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Manganese compounds
"Direct measurement of lithium ion fluxes with a rotating ring disc electrode in potentiometric mode" (2019) Pozo, M.D.; Marchini, F.; Cantoni, L.; Calvo, E.J. Electrochimica Acta. 296:901-906
"Concurrent ionic migration and electronic effects at the memristive TiOx/La1/3Ca2/3MnO3-x interface" (2018) Acevedo, W.R.;Ferreyra, C.;Sánchez, M.J. (...)Rubi, D. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 51(12)
"Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy study of the LixMn2O4 interface with natural brine" (2018) Marchini, F.; Williams, F.J.; Calvo, E.J. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 819:428-434
"Sustainable electrochemical extraction of lithium from natural brine for renewable energy storage" (2018) Romero, V.C.E.; Tagliazucchi, M.; Flexer, V.; Calvo, E.J. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 165(10):A2294-A2302
"Heme Oxygenase-1 protects astroglia against manganese-induced oxidative injury by regulating mitochondrial quality control" (2018) Gorojod, R.M.;Alaimo, A.;Porte Alcon, S. (...)Kotler, M.L. Toxicology Letters. 295:357-368
"Effect of the electrode potential on the surface composition and crystal structure of LiMn2O4 in aqueous solutions" (2018) Marchini, F.; Calvo, E.J.; Williams, F.J. Electrochimica Acta. 269:706-713
"Substrate effects on the magnetic ground state of 3d transition metal chains" (2009) Urdaniz, M.C.; Barral, M.A.; Llois, A.M. Physica B: Condensed Matter. 404(18):2822-2825
"Thiodisaccharides with galactofuranose or arabinofuranose as terminal units: Synthesis and inhibitory activity of an exo β-d-galactofuranosidase" (2009) Repetto, E.; Marino, C.; Laura Uhrig, M.; Varela, O. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry. 17(7):2703-2711
"The manganese deposits of the Pampean Ranges, Argentina" (2008) Leal, P.R.;Correa, M.J.;Ametrano, S.J. (...)De Brodtkorb, M.K. Canadian Mineralogist. 46(5):1215-1233
"Lignocellulolytic enzymes from Fomes sclerodermeus growing in solid-state fermentation" (2007) Papinutti, V.L.; Forchiassin, F. Journal of Food Engineering. 81(1):54-59
"Discrimination of nitroxyl and nitric oxide by water-soluble Mn(III) porphyrins" (2005) Martí, M.A.; Bari, S.E.; Estrin, D.A.; Doctorovich, F. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 127(13):4680-4684
"Magnon squeezing in an antiferromagnet: Reducing the spin noise below the standard quantum limit" (2004) Zhao, J.; Bragas, A.V.; Lockwood, D.J.; Merlin, R. Physical Review Letters. 93(10):107203-1-107203-4
"Evaluation of Argentinean white rot fungi for their ability to produce lignin-modifying enzymes and decolorize industrial dyes" (2004) Levin, L.; Papinutti, L.; Forchiassin, F. Bioresource Technology. 94(2):169-176
"Low temperature irreversibility induced by thermal cycles on two prototypical phase separated manganites" (2004) Sacanell, J.;Quintero, M.;Curiale, J. (...)Valenzuela Monjar R. Proceedings of the VI Latin American Workshop on Magnetism. 369(1-2):74-77
"Mechanism of hydrogen sulfide oxidation by manganese(IV) oxide in aqueous solutions" (2003) Herszage, J.; Dos Santos Afonso, M. Langmuir. 19(23):9684-9692
"Persistent magnetoresistive memory in phase separated manganites" (2003) Levy, P.;Parisi, F.;Sacanell, J. (...)Cheong, S.-W. Second Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism (MISM). 258-259:293-295
"Oxidation of cysteine and glutathione by soluble polymeric MnO2" (2003) Herszage, J.; Dos Santos Afonso, M.; Luther III, G.W. Environmental Science and Technology. 37(15):3332-3338
"Oxidation of cysteine and glutathione by soluble polymeric MnO2" (2003) Herszage, J.; Dos Santos Afonso, M.; Luther III, G.W. Environmental Science and Technology. 37(15):3332-3338
"Model for dissolution of irradiated metal oxides: Reactivity and structure" (2000) Dos Santos Afonso, M.; Di Risio, D.R. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 58(3):261-265
"Thermodynamics of solid solutions via lattice dynamics and hybrid Monte Carlo simulations" (1999) Fracchia, R.M.;Purton, J.A.;Allan, N.L. (...)Blundy, J.D. Proceedings of the 1998 8th Europhysical Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials, EURODIM 98. 151(1):197-202
"Wet oxidation of phenol catalyzed by unpromoted and platinum-promoted manganese/cerium oxide" (1998) Hamoudi, S.; Larachi, F.; Cerrella, G.; Cassanello, M. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. 37(9):3561-3566