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Neovascularization, Physiologic
"Introduction to special issue: Galectins go with the flow" (2014) Rabinovich, G.A.; Lthijssen, V. Glycobiology. 24(10):885
"Involvement of galectin-1 in reproduction: Past, present and future" (2014) Barrientos, G.;Freitag, N.;Tirado-González, I. (...)Blois, S.M. Human Reproduction Update. 20(2):175-193
"Interfering with Gal-1-mediated angiogenesis contributes to the pathogenesis of preeclampsia" (2013) Freitag, N.;Tirado-Gonzaĺez, I.;Barrientos, G. (...)Blois, S.M. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110(28):11451-11456
"'Sweetening' Pregnancy: Galectins at the Fetomaternal Interface" (2013) Blidner, A.G.; Rabinovich, G.A. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 69(4):369-382
"Robustness of the hypoxic response: Another job for miRNAs?" (2012) De Lella Ezcurra, A.L.; Bertolin, A.P.; Melani, M.; Wappner, P. Developmental Dynamics. 241(12):1842-1848
"Modulation of endothelial cell migration and angiogenesis: A novel function for the "tandem-repeat" lectin galectin-8" (2011) Cárdenas Delgado, V.M.;Nugnes, L.G.;Colombo, L.L. (...)Elola, M.T. FASEB Journal. 25(1):242-254
"Regulation of ovarian angiogenesis and apoptosis by GnRH-I analogs" (2008) Parborell, F.; Irusta, G.; Celín, A.R.; Tesone, M. Molecular Reproduction and Development. 75(4):623-631