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"New Evidence of LiO2 Dismutation in Lithium–Air Battery Cathodes" (2016) del Pozo, M.; Torres, W.R.; Herrera, S.E.; Calvo, E.J. ChemElectroChem. 3(10):1537-1540
"Solvent co-deposition during oxygen reduction on Au in DMSO LiPF6" (2014) Torres, W.R.; Tesio, A.Y.; Calvo, E.J. Electrochemistry Communications. 49:38-41
"Oxygen radical formation in anoxic transgression and anoxia-reoxygenation: Foe or phantom? Experiments with a hypoxia tolerant bivalve" (2013) Rivera-Ingraham, G.A.; Rocchetta, I.; Meyer, S.; Abele, D. Marine Environmental Research. 92:110-119
"A rotating ring disk electrode study of the oxygen reduction reaction in lithium containing non aqueous electrolyte" (2013) Calvo, E.J.; Mozhzhukhina, N. Electrochemistry Communications. 31:56-58
"Complete reaction mechanism of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase as revealed by QM/MM simulations" (2012) Capece, L.;Lewis-Ballester, A.;Yeh, S.-R. (...)Marti, M.A. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 116(4):1401-1413
"The control of root growth by reactive oxygen species in Salix nigra Marsh. seedlings" (2012) Causin, H.F.;Roqueiro, G.;Petrillo, E. (...)Maldonado, S.I. Plant Science. 183:197-205
"Photosensitization of DNA by β-carbolines: Kinetic analysis and photoproduct characterization" (2012) Gonzalez, M.M.;Vignoni, M.;Pellon-Maison, M. (...)Cabrerizo, F.M. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry. 10(9):1807-1819
"Unexpected stress-Reducing effect of PhaP, a poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) granule-associated protein, in Escherichia coli" (2011) Almeida, A.;Catone, M.V.;Rhodius, V.A. (...)Pettinari, M.J. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 77(18):6622-6629
"Exploring the molecular basis of human manganese superoxide dismutase inactivation mediated by tyrosine 34 nitration" (2011) Moreno, D.M.;Martí, M.A.;De Biase, P.M. (...)Boechi, L. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 507(2):304-309
"Resonance Raman study of the superoxide reductase from Archaeoglobus fulgidus, E12 mutants and a 'natural variant'" (2009) Todorovic, S.;Rodrigues, J.V.;Pinto, A.F. (...)Murgida, D.H. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 11(11):1809-1815
"New results on the photochemistry of biopterin and neopterin in aqueous solution" (2009) Vignoni, M.; Cabrerizo, F.M.; Lorente, C.; Thomas, A.H. Photochemistry and Photobiology. 85(1):365-373
"ROS production by endogenously generated protoporphyrin IX in murine leukemia cells" (2009) Diez, B.;Cordo Russo, R.;Teijo, M.J. (...)Fukuda, H. Cellular and Molecular Biology. 55(2):15-19
"Reactions of melatonin and related indoles with free radicals: A computational study" (1998) Turjanski, A.G.; Rosenstein, R.E.; Estrin, D.A. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 41(19):3684-3689