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"Hexachlorobenzene treatment on hepatic mitochondrial function parameters and intracellular coproporphyrinogen oxidase location" (2008) Sopena, Y.E.; Ferramola De Sancovich, A.M.; Sancovich, H.A. International Journal of Toxicology. 27(6):455-465
"Batch-to-batch consistency of human-derived gonadotrophin preparations compared with recombinant preparations" (2005) Wolfenson, C.;Groisman, J.;Couto, A.S. (...)Jespersen, S. Reproductive BioMedicine Online. 10(4):442-454
"Response of glucose metabolism enzymes in an acute porphyria model: Role of reactive oxygen species" (2005) Lelli, S.M.; De Viale, L.C.S.M.; Mazzetti, M.B. Toxicology. 216(1):49-58
"The [Ru(Hedta)NO] 0,1- system: Structure, chemical reactivity and biological assays" (2004) Zanichelli, P.G.;Miotto, A.M.;Estrela, H.F.G. (...)Franco, D.W. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. 98(11):1921-1932
"Regulation of nephron acidification by corticosteroids" (1997) Malnic, G.; Ansaldo, M.; Lantos, C.P.; Damasco, M.C. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research. 30(4):479-486
"Regulation of nephron acidification by corticosteroids" (1997) Malnic, G.; Ansaldo, M.; Lantos, C.P.; Damasco, M.C. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research. 30(4):479-486
"Antidiuretic responses to osmotic cutaneous stimulation in the toad, Bufo arenarum - A possible adaptive control mechanism for urine production" (1989) Petriella, S.; Reboreda, J.C.; Otero, M.; Segura, E.T. Journal of Comparative Physiology B. 159(1):91-95
"Evaluation of desferrioxamine ability to revert a severe porphyria induced by hexachlorobenzene" (1987) Wainstok de Calmanovici, R.; Billi, S.C.; Aldonatti, C.A.; San Martin de Viale, L.C. Acta Physiologica et Pharmacologica Latinoamericana. 37(4):541-554
"Evaluation of the porphyrinogenic ability of lindane in rats " (1986) Vila del, M.C.; Aldonatti, C.; San Martin de Viale, L.C. Acta Physiologica et Pharmacologica Latinoamericana. 36(1):69-76
"Studies on the excretion pattern of porphyrins and its use as a tool for diagnosing both symptomatic and asymptomatic cases of porphyria cutanea tarda" (1980) Magnin, P.H.;de Xifra, E.A.W.;Lenczner, M. (...)del C. Batlle, A.M. International Journal of Biochemistry. 12(5-6):873-877
"Determination of ammonium ions in small urine volumes from laboratory animals" (1978) Giambiagi, N.A.; Cenal, J.P.; Lantos, C.P. Acta Physiologica Latino-Americana. 28(2-3):141-146
"Determination of ammonium ions in small urine volumes from laboratory animals" (1978) Giambiagi, N.A.; Cenal, J.P.; Lantos, C.P. Acta Physiologica Latino-Americana. 28(2-3):141-146
"The isolation of another new compound from the urine of humans with porphyria cutanea tarda" (1978) Grinstein, M.; Maria, A.; de Sancovich, F.; Sancovich, H.A. BBA - General Subjects. 543(4):583-585
"Simplified method for the determination of porphyrins in body fluids" (1977) Grinstein, M. Analytical Biochemistry. 77(2):577-580
"Experimental porphyria induced in rats by hexachloro-benzene. A study of the porphyrins excreted by urine" (1970) de Viale, L.C.S.M.; Viale, A.A.; Nacht, S.; Grinstein, M. Clinica Chimica Acta. 28(1):13-23
"Porphyrin biosynthesis. IV. 5- and 6-COOH porphyrinogens (type III) as normal intermediates in haem biosynthesis" (1968) San Martín De Viale, L.C.; Grinstein, M.; Grinstein, M. BBA - General Subjects. 158(1):79-91
"Tryptophan metabolism in experimental porphyria" (1967) Garcia, A.F.; Grinstein, M. Biochemical Pharmacology. 16(10):1967-1969
"ALA dehydrase activity in liver and kidney of rats and rabbits with experimental porphyria" (1964) Tancioni, A.; Tigier, H.A.; Grinstein, M. Biochemical Pharmacology. 13(7):1095-1096
"ALA dehydrase activity in liver and kidney of rats and rabbits with experimental porphyria" (1964) Tancioni, A.; Tigier, H.A.; Grinstein, M. Biochemical Pharmacology. 13(7):1095-1096
"ALA dehydrase activity in liver and kidney of rats and rabbits with experimental porphyria" (1964) Tancioni, A.; Tigier, H.A.; Grinstein, M. Biochemical Pharmacology. 13(7):1095-1096