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Fungicides, Industrial
"Biocontrol of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary on common bean by native lipopeptide-producer Bacillus strains" (2018) Sabaté, D.C.;Brandan, C.P.;Petroselli, G. (...)Audisio, M.C. Microbiological Research. 211:21-30
"Effects of a fungicide formulation on embryo-larval development, metamorphosis, and gonadogenesis of the South American toad Rhinella arenarum" (2016) Svartz, G.; Meijide, F.; Pérez Coll, C. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology. 45:1-7
"Method development and validation for cyprodinil and fludioxonil in blueberries by solid-phase microextraction gas chromatography, and their degradation kinetics" (2013) Munitz, M.S.; Resnik, S.L.; Montti, M.T. Food Additives and Contaminants - Part A Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment. 30(7):1299-1307
"Protective effect of vanilloids against chemical stress on the white-rot fungus Ganoderma lucidum" (2013) Kuhar, F.; Papinutti, L. Journal of Environmental Management. 124:1-7
"Cytogenetic and microtubule array effects of the zineb-containing commercial fungicide formulation Azzurro ® on meristematic root cells of Allium cepa L." (2012) Andrioli, N.B.; Soloneski, S.; Larramendy, M.L.; Mudry, M.D. Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis. 742(1-2):48-53
"Hexachlorobenzene impairs glucose metabolism in a rat model of porphyria cutanea tarda: A mechanistic approach" (2004) Mazzetti, M.B.;Taira, M.C.;Lelli, S.M. (...)De Viale, L.C.S.M. Archives of Toxicology. 78(1):25-33
"How does hexachlorobenzene treatment affect liver uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase?" (2001) Chaufan, G.; Del Carmen Ríos de Molina, M.; San Martín de Viale, L.C. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology. 33(6):621-630
"Effect of thioctamide against the action of hexachlorobenzene " (1998) Vilas, G.L.;Ureta, D.;Sanches Garcia, M.C. (...)Rios de Molina, M.C. Acta Physiologica Pharmacologica et Therapeutica Latinoamericana. 48(3):137-145
"Effect of thyroid hormones on the modulation of genetic expression of liver cytosolic malic enzyme, in rats poisoned with hexachlorobenzene " (1998) Loaiza Perez, A.I.;Sancovich, H.A.;Kleiman De Pisarev, D.L. (...)Santisteban, P. Acta physiologica, pharmacologica et therapeutica latinoamericana : órgano de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Ciencias Fisiológicas y [de] la Asociación Latinoamericana de Farmacología. 48(3):125-136
"Time course of hexachlorobenzene-induced alterations of lipid metabolism and their relation to porphyria" (1997) Billi De Catabbi, S.;Sterin-Speziale, N.;Fernandez, M.C. (...)San Martin De Viale, L. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology. 29(2):335-344