature: Rationale, epidemiological relevance and research applications" (2012) Zingales, B.;Miles, M.A.;Campbell, D.A. (...)Sturm, N.R. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 12(2):240-253
"Cebus paraguayanus and cebus nigritus (primates, platyrrhini): A comparative genomic hybridization analysis" (2010) Nieves, M.; Mühlmann, M.; Mudry, M.D. Cytogenetic and Genome Research. 128(4):214-220
"Nitroimidazole derivatives: Non-randomness sister chromatid exchanges in human peripheral blood lymphocytes" (2009) Carballo, M.A.; Martinez, R.A.; Mudry, M.D. Journal of Applied Toxicology. 29(3):248-254
"When chromatin meets splicing" (2009) Kornblihtt, A.R.; Schor, I.E.; Allo, M.; Blencowe, B.J. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology. 16(9):902-903
"Ancient exaptation of a CORE-SINE retroposon into a highly conserved mammalian neuronal enhancer of the proopiomelanocortin gene" (2007) Santangelo, A.M.;De Souza, F.S.J.;Franchini, L.F. (...)Rubinstein, M. PLoS Genetics. 3(10):1813-1826
"TcPDE4, a novel membrane-associated cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase from Trypanosoma cruzi" (2006) Alonso, G.D.; Schoijet, A.C.; Torres, H.N.; Flawiá, M.M. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology. 145(1):40-49
"Cyclic nucleotide specific phosphodiesterases of the kinetoplastida: A unified nomenclature" (2006) Kunz, S.;Beavo, J.A.;D'Angelo, M.A. (...)Seebeck, T. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology. 145(1):133-135
"The genome sequence of Trypanosoma cruzi, etiologic agent of chagas disease" (2005) El-Sayed, N.M.;Myler, P.J.;Bartholomeu, D.C. (...)Andersson, B. Science. 309(5733):409-415+435
"Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) of Tripsacum dactyloides and Zea mays ssp. mays with B chromosomes" (1999) Poggio, L.;Confalonieri, V.;Comas, C. (...)Naranjo, C.A. Genome. 42(4):687-691
"Meiotic studies of spontaneous hybrids of Amaranthus: genome analysis" (1995) Greizerstein, E.J.; Poggio, L. Plant Breeding. 114(5):448-450