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kidney function
"Localization and functional activity of cytochrome P450 side chain cleavage enzyme (CYP11A1) in the adult rat kidney" (2011) Pagotto, M.A.;Roldán, M.L.;Pagotto, R.M. (...)Monasterolo, L.A. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 332(1-2):253-260
"Cardiovascular effects of tibolone: A selective tissue estrogenic activity regulator" (2007) Campisi, R.; Marengo, F.D. Cardiovascular Drug Reviews. 25(2):132-145
"Two different therapeutic regimes in patients with sequelae of hemolytic-uremic syndrome" (2004) Caletti, M.G.; Lejarraga, H.; Kelmansky, D.; Missoni, M. Pediatric Nephrology. 19(10):1148-1152
"In vitro and in vivo evaluation of proximal tubular acidification in aging rats" (2001) Mac Laughlin, M.; Damasco, M.C.; Igarreta, P.; Amorena, C. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology. 280(6 49-6):R1627-R1631
"Activity of renal 11 βhydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 (11 βhsd2) in stressed animals" (1999) Igarreta, P.; Calvo, J.C.; Damasco, M.C. Life Sciences. 64(24):2285-2290
"Oral aluminum administration to rats with normal renal function. 1. Impairment of erythropoiesis" (1998) Garbossa, G.; Gálvez, G.; Castro, M.E.; Nesse, A. Human and Experimental Toxicology. 17(6):312-317
"Effects of adrenalectomy and acute replacement by corticosteroids on distal acidification" (1989) Damasco, M.C.; Ansaldo, M.; Malnic, G. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 67(6):607-614
"Tendinous laxity and Jaccoud's syndrome in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Possible role of secondary hyperparathyroidism" (1989) Babini, S.M.;Maldonado Cocco, J.A.;De la Sota, M. (...)Garcia Morteo, O. Journal of Rheumatology. 16(4):494-498