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hormone binding
"Understanding Conformational Dynamics of Complex Lipid Mixtures Relevant to Biology" (2018) Friedman, R.;Khalid, S.;Aponte-Santamaría, C. (...)Domene, C. Journal of Membrane Biology. 251(5-6):609-631
"The activity of the glucocorticoid receptor is regulated by SUMO conjugation to FKBP51" (2016) Antunica-Noguerol, M.;Budziñski, M.L.;Druker, J. (...)Arzt, E. Cell Death and Differentiation. 23(10):1579-1591
"Regulation of steroid hormone receptor function by the 52-kDa FK506-binding protein (FKBP52)" (2011) Sivils, J.C.; Storer, C.L.; Galigniana, M.D.; Cox, M.B. Current Opinion in Pharmacology. 11(4):314-319
"Effects of mGnRH on testicular steroidogenesis in the toad Bufo arenarum" (2002) Canosa, L.F.; Pozzi, A.G.; Somoza, G.M.; Ceballos, N.R. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 127(2):174-180
"Ontogenic and sexual differences in pituitary GnRH receptors and intracellular Ca 2+ mobilization induced by GnRH" (1998) Lacau-Mengido, I.M.;González Iglesias, A.;Lux-Lantos, V. (...)Becú-Villalobos, D. Endocrine. 8(2):177-183
"Influence of calf serum on glucocorticoid-responses of certain progesterone derivatives" (1998) Vicent, G.P.;Burton, G.;Ghini, A. (...)Galigniana, M.D. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 66(4):211-216
"Binding of 125I-prolactin to spermatozoa from normospermic and asthenospermic men" (1997) Luthy, I.A.;Mormandi, E.;Aszpis, S. (...)Calandra, R.S. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation. 20(11):635-639
"Effects of radioiodination on hormone binding ability" (1985) Radicella, J.P.; Calvo, J.C.; Charreau, E.H. Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction. 5(5-6):349-365
"Measurement of specific radioactivities in labelled hormones by self-displacement analysis" (1983) Calvo, J.C.; Radicella, J.P.; Charreau, E.H. Biochemical Journal. 212(2):259-264
"Characteristics of aldosterone binding in rat and human serum" (1982) Coirini, H.; White, A.; Marusic, E.T.; De Nicola, A.F. Acta Physiologica Latino-Americana. 32(1):1-10
"Effect of median eminence lesions on [3h]estradiol binding in the anterior pituitary and hypothalamus" (1979) Weisenberg, L.S.; De Nicola, A.F.; Arakelian, M.C.; Libertun, C. Endocrinology. 105(5):1152-1157