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"Exotic litter of the invasive plant Ligustrum lucidum alters enzymatic production and lignin degradation by selected saprotrophic fungi" (2018) Mallerman, J.;Itria, R.;Alarcón-Gutiérrez, E. (...)Saparrat, M. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 48(6):709-720
"Exotic litter of the invasive plant Ligustrum lucidum alters enzymatic production and lignin degradation by selected saprotrophic fungi" (2018) Mallerman, J.;Itria, R.;Alarcón-Gutiérrez, E. (...)Saparrat, M. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 48(6):709-720
"Characterization and comparative analysis of the genome of Puccinia sorghi Schwein, the causal agent of maize common rust" (2018) Rochi, L.;Diéguez, M.J.;Burguener, G. (...)Sacco, F. Fungal Genetics and Biology. 112:31-39
"Detection of manganese peroxidase and other exoenzymes in four isolates of Geastrum (Geastrales) in pure culture " (2016) Kuhar, F.; Castiglia, V.C.; Zamora, J.C. Revista Argentina de Microbiologia. 48(4):274-278
"Basidiomycetous wood endophytes from Platanus acerifolia (Platanaceae) of Argentina: Notes and culture studies " (2015) Robles, C.A.; Lopez, S.E.; Carmarán, C.C. Boletin de la Sociedad Argentina de Botanica. 50(4):437-445
"Relationships between fungal endophytes and wood-rot fungi in wood of Platanus acerifolia in urban environments" (2015) Robles, C.A.; Lopez, S.E.; McCargo, P.D.; Carmarán, C.C. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 45(7):929-936
"Relationships between fungal endophytes and wood-rot fungi in wood of Platanus acerifolia in urban environments" (2015) Robles, C.A.; Lopez, S.E.; McCargo, P.D.; Carmarán, C.C. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 45(7):929-936
"Fine mapping of LrSV2, a race-specific adult plant leaf rust resistance gene on wheat chromosome 3BS" (2014) Diéguez, M.J.;Pergolesi, M.F.;Velasquez, S.M. (...)Sacco, F. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 127(5):1133-1141
"Geastrum episcopale: A new noticeable species with red-violet exoperidium" (2009) Kuhar, F.; Papinutti, L. Mycologia. 101(4):535-538
"Stabilization studies of Fomes sclerodermeus laccases" (2008) Papinutti, L.; Dimitriu, P.; Forchiassin, F. Bioresource Technology. 99(2):419-424
"Production of laccase and manganese peroxidase by Fomes sclerodermeus grown on wheat bran" (2003) Papinutti, V.L.; Diorio, L.A.; Forchiassin, F. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. 30(3):157-160
"5H-Furan-2-ones from fungal cultures of Aporpium caryae" (2003) Levy, L.M.; Cabrera, G.M.; Wright, J.E.; Seldes, A.M. Phytochemistry. 62(2):239-243
"Cryptoporic and isocryptoporic acids from the fungal cultures of Polyporus arcularius and P. ciliatus" (2002) Cabrera, G.M.; Julia Roberti, M.; Wright, J.E.; Seldes, A.M. Phytochemistry. 61(2):189-193
"Ligninolytic enzymes of the white rot basidiomycete Trametes trogii" (2001) Levin, L.; Forchiassin, F. Acta Biotechnologica. 21(2):179-186
"Indole alkaloids from a culture of the fungus Aporpium caryae" (2000) Levy, L.M.; Cabrera, G.M.; Wright, J.E.; Seldes, A.M. Phytochemistry. 54(8):941-943
"Effect of culture conditions on the production of cellulases by Trametes trogii " (1997) Levin, L.; Forchiassin, F. Revista Argentina de microbiología. 29(1):16-23
"A new species of Wrightoporia Pouz. (Polyporaceae, basidiomycetes)" (1990) Rajchenberg, M.; David, A. New Zealand Journal of Botany. 28(2):185-186
"Cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase from Ustilago maydis" (1984) Kerner, N.; Passeron, S. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. 60(2):115-122