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"Arousal and drug abuse" (2017) Urbano, F.J.; Bisagno, V.; Garcia-Rill, E. Behavioural Brain Research. 333:276-281
"Muscarinic modulation of high frequency oscillations in pedunculopontine neurons" (2013) Kezunovic, N.;Hyde, J.;Goitia, B. (...)Garcia-Rill, E. Frontiers in Neurology. 4 NOV
"Muscarinic modulation of high frequency oscillations in pedunculopontine neurons" (2013) Kezunovic, N.;Hyde, J.;Goitia, B. (...)Garcia-Rill, E. Frontiers in Neurology. 4 NOV
"Gamma band activity in the developing parafascicular nucleus" (2012) Kezunovic, N.;Hyde, J.;Simon, C. (...)Garcia-Rill, E. Journal of Neurophysiology. 107(3):772-784
"Gamma band activity in the developing parafascicular nucleus" (2012) Kezunovic, N.;Hyde, J.;Simon, C. (...)Garcia-Rill, E. Journal of Neurophysiology. 107(3):772-784
"Gamma band activity in the developing parafascicular nucleus" (2012) Kezunovic, N.;Hyde, J.;Simon, C. (...)Garcia-Rill, E. Journal of Neurophysiology. 107(3):772-784
"Mechanism behind gamma band activity in the pedunculopontine nucleus" (2011) Kezunovic, N.;Urbano, F.J.;Simon, C. (...)Garcia-Rill, E. European Journal of Neuroscience. 34(3):404-415
"Cholinergic and glutamatergic agonists induce gamma frequency activity in dorsal subcoeruleus nucleus neurons" (2011) Simon, C.;Kezunovic, N.;Keith Williams, D. (...)Garcia-Rill, E. American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology. 301(2):C327-C335
"Cholinergic and glutamatergic agonists induce gamma frequency activity in dorsal subcoeruleus nucleus neurons" (2011) Simon, C.;Kezunovic, N.;Keith Williams, D. (...)Garcia-Rill, E. American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology. 301(2):C327-C335
"Activation of nitric oxide synthase through muscarinic receptors in rat parotid gland" (2002) Rosignoli, F.; Pérez Leirós, C. European Journal of Pharmacology. 439(1-3):27-33
"Activation of nitric oxide synthase through muscarinic receptors in rat parotid gland" (2002) Rosignoli, F.; Pérez Leirós, C. European Journal of Pharmacology. 439(1-3):27-33
"Binding of nicotinic ligands to and nicotine-induced calcium signaling in Trypanosoma cruzi" (2001) Bollo, M.; Venera, G.; de Jiménez Bonino, M.B.; Machado-Domenech, E. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 281(2):300-304
"α10: A determinant of nicotinic cholinergic receptor function in mammalian vestibular and cochlear mechanosensory hair cells" (2001) Elgoyhen, A.B.;Vetter, D.E.;Katz, E. (...)Boulter, J. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 98(6):3501-3506
"Mixed nicotinic-muscarinic properties of the α9 nicotinic cholinergic receptor" (2000) Verbitsky, M.; Rothlin, C.V.; Katz, E.; Belén Elgoyhen, A. Neuropharmacology. 39(13):2515-2524
"Effects of cholinergic muscarinic agents on protein kinase C activity in rat pineal gland" (1991) Finocchiaro, L.M.E.; Téllez-Iñón, M.T. Cell Biology International Reports. 15(10):943-954
"Effects of cholinergic muscarinic agents on protein kinase C activity in rat pineal gland" (1991) Finocchiaro, L.M.E.; Téllez-Iñón, M.T. Cell Biology International Reports. 15(10):943-954