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Biological functions
"The interplay between the glucocorticoid receptor activity and post-translational modifications in the immune and neuroendocrine systems" (2014) Antunica-Noguerol, M.;Aprile-Garcia, F.;Budziñski, M.L. (...)Arzt, E. Advances in Neuroimmune Biology. 5(1):19-32
"Striped, bioactive Ce-TiO2 materials with peroxynitrite- scavenging activity" (2014) Gravina, A.N.;Ruso, J.M.;Laiuppa, J.A. (...)Messina, P.V. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2(7):834-845
"Preliminary evidence about the effects of meditation on interoceptive sensitivity and social cognition" (2013) Melloni, M.;Sedeño, L.;Couto, B. (...)Ibanez, A. Behavioral and Brain Functions. 9(1)
"When galectins recognize glycans: From biochemistry to physiology and back again" (2011) Di Lella, S.;Sundblad, V.;Cerliani, J.P. (...)Rabinovich, G.A. Biochemistry. 50(37):7842-7857
"Mesoporous hybrid and nanocomposite thin films. A sol-gel toolbox to create nanoconfined systems with localized chemical properties" (2011) Soler-Illia, G.J.A.A.;Angelomé, P.C.;Fuertes, M.C. (...)Martínez, E.D. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. 57(3):299-312
"1H NMR characterization of the intermediate formed upon UV-A excitation of biopterin, neopterin and 6-hydroxymethylpterin in O2-free aqueous solutions" (2010) Vignoni, M.;Salum, M.L.;Erra-Balsells, R. (...)Cabrerizo, F.M. Chemical Physics Letters. 484(4-6):330-332
"Specific intermolecular interactions of conserved water molecules with amino acids in the Galectin-1 carbohydrate recognition domain" (2010) Di Lella, S.; Petruk, A.A.; De Armiño, D.J.A.; Álvarez, R.M.S. Journal of Molecular Structure. 978(1-3):220-228