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gene induction
"E2F1 and E2F2 induction in response to DNA damage preserves genomic stability in neuronal cells" (2015) Castillo, D.S.;Campalans, A.;Belluscio, L.M. (...)Pregi, N. Cell Cycle. 14(8):1300-1314
"Progesterone receptor induces bcl-x expression through intragenic binding sites favoring RNA polymerase II elongation" (2013) Bertucci, P.Y.;Nacht, A.S.;Alló, M. (...)Pecci, A. Nucleic Acids Research. 41(12):6072-6086
"GABA induction of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae UGA4 gene depends on the quality of the carbon source: Role of the key transcription factors acting in this process" (2012) Levi, C.E.;Cardillo, S.B.;Bertotti, S. (...)Moretti, M.B. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 421(3):572-577
"Epigenetics: New questions on the response to hypoxia" (2011) Perez-Perri, J.I.; Acevedo, J.M.; Wappner, P. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 12(7):4705-4721
"Common features and differences in the expression of the three genes forming the UGA regulon in Saccharomyces cerevisiae" (2011) Cardillo, S.B.; Correa García, S.; Bermúdez Moretti, M. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 410(4):885-889
"Molecular mechanisms of glucocorticoids action: From basic research to clinical implications" (2010) Liberman, A.C.;Castro, C.N.;Noguerol, M.A. (...)Arzt, E. Current Immunology Reviews. 6(4):371-380
"Steroid Hormones Induce bcl-X Gene Expression through Direct Activation of Distal Promoter P4" (2004) Viegas, L.R.;Vicent, G.P.;Barañao, J.L. (...)Pecci, A. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 279(11):9831-9839
"Molecular characterization of StCDPK1, a calcium-dependent protein kinase from Solanum tuberosum that is induced at the onset of tuber development" (2001) Raiíces, M.; Chico, J.M.; Téllez-Iñón, M.T.; Ulloa, R.M. Plant Molecular Biology. 46(5):591-601