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medical research
"Challenges for Scientists in Latin America" (2016) Kalergis, A.M.; Lacerda, M.; Rabinovich, G.A.; Rosenstein, Y. Trends in Molecular Medicine. 22(9):743-745
"Contributions of South American research centers to Carbohydrate Research" (2015) Stortz, C.A. Carbohydrate Research. 403:8-12
"Contributions of South American research centers to Carbohydrate Research" (2014) Stortz, C.A. Carbohydrate Research. 390(1):71-75
"Arsenic and associated trace-elements in groundwater from the Chaco-Pampean plain, Argentina: Results from 100years of research" (2012) Nicolli, H.B.;Bundschuh, J.;Blanco, M.D.C. (...)Rusansky, J.E. Science of the Total Environment. 429:36-56
"Introducing transcription" (2010) Kornblihtt, A.R. Transcription. 1(1):1
"Ethical review and informed consent in cardiovascular research reports in Argentina " (2008) Borracci, R.A.;Calderón, G.;Seoane, M.R. (...)Doval, H.C. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia. 90(5):290-293+317-321
"Integrating the universe of regulatory cells in cancer. A major hurdle for successful immunotherapy " (2007) Ilarregui, J.M.;Croci, D.O.;Toscano, M.A. (...)Rabinovich, G.A. Medicina. 67(SUPPL 2):25-31
"Phytochemical study of P. edulis forma flavicarpa Degener roots " (2006) Zucolotto, S.M.; Palermo, J.A.; Schenkel, E.P. Acta Farmaceutica Bonaerense. 25(1):5-9
"Comparison of the determination of superoxide dismutase and antioxidant capacity in neurological patients using two different procedures" (2000) Serra, J.A.;Marschoff, E.R.;Domínguez, R.O. (...)Guareschi, E.M. Clinica Chimica Acta. 301(1-2):87-102