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"Nectary ultrastructure of Cabomba caroliniana Gray (Cabombaceae)" (2019) Galati, B.G.;Gotelli, M.M.;Fabbri, L.T. (...)Zarlavsky, G. Aquatic Botany. 152:43-50
"Oviposition by herbivorous insects induces changes in optical and mechanical properties of Prunus avium leaves" (2018) Peschiutta, M.L.; Scholz, F.G.; Goldstein, G.; Bucci, S.J. Arthropod-Plant Interactions. 12(4):613-622
"Lead effects on Brassica napus photosynthetic organs" (2017) Ferreyroa, G.V.;Lagorio, M.G.;Trinelli, M.A. (...)Molina, F.V. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 140:123-130
"Early genetic consequences of defaunation in a large-seeded vertebrate-dispersed palm (Syagrus romanzoffiana)" (2017) Giombini, M.I.; Bravo, S.P.; Sica, Y.V.; Tosto, D.S. Heredity. 118(6):568-577
"The species of azorella (Azorelloideae, apiaceae) with extra-argentinean distribution " (2016) Calviño, C.I.; Fernández, M.; Martínez, S.G. Darwiniana. 4(1):57-82
"Two new angiosperm leaf morphotypes from the Anfiteatro de Ticó Formation (mid-Aptian) Santa Cruz Province, Argentina" (2016) Romero, E.J.; Archangelsky, S.; Passalia, M.G. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 235:148-156
"Two new angiosperm leaf morphotypes from the Anfiteatro de Ticó Formation (mid-Aptian) Santa Cruz Province, Argentina" (2016) Romero, E.J.; Archangelsky, S.; Passalia, M.G. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 235:148-156
"A new megaflora (fossil woods and leaves) from the miocene of Southwestern Patagonia" (2015) Pujana, R.R.;Panti, C.;Cuitiño, J.I. (...)Mirabelli, S.L. Ameghiniana. 52(3):350-366
"Extending the generality of leaf economic design principles in the cycads, an ancient lineage" (2015) Zhang, Y.-J.;Cao, K.-F.;Sack, L. (...)Goldstein, G. New Phytologist. 206(2):817-829
"Bias to pollen odors is affected by early exposure and foraging experience" (2014) Arenas, A.; Farina, W.M. Journal of Insect Physiology. 66:28-36
"Late Cretaceous aquatic plant world in Patagonia, Argentina" (2014) Cúneo, N.R.; Gandolfo, M.A.; Zamaloa, M.C.; Hermsen, E. PLoS ONE. 9(8)
"Comparative effects of technical-grade and a commercial formulation of glyphosate on the pigment content of periphytic algae." (2014) Vera, M.S.; Juárez, A.; Pizarro, H.N. Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology. 93(4):399-404
"Functional relationships between leaf hydraulics and leaf economic traits in response to nutrient addition in subtropical tree species" (2013) Villagra, M.; Campanello, P.I.; Bucci, S.J.; Goldstein, G. Tree Physiology. 33(12):1308-1318
"High-precision U-Pb zircon age from the Anfiteatro de Ticó Formation: Implications for the timing of the early angiosperm diversification in Patagonia" (2013) Perez Loinaze, V.S.;Vera, E.I.;Passalia, M.G. (...)Césari, S.N. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 48:97-105
"Evolutionary origin of the asteraceae capitulum: Insights from calyceraceae" (2012) Pozner, R.; Zanotti, C.; Johnson, L.A. American Journal of Botany. 99(1):1-13
"Oenanthe crocata (Apiaceae, Apioideae), new toxic plant for the adventive flora of Argentina and America " (2012) Martínez, S.; Calviño, C.I.; Delucchi, G. Darwiniana. 50(1):97-106
"Hydraulic differences along the water transport system of South American Nothofagus species: Do leaves protect the stem functionality?" (2012) Bucci, S.J.;Scholz, F.G.;Campanello, P.I. (...)Goldstein, G. Tree Physiology. 32(7):880-893
"Control of elmleaf blackberry invasion in a natural reserve in Argentina" (2011) Mazzolari, A.C.; Comparatore, V.M.; Bedmar, F. Journal for Nature Conservation. 19(3):185-191
"The genus Samanea (Leguminosae, Ingeae), novelty for the Argentinean Flora " (2011) Zapater, M.A.; Hoc, P.S.; Lozano, E.C. Darwiniana. 49(1):104-109
