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"Mapping the dynamical organization of the cell nucleus through fluorescence correlation spectroscopy" (2018) Stortz, M.;Angiolini, J.;Mocskos, E. (...)Levi, V. Methods. 140-141:10-22
"Performance of a high resolution global model over southern South America" (2013) Blázquez, J.; Nuñez, M.N. International Journal of Climatology. 33(4):904-919
"Association of phosphate with rhyolite glass in marine Neogene tuffs from Patagonia, Argentina" (2013) Rubinstein, N.; Fazio, A.M.; Scasso, R.A.; Carey, S. Sedimentology. 60(4):1007-1016
"Eosin y triplet state as a probe of spatial heterogeneity in microcrystalline cellulose" (2012) Rodríguez, H.B.;Román, E.S.;Duarte, P. (...)Vieira Ferreira, L.F. Photochemistry and Photobiology. 88(4):831-839
"Triplet quantum yields in light-scattering powder samples measured by laser-induced optoacoustic spectroscopy (LIOAS)" (2012) Tomasini, E.P.; Braslavsky, S.E.; San Román, E. Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences. 11(6):1010-1017
"Attosecond wavefunction retrieval by electron wavepacket interferometry" (2012) Xie, X.;Roither, S.;Kartashov, D. (...)Kitzler, M. 2012 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2012
"Characterizing the hyperchaotic dynamics of a semiconductor laser subject to optical feedback via permutation entropy" (2011) Zunino, L.; Rosso, O.A.; Soriano, M.C. IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 17(5):1250-1257
"Time scales of a chaotic semiconductor laser with optical feedback under the lens of a permutation information analysis" (2011) Soriano, M.C.;Zunino, L.;Rosso, O.A. (...)Mirasso, C.R. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 47(2):252-261
"Metal nanoparticle ensembles: Tunable laser pulses distinguish monomer from dimer vibrations" (2011) Jais, P.M.; Murray, D.B.; Merlin, R.; Bragas, A.V. Nano Letters. 11(9):3685-3689
"Quantifying complexity of the chaotic regime of a semiconductor laser subject to feedback via information theory measures" (2010) Soriano, M.C.; Zunino, L.; Rosso, O.A.; Mirasso, C.R. Semiconductor Lasers and Laser Dynamics IV. 7720
"Quantifying the statistical complexity of low-frequency fluctuations in semiconductor lasers with optical feedback" (2010) Tiana-Alsina, J.;Torrent, M.C.;Rosso, O.A. (...)Garcia-Ojalvo, J. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 82(1)
"Performance of encryption schemes in chaotic optical communication: A multifractal approach" (2009) Zunino, L.;Soriano, M.C.;Figliola, A. (...)Rosso, O.A. Optics Communications. 282(23):4587-4594
"Carrier-envelope phase dependence in atomic ionization by short-laser pulses" (2009) Arbó, D.G.; Persson, E.; Dimitriou, K.I.; Burgdörfer, J. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 267(2):330-333
"Resonant-enhanced above-threshold ionization of atoms by XUV short laser pulses" (2009) Rodríguez, V.D.; Macri, P.A.; Arbó, D.G. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 267(2):334-337
"Sub-Poissonian angular momentum distribution near threshold in atomic ionization by short laser pulses" (2008) Arbó, D.G.; Dimitriou, K.I.; Persson, E.; Burgdörfer, J. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 78(1)
"A novel method for 2-D agricultural soil roughness characterization based on a laser scanning technique" (2008) Barber, M.;Pepe, C.;Perna, P. (...)Karszenbaum, H. 2008 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium - Proceedings. 2(1):II731-II733
"Nanopillars and arrays of nanoholes fabricated by extreme ultraviolet interferometric laser lithography" (2007) Wachulak, P.W.;Capeluto, M.G.;Patel, D. (...)Rocca, J.J. 20th Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, LEOS:486-487
"Table top nanopatterning with extreme ultraviolet laser illumination" (2007) Capeluto, M.G.;Wachulak, P.;Marconi, M.C. (...)Attwood, D.T. Microelectronic Engineering. 84(5-8):721-724
"Microscopic characterization of metallic surfaces by photoinduced thermoelastic bumps" (2006) Martínez, O.E.; Balzarotti, F.; Mingolo, N. 15th IFHTSE - International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering Congress 2006:490-494
"Nanopatterning with interferometric lithography using a compact λ = 46.9-nm laser" (2006) Capeluto, M.G.;Vaschenko, G.;Grisham, M. (...)Rocca, J.J. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology. 5(1):3-6
"The photorelease of nitrogen monoxide (NO) from pentacyanonitrosyl coordination compounds of group 8 metals" (2005) Videla, M.; Braslavsky, S.E.; Olabe, J.A. Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences. 4(1):75-82
"Characterization of laser propagation through turbulent media by quantifiers based on the wavelet transform" (2004) Zunino, L.; Pérez, D.G.; Garavaglia, M.; Rosso, O.A. Fractals. 12(2):223-233
"Monitoring of the troposphere by a backscatter lidar in buenos aires (34.6S / 58.5W): Overview of the multi year data set and implementation of new ir channels and depolarization capability" (2004) Lavorato, M.;Flamant, P.H.;Porteneuve, J. (...)Canziani, P. European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP. 1(561):511-514
"Lasing in Ne-like S and other new developments in capillary discharge ultrashort wavelength lasers" (1997) Rocca, J.J.G.;Tomasel, F.G.;Marconi, M.C. (...)Macchietto, C.D. Soft X-Ray Lasers and Applications II. 3156:164-173
"A Photophysical Study of Purines and Theophylline by Using Laser-Induced Optoacoustic Spectroscopy" (1996) Murgida, D.H.; Bilmes, G.M.; Erra-Balsells, R. Photochemistry and Photobiology. 64(5):777-784
"Braids on the poincaré section: A laser example" (1996) Solari, H.G.; Natiello, M.A.; Vázquez, M. Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 54(4):3185-3195
"Laser with injected signal: perturbation of an invariant circle" (1994) Solari, H.G.; Oppo, G.-L. Optics Communications. 111(1-2):173-190