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"Evolution of Vocal Diversity through Morphological Adaptation without Vocal Learning or Complex Neural Control" (2017) Garcia, S.M.;Kopuchian, C.;Mindlin, G.B. (...)Goller, F. Current Biology. 27(17):2677-2683.e3
"Evolution of Vocal Diversity through Morphological Adaptation without Vocal Learning or Complex Neural Control" (2017) Garcia, S.M.;Kopuchian, C.;Mindlin, G.B. (...)Goller, F. Current Biology. 27(17):2677-2683.e3
"Musashi mediates translational repression of the Drosophila hypoxia inducible factor" (2016) Bertolin, A.P.;Katz, M.J.;Yano, M. (...)Wappner, P. Nucleic Acids Research. 44(16):7555-7567
"Musashi mediates translational repression of the Drosophila hypoxia inducible factor" (2016) Bertolin, A.P.;Katz, M.J.;Yano, M. (...)Wappner, P. Nucleic Acids Research. 44(16):7555-7567
"miR-190 Enhances HIF-Dependent Responses to Hypoxia in Drosophila by Inhibiting the Prolyl-4-hydroxylase Fatiga" (2016) De Lella Ezcurra, A.L.;Bertolin, A.P.;Kim, K. (...)Wappner, P. PLoS Genetics. 12(5)
"Automatic reconstruction of physiological gestures used in a model of birdsong production" (2015) Boari, S.;Perl, Y.S.;Amador, A. (...)Mindlin, G.B. Journal of Neurophysiology. 114(5):2912-2922
"Automatic reconstruction of physiological gestures used in a model of birdsong production" (2015) Boari, S.;Perl, Y.S.;Amador, A. (...)Mindlin, G.B. Journal of Neurophysiology. 114(5):2912-2922
"Elemental gesture dynamics are encoded by song premotor cortical neurons" (2013) Amador, A.; Perl, Y.S.; Mindlin, G.B.; Margoliash, D. Nature. 495(7439):59-64
"Elemental gesture dynamics are encoded by song premotor cortical neurons" (2013) Amador, A.; Perl, Y.S.; Mindlin, G.B.; Margoliash, D. Nature. 495(7439):59-64
"The enzyme NBAD-synthase plays diverse roles during the life cycle of Drosophila melanogaster" (2010) Pérez, M.M.; Schachter, J.; Berni, J.; Quesada-Allué, L.A. Journal of Insect Physiology. 56(1):8-13
"The enzyme NBAD-synthase plays diverse roles during the life cycle of Drosophila melanogaster" (2010) Pérez, M.M.; Schachter, J.; Berni, J.; Quesada-Allué, L.A. Journal of Insect Physiology. 56(1):8-13
"Cell Autonomy of HIF Effects in Drosophila: Tracheal Cells Sense Hypoxia and Induce Terminal Branch Sprouting" (2008) Centanin, L.;Dekanty, A.;Romero, N. (...)Wappner, P. Developmental Cell. 14(4):547-558
"Experimental support for a model of birdsong production" (2003) Mindlin, G.B.; Gardner, T.J.; Goller, F.; Suthers, R. Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 68(4)
"Experimental support for a model of birdsong production" (2003) Mindlin, G.B.; Gardner, T.J.; Goller, F.; Suthers, R. Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 68(4)