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atmospheric circulation
"Orographic and convective gravity waves above the Alps and Andes Mountains during GPS radio occultation events - A case study" (2018) Hierro, R.;Steiner, A.K.;De La Torre, A. (...)Cremades, P. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 11(6):3523-3539
"Low-frequency variability and trends in centennial precipitation stations in southern South America" (2017) Saurral, R.I.; Camilloni, I.A.; Barros, V.R. International Journal of Climatology. 37(4):1774-1793
"Predictability of the tropospheric circulation in the southern hemisphere from CHFP models" (2016) Osman, M.; Vera, C.S.; Doblas-Reyes, F.J. Climate Dynamics. 46(7-8):2423-2434
"Summer heat waves in southeastern Patagonia: An analysis of the intraseasonal timescale" (2016) Jacques-Coper, M.;Brönnimann, S.;Martius, O. (...)Cerne, B. International Journal of Climatology. 36(3):1359-1374
"Extreme rainfall, hydric conditions and associated atmospheric circulation in the southern la Plata Basin" (2016) Penalba, O.C.; Rivera, J.A.; Pántano, V.C.; Bettolli, M.L. Climate Research. 68(2-3):215-229
"Extreme rainfall, hydric conditions and associated atmospheric circulation in the southern la Plata Basin" (2016) Penalba, O.C.; Rivera, J.A.; Pántano, V.C.; Bettolli, M.L. Climate Research. 68(2-3):215-229
"Influence of the large-scale climate variability on daily rainfall extremes over Argentina" (2016) Robledo, F.A.; Vera, C.; Penalba, O.C. International Journal of Climatology. 36(1):412-423
"Rainfall patterns and the relation to atmospheric circulation in northern Patagonia (Argentina)" (2015) González, M.H.; Garbarini, E.M.; Romero, P.E. Advances in Environmental Research. 41:85-100
"Characterizing the diurnal cycle of low-level circulation and convergence using CFSR data in southeastern South America" (2015) Repinaldo, H.F.B.; Nicolini, M.; Skabar, Y.G. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 54(3):671-690
"State of the climate in 2013" (2014) Multitudinario:424 Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 95(7):S1-S279
"Simulation of rainfall anomalies leading to the 2005 drought in Amazonia using the CLARIS LPB regional climate models" (2013) Marengo, J.;Chou, S.;Mourao, C. (...)Jacob, D. Climate Dynamics. 41(11-12):2937-2955
"Performance of a high resolution global model over southern South America" (2013) Blázquez, J.; Nuñez, M.N. International Journal of Climatology. 33(4):904-919
"Performance of a high resolution global model over southern South America" (2013) Blázquez, J.; Nuñez, M.N. International Journal of Climatology. 33(4):904-919
"On the variability of seasonal temperature in southern South America" (2013) Berman, A.L.; Silvestri, G.; Compagnucci, R. Climate Dynamics. 40(7-8):1863-1878
"Surface circulation types and daily maximum and minimum temperatures in Southern la plata basin" (2013) Penalba, O.C.; Bettolli, M.L.; Krieger, P.A. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 52(11):2450-2459
"Trends in the distributions of aggregated monthly precipitation over the La Plata Basin" (2012) Doyle, M.E.; Saurral, R.I.; Barros, V.R. International Journal of Climatology. 32(14):2149-2162
"Temporal variability of the Buenos Aires, Argentina, urban heat island" (2012) Camilloni, I.; Barrucand, M. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 107(1-2):47-58
"Influence of the intraseasonal variability on heat waves in subtropical South America" (2011) Cerne, S.B.; Vera, C.S. Climate Dynamics. 36(11-12):2265-2277
"Diurnal cycle in convergence patterns in the boundary layer east of the Andes and convection" (2011) Nicolini, M.; Skabar, Y.G. Atmospheric Research. 100(4):377-390
"Severe hailstorms near Southern Andes in the presence of mountain waves" (2011) de la Torre, A.;Hierro, R.;Llamedo, P. (...)Alexander, P. Atmospheric Research. 101(1-2):112-123
"On the interannual wintertime rainfall variability in the Southern Andes" (2010) González, M.H.; Vera, C.S. International Journal of Climatology. 30(5):643-657
"On the interannual wintertime rainfall variability in the Southern Andes" (2010) González, M.H.; Vera, C.S. International Journal of Climatology. 30(5):643-657
"Land-atmosphere interactions during a northwestern Argentina low event" (2010) Saulo, C.;Ferreira, L.;Nogués-Paegle, J. (...)Ruiz, J. Monthly Weather Review. 138(7):2481-2498
"A statistical study of seasonal winter rainfall prediction in the Comahue region (Argentina)" (2010) González, M.H.; Skansi, M.M.; Losano, F. Atmosfera. 23(3):277-294
"Synoptic weather types in the south of South America and their relationship to daily rainfall in the core crop-producing region in Argentina" (2010) Bettolli, M.L.; Penalba, O.C.; Vargas, W.M. Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal. 60(1):37-48
"Are wind wave heights increasing in south-eastern south American continental shelf between 32°S and 40°S?" (2010) Dragani, W.C.; Martin, P.B.; Simionato, C.G.; Campos, M.I. Continental Shelf Research. 30(5):481-490
"Present-day South American climate" (2009) Garreaud, R.D.; Vuille, M.; Compagnucci, R.; Marengo, J. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 281(3-4):180-195
"A high-resolution 43-year atmospheric hindcast for South America generated with the MPI regional model" (2009) Silvestri, G.;Vera, C.;Jacob, D. (...)Teichmann, C. Climate Dynamics. 32(5):693-709
