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"Nectary ultrastructure of Cabomba caroliniana Gray (Cabombaceae)" (2019) Galati, B.G.;Gotelli, M.M.;Fabbri, L.T. (...)Zarlavsky, G. Aquatic Botany. 152:43-50
"Insights into the phylogeny and evolutionary history of Calyceraceae" (2016) Denham, S.S.; Zavala-Gallo, L.; Johnson, L.A.; Pozner, R.E. Taxon. 65(6):1328-1344
"Diversity and distribution of diatrypaceae (Ascomycota) in Argentina and new records for the country " (2016) Robles, C.A.;D’Jonsiles, M.F.;Romano, G.M. (...)Carmarán, C.C. Darwiniana. 4(2):263-276
"Ultrastructural study of the female gametophyte and the epistase in Cabombaceae and Nymphaeaceae" (2016) Zini, L.M.;Galati, B.G.;Ferrucci, M.S. (...)Rosenfeldt, S. Flora: Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants. 220:25-36
"Two new angiosperm leaf morphotypes from the Anfiteatro de Ticó Formation (mid-Aptian) Santa Cruz Province, Argentina" (2016) Romero, E.J.; Archangelsky, S.; Passalia, M.G. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 235:148-156
"A new megaflora (fossil woods and leaves) from the miocene of Southwestern Patagonia" (2015) Pujana, R.R.;Panti, C.;Cuitiño, J.I. (...)Mirabelli, S.L. Ameghiniana. 52(3):350-366
"Fossil woods from the Cross Valley Formation (Paleocene of Western Antarctica): Araucariaceae-dominated forests" (2015) Pujana, R.R.; Marenssi, S.A.; Santillana, S.N. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 222:56-66
"Extending the generality of leaf economic design principles in the cycads, an ancient lineage" (2015) Zhang, Y.-J.;Cao, K.-F.;Sack, L. (...)Goldstein, G. New Phytologist. 206(2):817-829
"Pollen: Ovule ratio and its relationship with other reproductive traits in some Passiflora species (Passifloraceae)" (2014) García, M.T.A.; Miguez, M.B.; Gottsberger, G. Anales del Jardin Botanico de Madrid. 71(2)
"High-precision U-Pb zircon age from the Anfiteatro de Ticó Formation: Implications for the timing of the early angiosperm diversification in Patagonia" (2013) Perez Loinaze, V.S.;Vera, E.I.;Passalia, M.G. (...)Césari, S.N. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 48:97-105
"Pollen ontogeny in Magnolia liliflora Desr." (2012) Galati, B.G.; Zarlavsky, G.; Rosenfeldt, S.; Gotelli, M.M. Plant Systematics and Evolution. 298(3):527-534
"On the nature and origin of the oxalate package in Solanum sisymbriifolium anthers" (2010) Burrieza, H.P.;López-Fernández, M.P.;Láinez, V. (...)Maldonado, S. Protoplasma. 247(1):45-56
"Papuacedrus (Cupressaceae) in Eocene Patagonia: A new fossil link to Australasian rainforests" (2009) Wilf, P.;Little, S.A.;Iglesias, A. (...)Johnson, K.R. American Journal of Botany. 96(11):2031-2047
"Evidence of fungal activity in silicified gymnosperm wood from the Eocene of southern Patagonia (Argentina)" (2009) Pujana, R.R.; Massini, J.L.G.; Brizuela, R.R.; Burrieza, H.P. Geobios. 42(5):639-647
"Evolution of small inversions in chloroplast genome: A case study from a recurrent inversion in angiosperms" (2009) Catalano, S.A.; Saidman, B.O.; Vilardi, J.C. Cladistics. 25(1):93-104
"The Cretaceous flora of the Neuquén Basin, its paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic significance " (2009) Ottone, E.G. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 65(2):373-386
"The pollen receptor kinase LePRK2 mediates growth-promoting signals and positively regulates pollen germination and tube growth" (2008) Zhang, D.;Wengier, D.;Shuai, B. (...)Tang, W.-H. Plant Physiology. 148(3):1368-1379
"Integrated biostratigraphical study of La Horqueta section (Aptian-Albian boundary), Cardiel lake, Patagonia, Argentina " (2008) Medina, F.;Archangelsky, S.;Guler, V. (...)Cárdenas, O. Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, Nueva Serie. 10(2):273-289
"Impact of odor signals on Cycloneda sanguinea (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) searching behavior" (2008) Heit, G.E.; Cohen, G.; Mareggiani, G. Ciencia e Investigacion Agraria. 35(2):167-172
"Pollen, tapetum and orbicule development in Modiolastrum malvifolium (Malvaceae)" (2007) Galati, B.G.; Monacci, F.; Gotelli, M.M.; Rosenfeldt, S. Annals of Botany. 99(4):755-763
"Shooting control in Eucalyptus Grandis x E. urophylla hybrid: Comparative effects of 28-homocastasterone and a 5α-monofluoro derivative" (2006) Pereira-Netto, A.B.; Carvalho-Oliveira, M.M.C.; Ramírez, J.A.; Galagovsky, L.R. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. 86(3):329-335
"Chromosomes of some argentine angiosperms and their taxonomic significance" (2005) Mariel, S.A.; Seo, M.N. Caryologia. 58(2):171-177
"Lethal and Sublethal Effects of Withanolides from Salpichroa origanifolia and Analogues on Ceratitis capitata" (2004) Bado, S.;Mareggiani, G.;Amiano, N. (...)Veleiro, A.S. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 52(10):2875-2878
"15,21-Cyclowithanolides from Jaborosa bergii" (2003) Nicotra, V.E.;Gil, R.R.;Vaccarini, C. (...)Burton, G. Journal of Natural Products. 66(11):1471-1475
"First palynological record for the Lower member of Cerro Morado Formation (Miocene), La Rioja Precordillera " (2003) Barreda, V.;Limarino, C.;Fauqué, L. (...)Net, L. Ameghiniana. 40(1):81-87
"Changes in the responses to light quality during ontogeny in Chenopodium album" (2003) Causin, H.F.; Wulff, R.D. Canadian Journal of Botany. 81(2):152-163
"Responsye of Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) to Salpichroa origanifolia withanolides" (2002) Mareggiani, G.;Picollo, M.I.;Veleiro, A.S. (...)Zerba, E. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 50(1):104-107
"Contenido polínico en las mieles de la región del delta del Paraná (Argentina)" (1996) Basilio, A.M.; Romero, E.J. Darwiniana. 34:113-120