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"Cytogenetic damage in peripheral blood cultures of Chaetophractus villosus exposed in vivo to a glyphosate formulation (Roundup)" (2018) Rossi, L.F.;Luaces, J.P.;Palermo, A.M. (...)Mudry, M.D. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 157:121-127
"A comparative study of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in sylvatic mammals from a protected and a disturbed area in the Argentine Chaco" (2016) Orozco, M.M.;Enriquez, G.F.;Cardinal, M.V. (...)Gürtler, R.E. Acta Tropica. 155:34-42
"The rete mirabile of the tail, an effective site for sampling sterile blood from armadillos (Dasypodidae, Xenarthra)" (2011) Luaces, J.P.; Rossi, L.F.; Aldana Marcos, H.J.; Merani, M.S. Italian Journal of Zoology. 78(1):63-69
"Phylogeography of the armadillo Chaetophractus villosus (Dasypodidae Xenarthra): Post-glacial range expansion from Pampas to Patagonia (Argentina)" (2010) Poljak, S.;Confalonieri, V.;Fasanella, M. (...)Lizarralde, M.S. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 55(1):38-46
"Absence of penile erections during paradoxical sleep. Peculiar penile events during wakefulness and slow wave sleep in the armadillo" (2001) Affanni, J.M.; Cervino, C.O.; Marcos, H.J.A. Journal of Sleep Research. 10(3):219-228
"Ultrastructural characterisation of the olfactory mucosa of the armadillo Dasypus hybridus (Dasypodidae, Xenarthra)" (2000) Ferrari, C.C.; Carmanchahi, P.D.; Aldana Marcos, H.J.; Affanni, J.M. Journal of Anatomy. 196(2):269-278
"Characterisation of glycoconjugate sugar residues in the vomeronasal organ of the armadillo Chaetophractus villosus (Mammalia, xenarthra)" (2000) Carmanchahi, P.D.;Ferrari, C.C.;Aldana Marcos, H.J. (...)Paz, D.A. Journal of Anatomy. 196(3):357-370
"Identification and localisation of glycoconjugates in the olfactory mucosa of the armadillo Chaetophractus villosus" (1999) Ferrari, C.C.;Carmanchahi, P.D.;Aldana Marcos, H.J. (...)Paz, D.A. Journal of Anatomy. 194(3):395-405
"The vomeronasal organ of the South American armadillo Chaetophractus villosus (Xenarthra, Mammalia): Anatomy, histology and ultrastructure" (1999) Carmanchahi, P.D.; Aldana Marcos, H.J.; Ferrari, C.C.; Affanni, J.M. Journal of Anatomy. 195(4):587-604
"The brain of the armadillo Dasypus hybridus. A general view of its most salient features" (1998) Ferrari, C.C.;Aldana Marcos, H.J.;Carmanchahi, P.D. (...)Affanni, J.M. Biocell. 22(2):123-140
"Olfactory mucosa of the South American armadillo Chaetophractus villosus: An ultrastructural study" (1998) Ferrari, C.C.; Aldana Marcos, H.J.; Carmanchahi, P.D.; Affanni, J.M. Anatomical Record. 252(3):325-339
"New and peculiar cytoplasmic membranous bodies in the acinar cells of the harderian gland of the armadillo Chaetophractus villosus." (1995) Aldana Marcos, H.J.; Benítez, I.; Affanni, J.M. Biocell : official journal of the Sociedades Latinoamericanas de Microscopía Electronica ... et. al. 19(2):85-93
"Decrease of body temperature in armadillos experimentally covered by soil" (1995) Casanave, E.B.; Affanni, J.M. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry. 103(1):29-32
"Bradycardia in armadillos experimentally covered with soil" (1995) Casanave, E.B.; Samartino, L.G.; Affanni, J.M. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry. 103(1):51-53
"Body temperature of the armadillo chaetophractus villosus (mammalia, dasypodidae)" (1994) Casanave, E.B.; Affanni, J.M. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry. 102(5):243-246
"Absence of apnea in armadillos covered by soil" (1987) Affanni, J.M.; Samartino, L.G.; Casanave, E.B.; Dezi, R. Respiration Physiology. 67(2):239-245
"On the presence of a peculiar alpha rhythm in the olfactory tubercle of waking armadillos" (1987) García Samartino, L.;Affanni, J.M.;Casanave, E.B. (...)Iodice, O. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology. 66(2):185-190
"Neocortical and olfactory bulb activity, in armadillos submitted to covering with soil" (1986) Affanni, J.M.; Casanave, E.B.; Samartino, L.G.; Ferrari, R. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry. 94(4):271-279