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biological pest control
"Biological control as a strategy to reduce the impact of mycotoxins in peanuts, grapes and cereals in Argentina" (2015) Chulze, S.N.;Palazzini, J.M.;Torres, A.M. (...)Köhl, J. Food Additives and Contaminants - Part A Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment. 32(4):471-479
"Statistical optimization of simple culture conditions to produce biomass of an ochratoxigenic mould biocontrol yeast strain" (2012) Pelinski, R.;Cerrutti, P.;Ponsone, M.L. (...)Galvagno, M. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 54(5):377-382
"Male courtship behavior of the south american fruit fly, anastrepha fraterculus, from an Argentinean laboratory strain" (2011) Gomez Cendra, P.; Calcagno, G.; Belluscio, L.; Vilardi, J.C. Journal of Insect Science. 11
"World Health Organization - Technical Report Series: Introduction" (2010) Alexander, J.;Baines, J.;Bolger, M. (...)Walker, R. World Health Organization - Technical Report Series(959):1-105
"Effect of conventional and biorational insecticides on larvae of Chrysoperla externa." (2007) Rimoldi, F.; Schneider, M.I.; Pineda, S.; Ronco, A.E. Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences. 72(3):561-563
"Optimization of erythritol and glycerol accumulation in conidia of Beauveria bassiana by solid-state fermentation, using response surface methodology" (2005) Tarocco, F.; Lecuona, R.E.; Couto, A.S.; Arcas, J.A. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 68(4):481-488
"Mixtures of natural and synthetic antifungal agents" (2005) López-Malo, A.; Palou, E.; León-Cruz, R.; Alzamora, S.M. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 571:261-286
"A PCR-based method for the screening of bacterial strains with antifungal activity in suppressive soybean rhizosphere" (2001) Giacomodonato, M.N.;Pettinari, M.J.;Souto, G.I. (...)López, N.I. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 17(1):51-55
"Evaluation of Trichoderma spp as antagonist of Rhizoctonia solani in vitro and as biocontrol of greenhouse tomato plants " (1999) Durman, S.; Menendez, A.; Godeas, A. Revista Argentina de Microbiologia. 31(1):13-18