"Adaptive genetic diversity and population structure of the "algarrobo" [Prosopis chilensis (Molina) Stuntz] analysed by RAPD and isozyme markers" (2010) Ferreyra, L.I.;Vilardi, J.C.;Tosto, D.S. (...)Saidman, B.O. European Journal of Forest Research. 129(6):1011-1025
"Lectotipification and identification of Chenopodium stuckertii (Chenopodiaceae) " (2010) de Romero, M.E.M.; Espinar, L.A. Darwiniana. 48(2):208-209
"Mycobiota from Cyclamen persicum and its interaction with Botrytis cinerea" (2009) Rivera, M.C.; Lopez, M.V.; Lopez, S.E. Mycologia. 101(2):173-181
"The Cretaceous flora of the Neuquén Basin, its paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic significance " (2009) Ottone, E.G. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 65(2):373-386
"Coordination of leaf and stem water transport properties in tropical forest trees" (2008) Meinzer, F.C.;Woodruff, D.R.;Domec, J.-C. (...)Villalobos-Vega, R. Oecologia. 156(1):31-41
"A mutant ankyrin protein kinase from Medicago sativa affects Arabidopsis adventitious roots" (2008) Chinchilla, D.;Frugier, F.;Raices, M. (...)Ulloa, R. Functional Plant Biology. 35(1):92-101
"Orbicules diversity in Oxalis species from the province of Buenos Aires (Argentina)" (2008) Rosenfeldt, S.; Galati, B.G. Biocell. 32(1):41-47
"Chromosome studies in Hippeastrum (Amaryllidaceae): Variation in genome size" (2007) Poggio, L.; González, G.; Naranjo, C.A. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 155(2):171-178
"Pollen, tapetum and orbicule development in Modiolastrum malvifolium (Malvaceae)" (2007) Galati, B.G.; Monacci, F.; Gotelli, M.M.; Rosenfeldt, S. Annals of Botany. 99(4):755-763
"Pollen, tapetum and orbicule development in Modiolastrum malvifolium (Malvaceae)" (2007) Galati, B.G.; Monacci, F.; Gotelli, M.M.; Rosenfeldt, S. Annals of Botany. 99(4):755-763
"Pollen grain morphology of selected allergenic species native to southern South America" (2007) Palazzesi, L.; Pujana, R.R.; Burrieza, H.P.; Steinhardt, A.P. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society. 134(4):527-533
"A new palm trunk from the Upper Cretaceous of Argentina" (2007) Ottone, E.G. Ameghiniana. 44(4):719-725
"Achene structure, development and lipid accumulation in sunflower cultivars differing in oil content at maturity" (2006) Mantese, A.I.; Medan, D.; Hall, A.J. Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, Volume 5: Water Pollution. 97(6):999-1010
"Phytotoxic withanolides from Jaborosa rotacea" (2006) Nicotra, V.E.;Ramacciotti, N.S.;Gil, R.R. (...)Burton, G. Journal of Natural Products. 69(5):783-789
"Embryology of Macroptilium arenarium (Leguminosae)" (2006) Gotelli, M.; Galati, B.; Hoc, P. Australian Journal of Botany. 54(6):531-542
"Lethal and Sublethal Effects of Withanolides from Salpichroa origanifolia and Analogues on Ceratitis capitata" (2004) Bado, S.;Mareggiani, G.;Amiano, N. (...)Veleiro, A.S. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 52(10):2875-2878
"15,21-Cyclowithanolides from Jaborosa bergii" (2003) Nicotra, V.E.;Gil, R.R.;Vaccarini, C. (...)Burton, G. Journal of Natural Products. 66(11):1471-1475
"Responsye of Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) to Salpichroa origanifolia withanolides" (2002) Mareggiani, G.;Picollo, M.I.;Veleiro, A.S. (...)Zerba, E. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 50(1):104-107
"Responsye of Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) to Salpichroa origanifolia withanolides" (2002) Mareggiani, G.;Picollo, M.I.;Veleiro, A.S. (...)Zerba, E. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 50(1):104-107
"New withanolides from two varieties of Jaborosa caulescens" (2000) Nicotra, V.E.; Gil, R.R.; Oberti, J.C.; Burton, G. Molecules. 5(3):514-515