"Can principal component analysis provide atmospheric circulation or teleconnecion patterns?" (2008) Compagnucci, R.H.; Richman, M.B. International Journal of Climatology. 28(6):703-726
"Can principal component analysis provide atmospheric circulation or teleconnecion patterns?" (2008) Compagnucci, R.H.; Richman, M.B. International Journal of Climatology. 28(6):703-726
"Can principal component analysis provide atmospheric circulation or teleconnecion patterns?" (2008) Compagnucci, R.H.; Richman, M.B. International Journal of Climatology. 28(6):703-726
"Precipitation trends in southeastern South America: Relationship with ENSO phases and with low-level circulation" (2008) Barros, V.R.; Doyle, M.E.; Camilloni, I.A. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 93(1-2):19-33
"Temperature extremes in the south of South America in relation to Atlantic Ocean surface temperature and Southern Hemisphere circulation" (2008) Barrucand, M.; Rusticucci, M.; Vargas, W. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 113(20)
"Intraseasonal variability in subtropical South America as depicted by precipitation data" (2008) González, P.L.M.; Vera, C.S.; Liebmann, B.; Kiladis, G. Climate Dynamics. 30(7-8):727-744
"Atmospheric circulation features associated to Argentinean Andean rivers discharge variability" (2008) Araneo, D.C.; Compagnucci, R.H. Geophysical Research Letters. 35(1)
"Atmospheric circulation features associated to Argentinean Andean rivers discharge variability" (2008) Araneo, D.C.; Compagnucci, R.H. Geophysical Research Letters. 35(1)
"Atmospheric circulation associated with persistent generalized frosts in Central-Southern South America" (2007) Müller, G.V.; Berri, G.J. Monthly Weather Review. 135(4):1268-1289
"Atmospheric circulation associated with persistent generalized frosts in Central-Southern South America" (2007) Müller, G.V.; Berri, G.J. Monthly Weather Review. 135(4):1268-1289
"Climatology of the low-level jet east of the Andes as derived from the NCEP-NCAR reanalyses: Characteristics and temporal variability" (2004) Marengo, J.A.; Soares, W.R.; Saulo, C.; Nicolini, M. Journal of Climate. 17(12):2261-2280
"Vorticity patterns for rainy and dry episodes in Argentina" (2004) Ruiz, N.E. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics. 86(1-2):45-62
"Differences in El Niño response over the Southern Hemisphere" (2004) Vera, C.; Silvestri, G.; Barros, V.; Carril, A. Journal of Climate. 17(9):1741-1753
"The major discharge events in the Paraguay River: Magnitudes, source regions, and climate forcings" (2004) Barros, V.; Chamorro, L.; Coronel, G.; Baez, J. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 5(6):1161-1170
"The 500 and 1000 hPa weather circulations and their relationship with some extreme climatic conditions over southern South America" (2003) Bischoff, S.A.; Vargas, W.M. International Journal of Climatology. 23(5):541-556
"Weather regimes in the South American sector and neighbouring oceans during winter" (2003) Solman, S.A.; Menéndez, C.G. Climate Dynamics. 21(1):91-104
"Surface circulation associated with frost in the wet pampas" (2003) Müller, G.V.; Compagnucci, R.; Nunez, M.N.; Salles, A. International Journal of Climatology. 23(8):943-961
"Surface circulation associated with frost in the wet pampas" (2003) Müller, G.V.; Compagnucci, R.; Nunez, M.N.; Salles, A. International Journal of Climatology. 23(8):943-961
"Relationship between temperature and circulation in Southeastern South America and its influence from El Niño and La Niña events" (2002) Barros, V.R.; Grimm, A.M.; Doyle, M.E. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. 80(1):21-32
"Mean flow-transient perturbation interaction in the Southern Hemisphere: A simulation using a variable-resolution GCM" (2002) Carril, A.; Menéndez, C.; Nuñez, M.; Le Treut, H. Climate Dynamics. 18(8):661-674
"The influence of the Andes mountains on the South American low-level flow" (2002) Campetella, C.M.; Vera, C.S. Geophysical Research Letters. 29(17):7-1
"Principal sequence pattern analysis: A new approach to classifying the evolution of atmospheric systems" (2001) Compagnucci, R.H.; Araneo, D.; Canziani, P.O. International Journal of Climatology. 21(2):197-217
"Model characterization of the South American low-level flow during the 1997-1998 spring-summer season" (2000) Saulo, A.C.; Nicolini, M.; Chou, S.C. Climate Dynamics. 16(10-11):867-881
"Model characterization of the South American low-level flow during the 1997-1998 spring-summer season" (2000) Saulo, A.C.; Nicolini, M.; Chou, S.C. Climate Dynamics. 16(10-11):867-881
"500 hPa vorticity analyses over Argentina: Their climatology and capacity to distinguish synoptic-scale precipitation" (1998) Ruiz, N.E.; Vargas, W.M. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 60(1-4):77-92
"500 hPa vorticity analyses over Argentina: Their climatology and capacity to distinguish synoptic-scale precipitation" (1998) Ruiz, N.E.; Vargas, W.M. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 60(1-4):77-92
"Transformed shoreline-following horizontal coordinates in a mesoscale model: a sea-land-breeze case study" (1993) Berri, G.J.; Nunez, M.N. Journal of Applied Meteorology. 32(5):918-928